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Where To Buy Plastic to Lay Over Mud Before Laying Pebbles


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I am laying some pebbles on mud and am trying to buy a roll of plastic to lay down first so that weeds won't grow through. I thought I could get something like that in just about any garden centre, but not so. Any ideas where I can get this ? I was trying to get the plastic with the 'membrane' that allows water to drain through, but I am now getting 'desperate' and would consider laying anything!

Thanks very much for your help.

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FWIW, those pebbles will disappear in the mud along with the plastic if you don't put down a couple of inches (50 mm) of crushed rock on that plastic and compact it while the mud is dry and solid. Crushed rock will lock together and give you a good base. You can put your pebbles on the crushed rock.

Cheers. Don't know where to buy your plastic.

Edited by NeverSure
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Neversure, thanks for the advice. The rocks have been down for about 10 years and I am fed up with having to cut back the small 'trees' that keep growing - there used to be just a few of these small 'shrubs' growing through, now there are dozens. We are removing the stones now ready to lay the plastic so can easily add the layer you suggest.

Jacko45K, thanks for the comment. I thought that I could just use plastic sheets like that as well, but when I read on the internet about the sheets you need for this sort of thing, it was recommended to use plastic sheets that allow water to pass through. I have to say I was a bit fed up when I read that, as I thought apart from moving the old stones, this was going to be a simple task - I should have know better!

arthurwait, thanks for this idea. Whilst reading up on the internet, it was suggested by several people that using an old carpet was a good base, as it allowed water to pass through and stopped weeds (small trees in my case!), growing back. So I guess this material would be similar in the way it works. I have seen that all over the place, I cannot immediately remember where, but I will have a look for it. My wife has just had a look at this and says she knows where to get it. Do you put down just one layer or several?? Does it last a long time ?.

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Langsuan Man - thanks for the good idea. If I were buying the stones now I would do that. The stones were bought 10 years ago sadly and I think they were delivered on a lorry as there were so many of them. They did not lay anything under the stones at the time. I think I will do what arthurwait suggested, as that is a similar material to the bags the stones normally come in and is easy to buy. I think it will be better than the standard plastic which wont let any water through.

Thanks again.

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What you really need is geo-textile ,Geo Tech frabic or Geo Tech membrane . It is what we use for filtering water in drainage trenches , in behind retaining walls before it is back filled, to stabilize wet land areas and so on and is used not only in landscaping but in agriculture, civil engineering and mining etc. There are millions of uses for it but the trick is to find out which one you need and what is available locally. It also has different names vaying from one locality to the next but we normally use the term geo- textile .

This wiki article is a good introduction http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geotextile

It may cost a bit more than what you wanted to spend but it what you need and will do the job.

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Thanks for these replies and suggestions.

Torrens54 - I am not sure what GLOBAL is. Googling was no help - there is the Global compendium of weeds, is that what you meant?

xen - I think this is what I was going to try and find a supplier for when I started this thread. Pattaya does not have anywhere that I know of that I can buy this product.

PattayaPhom - I like the idea, but the general advice I have received is to use something porous if possible. To be honest, I don't really know why.

canuckamuck - I have not tried 'Round-up' - where can I get it??? I have tried some other grass killers, but we have a small Pomeranian dog and I have been advised that it could be a problem for the dog, which is why I have decided to remove the stones and small trees/weeds and then cover with 'something', to prevent them growing.

Thanks again for the replies.

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Round-Up, or Glyphosate is easy to find in farmer supply stores, probably also on DIY stores. It can be found under either name if you ask for it. just spray it on the green leaves of the plant you want to kill. It becomes inert upon contact with soil. keep your dog away for a couple of hours if your worried, but it shouldn't be a problem.

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Jacko45K, thanks for the comment. I thought that I could just use plastic sheets like that as well, but when I read on the internet about the sheets you need for this sort of thing, it was recommended to use plastic sheets that allow water to pass through. I have to say I was a bit fed up when I read that, as I thought apart from moving the old stones, this was going to be a simple task - I should have know better!

The one Jacko pictures in his post let water through. In every hardware shop, including homepro and homeworks, you can also buy the packs of green and black sunshade in different grades, which are also suitable.

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  • 8 months later...

I got a big roll of it relatively cheap at the hardware store near me. I double it up under the rocks and it's been great for 5 years now. No weeds get through and the pebbles don't disappear into the mud. Also, it's clear, so if a bit shows, it's not ugly.

As is usual here, sometimes a store has it, sometimes they don't. I'd try the big box stores like HomePro/Works/Mart/etc. also....but got mine from a small hardware store near me.

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Round up, or its equivalent .....is very effective but also dangerous to pets

My gardener liberally sprayed the Thai version (unbeknown to me) around my garden.....to kill the ants.....she said

Not only did it kill one of our cats (a distressing and nasty death).....but the shrubs and the grass....especially the Malaysian variety

We now have to order and replace 300 + m2 of grass ......thanks to my naievety and her foolishness

So be careful

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