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Over 500 Indonesians join IS


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Over 500 Indonesians join IS

BANGKOK: -- Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, Nadhlatul Ulama (NU), revealed on Thursday that more than 500 Indonesian citizens had joined the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria without the relevant authorities taking any preventive measures, according to The Jakarta Post.

NU chairman Said Aqil Siraj was quoted by kompas.com as saying after a meeting with President Joko Widodo at the State Palace that it was “at least 514.”

He said the president had not commented on the increasing number of Indonesian citizens joining IS.

An intelligence report revealed recently that IS teachings had been spreading and recruitment to the organization had been conducted underground in many regions of the country, including West Java, following the government’s official ban of IS teachings in the country.

The government has threatened to criminalize those joining IS and revoke their nationality. Aqil said the president had asked the NU to help fight radicalism in the country.

He said, however, most Islamic countries had urged Indonesia to be in the front row in the fight against IS, the influence of which is spreading more rapidly in the Middle East.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/over-500-indonesians-join-is

-- Thai PBS 2015-02-27

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The scary part is that these are fairly young people. They are going to be around for a long time.

I used to think the scariest thing was going to be some sort of highly infections flu, or Ebola or some other Virus, now I am starting to think it's going to be this firebrand of Islam that will infect (or infest) and eventually kill us.

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The scary part is that these are fairly young people. They are going to be around for a long time.

It depends on the actions the western world will take if they will get old. I sincerely hope the die tomorrow.

Edited by Anthony5
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more than 500 Indonesian citizens had joined the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria without the relevant authorities taking any preventive measures

a bit earlier reading this headline:

Malaysia, Indonesia agree to combat IS threat

blah, blah,..blah, blah, and blaaech! bah.gif

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I think the idea is a good one....meaning....that if we want to stop IS....then we should all join. It would be like the "cyber DDOS" version of jamming them up so they could not move. Perhaps we need less military action and more people simply swarming their doors....just an idea.

Try not to think about it too much....especially if you are one who is "serious minded" like many on this site.facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_JFYdcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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The scary part is that these are fairly young people. They are going to be around for a long time.

I used to think the scariest thing was going to be some sort of highly infections flu, or Ebola or some other Virus, now I am starting to think it's going to be this firebrand of Islam that will infect (or infest) and eventually kill us.

Mainstream Islam needs to condemn these madmen, if not then the consequences will be a religious war not seen for a few hundred years.

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The scary part is that these are fairly young people. They are going to be around for a long time.

I used to think the scariest thing was going to be some sort of highly infections flu, or Ebola or some other Virus, now I am starting to think it's going to be this firebrand of Islam that will infect (or infest) and eventually kill us.

Mainstream Islam needs to condemn these madmen, if not then the consequences will be a religious war not seen for a few hundred years.

I realize some call my consistent positions a mantra, or ravings, but it is not; I am just determined to remain focused and consistent. There is no "mainstream islam" insofar as agreeable to western cultural mores. I regret this as deeply as you would should you accept my post; but it is true. "Mainstream islam" is reflected in lesser jihad (physical war) waring in the House of War, dar al harb upon jews, christians and pagans, until global islamic conquest achieves the House of Islam/Submission, dar al islam. It is the keystone of all islamic ideology. This is also the cornerstone upon which all of Shar'ia is predicated. Shar'ia cannot exist without these predicates.

Mainstream islam is exactly what DAESH and others espouse and this is why their behavior looks identical to nearly every other jihad age in history; The First and Second Great Jihad, and now The Third Great Jihad. It is the false sense of security of the West in assigning to less than orthodox muslims the moniker "moderate" that confuses us. They are not moderate, they are children of modernity and variously protest the egregious injunctions islam requires of both muslins,m and non muslins alike. But they are not moderate. There is simply no mechanism for moderation. It is clearly black and white. You will not find "mainstream islam" condemning these attacks with the very tools that are required to do so- scripture. To simply protest IS et al actions based on western mores and values renders the commentary meaningless, and everyone knows it. To adopt the actual scriptures and hadiths to repudiate their actions the "moderates" have virtually no leg to stand on; the chain of jurisprudence simply does not exist. IS/Daesh is mainstream; just watch the numbers.

Note: This is a religious war and always has been. Muslims no it. Russians know it Assyrians know it. Christians know it, scholars know it. the Sunday armchair general reading the paper knows it. lay people on the planet know it. Only Obama, running interference for the muslims brotherhood, denies it.

Edited by arjunadawn
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He said Most Islamic countries, and that they would strip them of their nationality, do you think they give a shit about their nationality when they are in another country, and it is only lately that they talk so much about the problem of ISIS, maybe they are realizing that many of their own people might try to convert their culture too

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There are a lot of them and they aren't going to all die.

Actually it is past time for "Cowboys and Muslims" this is the most aggressive culture on Earth and have been since 600AD. This is nothing new, only the flags and uniforms have changed.

And the most hated too

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There are a lot of them and they aren't going to all die.

Right, the survivors will go back to Indonesia. Indo authorities talk the talk to other countries, but won't be able to deal dynamically (strip them of citizenship and throw 'em in jail) with the returnees. It's similar to, tho not as dire as, the problem in Thailand with the big rich Buddhist sect. Many important Thais want that sect dealt with dynamically, but because they wear robes and call themselves Buddhist, authorities turn to pantywaists, and can't discipline them. Similar will happen in Indonesia. The radicals will come home. Indo authorities will talk to them sternly. The young men will say, wide-eyed, that they won't be involved with radicalizing any Indonesians. Muslims are world-class liars, but it will work to enable them to reenter Indonesia, and sew seeds of radicalism.

When you consider Indonesia's population, 500 is a drop in the ocean.

Each radical is like a bit of Ebola virus. Their disease can spread exponentially. Let's say half get fried from US bombs in the dunes, and half return. those 250 will radicalize an average of 1,000 each, and so it goes, on and on. Thailand is not far away. How many Thai young men have snuck away to go join ISIS? Dozens? Hundreds? Thai authorities wouldn't know.
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There are a lot of them and they aren't going to all die.

Right, the survivors will go back to Indonesia. Indo authorities talk the talk to other countries, but won't be able to deal dynamically (strip them of citizenship and throw 'em in jail) with the returnees. It's similar to, tho not as dire as, the problem in Thailand with the big rich Buddhist sect. Many important Thais want that sect dealt with dynamically, but because they wear robes and call themselves Buddhist, authorities turn to pantywaists, and can't discipline them. Similar will happen in Indonesia. The radicals will come home. Indo authorities will talk to them sternly. The young men will say, wide-eyed, that they won't be involved with radicalizing any Indonesians. Muslims are world-class liars, but it will work to enable them to reenter Indonesia, and sew seeds of radicalism.

When you consider Indonesia's population, 500 is a drop in the ocean.

Each radical is like a bit of Ebola virus. Their disease can spread exponentially. Let's say half get fried from US bombs in the dunes, and half return. those 250 will radicalize an average of 1,000 each, and so it goes, on and on. Thailand is not far away. How many Thai young men have snuck away to go join ISIS? Dozens? Hundreds? Thai authorities wouldn't know.

When you think about it. As a %age of the muslim population. Non muslim countries have sent more.

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The scary part is that these are fairly young people. They are going to be around for a long time.

I used to think the scariest thing was going to be some sort of highly infections flu, or Ebola or some other Virus, now I am starting to think it's going to be this firebrand of Islam that will infect (or infest) and eventually kill us.

Being scared is all part of the media/establishment plan, still more die from peanut allergies worldwide than terrorism, try not to panic.

Dont worry there will be another boogyman invented when IS become defunct, just like Al Qaeda has.

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