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Passport and 1 year extension.

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Wonder if anyone can clarify if I am thinking correctly?

I have two issues here -

1: I am due to renew my one year extension of stay but my current passport (UK) is only valid for about another 11 months or so ( Extension of stay runs out near the end of March and I need to renew, however, my passport runs out on the 1st of March 2016)

Am I correct in thinking that I will be given an extension up until the passport expires and that I will need to apply for my next extension with the new passport at the beginning of March 2016 - i.e. they will no longer simply give me one year and transfer it when I get the new passport?

2:SCB - I got the letter of guarantee of funds yesterday, this is normally a bone of contention with immigration every year here - the bank issues a letter that simply states "HIGH 6 FIGURE" Savings, CM immigration always whinge a little but it has never been a problem, (The bank NEVER states the amount in the account)

This letter I didn't really check properly.....yes, I know, but instead of stating "HIGH 6 FIGURE" it states "HIGH 5 FIGURE" - i.e. High "Ten thousands of Baht rather than High HUNDRED thousands of Baht" - but for some odd reason, this time they have actually correctly printed the current balance which is 700K and has been higher over the past 12 months - Anyone see a problem with this or not?

Anyone doing the 1 year extension here in Chiang Mai has no doubt witnessed their incompetence at times, they try to multi task and are constantly interrupted and lose papers etc. Every single time I have renewed my extension to stay here they manage to lose at least one piece of paper, I am sure they play a game with us just to inconvenience us and force us to go out and use their photo copy machines outside.

I put a checklist together of every single paper and copy I take, my wife checks, my son checks but after about 15 minutes of paper shuffling at immigration you can guarantee at least one paper will be missing, they have the sleight of hand of Paul Daniels!

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1. Correct.

2. M-immigration can be picky, best to go back to the bank and have the letter corrected.


I was hoping the 11 month validity would not be a problem, it was such a pile of crap getting a new UK passport - and still is here in Thailand.

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