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Chinese women shock travelers with bathroom strip acts


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What a horrible woman, the Thai woman who took a picture of another woman in the privacy of a women's toilet & posted it on social media for all to see.

This is a perfect example of the way Thai people are underhanded, two faced, backstabbing, snivelling little runts. It's part of their culture as confrontation leads to loss of face.

A Thai teacher at my school took a picture of a foreign teacher sleeping during an exam (he was in the room invigilating also) & emailed it to Thai admin. The teacher who sent the picture has until this day regularly been seen slumped at his homeroom desk on a daily basis.

Rant over...

Edited by GanDoonToonPet
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Women shock travelers with toilet strip acts

Strip act?

Or just changing her clothes?

That's a big difference.

Last time in Swampy i saw a guy washed his dick after pee in the hand basin.

Not big thing at all.

What? 'Not a big thing at all'?

Do you mean his dick or the fact that he washed it in a basin for all to see, but you didn't care? laugh.png

The second one.

Nobody gets hurt if you wash your dick or a girl change her clothes in a restroom.

Edited by tomacht8
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Chinese ladies can generously and genuinely use men's bathroom in case if Thai women don't like them to be naked. smile.png

Under normal circumstances I might agree. As long as they don't occupy all the stalls, as I often feel the need after disembarking from the 13 hour flight.

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Thais are the last people on earth who should be debating moral relativism. I wonder what their reaction would be to someone breastfeeding their child in the open. Time to grow up Thailand.

Breastfeeding? You must be joking. Thailand has been long bought by Nestle.

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It would be nice if a few of the unwashed farangs from Khao San Rd would take pre-flight ablutions/personal hygene as seriously. The smell of some of them would sink a prawn trawler.

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A Thai woman was shocked and upset by the presence of naked Chinese women inside a Don Mueang Airport bathroom that paused to take a photo and share online, an act that incensed people either toward her or the naked women.

​She obviously hasn't been to the local ping pong bar latelytongue.png

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A word that will used frequently soon, I surmise.

"Chinese tourists are terrible!" said the anonymous poster."

Sounds like some uptight, snobby, anal-retentive, HiSo bitch.

"changing in the airport's ladies room without going into a stall, making the Thai women who used the bathroom feel awkward."

Probably would have bitched that they were taking over the stalls if they had used them.

my female thai hi-so friends studied abroad and or lived/worked abroad and wouldn't blink an eye on a woman changing her clothes in a womens toilet. kind of like a woman getting offended by other women naked in a womens locker room.

thailand = land of bizarre mentation

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Oh my god the human body is such a horrible, disgusting, pornographic thing that the very sight of one shocks people, even one of their own sex.

...and the hypocrites cried: ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! Let's just call it a hip hangout!


Edited by Lupatria
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She is just changing clothes/cleaning/what ever etc...In the toilet.

And that is a public toilet for. Otherwise in case of you got food spill/ coffee all over your pant, what you gonna do? Take it off in the cafe? It's not like the lady is shitting on the basin or urinating on the floor. The person has a problem is the photographer herself.

Edited by Smokemachine
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Stupidity has no borders .

What is wrong when someone wants to clean himself ??? Did she do it in man toilet? ...I wish....biggrin.png

I just wander how many movies she watched ( not to be "shocked" at all )where this days even sex act is in every movie.

This world is sick ....even talk about rubbish like that is not appropriate


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I am more shocked by the fact that Thai Visa has taken something from CSI's facebook page. I would like to post a link to the CSI facebook page but as we all know links to the CSI facebook page are not allowed on here.

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Maybe they didn't know they were clothes hangers !!!

When they started hanging their undies on my tropical plants, I showed them the clothes hangers and how to use them. They said 'xiexie' and continued hanging out their undies :)

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I'm still getting over having the female toilet attendant mop around my feet.Don't know if she was being efficent,a comment on my inaccurate aim or just zooming in for a better look.Seen it all before i suppose.Wonder what the girls talk about at smoko.

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