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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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I must admit my mistake. It is apparently not the KKK or a disillusioned right wing Fox viewer...Lord Holder calls the shooter "a damn punk".

The city manager of a near by town to Ferguson on live TV claimed it was the KKK - I don't even think that he can really think that is true ether, but he wanted to spin someone up. I would disregard what he had to say as far from helpful. His name is Mohammad BTW.

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Well the shooter just might well be a "damned punk". Oh btw, they come in all races. Innis is an whaco right wing oreo. The teabaggers are bought and sold by the koch (John Birch Society) bros. No more a grass roots organization than the Republican party. Tea brained idiots that can't even spell. Ted Cruz is nuts and his dad is even worse. Sure doesn't say much for the intelligence of voters in Texass. I didn't vote for him, yes right wingers I still vote and I have more than one working brain cell. On top of all this, the teabaggers have nothing to do with this thread, except for the ones responding that is. Oh, "hands off my Social Security"...lol. Change the subject all you want, the fact is Ferguson PD is racist.

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No tin foil hat here, I can see and think, unlike some of you. Your post say all anyone wants to know about you and your ..... . As I've said, the only ones that could possibly support Ferguson PD are racists themselves. Again, the right wing can't respond to the facts and have to resort to personal attacks. You want to attack me personally, do it to my face. The DOJ report says it all and while you can lie to yourselves, you are the only ones that will believe your lies. Try getting your heads out of faux (not the) news ass. If you can't handle the truth and stick to the subject go find another right winger to listen to your rants about blacks.

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There is a rumor Holder's DOJ Civil Rights Division is going to investigate the National Basketball Association.

It seems that while blacks only represent some 13% of the population, blacks represent 76% of the players.

It is obvious white players are being discriminated against.

The tongue in cheek post obviously has its tongue somewhere else also as I borrow from a part of a SCOTUS ruling of some 60 years ago to say the post is of no redeeming social value.....zero...zilch.....oogats.

The post is in fact a bitter complaint by the conservative and far right against modern society and recent electoral developments in particular, developments the right are determined to arrest but which they cannot stop.

Some on the right rant and rage about it, others there simply cook up oblique and obtuse complaints.

The center right and the far right will carry on however driven by the tea party fringe right.


I appreciate your personal attacks but, putting that aside as I normally do...I actually got the idea from an article written by one Thomas Sowell on the use of "Disparate Impact" by Holder's Justice Department in the two reports they issued.

Mr. Sowell presents some rather interesting comments which are appropriate to the discussion...as is my rather silly example.

Following is a link to the article. The first three sentences, in compliance with forum rules, address the report on Officer Wilson but there is plenty to address the Ferguson report as well.

Dr. Sowell received his PhD from Chicago University and has taught at several universities. He is presently a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University.

He may not be up to your high standards of MarkNC, blogger, from that noted publication "News Corpse", but hopefully you will find him entertaining.


The 'Disparate Impact' Racket
By Thomas Sowell - March 10, 2015
The U.S. Department of Justice issued two reports last week, both growing out of the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown. The first report, about "the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson" ought to be read by every American.
It says in plain English what facts have been established by an autopsy on Michael Brown's body -- by three different pathologists, including one representing the family of Michael Brown -- by DNA examination of officer Darren Wilson's gun and police vehicle, by examination of the pattern of blood stains on the street where Brown died and by a medical report on officer Wilson, from the hospital where he went for treatment.

After the smoke has cleared from this post lemme know how I did, okay biggrin.png After all, one would not want to be accused of desperate disparate treatment or any such thinking, especially in respect of the DoJ Report that found pervasive and endemic racial bias in the Ferguson PD.

Here goes....

The long time center right Republican party's establishment darling and presumed intellectual Thomas Sowell says Barack Obama is not a socialist.

For those who dare.....

Socialist or Fascist

One of the reasons why both pro-Obama and anti-Obama observers may be reluctant to see him as fascist is that both tend to accept the prevailing notion that fascism is on the political right, while it is obvious that Obama is on the political left.


So let the spin begin.

Or not, as any one may choose either or neither a reply.


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No tin foil hat here, I can see and think, unlike some of you. Your post say all anyone wants to know about you and your ..... . As I've said, the only ones that could possibly support Ferguson PD are racists themselves. Again, the right wing can't respond to the facts and have to resort to personal attacks. You want to attack me personally, do it to my face. The DOJ report says it all and while you can lie to yourselves, you are the only ones that will believe your lies. Try getting your heads out of faux (not the) news ass. If you can't handle the truth and stick to the subject go find another right winger to listen to your rants about blacks.

I am not supporting the Ferguson PD. I am pointing out that you and people like you are the other half of the problem and you can't see that because you are blinded by your own unwarranted self righteousness. If you took the time to listen to some of the other sides you might find that the talking points you parrot are based on more lies then you might care to accept.

I am in fact nothing close to being a right winger - I am just not a left nut job. To your face - why did you want to also prove you a volatile nut case that can't control himself. If your going to discount a person simple because they are black and don't follow your assumed roll for them it makes you what you are - pointing that out is for your own good. I don't see why you should get upset unless it hits a nerve.

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I must admit my mistake. It is apparently not the KKK or a disillusioned right wing Fox viewer...Lord Holder calls the shooter "a damn punk".

The city manager of a near by town to Ferguson on live TV claimed it was the KKK - I don't even think that he can really think that is true ether, but he wanted to spin someone up. I would disregard what he had to say as far from helpful. His name is Mohammad BTW.

Call me Ishmael.

I'll call you RKASA if that would be agreeable.

Regardless, conservatives of all stripes (or spots) find it hard to conceive of, but Eric Holder is basically a cop so he hates "punks."

Any Attorney General of the United States would be an overeducated cop. H/She certainly would be a relative nerd compared to your typical cop, but the "General" would pretty much be a cop, to include especially a cop at heart. Indeed, AG Holder's brother is a retired cop.

Some of us think the word "punk" is emotive and often OTT but then again, for the very reasons stated, cops not only love saying "punk" but also thrive on terms such as "gangbanger" and the like.

While Attorney General Holder has a very low opinion the people called "gangbangers," AG Holder seems to not be so pumped up on using that one as much or as often as do the police and also the internet keyboardbangers do.

While the police have charged into peaceful civil rights demonstrations for who knows how long or over how many decades, I for one haven't ever seen 'em charge with clubs swinging into a KKK rally with its burning cross throwing light on the noose and the tree, and all of the rest of it. If white used to be right, where does that leave blue these daze.

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The article goes on to present the established fact protesters were not involved or a part of the shootings.

No one knows who did the shootings, so claiming that protesters were not involved as an "established fact" is nothing short of ridiculous. Please stop the silly spin. facepalm.gif

Kindly quote my posts in full rather than fracturing out one single sentence. My experience with posters who do this fragmenting is poor in the extreme, and it is always the same posters who do this fragmenting which leads to no good, regardless of any good intentions.

Either quote in full then separate the quote as I do, or indicate with <<snip>> that you have removed a section of my post that you are quoting.

My experience with this fracturing when quoting me, without any indication of a deletion, is poor in the extreme, thx and it is always the same posters who have this bad practice.

There is a Forum Rule.16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post. I refer to the "except for" provision as well as the "in such a manner that" parts of the Rule, respectively.

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Continued talking about off-topic subject matter will earn suspension. There will be no further discussion about Officer Wilson other than in the strictest context of this topic.

Scott, I have searched for the Darren Wilson Acquittal thread in this forum, and I do not see it. We do seem to have two threads on the Justice Department report. Maybe I missed it, but is there a thread on the Wilson acquittal?


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Holder hates white people and the police. He always had and now 2 more cops have been shot because of his enciting racism and police hatred. Since he started pimping his hatred at least 5 cops have been shot and 3 are dead as a direct result.

Eric Holder is an honorable and respectable man, a widely respected professional, and Eric Holder is the first black Attorney General in the nation's history.

Unlike some certain extremists inciting extreme behavior, AG Holder is in the mainstream of American society while some certain others are not, which means the vast majority of Americans consider that his life matters,which means giving Eric Holder's life the respect it inherently merits.

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I must admit my mistake. It is apparently not the KKK or a disillusioned right wing Fox viewer...Lord Holder calls the shooter "a damn punk".

The city manager of a near by town to Ferguson on live TV claimed it was the KKK - I don't even think that he can really think that is true ether, but he wanted to spin someone up. I would disregard what he had to say as far from helpful. His name is Mohammad BTW.

Call me Ishmael.

I'll call you RKASA if that would be agreeable.

Regardless, conservatives of all stripes (or spots) find it hard to conceive of, but Eric Holder is basically a cop so he hates "punks."

Any Attorney General of the United States would be an overeducated cop. H/She certainly would be a relative nerd compared to your typical cop, but the "General" would pretty much be a cop, to include especially a cop at heart. Indeed, AG Holder's brother is a retired cop.

Some of us think the word "punk" is emotive and often OTT but then again, for the very reasons stated, cops not only love saying "punk" but also thrive on terms such as "gangbanger" and the like.

While Attorney General Holder has a very low opinion the people called "gangbangers," AG Holder seems to not be so pumped up on using that one as much or as often as do the police and also the internet keyboardbangers do.

While the police have charged into peaceful civil rights demonstrations for who knows how long or over how many decades, I for one haven't ever seen 'em charge with clubs swinging into a KKK rally with its burning cross throwing light on the noose and the tree, and all of the rest of it. If white used to be right, where does that leave blue these daze.


Call me Ishmael.

I'll call you RKASA if that would be agreeable."

Well that is the name I go by - I ll call you Publicus.

I pointed out the name of the person that has been claiming it was the KKK in an after thought during the post because that is what he said his name was (do you think it is made up?) and I don't recall the name of the town - so some that may wish to google it for information or clips will have something to work with. You can read the rest of the statement to know I am not spinning up anything, but spinning down some of the BS about claims of who dun it and why.

I agree with Eric Holder and was pointing out that he was not the one saying the KKK did it - but we know who is saying it.

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breitbart, give me a break. Nothing but white trash, right wing lies comes from that site. Says a lot about a person that relies on anything from that right wing hack. Try getting a real source of news. The only racism I or anybody that isn't a white racist can see in the DOJ report is white racism. And still the right wing continues to spin in the wind and try to change the subject from the white racism so prevalent in Ferguson to blaming everything on the black residents, the President (there is plenty to blame him for, not this) and the AG (plenty to blame him for also, again not this). Typical right wing tactics, twist the story to make the victims the bad guys and try to take the attention off the truth.

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No tin foil hat here, I can see and think, unlike some of you. Your post say all anyone wants to know about you and your ..... . As I've said, the only ones that could possibly support Ferguson PD are racists themselves. Again, the right wing can't respond to the facts and have to resort to personal attacks. You want to attack me personally, do it to my face. The DOJ report says it all and while you can lie to yourselves, you are the only ones that will believe your lies. Try getting your heads out of faux (not the) news ass. If you can't handle the truth and stick to the subject go find another right winger to listen to your rants about blacks.

I am not supporting the Ferguson PD. I am pointing out that you and people like you are the other half of the problem and you can't see that because you are blinded by your own unwarranted self righteousness. If you took the time to listen to some of the other sides you might find that the talking points you parrot are based on more lies then you might care to accept.

I am in fact nothing close to being a right winger - I am just not a left nut job. To your face - why did you want to also prove you a volatile nut case that can't control himself. If your going to discount a person simple because they are black and don't follow your assumed roll for them it makes you what you are - pointing that out is for your own good. I don't see why you should get upset unless it hits a nerve.

Anyone hovering around the political center as claimed would offer a criticism of both left and right.

Maybe in this instance that will happen over time or perhaps it has happened over time. All the same, it is not evident anywhere in the present tense.

So the claimed political centrist might consider making a note to the self about an alleged balance.

An equal opportunity lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer.

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When if comes to the current holder of the office of AG of the U.S. DOJ here is a capsule summation of why this report on racism done by the current AG was done in a slanted and bogus manner as claimed by the Mayor of Ferguson who says that some of the incidents included in the DOJ report did not even happen in Ferguson. And that none of the incidents claimed by people who were ask to come testify were in any way verified as being more than anecdotal stories.

Back in 2011, Eric Holder set the stage to demonstrate his upside down understanding of racism with a convoluted diatribe that basically said that blacks have suffered a great struggle and whites have not. Translated meaning that whites cannot suffer racism as they have not suffered as blacks have. This is what makes the Ferguson racist report useless and not worthy of any serious consideration.

This is how Eric Holder views the subject of racism as analyzed by one columnist relative to the AG letting the two members of New Black Panthers off the hook for voter intimidation.

"The larger issue, of course, is that “whites as racists” constitutes the fundamental lens through which Holder views issues in America".


Basically - back and forth in a Congressional Hearing the AG cited a sob story of black suffering back in the day when black people tried to win the right to vote. The AG's position boils down to this - compared to the plight of black people the incident conducted by the two New Black Panther members was inconsequential. Meaning that white people who were intimidated by the two black men - one brandishing a club at the polling station have no recourse under the law to claim racism or anything related to it and refused to prosecute - knowing full well had this incident involved two white men at a predominately black polling station that prison sentences would have been dealt out. ...

The AG of the US-DOJ went into the Ferguson bearing this same attitude that all whites are racist and collected a hodge podge anecdotes and called them testimony (unverified testimony).

And for anyone to claim that Eric Holder is an honorable and respectable man, a widely respected professional is the height of fantasy.

The disjointed and fragmented hodge podge of quotes, allusions, references, knowingly false allegations and all else sundry and tawdry add up to right wingers and right wing blogs carrying on as usual, often in bold face font besides. laugh.png Not to mention the underscoring which if it is meant to impress, fails -- every time btw.

It for instance has been posted to several threads over several years that the New Black Panther case occurred between election day in early November 2008 (yawn) and during the first quarter of 2009, and that the outgoing Bush Justice Department had ruled against criminal charges on the NBP polling station perps.

This left the new Attorney General Eric Holder holding the bag of inadequate prosecution of the perps, who could then be charged with only misdemeanor offenses. These are the documented facts of the NBP legal case development and history.

The necessarily reduced charges were then knowingly used by the Republicans on the two Judiciary Committees -- the House and the Senate -- to create the first bogus storm against AG Eric Holder as some kind of black racist for giving the New Black Panther perps a slap on the wrist only despite their threatening baseball bat behavior at a white polling station.

The fact is the outgoing Bush DoJ cynically took felony charges off the table and left new AG Eric Holder with only misdemeanor charges to press. This was the setup and the right wing blogs ran with it.

The setup of a racist Attorney General, falsely created by the Republicans in Congress and disseminated by the right wing blogs, quickly transferred as designed by them to the first black president, which then bogusly created two black racists in Washington, Holder and Obama, which has been the mantra of the far right and their bloggers from the outset of the Obama administration and presidency.

Who do the right wing and the Republicans they and their bloggers control think they can fool about their obvious, blatant, cynical and formulaic, daily Machiavellian racial nonsense and garbage.

Prez Obama was re-elected in 2012 and by a decisive margin, which seems only to have intensified the right's bogus charges of racism against Eric Holder and Barack Obama, using Ferguson as the new and present platform of the ongoing right wing rage and cynically divisive racial politics.

The Ferguson report was one investigation and consequence the far right could not get its paws into so it therefore is necessarily invalid and can be both ignored and denounced in the same ways, all the while charging the racism that the far right bogusly created from Eric Holder's first day on the job.

The Ferguson PD is going down and there is nothing the right wing can do to save 'em over there or to protect them.

Edited by Publicus
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No tin foil hat here, I can see and think, unlike some of you. Your post say all anyone wants to know about you and your ..... . As I've said, the only ones that could possibly support Ferguson PD are racists themselves. Again, the right wing can't respond to the facts and have to resort to personal attacks. You want to attack me personally, do it to my face. The DOJ report says it all and while you can lie to yourselves, you are the only ones that will believe your lies. Try getting your heads out of faux (not the) news ass. If you can't handle the truth and stick to the subject go find another right winger to listen to your rants about blacks.

I am not supporting the Ferguson PD. I am pointing out that you and people like you are the other half of the problem and you can't see that because you are blinded by your own unwarranted self righteousness. If you took the time to listen to some of the other sides you might find that the talking points you parrot are based on more lies then you might care to accept.

I am in fact nothing close to being a right winger - I am just not a left nut job. To your face - why did you want to also prove you a volatile nut case that can't control himself. If your going to discount a person simple because they are black and don't follow your assumed roll for them it makes you what you are - pointing that out is for your own good. I don't see why you should get upset unless it hits a nerve.

Anyone hovering around the political center as claimed would offer a criticism of both left and right.

Maybe in this instance that will happen over time or perhaps it has happened over time. All the same, it is not evident anywhere in the present tense.

So the claimed political centrist might consider making a note to the self about an alleged balance.

An equal opportunity lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer.

"criticism of both left and right."

I never offered any on ether side to begin with - I responded to the hep of hate I got for a simple statement about the source of a claim someone had made. So the point was made toward the source that it came from - no need to balance anything in that regard. A hate monger is just someone that attacks mindlessly with talking points they really don't even understand and if it comes from the left I respond to them and not both sides - where is the need to balance that - what good does it do to point out anything other then the error of that one person that is calling me a right wing racist because I stated the mans name - maybe I am not up on the latest PC and did not realize that is not allowed anymore.

" lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer."

And the shoe fit - just because some of your volatile left wing nut hypocrites and racists by evidence of there own words have no power of the obvious does not make me the source of their problem.

That person made an obvious racist statement. I really don't see where you should feel the need to be defending it unless you agree with it. Are you supporting the idea that a black man is an Oreo if he disagrees with you too? Where is the balance you will be presenting us while you defend that position.

I responded to a clear cut case of being called a racist without a reason for it and that same person then uses racist remarks to make what I guess you would call a balanced retort from the left.

It cross a few posts so connect the dots.

Make a note to yourself - if your going to give a lecture about a need for balance - do your homework first - make sure the lesson plan applies to the class..wai.gif

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This White Caucasian Hater somehow became an administrator of justice... the irony is beyond belief... and he has the nerve to label police in Ferguson MO. as Racists.. There is no greater racist in America than AG Eric Holder... \\\

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office...



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No tin foil hat here, I can see and think, unlike some of you. Your post say all anyone wants to know about you and your ..... . As I've said, the only ones that could possibly support Ferguson PD are racists themselves. Again, the right wing can't respond to the facts and have to resort to personal attacks. You want to attack me personally, do it to my face. The DOJ report says it all and while you can lie to yourselves, you are the only ones that will believe your lies. Try getting your heads out of faux (not the) news ass. If you can't handle the truth and stick to the subject go find another right winger to listen to your rants about blacks.

I am not supporting the Ferguson PD. I am pointing out that you and people like you are the other half of the problem and you can't see that because you are blinded by your own unwarranted self righteousness. If you took the time to listen to some of the other sides you might find that the talking points you parrot are based on more lies then you might care to accept.

I am in fact nothing close to being a right winger - I am just not a left nut job. To your face - why did you want to also prove you a volatile nut case that can't control himself. If your going to discount a person simple because they are black and don't follow your assumed roll for them it makes you what you are - pointing that out is for your own good. I don't see why you should get upset unless it hits a nerve.

Anyone hovering around the political center as claimed would offer a criticism of both left and right.

Maybe in this instance that will happen over time or perhaps it has happened over time. All the same, it is not evident anywhere in the present tense.

So the claimed political centrist might consider making a note to the self about an alleged balance.

An equal opportunity lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer.

"criticism of both left and right."

I never offered any on ether side to begin with - I responded to the hep of hate I got for a simple statement about the source of a claim someone had made. So the point was made toward the source that it came from - no need to balance anything in that regard. A hate monger is just someone that attacks mindlessly with talking points they really don't even understand and if it comes from the left I respond to them and not both sides - where is the need to balance that - what good does it do to point out anything other then the error of that one person that is calling me a right wing racist because I stated the mans name - maybe I am not up on the latest PC and did not realize that is not allowed anymore.

" lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer."

And the shoe fit - just because some of your volatile left wing nut hypocrites and racists by evidence of there own words have no power of the obvious does not make me the source of their problem.

That person made an obvious racist statement. I really don't see where you should feel the need to be defending it unless you agree with it. Are you supporting the idea that a black man is an Oreo if he disagrees with you too? Where is the balance you will be presenting us while you defend that position.

I responded to a clear cut case of being called a racist without a reason for it and that same person then uses racist remarks to make what I guess you would call a balanced retort from the left.

It cross a few posts so connect the dots.

Make a note to yourself - if your going to give a lecture about a need for balance - do your homework first - make sure the lesson plan applies to the class..wai.gif

The posts self-righteously keep criticizing the center-left and the left while ignoring the right except for empty rhetoric about criticizing the right, so keep the line moving plse thx.

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I am not supporting the Ferguson PD. I am pointing out that you and people like you are the other half of the problem and you can't see that because you are blinded by your own unwarranted self righteousness. If you took the time to listen to some of the other sides you might find that the talking points you parrot are based on more lies then you might care to accept.

I am in fact nothing close to being a right winger - I am just not a left nut job. To your face - why did you want to also prove you a volatile nut case that can't control himself. If your going to discount a person simple because they are black and don't follow your assumed roll for them it makes you what you are - pointing that out is for your own good. I don't see why you should get upset unless it hits a nerve.

Anyone hovering around the political center as claimed would offer a criticism of both left and right.

Maybe in this instance that will happen over time or perhaps it has happened over time. All the same, it is not evident anywhere in the present tense.

So the claimed political centrist might consider making a note to the self about an alleged balance.

An equal opportunity lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer.

"criticism of both left and right."

I never offered any on ether side to begin with - I responded to the hep of hate I got for a simple statement about the source of a claim someone had made. So the point was made toward the source that it came from - no need to balance anything in that regard. A hate monger is just someone that attacks mindlessly with talking points they really don't even understand and if it comes from the left I respond to them and not both sides - where is the need to balance that - what good does it do to point out anything other then the error of that one person that is calling me a right wing racist because I stated the mans name - maybe I am not up on the latest PC and did not realize that is not allowed anymore.

" lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer."

And the shoe fit - just because some of your volatile left wing nut hypocrites and racists by evidence of there own words have no power of the obvious does not make me the source of their problem.

That person made an obvious racist statement. I really don't see where you should feel the need to be defending it unless you agree with it. Are you supporting the idea that a black man is an Oreo if he disagrees with you too? Where is the balance you will be presenting us while you defend that position.

I responded to a clear cut case of being called a racist without a reason for it and that same person then uses racist remarks to make what I guess you would call a balanced retort from the left.

It cross a few posts so connect the dots.

Make a note to yourself - if your going to give a lecture about a need for balance - do your homework first - make sure the lesson plan applies to the class..wai.gif

The posts self-righteously keep criticizing the center-left and the left while ignoring the right except for empty rhetoric about criticizing the right, so keep the line moving plse thx.

You don't speak for or represent the center left. You represent and speak for an outlier, very smal but very vocal minority that does not espouse the views of the vast majority of Americans.

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This White Caucasian Hater somehow became an administrator of justice... the irony is beyond belief... and he has the nerve to label police in Ferguson MO. as Racists.. There is no greater racist in America than AG Eric Holder... \\\

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office...




Armed with pillowcases and sheets. cheesy.gif

This is not a news bulletin.

The 5-day student occupation of an office at Columbia University in New York City happened in 1969 and has been a part of Eric Holder's life every day since, being armed with pillow cases and sheets, for 5 days.

The radical right shit stirrers are up to nothing once again. They left their own sheets behind this time however.

If the Republicans in Congress had had a shred of proof -- a single thin shred of proof -- Eric Holder would be unemployed, disbarred, pennyless -- exactly the way Republicans in Congress and other right wingers throughout the United States want to see Eric Holder to be.

There are no Columbia University reports of weapons in the occupied room, areas, or on the person of the occupying students to include Eric Holder. There are no New York City PD reports of any weapons at the scene or on the person of occupying students, to include one Eric Holder.


Holder's involvement in the protest is undisputed, and The New York Times reported in 2009 that Holder was recruited by upperclassmen to participate in the five-day occupation.

In their report, however, the students were 'armed with pillowcases and sheets'.

The Times also contradicts the Daily Caller report, saying that Holder was a freshman and not a sophomore at the time of the occupation, and says that it took place in 1969 rather than 1970.



Back in the day: Holder has repeatedly spoken publicly about his involvement in the protest but he never mentioned anything about weapons

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2211350/Attorney-General-Eric-Holder-armed-took-protest-Columbia-occupied-school-office-FIVE-days.html#ixzz3UMs2shxH

He never mentioned anything about pillow cases and sheets either until the fringe radical right lunatics decided to start stirring shit again.

Somebody needs to put a lid on these right wing crackpots.

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Morons playing this KKK race card type bs are disgusting and out of touch with reality. I supported and voted for Obama. I was actually happy for blacks America and was glad to see that they had a voice and waited nothing but good things for our country. I have many posts on here defending Obama up until about 2012 when his true agenda and true concerns began percolating to the surface.

Boy was I wrong and many in the US feel completely duped. Obama does not care about the country as a whole. He cares only about and serves only a very small, but now vocal minority in the US who frankly are the creators of their own short comings and failures. Why should successful, hard working people be constantly forced to allocate more and more of their income to take care of not just losers, but genuinely bad people. Most of these protesting thugs in Ferguson are genuinely bad people who have done very little or good or positive things in their life or for others.

The true heroes and good people go unnoticed because they are not out creating chaos and whinning about or blaming others for their shortcomings and failures.

The below article is about a genuinely good man, a teddy bear of a cop, that got off duty one night and was gunned down from behind and shot seven times by three black hoodlum, loser thugs (probably on Obama care, Obama food, Obama housing, Obama BMW entitlement, Obama million texts a month cell phone plans) and then robbed.

Yep, where is that disgusting President and AG of ours actually lobbying for and talking about the good people in life that are really targeted by racial hate crimes and by black loser thugs enjoying the Obama ways and Obama free stuff.

Oops, Obama and Holder no where to be found when it comes to good people harmed or targeted by black people because . . . THE VICTIMS ARE NOT BLACK and they could give a hoot less about them because they are not that loser vocal majority that falls within Obama and Holder's racially motivated agendas.


Deputy Wood had completed his shift at 1 a.m. and was returning home when he stopped at the 7-Eleven. As he made a purchase, the suspects entered the store in an attempt to rob it and shot Deputy Wood. The suspects also robbed Deputy Wood personally and then fled the scene.



Even more sickening is how relatives of the true victims that are actually good people in this world are not out in the streets acting like morons and animals. They are speaking or forgiveness.

American has learned a valuable lesson in the last couple of years. It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.


“I pray for those people because there must be something not right in their life to do something so harsh.”

It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.

Since election day, November 2008, this has been the dream of every redneck whether it was the immediate dream or the later occurring dream.


That what the lies and the "reverse racism" are all about, entirely, completely, without limit, bounds, shame.

Current projections are that in the November 2016 elections Hispanics are likely to vote 80+ percent Democratic party. The previous Hispanic high last election was an astounding 72 percent Democratic party, so Hispanics would begin to approach the 90% Democratic party voting rate of African-Americans. You don't wanna hear about Asian Americans and their coming vote.

Suck on that for a while.

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"criticism of both left and right."

I never offered any on ether side to begin with - I responded to the hep of hate I got for a simple statement about the source of a claim someone had made. So the point was made toward the source that it came from - no need to balance anything in that regard. A hate monger is just someone that attacks mindlessly with talking points they really don't even understand and if it comes from the left I respond to them and not both sides - where is the need to balance that - what good does it do to point out anything other then the error of that one person that is calling me a right wing racist because I stated the mans name - maybe I am not up on the latest PC and did not realize that is not allowed anymore.

" lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer."

And the shoe fit - just because some of your volatile left wing nut hypocrites and racists by evidence of there own words have no power of the obvious does not make me the source of their problem.

That person made an obvious racist statement. I really don't see where you should feel the need to be defending it unless you agree with it. Are you supporting the idea that a black man is an Oreo if he disagrees with you too? Where is the balance you will be presenting us while you defend that position.

I responded to a clear cut case of being called a racist without a reason for it and that same person then uses racist remarks to make what I guess you would call a balanced retort from the left.

It cross a few posts so connect the dots.

Make a note to yourself - if your going to give a lecture about a need for balance - do your homework first - make sure the lesson plan applies to the class..wai.gif

The posts self-righteously keep criticizing the center-left and the left while ignoring the right except for empty rhetoric about criticizing the right, so keep the line moving plse thx.

You don't speak for or represent the center left. You represent and speak for an outlier, very smal but very vocal minority that does not espouse the views of the vast majority of Americans.

Barack Obama was elected and re-elected.

No president since Eisenhower (1953-1961) had been elected and re-elected with a greater percentage of the total popular vote. That includes Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush.

Redneck pronouncements notwithstanding.

There are always voters who voted for then voted against, just as there are always voters who voted against then voted for. It's known as the John Kerry syndrome. biggrin.png

The one time for instance Arizona voted for a Democrat for prez since 1960 was Bill Clinton's successful re-election in 1996. Arizona had voted against him in 1992, so voters do switch, although it is unusual to see an entire state flip on the same president.

Some certain voters do switch, always. Nothing new or shocking there, nothing indicative of some new development or trend. Nothing significant in it in the overall scheme of things.

Edited by Publicus
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Morons playing this KKK race card type bs are disgusting and out of touch with reality. I supported and voted for Obama. I was actually happy for blacks America and was glad to see that they had a voice and waited nothing but good things for our country. I have many posts on here defending Obama up until about 2012 when his true agenda and true concerns began percolating to the surface.

Boy was I wrong and many in the US feel completely duped. Obama does not care about the country as a whole. He cares only about and serves only a very small, but now vocal minority in the US who frankly are the creators of their own short comings and failures. Why should successful, hard working people be constantly forced to allocate more and more of their income to take care of not just losers, but genuinely bad people. Most of these protesting thugs in Ferguson are genuinely bad people who have done very little or good or positive things in their life or for others.

The true heroes and good people go unnoticed because they are not out creating chaos and whinning about or blaming others for their shortcomings and failures.

The below article is about a genuinely good man, a teddy bear of a cop, that got off duty one night and was gunned down from behind and shot seven times by three black hoodlum, loser thugs (probably on Obama care, Obama food, Obama housing, Obama BMW entitlement, Obama million texts a month cell phone plans) and then robbed.

Yep, where is that disgusting President and AG of ours actually lobbying for and talking about the good people in life that are really targeted by racial hate crimes and by black loser thugs enjoying the Obama ways and Obama free stuff.

Oops, Obama and Holder no where to be found when it comes to good people harmed or targeted by black people because . . . THE VICTIMS ARE NOT BLACK and they could give a hoot less about them because they are not that loser vocal majority that falls within Obama and Holder's racially motivated agendas.


Deputy Wood had completed his shift at 1 a.m. and was returning home when he stopped at the 7-Eleven. As he made a purchase, the suspects entered the store in an attempt to rob it and shot Deputy Wood. The suspects also robbed Deputy Wood personally and then fled the scene.



Even more sickening is how relatives of the true victims that are actually good people in this world are not out in the streets acting like morons and animals. They are speaking or forgiveness.

American has learned a valuable lesson in the last couple of years. It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.


I pray for those people because there must be something not right in their life to do something so harsh.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article12689156.html#storylink=cpy

It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.

Since election day, November 2008, this has been the dream of every redneck whether it was the immediate dream or the later occurring dream.


That what the lies and the "reverse racism" are all about, entirely, completely, without limit, bounds, shame.

Current projections are that in the November 2016 elections Hispanics are likely to vote 80+ percent Democratic party. The previous Hispanic high last election was an astounding 72 percent Democratic party, so Hispanics would begin to approach the 90% Democratic party voting rate of African-Americans. You don't wanna hear about Asian Americans and their coming vote.

Suck on that for a while.

I am far from a red neck and so are those Americans working and carrying the heavy load here unlike those sitting on their butts in far away lands doing nothing but belly aching and contributing nothing. Not a red neck v. anything issue. It is responsible hard working good people v. loser genuinely bad people issue.

If having a wonder life, beautiful bride and anything I want within reason qualifies one as being a red neck, I would say being a red neck bets the heck out of loser any day of the week.

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Morons playing this KKK race card type bs are disgusting and out of touch with reality. I supported and voted for Obama. I was actually happy for blacks America and was glad to see that they had a voice and waited nothing but good things for our country. I have many posts on here defending Obama up until about 2012 when his true agenda and true concerns began percolating to the surface.

Boy was I wrong and many in the US feel completely duped. Obama does not care about the country as a whole. He cares only about and serves only a very small, but now vocal minority in the US who frankly are the creators of their own short comings and failures. Why should successful, hard working people be constantly forced to allocate more and more of their income to take care of not just losers, but genuinely bad people. Most of these protesting thugs in Ferguson are genuinely bad people who have done very little or good or positive things in their life or for others.

The true heroes and good people go unnoticed because they are not out creating chaos and whinning about or blaming others for their shortcomings and failures.

The below article is about a genuinely good man, a teddy bear of a cop, that got off duty one night and was gunned down from behind and shot seven times by three black hoodlum, loser thugs (probably on Obama care, Obama food, Obama housing, Obama BMW entitlement, Obama million texts a month cell phone plans) and then robbed.

Yep, where is that disgusting President and AG of ours actually lobbying for and talking about the good people in life that are really targeted by racial hate crimes and by black loser thugs enjoying the Obama ways and Obama free stuff.

Oops, Obama and Holder no where to be found when it comes to good people harmed or targeted by black people because . . . THE VICTIMS ARE NOT BLACK and they could give a hoot less about them because they are not that loser vocal majority that falls within Obama and Holder's racially motivated agendas.


Deputy Wood had completed his shift at 1 a.m. and was returning home when he stopped at the 7-Eleven. As he made a purchase, the suspects entered the store in an attempt to rob it and shot Deputy Wood. The suspects also robbed Deputy Wood personally and then fled the scene.



Even more sickening is how relatives of the true victims that are actually good people in this world are not out in the streets acting like morons and animals. They are speaking or forgiveness.

American has learned a valuable lesson in the last couple of years. It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.


“I pray for those people because there must be something not right in their life to do something so harsh.”

It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.

Since election day, November 2008, this has been the dream of every redneck whether it was the immediate dream or the later occurring dream.


That what the lies and the "reverse racism" are all about, entirely, completely, without limit, bounds, shame.

Current projections are that in the November 2016 elections Hispanics are likely to vote 80+ percent Democratic party. The previous Hispanic high last election was an astounding 72 percent Democratic party, so Hispanics would begin to approach the 90% Democratic party voting rate of African-Americans. You don't wanna hear about Asian Americans and their coming vote.

Suck on that for a while.

Yes, I'm preparing for it. In a few years, the remainder of the U.S. will look like Detroit.

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Morons playing this KKK race card type bs are disgusting and out of touch with reality. I supported and voted for Obama. I was actually happy for blacks America and was glad to see that they had a voice and waited nothing but good things for our country. I have many posts on here defending Obama up until about 2012 when his true agenda and true concerns began percolating to the surface.

Boy was I wrong and many in the US feel completely duped. Obama does not care about the country as a whole. He cares only about and serves only a very small, but now vocal minority in the US who frankly are the creators of their own short comings and failures. Why should successful, hard working people be constantly forced to allocate more and more of their income to take care of not just losers, but genuinely bad people. Most of these protesting thugs in Ferguson are genuinely bad people who have done very little or good or positive things in their life or for others.

The true heroes and good people go unnoticed because they are not out creating chaos and whinning about or blaming others for their shortcomings and failures.

The below article is about a genuinely good man, a teddy bear of a cop, that got off duty one night and was gunned down from behind and shot seven times by three black hoodlum, loser thugs (probably on Obama care, Obama food, Obama housing, Obama BMW entitlement, Obama million texts a month cell phone plans) and then robbed.

Yep, where is that disgusting President and AG of ours actually lobbying for and talking about the good people in life that are really targeted by racial hate crimes and by black loser thugs enjoying the Obama ways and Obama free stuff.

Oops, Obama and Holder no where to be found when it comes to good people harmed or targeted by black people because . . . THE VICTIMS ARE NOT BLACK and they could give a hoot less about them because they are not that loser vocal majority that falls within Obama and Holder's racially motivated agendas.


Deputy Wood had completed his shift at 1 a.m. and was returning home when he stopped at the 7-Eleven. As he made a purchase, the suspects entered the store in an attempt to rob it and shot Deputy Wood. The suspects also robbed Deputy Wood personally and then fled the scene.



Even more sickening is how relatives of the true victims that are actually good people in this world are not out in the streets acting like morons and animals. They are speaking or forgiveness.

American has learned a valuable lesson in the last couple of years. It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.


I pray for those people because there must be something not right in their life to do something so harsh.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article12689156.html#storylink=cpy

It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.

Since election day, November 2008, this has been the dream of every redneck whether it was the immediate dream or the later occurring dream.


That what the lies and the "reverse racism" are all about, entirely, completely, without limit, bounds, shame.

Current projections are that in the November 2016 elections Hispanics are likely to vote 80+ percent Democratic party. The previous Hispanic high last election was an astounding 72 percent Democratic party, so Hispanics would begin to approach the 90% Democratic party voting rate of African-Americans. You don't wanna hear about Asian Americans and their coming vote.

Suck on that for a while.

I am far from a red neck and so are those Americans working and carrying the heavy load here unlike those sitting on their butts in far away lands doing nothing but belly aching and contributing nothing. Not a red neck v. anything issue. It is responsible hard working good people v. loser genuinely bad people issue.

If having a wonder life, beautiful bride and anything I want within reason qualifies one as being a red neck, I would say being a red neck bets the heck out of loser any day of the week.

In addition to being self-indulgent, trying to personalize the issues detracts from the issues themselves while reducing the threads to a one-upsmanship of this guy and his family is more successful than that guy and his family. The syndrome is of, he who dies with the most toys and beautiful babe wife in tears wins.

Of course Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed in their 1946 movie presentation of a wonderful life never died so that continues to have its appeal.

Gone with the wind.....


People do have a tendency to want the world to be the way it wuz while they were growing up. Their problem is however that the world belongs to the people who are grown up. We change it, which is the normal state of nature, society, culture, civilization. Do try to keep up. Or are we goin too fast fer y'all....

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