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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.
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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

What sets & reps do you use for increasing strength?

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

yeah thats true, i meant training with a greater focus on compound movements rather than isolation work, where do you train at?

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

yeah thats true, i meant training with a greater focus on compound movements rather than isolation work, where do you train at?

I only do compounds and that 3 times a week, dead-lifts at the 5 rep range the others around 8. I workout at home I got a power rack and rubber floor matting. Bought enough fitness equipment in my 8 years here. I got dumbbells up to 120lbs and 500lbs in plates and a barbell. I still focuss on size.. but doing this i get fair strenght too.. but I can't get much bigger as I am.. already at my genetic max and taking steroids would be the only way to get even bigger. But I am not interested in that as you loose too much after a cycle so you need to keep doing it.

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

What sets & reps do you use for increasing strength?

They would say under 5.. for real true power-lifting. But if you want some size and strength go for the 5 x 5 program. Its not like you wake up one day looking like Arnold. Getting too big is almost impossible.

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

yeah thats true, i meant training with a greater focus on compound movements rather than isolation work, where do you train at?

I only do compounds and that 3 times a week, dead-lifts at the 5 rep range the others around 8. I workout at home I got a power rack and rubber floor matting. Bought enough fitness equipment in my 8 years here. I got dumbbells up to 120lbs and 500lbs in plates and a barbell. I still focuss on size.. but doing this i get fair strenght too.. but I can't get much bigger as I am.. already at my genetic max and taking steroids would be the only way to get even bigger. But I am not interested in that as you loose too much after a cycle so you need to keep doing it.

i have a similar set up here equipment wise, have been running starting strength and recently transitioned to the texas method, had a week off due to a couple of small niggles and have lost some strength and momentum but looking forward to training hard again when i hit chiang mai

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yeah thats true, i meant training with a greater focus on compound movements rather than isolation work, where do you train at?

s not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

I only do compounds and that 3 times a week, dead-lifts at the 5 rep range the others around 8. I workout at home I got a power rack and rubber floor matting. Bought enough fitness equipment in my 8 years here. I got dumbbells up to 120lbs and 500lbs in plates and a barbell. I still focuss on size.. but doing this i get fair strenght too.. but I can't get much bigger as I am.. already at my genetic max and taking steroids would be the only way to get even bigger. But I am not interested in that as you loose too much after a cycle so you need to keep doing it.

i have a similar set up here equipment wise, have been running starting strength and recently transitioned to the texas method, had a week off due to a couple of small niggles and have lost some strength and momentum but looking forward to training hard again when i hit chiang mai

Yes done the texas method too.. and starting strength. But I really can't get much stronger as I am. (not saying im super strong) but we all hit our limits at some point. Now I am just maintaining what I got. Still training hard and there are days that after the workouts I need to really relax (heavy dead lifts sap your strength). I always push myself no such thing as an easy workout.

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yeah thats true, i meant training with a greater focus on compound movements rather than isolation work, where do you train at?

s not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

I only do compounds and that 3 times a week, dead-lifts at the 5 rep range the others around 8. I workout at home I got a power rack and rubber floor matting. Bought enough fitness equipment in my 8 years here. I got dumbbells up to 120lbs and 500lbs in plates and a barbell. I still focuss on size.. but doing this i get fair strenght too.. but I can't get much bigger as I am.. already at my genetic max and taking steroids would be the only way to get even bigger. But I am not interested in that as you loose too much after a cycle so you need to keep doing it.

i have a similar set up here equipment wise, have been running starting strength and recently transitioned to the texas method, had a week off due to a couple of small niggles and have lost some strength and momentum but looking forward to training hard again when i hit chiang mai

Yes done the texas method too.. and starting strength. But I really can't get much stronger as I am. (not saying im super strong) but we all hit our limits at some point. Now I am just maintaining what I got. Still training hard and there are days that after the workouts I need to really relax (heavy dead lifts sap your strength). I always push myself no such thing as an easy workout.

yeah my goals arent overly ambitious, but i understand my progress will slow as i transition from novice - early intermediate, hopefully six to eight months on texas method should get me where i want to be. Than just a matter of maintaining those levels of strength and filling in any gaps in my physique

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

What sets & reps do you use for increasing strength?

They would say under 5.. for real true power-lifting. But if you want some size and strength go for the 5 x 5 program. Its not like you wake up one day looking like Arnold. Getting too big is almost impossible.

I don't know what is worse, an over muscled monkey man like Arnold, or a big bellied guy with his tattoos and wifebeater.

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Since no one asked, I benched 315, supplement/roids free.

Nice.. I did 152,50 kg once its around the same. But had enough supplements like protein and such. But doubt that makes much of a difference.

I deadlifed 5 x 180 kg (always benched just recently started doing deadlifts.)

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They would say under 5.. for real true power-lifting. But if you want some size and strength go for the 5 x 5 program. Its not like you wake up one day looking like Arnold. Getting too big is almost impossible.

at sets & reps do you use for increasing strength?

I don't know what is worse, an over muscled monkey man like Arnold, or a big bellied guy with his tattoos and wifebeater.

Its up to you what you find worse. We all got things we don't like

Personally id rather be a monkey man like Arnold then a big bellied guy in a wife beater or one of those puny tiny skinny freaks that could model for the next famine.

At least Arnold was loved by millions (there is a reason his movies were popular) and worked hard to get his body. He was lucky to have the right genes and some steroids but even if Injected steroids for years I would not even get close.

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The 'Big 3' (and curls for the girlssmile.png ) keep me strong. Diet, and low impact cardio', help maintain a healthy weight and CV system. I go heavy 3-5 reps for 3 months, rest for 2 weeks, then train heavy 8's (spaced out with rest periods) for the rest of the year. This regimen is easy on the joints(I use knee wraps and belt), minimizes the risk of over-training related injury, and does not deplete my energy levels.

The other day, I had just finished a heavy 8 workout when a 160lb pencil neck emerged from the woodwork. He says, your grunting noises sound like those of a dying man!" I replied "You just had to come over here and make that stupid statement - now get lost!biggrin.png" He looked like Bambi caught in the headlightscheesy.gif. Speechless, he made his exit.

I actually almost never grunt, not that anyone would notice as i workout at home. The advantage of working out at home is that I can choose the music I like.. put the aircon on the setting I like. Workout in whatever clothes I like and never have to wait for anybody.

Disadvantages.. no pretty girls to look at biggrin.png

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In my heyday many years ago I benched 350lbs at a bodyweight of 188.

Last November at about the same bodyweight, I benched 252 for 6 reps at home with no spotter, which is pretty good since the bench has a slight incline and I'm almost 67. Been doing the weight lifting thing for over 50 years and still love it.

Real nice numbers.. and your right without a body-weight addition there the numbers of bench are meaningless. I am around 193 lbs

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The other day, I had just finished a heavy 8 workout when a 160lb pencil neck emerged from the woodwork. He says, your grunting noises sound like those of a dying man!" I replied "You just had to come over here and make that stupid statement - now get lost!biggrin.png" He looked like Bambi caught in the headlightscheesy.gif. Speechless, he made his exit.

Reminds me of the other day at the gym here. Some foreigner was deadlifting what could barely have been a 100kg, and not weighing much less himself. Pulling it up, and then dropping it from the full thigh height with a bang you could hear on the other side of the gym. He did that for all his 8 or so reps. Then the same on the next set.

Dunno what he was thinking he was doing. A competition-weight snatch? A clean & jerk?

Idiot was grunting loudly on every rep too. For a moment I thought somebody had forgot to mute the discovery channel on the tv.

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I trained like that for a few years, Mainly the big compound exercises 3 times a week with slight variations every session and throw some isolation work. I used to go 6am before work and got a workout nailed in 45 minutes. and days 3 different workouts

Squats, Bench, Deads,Pec curl, wide grip pull ups, sit ups

Shoulder press , front raise, lateral raise, Bent over row,,Pull ups , , Bicep curl , tricep curl

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I train with Team Leo.

I Built a free weight gym. Added a smith press and a sled....find I can keep my size and strength with very few exercises. ....pull ups are my forte.....lots of negatives.....diet as well. .....plus the Leo girls; not a joke....

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thanks for the reply but not what im looking for, will be back in town on sunday and start training again at go gym. My training is basically just squats,deadlift,overhead press, bench press, rows, chinups etc very basic strength training. Was just curious if anyone else in town trained in a similar fashion

I do bodybuilding with the same exercises. Its not the exercise that makes if its strength or bodybuilding but the rep range.

What sets & reps do you use for increasing strength?

Your head does it. Fight against yourself to achieve......smile.png

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I train with Team Leo.

I Built a free weight gym. Added a smith press and a sled....find I can keep my size and strength with very few exercises. ....pull ups are my forte.....lots of negatives.....diet as well. .....plus the Leo girls; not a joke....

Forte pull ups is good biggrin.png

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The other day, I had just finished a heavy 8 workout when a 160lb pencil neck emerged from the woodwork. He says, your grunting noises sound like those of a dying man!" I replied "You just had to come over here and make that stupid statement - now get lost!biggrin.png" He looked like Bambi caught in the headlightscheesy.gif. Speechless, he made his exit.

Reminds me of the other day at the gym here. Some foreigner was deadlifting what could barely have been a 100kg, and not weighing much less himself. Pulling it up, and then dropping it from the full thigh height with a bang you could hear on the other side of the gym. He did that for all his 8 or so reps. Then the same on the next set.

Dunno what he was thinking he was doing. A competition-weight snatch? A clean & jerk?

Idiot was grunting loudly on every rep too. For a moment I thought somebody had forgot to mute the discovery channel on the tv.

At least the rude pencil neck had the courage to say it to my face.biggrin.png

Our old gym was cool until the great leotard invasion 0f 2002. Big signs went up stating "Grunting offends our members - please train quietly". Predictable, but very odd because the place was now permeated by aerobics music? The explanation was that the new posing mama's boy staff were catering to their girl friend's demands. laugh.png

So tell me, what did the idiot say when you spoke your mind?

When I spoke my mind? It's not my gym so it's not up to me set the rules. If somebody's going to stand and grunt like a pig, or pick his nose for literally more than a minute in front of me, or keep dropping weights from height for no reason at all, I'll think what I think, but it's not my house. Were it my gym, I'd tell the numbfuck once, and the second time I'd terminate his membership and kick him out. But I imagine he'd tell me something like "get lost!", and I'd probably make my exit too. What else can one do? Not my gym so can hardly start arguing.

I've also trained at some cool gyms, though none as cool as yours, I'm sure. Those gyms even had some people competing at the national power lifting level. Had some people competing at the national Olympic weightlifting level also, both masters and young guys.

Didn't hear much grunting to tell you the truth, except for those 1RM attempts. Grunting so much on an 8-rep set that somebody has to come over and tell you to shut up? You'd be laughed out of the gym. Did have one of those guys at one of the gyms also, mind you. Even now I can still remember him. Many of us started smirking when he started on his sets. Didn't matter much what the exercise of the day was; a loud grunt per rep were sure to follow. An ex-boxer supposedly. Decent enough fellow, but when talking with him you got the impression that perhaps the boxing didn't go all that well and maybe he should have quit boxing a bit earlier than he did.

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I train with Team Leo.

I Built a free weight gym. Added a smith press and a sled....find I can keep my size and strength with very few exercises. ....pull ups are my forte.....lots of negatives.....diet as well. .....plus the Leo girls; not a joke....

Where do I sign up?

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