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Famous Thai Temple to Build Separate Toilets for Non-Chinese

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Yes but this measure is saying all Chinese are the same. That is judging all by the alleged actions of one. That is bigotry.

Seems you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your solution?

Solution? A solution to curing the selfish and ignorant of their behaviour? If I had that I'd market it the world over.

However I do know the solution is not to be found in bigoted measures such as this.

The individual who made the mess is responsible for it. To blame the whole of China for something it is alleged a Chinese tourist did is just stupid.


Where have I heard of this before? Oh yes....

Black water fountain / White water fountain

Blacks sit in the back of the bus

Blacks can not go to school or vote

And so on...

The land of smiles and segregation.

This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

no, its not. nice try though.

this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

No. I'd say this is about bigotry rather than hygiene

Make it about race if you want, i still say its about shit-smeared toilets.

you make a mess at my house and you are not coming back, period,

I dont care what colour your skin is

And everyone else of that Nationality/Race/Color that made a mess?

As the temple is doing?

So how about providing a practical solution then?

How do you propose to keep the shit off the walls of a place i love to visit?

  • Like 1

Yes but this measure is saying all Chinese are the same. That is judging all by the alleged actions of one. That is bigotry.

Seems you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your solution?

Solution? A solution to curing the selfish and ignorant of their behaviour? If I had that I'd market it the world over.

However I do know the solution is not to be found in bigoted measures such as this.

The individual who made the mess is responsible for it. To blame the whole of China for something it is alleged a Chinese tourist did is just stupid.

Unless you provide a practical solution, your whinging is worse than bigotry.

  • Like 1

The Future of Tourism , lovely

Anyone who has spent a bit of time in rural China will be familiar with that kind of behavior

It is the same in rural Mexico. I know first-hand as I once drove from Dallas to Mexico City.


This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

I imagine the folks who run the White Temple hope the Chinese will boycott also.

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This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

The OP has none of those tones, they are just in your controversy-raising mind.

The temple's officials decision is logical, reasonable and acceptable in every way. If you don't like the decision you should, if you do ever go there, show your support for the insanitary individuals who caused the problem by using their toilets.

I would prefer to build even a copy of the temple in China,

so they can stay there !!


Chinese tourists do go to other countries as well.... I dont see any of them separating toilets ... This is just Thai idiocy, as usual...

the "quality" tourist Thailand spends a lot of time wishing they had and pretending they do seem not to be the Chinese then whistling.gif

If I were Chinese and had money its a fair bet the education level would be pretty good too, Im not so sure id be happy with being racially targeted... id probably go elsewhere if not welcome. I hope China mass media gets hold of this. China can get pretty nationalistic when it wants

Thailand might poop its pants at that and I must admit would be amusing to watch the climbdown whilst desperately trying to avoid publicly apologising .. .

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Yes, racism is in fact quite natural here. There is racism even among the same races in Asia.

After 13 years of marriage, my sister in law still refers to me as "farang" and does not consider me a part of the family. I don't think she even knows my name. I live within a few feet of her, and we have not spoken a single word to each other in well over a year. This sort of thing is normal in Asia. So much for Buddhism and the enlightened state here in Thailand. Just because it's a Buddhist country doesn't mean that everybody in the country has reaching the enlightened state, of course. Very few ever do. Like most religion, Buddhism isn't practiced as it should be, as spiritual awakening and enlightenment, but is instead reduced to Dogma, useless prayer and worshipping idols, and sheer nonsense.

This rest room fiasco at the White Temple does not surprise me in the least.

I was going to say I feel sorry for you having a sister-in-law like that but then I read your line - "This sort of thing is normal in Asia" and thought maybe it is your attitude that is to blame.

Your comments about Buddhism confirmed it.

I would not mind betting the posters making all the comments about racism and apartheid have never been to China and experienced their toilet habits first hand. It is nothing short of disgusting and if I owned a tourist attraction anywhere in the world I would not let them in the gate.

They spit all over the floor even in restaurants, can you imagine what they do in toilets ? bah.gif

Reminds me of this sketch by Thai comic Note Udom on Chinese toilets when he went to visit there for the first time:



Although these can be found anywhere I suppose, these are specifically Chinese toilets.

Imagine the smell. Imagine your shoes later.


Straight from the trees.


Will that mean us farang will have to use the Chinese toilets as well, or are we ok to use the Thai toilets

bring a pooper scooper and a plastic bag. Chinese are quality tourists and deserve thier own toilets.

This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

no, its not. nice try though.

this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

No. I'd say this is about bigotry rather than hygiene.

If this were actually a case of Thai racism then there'd be separate toilets for Indians, not Chinese.

BTW, what do you call it when the Hong Kong Chinese have the same complaints against the mainland Chinese tourists in Hong Kong? You can't call that "racism."

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While I agree to build new toilets, why not another idea first. Provide ass gaskets in the toilets and have Chinese signage as to their use? Then see what happens. Chinese do not want to touch their asses where other asses have been. This is the basis for their squatting habits.

Pissing is another problem. Chinese cannot aim for s%#t! That part I have no clue. They piss everywhere but in the toilet all over China. This is one of the great mysteries of China.

It's because their 'thingy' is so small. That, combined with their bad eyesight makes it hard for them to aim.

  • Like 1

Yes but this measure is saying all Chinese are the same. That is judging all by the alleged actions of one. That is bigotry.

Seems you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your solution?

Solution? A solution to curing the selfish and ignorant of their behaviour? If I had that I'd market it the world over.

However I do know the solution is not to be found in bigoted measures such as this.

The individual who made the mess is responsible for it. To blame the whole of China for something it is alleged a Chinese tourist did is just stupid.

Unless you provide a practical solution, your whinging is worse than bigotry.

A} Having an opinion you don't like isn't whining, it's called having an opinion.

B} Whining is worse than bigotry! Dear Lord, the worst atrocities ever committed by the human race have come about because of bigotry. I won't say nothing is worse than bigotry, but very few things are worse than it's consequences.

C} To not argue against bigotry in any of it's forms is to be complicit in it.

D}A bigoted solution is no solution at all. It is just bigotry.


This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

no, its not. nice try though.

this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

No. I'd say this is about bigotry rather than hygiene.

If this were actually a case of Thai racism then there'd be separate toilets for Indians, not Chinese.

BTW, what do you call it when the Hong Kong Chinese have the same complaints against the mainland Chinese tourists in Hong Kong? You can't call that "racism."

Please show me where I've used the R word.


I am sure the Thai's have something special planned for the chinese loo......oh, here's a picture of it!



Apartheid is alive and well. At a temple.

Sometimes you can't believe these people.

Fair dinkum. Doesn't take long for the race card to be played. Grow up for Pete's sake and change your handle, there's no way you are Thai at Heart with this kind of posting.

So, they'll put in a toilet for the handicapped, discrimination against those who are not? I, for one, would be happy for a separate toilet, not because of discrimination of race or segregation but for pure health reasons.

  • Like 2

Removed an abusive post.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The temple is OTT and tacky and so is the 'artist' behind it. A pity it didn't collapse completely in the erathquake . A vulgar monstrosity.

What is OTT? And why is it tacky? Just curious. [emoji15]


The Future of Tourism , lovely

Anyone who has spent a bit of time in rural China will be familiar with that kind of behavior

Not only in the rural parts..... For people who claim "middle earth" and harp on about inventing chopsticks etc they surely are animals in their personal behaviour. I saw a <deleted> spitting on our office floor - carpeted.. I pulled one of my employees and told him to get the client the <deleted> out of our office and he was like "ay? why"? That was where the cultured elitist live, Beijing....
I do find their manners difficult to bear. On a very recent trip to Siem Reap, I was sitting in the hotel restaurant having breakfast and in walked a Chinese man, wife and baby. They were eating from the buffet, putting things on their plate and making a mess of it, and when they sat down at the table to eat I was so appalled I had to get up from my breakfast and go into another room and wait until they were finished to go back in there and eat my food.

The man plunked his plate down on the table, then sat down in front of it and bent over with his face about an inch and a half from his food. He picked up a spoon and started shoveling the food into his mouth; one item in particular was a half tomato he crammed into his mug and, realizing it was too big for his mouth, spit it half way out, bit it in half and spit the severed half on the plate. At that, he bit into the half that was still in his mouth and the juices shot out of his mouth and squirt his wife in the face. She didn't seem to notice. Then he sat there talking to her with his mouth full of food, juices running down his chin, and bits of food flying out of his mouth as he yammered away. Before the food was chewed, he swallowed. Before his mouth was empty, he bent over the plate again and shoveled more and more food.

Finally, something got shoveled into is mouth he did not much approve of, and he bent over and spit everything out of his mouth and onto the plate again. He quickly rifled through the matter with his spoon, concluded there was nothing wrong with the food, and quickly started shoveling it back into his mouth again. He stopped to take a drink and fumbled, dropping his spoon on the floor. He reached down and picked up the spoon and started the shoveling in again without even wiping off the spoon.

That was it for me. I set my silverware down, got up and walked out of the restaurant in into the lobby and sat drinking an orange juice, waiting for Mr. Chinese and his family to come out before I could resume eating again. Two of the Cambodian servers in the restaurant followed me out into the lobby. They were just as appalled as I was, and had to take a break from this sordid scenery.

I grew up on a farm. I've killed pigs and cows and castrated them. I've shoveled more turd than you can imagine. But I have never seen anything as nasty as this.

This got me thinking: I am planning a trip to Chiang Mai next week and want to take some guests to a nice dinner. Does anyone know of an good restaurant or hotel that has a separate dining room dedicated to mainland Chinese tourists so that they can freely practise their dining culture there? That would be the restaurant that I want to book.

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The temple is OTT and tacky and so is the 'artist' behind it. A pity it didn't collapse completely in the erathquake . A vulgar monstrosity.

What is OTT? And why is it tacky? Just curious. [emoji15]

Over The Top... Google is my friend.


This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

no, its not. nice try though.

this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

No. I'd say this is about bigotry rather than hygiene.

So you're suggesting it's about bigotry rather than hygiene? Well the last time I checked the former refers to intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself, whilst the latter, hygiene, is conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.

So you're you saying that by building separate toilets they are practicing bigotry and hygiene is not in the equation? Before you post such nonsense learn what the words you use mean.

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