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Pesticide in rice, Pesticide in soy, do they use a lot ? Why ? And fertilizer or other poisons also?


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Do you know if they use a lot of poisons as pesticide or fertilizer to grow rice and soy ?

No choice about eating rice but I also drink a lot of rice milk and soi milk, so maybe I should quit ?

I do not trust human being, they all are too stupid and want to kill us, but maybe sometimes we can hope that they are not all retarded ?

Why do they need pesticide for rice and soi ?

Thank you.

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If you're concerned about pesticides, buy organic.

Great Harvest is a widely available organic hom mali rice with great aroma and taste. To be honest, I look forward to opening every bag and taking a big sniff. Weird, I know. Anyway, highly recommended (by me, at least).

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Lots of pesticides are used on rice, but the use of strychnine to kill rats is quite worrisome as it takes a long time to break down. When the rice kernels appear, you can find a pile like this every 10 meters on the edge of the rice fields. We lost a dog due to this practice. They normally mix it with rice but waste food products are also mixed with the poison to attract the rats. The poison piles simply mix into the soil for the next harvest. Birds also die from ingesting this stuff.


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T_Dog, I see that rat poisoning practice along fields as well and it is very disturbing. Environmentally (which Thai's don't care about) it's dumb but it also inadvertently kills people's prized pets yet they don't seem to care about that either. And of course they all go out of their way to kill every single snake which would be excellent at controlling pests. When I was in California we enjoyed having a few gopher snakes around to prevent gophers from making dirt piles in lawns. That would never fly in Thailand. They would much rather kill all the snakes and use poisons. It's a different culture here.

As kannot so eloquently said "the Thai answer to everything is throw a chemical on it". You learn that being out in the countryside. Farming in Thailand is a cycle of burning everything up, poisoning everything, and using chemicals to make things grow. I don't think people elsewhere know how bad it is here.

I buy organic soymilk, but a lot of chemical laden crops are difficult to avoid. The Thai government recently recommended washing produce for 10 minutes. I can't imagine spending that much of my day, devoted to that. And even so, wonder about the chemicals and poisons on the inside.

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Hope they don't get their hands on Glyphosphate it will happen though if it is not already happening.

In 2012 Thailand imported $88,130,000 worth of Glyphosate, so it's already happening. That was Thailand's #1 import of its category. (Source: http://www.ifrnd.org/Research%20Papers/I6%284%295.pdf )

However, why the concern? Glyphosate is a particularly cheap, safe and effective herbicide. It can also work wonders when combined with "Roundup Ready" crops. Really don't see the problem.

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T_Dog, I see that rat poisoning practice along fields as well and it is very disturbing. Environmentally (which Thai's don't care about) it's dumb but it also inadvertently kills people's prized pets yet they don't seem to care about that either. And of course they all go out of their way to kill every single snake which would be excellent at controlling pests. When I was in California we enjoyed having a few gopher snakes around to prevent gophers from making dirt piles in lawns. That would never fly in Thailand. They would much rather kill all the snakes and use poisons. It's a different culture here.

As kannot so eloquently said "the Thai answer to everything is throw a chemical on it". You learn that being out in the countryside. Farming in Thailand is a cycle of burning everything up, poisoning everything, and using chemicals to make things grow. I don't think people elsewhere know how bad it is here.

I buy organic soymilk, but a lot of chemical laden crops are difficult to avoid. The Thai government recently recommended washing produce for 10 minutes. I can't imagine spending that much of my day, devoted to that. And even so, wonder about the chemicals and poisons on the inside.

Its also BIG BUSINESS here even the local shops make a fortune selling the chemicals, the woman near me said she has got 3 i phones from her sales in the last few months from the suppliers.

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Hope they don't get their hands on Glyphosphate it will happen though if it is not already happening.

In 2012 Thailand imported $88,130,000 worth of Glyphosate, so it's already happening. That was Thailand's #1 import of its category. (Source: http://www.ifrnd.org/Research%20Papers/I6%284%295.pdf )

However, why the concern? Glyphosate is a particularly cheap, safe and effective herbicide. It can also work wonders when combined with "Roundup Ready" crops. Really don't see the problem.

Due to overuse Glyphosate resistant weeds are already here in Thailand

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T_Dog, I see that rat poisoning practice along fields as well and it is very disturbing. Environmentally (which Thai's don't care about) it's dumb but it also inadvertently kills people's prized pets yet they don't seem to care about that either. And of course they all go out of their way to kill every single snake which would be excellent at controlling pests. When I was in California we enjoyed having a few gopher snakes around to prevent gophers from making dirt piles in lawns. That would never fly in Thailand. They would much rather kill all the snakes and use poisons. It's a different culture here.

As kannot so eloquently said "the Thai answer to everything is throw a chemical on it". You learn that being out in the countryside. Farming in Thailand is a cycle of burning everything up, poisoning everything, and using chemicals to make things grow. I don't think people elsewhere know how bad it is here.

I buy organic soymilk, but a lot of chemical laden crops are difficult to avoid. The Thai government recently recommended washing produce for 10 minutes. I can't imagine spending that much of my day, devoted to that. And even so, wonder about the chemicals and poisons on the inside.

worry too whats in the water, I have an 80 metre well going through sandstone its drinkable and its been tested and has virtually nothing in it no iron cadmium zinc lead ph6.5 test cost quite a lot to do but was worth it, tested in BKK

Edited by kannot
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Hope they don't get their hands on Glyphosphate it will happen though if it is not already happening.

In 2012 Thailand imported $88,130,000 worth of Glyphosate, so it's already happening. That was Thailand's #1 import of its category. (Source: http://www.ifrnd.org/Research%20Papers/I6%284%295.pdf )

However, why the concern? Glyphosate is a particularly cheap, safe and effective herbicide. It can also work wonders when combined with "Roundup Ready" crops. Really don't see the problem.

Agree,much safer than Paraquat,which has been banned since the 1980's in most western countries,but still available here.

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T_Dog, I see that rat poisoning practice along fields as well and it is very disturbing. Environmentally (which Thai's don't care about) it's dumb but it also inadvertently kills people's prized pets yet they don't seem to care about that either. And of course they all go out of their way to kill every single snake which would be excellent at controlling pests. When I was in California we enjoyed having a few gopher snakes around to prevent gophers from making dirt piles in lawns. That would never fly in Thailand. They would much rather kill all the snakes and use poisons. It's a different culture here.

As kannot so eloquently said "the Thai answer to everything is throw a chemical on it". You learn that being out in the countryside. Farming in Thailand is a cycle of burning everything up, poisoning everything, and using chemicals to make things grow. I don't think people elsewhere know how bad it is here.

I buy organic soymilk, but a lot of chemical laden crops are difficult to avoid. The Thai government recently recommended washing produce for 10 minutes. I can't imagine spending that much of my day, devoted to that. And even so, wonder about the chemicals and poisons on the inside.

I read avery interesting article in the Bangkok post last year about organic rice farming ,the man in question,made far more money per tonne of rice as his pesticide and fertiliser bills were much lower as he used natural things he made himself.

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Hope they don't get their hands on Glyphosphate it will happen though if it is not already happening.

In 2012 Thailand imported $88,130,000 worth of Glyphosate, so it's already happening. That was Thailand's #1 import of its category. (Source: http://www.ifrnd.org/Research%20Papers/I6(4)5.pdf )

However, why the concern? Glyphosate is a particularly cheap, safe and effective herbicide. It can also work wonders when combined with "Roundup Ready" crops. Really don't see the problem.

Agree,much safer than Paraquat,which has been banned since the 1980's in most western countries,but still available here.

Indeed, paraquat is Thailand's second largest import of its type at $75,530,000 (same source).

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imported chinese or big thai farm vegies vs " auntie lat" and her push cart vegies, no contest.

pesticide/herbicide use seems a cowboys free for all in thailand.

hopefully, some of the farang farm boys give their input to a matter due concern.

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Does anyone seriously believe that there is any true organic farming in Thailand?

i personally doubt it, unless it is managed by a farang.

to get a farm certified as organic in australia can take years, as residual chemicals can stay in the soil for years.

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Does anyone seriously believe that there is any true organic farming in Thailand?

24/08/2014 Q-mark: not a guarantee of food safety

Consumers now wary of safety guarantee

Consumer rights groups have called for action after chemical contamination was found in samples of vegetables and fruits granted the "Q mark" for safety.

Kingkorn Narintarakul na Ayutthaya, deputy director of the Thai Holistic Health Foundation (BioThai), said Monday that the samples had levels of pesticide contamination higher than products without the Q guarantee.

She said this reflected the poor standards of the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS), which authorised the safety logo for the products.

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Hope they don't get their hands on Glyphosphate it will happen though if it is not already happening.

In 2012 Thailand imported $88,130,000 worth of Glyphosate, so it's already happening. That was Thailand's #1 import of its category. (Source: http://www.ifrnd.org/Research%20Papers/I6%284%295.pdf )

However, why the concern? Glyphosate is a particularly cheap, safe and effective herbicide. It can also work wonders when combined with "Roundup Ready" crops. Really don't see the problem.

Agree,much safer than Paraquat,which has been banned since the 1980's in most western countries,but still available here.

Only thing I found that will kill bamboo, in UK, not here! Also a favourite for the neighbours leyandii, but you didn't hear that from me!

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Do any of these nasty things on the crops cause cancer ? The reason I ask is that nearly every week someone in the little Bans round here dies of cancer. Never told details but " So and so died from cancer in Ban Dai " " Can't get out for a beer tomorrow another funeral , lady died from cancer " Nearly every week. My biggest worry right now ( like kannot ) is how much if any of these unfriendly products go into the water table. Our water is pumped from deep beneath the ground but we are surrounded by rice fields.

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Do any of these nasty things on the crops cause cancer ? The reason I ask is that nearly every week someone in the little Bans round here dies of cancer. Never told details but " So and so died from cancer in Ban Dai " " Can't get out for a beer tomorrow another funeral , lady died from cancer " Nearly every week. My biggest worry right now ( like kannot ) is how much if any of these unfriendly products go into the water table. Our water is pumped from deep beneath the ground but we are surrounded by rice fields.

Here is a video on the dangers of orange growing areas.....


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I was talking to the Director of the Red Cross Snake Research center in Bangkok several years ago. He told of the time there was mouse outbreak in the rice fields at a northern providence. So they started breading and gathered as many types of non venomous snakes that loved eating mice as they could. They released several thousands into the fields to eat the mice. They went back in one month to check on the results. What they found was the farmers had set up roadside stands along the roads. What were they selling? Snake meat! They killed all the snakes and the mice still ate the crops! Best laid plans.....:(

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There is a huge and steadily increasing amount of real scientific information that shows that Glyphosate based agro-chemicals are extremely disruptive to life and are implicated in a wide range of serious and chronic human health problems. Virtually all scientific studies that conclude they are not harmful are those that have been funded by the big agro-chemical producers such as Monsanto. Independent research finds very strong reasons why we should all be verry afraid of Glyphosate based chemicals and their effect on the entire food chain in general and human health in particular. Have a look at some of the articles from the very well respected Dr Mercola website - here are a few links - but there are plenty more




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There is a huge and steadily increasing amount of real scientific information that shows that Glyphosate based agro-chemicals are extremely disruptive to life and are implicated in a wide range of serious and chronic human health problems. Virtually all scientific studies that conclude they are not harmful are those that have been funded by the big agro-chemical producers such as Monsanto. Independent research finds very strong reasons why we should all be verry afraid of Glyphosate based chemicals and their effect on the entire food chain in general and human health in particular. Have a look at some of the articles from the very well respected Dr Mercola website - here are a few links - but there are plenty more




"Well-respected Dr. Mercola"? Mwah-haa-haa!

The man is a (probably delusional) fraud. To quote Wikipedia:

"Mercola ... advocate approaches including magnetic healing, psychic powers, spiritual healing and homeopathy." (i.e. a proponent of quack cures)

"Mercola is ... a 1982 graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine" (i.e. no proper medical or scientific qualification).

"Mercola has also received three warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for violations of U.S. marketing laws" (i.e. he'll say anything to make money)

"Mercola opposes the use of most prescription drugs and immunizations" (i.e. ignorant loony)

Oh, and despite describing himself as "Dr.", he's not an MD or a Ph.D.. He's a DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

How anybody could take the self-serving proclamations of the man seriously is utterly beyond me.

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There is a huge and steadily increasing amount of real scientific information that shows that Glyphosate based agro-chemicals are extremely disruptive to life and are implicated in a wide range of serious and chronic human health problems. Virtually all scientific studies that conclude they are not harmful are those that have been funded by the big agro-chemical producers such as Monsanto. Independent research finds very strong reasons why we should all be verry afraid of Glyphosate based chemicals and their effect on the entire food chain in general and human health in particular. Have a look at some of the articles from the very well respected Dr Mercola website - here are a few links - but there are plenty more




"Well-respected Dr. Mercola"? Mwah-haa-haa!

The man is a (probably delusional) fraud. To quote Wikipedia:

"Mercola ... advocate approaches including magnetic healing, psychic powers, spiritual healing and homeopathy." (i.e. a proponent of quack cures)

"Mercola is ... a 1982 graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine" (i.e. no proper medical or scientific qualification).

"Mercola has also received three warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for violations of U.S. marketing laws" (i.e. he'll say anything to make money)

"Mercola opposes the use of most prescription drugs and immunizations" (i.e. ignorant loony)

Oh, and despite describing himself as "Dr.", he's not an MD or a Ph.D.. He's a DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

How anybody could take the self-serving proclamations of the man seriously is utterly beyond me.

MD's in the usa die of an average age of 58 !!! rest of population 75

MD's know nothing about nutrician and they will never go tell you to go use some vitamins & minerals (not patentable, no comission)

so you think those guys are anything else than DRUG pushers for big pharma ...

war on cancer, now going 40 years and trillions in tax payers money ... cure found up to date: 0

they cut, irradiate or poison your body, good & bad cells and hope you will make it, most don't... and leave you terminal ill and bankrupt

thank you doctor death

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