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Chon Buri: – A Buddhist monk has filed a police complaint that he was swindled to pay 40,000 baht cash in exchange for a promise of one million baht donation.

PhraSudjai, 70, of WatPhrommawat told police that a man made a visit to his temple abode at Si Racha district asking him to conduct a religious ceremony at the home of his sick mother.

The man said a religious offering might help the mother to overcome illness.

After the monk agreed, he drove him in the pick-up truck. The monk said he felt dazed during the trip, voicing suspicion of being drugged.

On the way, the man picked up a woman who asked for a ride into town.

While the three exchanged small talks, the woman claimed to have just won the lottery’s first prize worth 4 million baht and showed her lottery ticket to the two.

The man wanted to buy out the “winning” ticket but did not have cash. He asked the monk to intervene, promising to donate one million baht to him and another one million baht to the temple.

The monk withdrew the 40, 000 baht cash from an ATM for the man to make down payment for the lottery.

The man and the woman then asked him to wait at an empty plot. They asked him to hold the lottery while they were going to make some arrangements before travelling to claim the lottery prize in Bangkok.

After the two left for a while, the monk said his daze wore off and that he came to his senses to realise he had been duped.

He walked back to his temple and discussed the issue with his fellow monks who urged him to alert police to the scam.


In times and age that the monks and temples have been exposed as just another greedy and unscrupulous

just like regular folks, it was only time before they, also, have become a fair game........

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The man said a religious offering might help the mother to overcome illness.

Key word and music to the monk's ears.

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This is all very strange. One of the many gaps is how he came to feel hazy.

Drugged or maybe a bit too much Whiskey in pre-celebration of lottery win.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hmm.. Scam yes.. Scam relying on greed. Which is typical for a scam. However, monks shouldn't even be dealing with money directly, and especially not be involved in lotteries or get-rich-quick schemes.

Sure, maybe he really was drugged.. Which seems tricky from a pharmacological point of view, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

I thought Monks are supposed to be disassociated with money

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I've lost count of the many random hitchhikers I've picked up with a winning lotto ticket they are willing to sell for peanuts. Totally believable.

One of these days I'm expecting to hear one something like

I have lottery ticket worth $50,000,000.00 USD, much inconvenience to go to America and cash in lottery ticket. Will sell for 1/2 price only $25,000,000.00 USD. Not have at the moment, you give me down payment of $ 100,000.00 USD, pay me remainder later. I have much trust in you, I will let you hold ticket

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Where did the get 40k to give in the first place, are they supposed to have ATM cards, or bank accounts for that matter ?

He must have an account with The Bank of Buddha.

Branches in every Moo Ban.

Deposits accepted from everyone, withdrawals only by those in saffron.

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