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I once was short changed 100 Baht on my electricity bill at the 7/11 on Khao Talo. When I informed the servant he denied everything, but when he noticed that I was gonna rebuild the counter, he just picked up the 100 Baht note he had placed under the till.

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Easy really you stop shopping there or you buy a rechargeable debit card card, load your cash on it, that's what our boys do .

The card is swiped through the till monies deducted and you have no problems.

Or perhaps of course if one is on a limited budget one might go seeking 99 baht breakfasts, of course make sure any bonus stamps or bonus points are given to you.

Don't agree you are paid do the job, or walk

But remember though that you like those staff you malign are a human being (?) thus mistakes can and do happen, incontinence as one gets older could and does become a problem for some.whistling.gif

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Always check your bill and change. I have had people try to over charge and short change me many times. All my gfs check and question every bill. I would guess that 10% or more are wrong in one way or another. These cashiers try to short change all the time as if someone questions them they just give a dumb look and say sorry. I think with farang they normally get away with it but Thais count every baht. If they get away with it 20% of the time they can make hundreds of baht extra a day. You can tell the ones who try to rip you off as they don't really question when you call them out and just give you the correct change quickly, they know full well what they are doing and want you to go. I have before asked to talk to the manager and reported.

Be careful and check your bill and count your change.

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Not just 7-11. Often have to correct in Tesco Lotus. Its about concentration. The cashier can see what change to give on a screen in front if them.and it's not a "farang thing". Thais usually stand by the paypoint checking receipts and change.

Edited by kingalfred
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Fortunately not on limited budget and fortunately don't live in pattaya or the darkside. Seems to me that their is a lot of obtuse comments on thai visa or is it my imagination. Sorry forgot to add love the positive feedback and realise that we are accepted here but not really liked and are purposely targeted for a rip

Edited by Bomonster
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Easy really you stop shopping there or you buy a rechargeable debit card card, load your cash on it, that's what our boys do .

The card is swiped through the till monies deducted and you have no problems.

Or perhaps of course if one is on a limited budget one might go seeking 99 baht breakfasts, of course make sure any bonus stamps or bonus points are given to you.

Don't agree you are paid do the job, or walk

But remember though that you like those staff you malign are a human being (?) thus mistakes can and do happen, incontinence as one gets older could and does become a problem for some.whistling.gif

yes those who sit near you or use your seat when you leave:)
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Fortunately not on limited budget and fortunately don't live in pattaya or the darkside. Seems to me that their is a lot of obtuse comments on thai visa or is it my imagination. Sorry forgot to add love the positive feedback and realise that we are accepted here but not really liked and are purposely targeted for a rip

Tinfoil hat per chance? All out to get you?

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Depends on which one. Some are honest, others not. They've tried it with me many times, and maybe they've succeeded from time to time when i haven't been paying attention. Another trick is some piece of local vermin, like a taxi driver, will leave something near the till, like one of those meals they heat up in the microwave. The cashier, a friend of the piece of vermin, will add that item to your bill. If you catch it they say they thought it was yours, if not then you've been cheated and obviously you don't pick the item up. I just add everything up before getting to the till and train myself to count the exact change.

Edited by paddyjenkins
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Fortunately not on limited budget and fortunately don't live in pattaya or the darkside. Seems to me that their is a lot of obtuse comments on thai visa or is it my imagination. Sorry forgot to add love the positive feedback and realise that we are accepted here but not really liked and are purposely targeted for a rip

Tinfoil hat per chance? All out to get you?

No pessimistic then I am not disappointed all the time and surprised now and again, grumpy by any chance:)
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Fortunately not on limited budget and fortunately don't live in pattaya or the darkside. Seems to me that their is a lot of obtuse comments on thai visa or is it my imagination. Sorry forgot to add love the positive feedback and realise that we are accepted here but not really liked and are purposely targeted for a rip

Tinfoil hat per chance? All out to get you?

I really can't comment on this (or in fact anything) for fear of being persecuted for my personal views.

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Fortunately not on limited budget and fortunately don't live in pattaya or the darkside. Seems to me that their is a lot of obtuse comments on thai visa or is it my imagination. Sorry forgot to add love the positive feedback and realise that we are accepted here but not really liked and are purposely targeted for a rip

Tinfoil hat per chance? All out to get you?

I really can't comment on this (or in fact anything) for fear of being persecuted for my personal views.

I resemble that remark:)
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I live in another Thailand.

No serious problems in four years.

I am quite good in mental arithmetic.

For small purchases I know the price before the register,

For larger purchases I know an approximate price (dimension of 100).

Maybe they see that in my face biggrin.png

At Lotus:

few occasions when I misunderstood special offers (buy 2 get 1 free and such).

One time I cancelled the product. No complaint.

What bothers me at Lotus: you see the final sum on the register.

Then you hand the money, the cashier types it in the register.

And now instead of seeing the return amount I see these f... award points bah.gif

And I remember for certain that I once handed back excess change, because I am farang chai dee giggle.gif

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My experience is with convenience stores and fast-food outlets, all go for the "short-change" option, especially when a customer seems intoxicated.

And when challenged, have the exact amount "short-changed" to hand,

I also find in convenience stores, the shelf-price and the till-price do not match.

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It's happened to me twice in the past few months; always 100 baht, and it's definitely intentional. At 7/11 the clerk didn't even close the drawer. I pointed out the shortage, she pulled out a 100 baht note without looking at the change in my hand, and said "solly". At True Visions shop, the girl gave me the short change, then immediately turned away. When I tried to get her attention, she ignored me. I raised my voice, and another clerk gave me the missing 100 baht, with another "solly".

I am also convinced when they hand you change in a big pile with the receipt and coins on top, they are hoping you will just stuff it in your pocket without counting it, or better yet, spill it on the floor. I never move an inch until I have counted my change.

At Big C, they always count the change twice in plain view before handing it to me. A good policy.

Edited by curtklay
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