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Netanyahu warns US 'bad deal' would put Iran on nuclear path


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Netanyahu warns US 'bad deal' would put Iran on nuclear path

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a direct challenge to the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood before Congress on Tuesday and bluntly warned the U.S. that an emerging nuclear agreement with Iran "paves Iran's path to the bomb." President Barack Obama pushed back sternly, saying the U.S. would never sign such a deal and Netanyahu was offering no useful alternative.

In the U.S. spotlight for a day, the Israeli leader showed no uncertainty. "This is a bad deal. It is a very bad deal. We are better off without it," he declared in an emotionally charged speech that was arranged by Republicans, aggravated his already-strained relations with Obama and gambled with the longstanding bipartisan congressional support for Israel.

Two weeks ahead of voting in his own re-election back home, Netanyahu took the podium of the U.S. House where presidents often make major addresses, contending that any nuclear deal with Iran could threaten his nation's survival.

In a tone of disbelief, he said that Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, "tweets that Israel must be annihilated — he tweets."

Republicans loudly cheered Netanyahu in the packed chamber, repeatedly standing. Democrats were more restrained, frustrated with the effort to undercut Obama's negotiations. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., did little to hide her unease and later issued a blistering statement criticizing what she called Netanyahu's condescension.

At the White House, Obama said there was value in the current economic sanctions against Iran and also in the negotiations in Switzerland aimed at restraining Iran's nuclear ambitions.

"Sanctions alone are not sufficient," Obama said. "If Iran does not have some sense that sanctions will be removed, it will not have an interest in avoiding the path that it's currently on."

The administration says there is no deal yet, but Netanyahu insists he is privy to what is being put forth.

"If the deal now being negotiated is accepted by Iran, that deal will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. It would all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons — lots of them," he declared. He acknowledged that any deal would likely include strict inspections, but he said "inspectors document violations; they don't stop them."

Obama declined to meet with the leader of Israel, a key U.S. ally, during this visit. Vice President Joe Biden was on a trip to Central America and so his seat as president of the Senate was filled by Republican Orrin Hatch of Utah, the Senate president pro tempore.

As Netanyahu spoke, Secretary of State John Kerry was holding a three-hour negotiating session with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in the Swiss resort of Montreux in hopes of completing an international framework agreement later this month to curb Tehran's nuclear program.

According to Netanyahu, the deal on the table offers two major concessions: Iran would be left with a vast nuclear infrastructure and restrictions on Iran's nuclear program would be lifted in about a decade.

"It doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb," Netanyahu thundered. "It paves Iran's path to the bomb."

He said the U.S. and the other five nations in talks with Tehran should keep pressuring with economic sanctions because Tehran needs the deal most.

"Now, if Iran threatens to walk away from the table — and this often happens in a Persian bazaar — call their bluff. They'll be back, because they need the deal a lot more than you do."

More than four dozen House and Senate Democrats said in advance they would not attend the event, highly unusual given historically close ties between the two allies. Many of Netanyahu's comments were greeted by loud applause from U.S. lawmakers, but not everyone was persuaded by his rhetoric.

Pelosi issued a statement saying she was "near tears throughout the prime minister's speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States."

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Senate would debate next week on legislation that would allow a congressional vote on any deal reached with Iran. He said legislation for stiffer sanctions could well be considered.

Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., who has co-authored sanctions legislation, said Netanyahu's speech would sway more lawmakers to support his bill.

"I think that's why Pelosi is crying so much on TV," Kirk said.

The legislation he has introduced with Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., was approved by the Senate Banking Committee. Kirk predicted it would garner the 67 votes in the Senate that would be enough to override a presidential veto. "It really doesn't matter what the president does," he said.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., called Netanyahu's speech "electrifying." Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., called it "phenomenal" in clearly stating "why this deal is going to be very damaging for world security, U.S. interests in Israel."

On the other side, Democrats said "alarmist" predictions by Netanyahu have been wrong before, most notably on the Iraq war.

"This is a prime minister who's never seen a war he didn't want our country to fight," said Rep. Jared Huffman, D-Calif.

Netanyahu's speech reverberated in Israel, too.

Said Isaac Herzog, who is running against Netanyahu: "The painful truth is that after the applause, Netanyahu remains alone and Israel remains isolated and the negotiations with Iran will continue without Israel. It won't change the (U.S.) government's position and will only widen the divide with our great friend and our only strategic ally."

In Tehran, spokeswoman of Iranian foreign ministry, Marzieh Afkham said Netanyahu's speech was a "deceitful show" and part of a campaign by hardliners in Tel Aviv ahead of the election in Israel.

Associated Press writers Dina Cappiello, Matthew Daly, Charles Babington, Donna Cassata, David Espo, Nedra Picker and Laurie Kellman contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-04

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The biggest difference between Israel having nukes and Iran having nukes is that Israel has no intention of using them. They are a deterrent. Why are libs incapable of working this out for themselves?

I'm sure many people would have said the very same thing about the USA at one timeph34r.png

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The biggest difference between Israel having nukes and Iran having nukes is that Israel has no intention of using them. They are a deterrent. Why are libs incapable of working this out for themselves?

Really? You believe this? Israel has made a career out of attacking and threatening their neighbors. Give them nukes and you can bet they will be used.

Israel is a terrorist state. Don't believe for a second they are peace loving and have the best interests of those around them in mind.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Fantastic speech, highlighting a courageous leader who is willing to call a spade a spade and really exposing Barack Obama as a spineless worm who is unwilling to confront radical Islam in any form.

Bibi highlighted the fact that the Iranians have been killing Americans for decades. Obama is clutching at straws. After 6 years of a failed presidency he desperately wants something to show for it, even a bad deal that gives away the store.

The most important takeaway was this: Israel is prepared to go it alone if necessary. Bravo Mr Prime Minister.

One thing is for certain. The deal that Obama is currently working on will ensure a nuclear armed Iran and is a horrendous mistake from which we can never recover.

Bozo is no Bibi.

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Most people don't realize that we are paying Iran tens of millions of dollars just to sit in on the negotiation table. Secretary

Kerry is a Jerk thinking Iran will be faithful in any agreements made to stop this uranium enrichment for atomic weaponry. Polosi is a metal case and need to be analyzed by professional shrink heads. Looking at her makes me want to throw up.

Obamabomb is a silent cell of the Muslim cult. There is no argument about that. In the end, just as North Korea, Iran will get

their atomic bomb/missiles and all this talk and grand standing will amount to nothing. Yet we have spent billions of dollars to Iranian's goal of the demise of Israel.....mission accomplished. Maybe that would be the best option. Israel has been sucking

American's left nipple for a long time, not to mention the trillions dollars wasted on their defense. And what have we gotten out of it? A stable region? nope, Peace and harmony amongst neighboring countries? Nope! And what the F*^K do we get

thats made in Israel anyway.....Dates from a tree? This notion that Israel is land given to them from "God" and "They are the chosen tribe of God to enter the gates of Heaven is Jammed down the throats of their neighbors constantly. That is why

they are hated so much!.....I for one could careless about ideologies of the simple minds. People are people and all have faults of their own faiths, but carry a grudge 2,000 years over myths and misunderstanding is ridiculous.....lets move on, drop the stone clutched in your hands find solutions so we all can live in harmony!

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I have always been a strong and unequivocal supporter of Israel. Until now. Netanyahu has disgraced the nation of Israel, made a mockery of the US political system and disrespected the office of the President of the United States.

My hopes are with Iran that they take full advantage of this political mess created by Netanyahu, that they get the bomb and that they chose the testing ground carefully.

The US should draw all military support for Israel.

My thoughts are with the people of Israel but the next massacre will be one of your own making.

So, because Israel's PM makes a speech before the US congress, you want to give Iran nuclear weapons for which "they chose [sic] the testing ground carefully." Exactly what does this last part mean? Are you insinuating they should "test" their nuclear weapons on Israel? Because of a speech that Obama opposed? With friends like you . . . .

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The biggest difference between Israel having nukes and Iran having nukes is that Israel has no intention of using them. They are a deterrent. Why are libs incapable of working this out for themselves?

Don't be so sure ! History teaches us a lesson.

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