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Chinese women shock travelers with bathroom strip acts

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The least this lady could have done was to use the disabled toilet. Inside she would have had a large, private space and all the privacy to do whatever she wanted in there. A pity she didn't know that.


The least this lady could have done was to use the disabled toilet. Inside she would have had a large, private space and all the privacy to do whatever she wanted in there. A pity she didn't know that.

Are you 100% sure that there WAS a disabled toilet ?


The least this lady could have done was to use the disabled toilet. Inside she would have had a large, private space and all the privacy to do whatever she wanted in there. A pity she didn't know that.

Isn't that the same as parking in disabled spot when you aren't disabled?
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When I read about this again Thai hypocrisy, I recall Whistleblower's post commenting on the Dutch mobile toilets decorated with a Buddha painting. Only the topic and persons to be changed. Here it is:

Posted 2013-01-24 09:05:01

Anuchit Pomthong and Nok Ja held a press conference today to say how happy they were that their online campaign that was launched and updated during working hours (they work for a western company that pays them far in excess of what a Thai company would). Whilst sporting fake levi jeans, a Swastika t shirt, rip off reeboks, a copy rolex watch and smelling of imitation Guess aftershave, Nok Ja said he was happy that this newsworthy campaign has succeded.
We caught up with the intrepid pair on a beachfront in Phuket. As we watched with a backdrop of Immigration officers loading up Rhohingya refugees onto a bus to be sent back to Burma to face certain death or be sold into human trafficking, Anuchit added "I am so happy that Thais have come together on this very sensitive issue to force the Dutch company to change their design" He added "we Thais are a sensitive bunch when something annoys us. And we are also aware of the sensitivity of other nations" Nok Ja chipped in "Thats why when the Japanese visited our country during world war 2 not only did we welcome them with open arms, we actually helped them torture POWs and swept it under the table when they broke the Geneva Convention" Anuchit (getting excited now by the attention) adds "And dont forget we let the Americans have airbases here during the Vietnam war. We sold our daughters/wives/sisters to them for their sexual amusement. So I challenge anyone to say Thais aren't respectful of other people" He added "okay I admit that we were hoping to get something in return for our efforts, like, say the return of Angkor Wat that really belongs to us"
At this point we have to break from the interview for 1/2 hour as a group of taxi drivers complained we were getting in the way of them beating an innocent tourist to a bloody pulp.
When the interview restarted we asked the pair what was next on their "if its Thai its ours, if its not we will copy it" campaign. Nok Ja replies "Well right now we are starting a petition to overturn the world court and the World heritages decision to give OUR Preah Vihear to the Khmers" he continues, "after all they only got it in the first place because we were to chicken shit to fight them one year so we ceded some Thai land to them. Anuchit interupts, "Do you know Thailand has never been colonised by a foreign country!. We Thais are so proud of that. Apart from letting the Burmese come and go as they wished for hundreds of years and eventually moving our capital to a swamp to facilitate their looting and rampaging oh and of course our brief occupation by the japs we have never been colonised! We have a simple method for that sort of thing. Whenever we are threatened by another country we just give them a huge chunk of our country"
When asked how they would be celebrating this monumentous victory Anuchit replied "well I will be out on the town sinking a few beer Laos tonight! (technically beer Laos is a Thai beer, because years ago the land on which the factory sits was Thai but they gave it away to avoid being invaded) asked if his wife would be joining the celebrations Anuchit replied "NO this victory is so big I will have to take out my Mia Noi"
Nok Ja replied that his celebrations would be a bit quieter: "I will celebrate at home" he replied "I dont have the money to spend on beer as i am saving up for a sex change. Then I will go and work in Pattaya and really rake in the money" he continued "Anuchit always has money because his dads side of the family are all policemen who have a large Tea fund and all of his mums side of the family are hookers who cornered the market in drugging their punters and stealing from them" So No, i will just stay at home and tweet my friends on my Knock off Ipad about this earthshattering result, I may however watch a 100bht pirated movie later"
The Interview ends here as Anuchit has to go home sink a bottle of Lao Kaow and beat his wife for not getting any farang punters to shag her her before he goes out to the snooker hall with his mia noi and Nok Ja has 15 excited schoolgirls waiting for him to teach them cheerleeding!

Being a non biased newspaper, we did contact the Dutch advertising ageny involved. Unfortunately they had no comment AS THEY WERE TOO BUSY GETTING ON WITH THEIR F@#&ING LIVES!!!

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