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Obama: Ferguson report exposed racially biased system

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Obama: Ferguson report exposed racially biased system

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Racial discrimination from police in Ferguson, Missouri, was "oppressive and abusive," President Barack Obama said Friday as he called for criminal justice reform as part of the modern struggle for civil rights.

"It turns out they weren't just making it up. This was happening," Obama said during a town hall at South Carolina's Benedict College, the day before he prepared to commemorate a half-century since the historic civil rights marches in Selma, Alabama.

In his most expansive comments yet about the Justice Department's report on bias against blacks in Ferguson, Obama said it was striking that investigators merely had to look at email sent by police officials to find evidence. He said the City of Ferguson now must make a decision about how to move forward.

"Are they going to enter into some sort of agreement with the Justice Department to fix what is clearly a broken and racially biased system?" Obama said.

A Justice Department investigation found patterns of racial profiling, bigotry and profit-driven law enforcement and court practices within the Ferguson Police Department. Ferguson city leaders are to meet with Justice Department officials in about two weeks to put forth an improvement plan.

The president himself was the subject of some of the racist emails from Ferguson police and municipal courts employees uncovered in the investigation. A 2008 email said Obama would not be president for long because "what black man holds a steady job for four years," while another depicted Obama as a chimpanzee.

Attorney General Eric Holder, who accompanied Obama on the trip, told reporters the federal government will "use all the power that we have to change the situation there," including possibly dismantling the police force. "If that's what's necessary we're prepared to do that," Holder said.

Holder said surprised is not a strong enough word for his reaction to the report, which he said revealed "appalling" practices. He said other police departments should understand the intensity of feelings across the federal government in terms of making sure what's transpired in Ferguson doesn't happen elsewhere, although he called the Ferguson bias "an anomaly." ''That is not something that we're going to tolerate," Holder said.

The Justice Department this week also cleared Darren Wilson, the white former Ferguson police officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was black and unarmed, while on duty in a St. Louis suburb in August. Brown's death prompted massive street protests last year and triggered the Justice Department investigations.

A questioner at the town hall held at the historically black college asked Obama why Holder filed no charges against Wilson. Obama replied that the standard for federal charges is very high and the officer is entitled to due process like anyone else. "We may never know what happened," Obama said.

Although Obama said he didn't think what happened in Ferguson was typical of the rest of the country, he added that it wasn't an isolated incident, either.

He called for communities to work together to address tensions between police and residents without succumbing to cynical attitudes that say "this is never going to change, because everybody's racist."

"That's not a good solution," Obama said. "That's not what the folks in Selma did."

Obama's comments came on the eve of the 50th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday," when police beat scores of people who were marching from Selma to Montgomery, the state capital, to protest their lack of voting rights. The violent images broadcast on national television helped lead to passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

"Selma is not just about commemorating the past, it's about honoring the legends who helped change this country through your actions today, in the here and now," Obama said at a town hall meeting. "Selma is now."

The visit was Obama's first to South Carolina as president. South Dakota and Utah are the only states he has not traveled to while in office.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-07


Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...


Ditto! Racism is definitely a social construct, maintained and financially supported by the elite, as a means for dividing and controlling the masses. The so-called Holy Bible reeks of racism, among the ancients. From a sociological point of view, The United States, as a 238 years-young nation, is still in it's diaper stages of development, compared to Middle Eastern, and Asian cultures. All things (by comparison) considered, the American social system construct, is a millenium more advanced, than what I've seen of 5,000+ years-old Asia. coffee1.gif

  • Like 2

Ditto! Racism is definitely a social construct, maintained and financially supported by the elite, as a means for dividing and controlling the masses. The so-called Holy Bible reeks of racism, among the ancients. From a sociological point of view, The United States, as a 238 years-young nation, is still in it's diaper stages of development, compared to Middle Eastern, and Asian cultures. All things (by comparison) considered, the American social system construct, is a millenium more advanced, than what I've seen of 5,000+ years-old Asia. coffee1.gif

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's was completely unnecessary. The 1964 Congressional passing of the Voter's Rights Act, sufficiently eradicated the main problem. The 1965 Civil Rights Act was ludicrous at best, and a cunning con-game played on all the citizens of the U.S., whites included.

Re: Police racism in Ferguson, MO. If black people would simply grow-up (from a cultural point of view), and start behaving like responsible citizens, police themselves, then the "racism" from whites would simply fade into obscurity. I wonder if the "Reverends" Jesse Jacksons, and Al Sharptons are preaching that sensible notion of civil behavior patterns of development, from their Sunday morning, Gospel singing Pulpits whistling.gif

  • Like 1

Ditto! Racism is definitely a social construct, maintained and financially supported by the elite, as a means for dividing and controlling the masses. The so-called Holy Bible reeks of racism, among the ancients. From a sociological point of view, The United States, as a 238 years-young nation, is still in it's diaper stages of development, compared to Middle Eastern, and Asian cultures. All things (by comparison) considered, the American social system construct, is a millenium more advanced, than what I've seen of 5,000+ years-old Asia. coffee1.gif

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's was completely unnecessary. The 1964 Congressional passing of the Voter's Rights Act, sufficiently eradicated the main problem. The 1965 Civil Rights Act was ludicrous at best, and a cunning con-game played on all the citizens of the U.S., whites included.

Re: Police racism in Ferguson, MO. If black people would simply grow-up (from a cultural point of view), and start behaving like responsible citizens, police themselves, then the "racism" from whites would simply fade into obscurity. I wonder if the "Reverends" Jesse Jacksons, and Al Sharptons are preaching that sensible notion of civil behavior patterns of development, from their Sunday morning, Gospel singing Pulpits whistling.gif

NativeSon, I suggest you actually read the Ferguson report and then try to explain how any degree of Black "growing up" would have made a money-hungry city just leave them alone:

The systemic issues and frequent Constitutional violations in Ferguson had nothing to do with inappropriate behavior by Black people: http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releases/attachments/2015/03/04/ferguson_police_department_report.pdf

I also suggest you listen to this report on injustice in Milwaukee: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/547/cops-see-it-differently-part-one

Or this one, which tells a crazy horrifying story about Miami Gardens, but then a success story about Las Vegas: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/548/cops-see-it-differently-part-two

As far as the idea that the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s was "completely unnecessary" because the 1964 Voter's Rights Act "sufficiently eradicated the main problem"...that doesn't even make sense. The 1964 Voting Rights Act was a product of the 1960s Civil Rights movement! And systemic discrimination continued afterwards that had nothing to do with voting and was not going to be solved just because Black people could finally go to the polls.

Just read the first story in this article, about housing discrimination post-1960 alone. It will be enough to invalidate your claim: http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2014/05/the-case-for-reparations/361631/


I disagree ezzra - while some people will always be racist, a high level of racism isn't a given in a system. Obama's native Hawaii, for example, is an enormously diverse place, and yet there is far less racism there than in most places. I have a lot of Hawaiian friends, and it seems like interracial marriages were twice as common as non-interracial marriages in my friends' circles, there was so much community mixing going on. Even in the US general population, 15% of marriages were interracial last year, and that number is only going to keep going up and up and up.

As scientists have shown for decades, race division is a social construct. It's just a visual/social clue to divide people along a fairly random line - in fact, that "line" shifts from country to country and community to community, it's so arbitrary.

The question is whether you're going to buy into the line or transcend it. Are you going to rally behind people who just happen to be the same supposed 'color' as yourself, or support people and communities no matter what their similarity to yours is?

Moves like the DOJ's actions is Ferguson will help. If you've heard the report on what happened when the DOJ partnered with Las Vegas in a similar situation, the improvement was tangible and fast. Reducing police-citizen conflict will help more citizens to feel like they are valid members of the system, and will reduce racial animosity among law enforcement and their cohorts. Reducing crime overall will also help to reduce fears and create an atmosphere in which communities can grow engagement. Every little bit helps.

I think it's clear that some communities are going to transcend racism, and some are going to slowly diminish it. The US is growing into a country where racism is less and less relevant in most communities and has to be more and more downplayed in the others. Sure, there are a few countries, even your 'advanced and educated' European ones, who might get reactionary and buy into racism as an easy way to pretend to deal with the world's larger problems. But from a simple economic and scientific perspective, that's a losing bet, and they will drown in their own hate.

I do not believe Hawaii is his "Home State" or even his "Home Country" !! None of us are born with a Racial Attitude, we learn it from our parents, associates and form the experience of dealing with some races. When 60% plus of crime and violence is created by 26% of the population you begin to get the idea I better watch out for them, hence profiling by experience !

  • Like 1

I was in high school in the deep south at the height of the civil rights movement when the south was totally segregated. John Birch (extreme conservative) was required reading. My high school mischief was pushing over burning klu klux klan crosses. I also lived in Hawaii for many years. I've seen racism up close and personal. Racism is a fear based reaction to the perceived threat of losing power, privilege and security. It's a knee-jerk primitive instinct to threats to one's 'territory' and identity. Laws help stop it's unacceptable expression but only personal evolution and education ie maturity will sever it's roots....

  • Like 2

Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

You are correct in that US politics are full of clowns, there may also be some politicians jockeying for higher positions :)


off course had nothing to do with that 85% of the inmated are black & same amount commited crimes by ?

i'm sure a few years arresting the same persons for the same crimes, might turn one synnical


off course had nothing to do with that 85% of the inmated are black & same amount commited crimes by ?

i'm sure a few years arresting the same persons for the same crimes, might turn one synnical

Since you absolutely made up your supposed "facts", my guess is that such "facts" don't really drive the views you hold.

I suggest that you read the four links that I posted above, which relate to the actual situation and other ones like it. Then figure out if your supposed excuse has anything to do with the actual topic.

Then again, this is the third different thread where we've discussed this report and other reports like it (The Department of Justice has already leveled 22 cases like this in the past, and one every single one), and yet not a single naysayer has shown the slightest indication that they're interested in reading the report. Not one post has been made that took this report, or any of the previous scenarios into consideration.

When you don't want to deal with the actual facts at hand, don't want to even educate yourself on what has happened, but still decide that a particular racial group must be to blame, do you know what your real motivation most likely is?

  • Like 2

Ditto! Racism is definitely a social construct, maintained and financially supported by the elite, as a means for dividing and controlling the masses. The so-called Holy Bible reeks of racism, among the ancients. From a sociological point of view, The United States, as a 238 years-young nation, is still in it's diaper stages of development, compared to Middle Eastern, and Asian cultures. All things (by comparison) considered, the American social system construct, is a millenium more advanced, than what I've seen of 5,000+ years-old Asia. coffee1.gif

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's was completely unnecessary. The 1964 Congressional passing of the Voter's Rights Act, sufficiently eradicated the main problem. The 1965 Civil Rights Act was ludicrous at best, and a cunning con-game played on all the citizens of the U.S., whites included.

Re: Police racism in Ferguson, MO. If black people would simply grow-up (from a cultural point of view), and start behaving like responsible citizens, police themselves, then the "racism" from whites would simply fade into obscurity. I wonder if the "Reverends" Jesse Jacksons, and Al Sharptons are preaching that sensible notion of civil behavior patterns of development, from their Sunday morning, Gospel singing Pulpits whistling.gif

Wouldn't it be better if everybody could just treat everybody else as an individual? Instead of simply assuming that all members of a race behave identically? Which is, as I understand it, the definition of racism.

I'm no more responsible for the actions of other falang than black resident of Ferguson X is responsible for the actions of citizens Y and Z. Even if they happen to be black as well. (!!)

  • Like 1

Each the Ferguson community and the police department need to change their attitude completely.

A good start would be to fire the whole of the police department as had been done in a nearby community several years ago and also knock down the police building in Ferguson and start the entire works over again.

The current building and the people in it are a cesspool so radical action is needed, demanded.

Policing is tuff work and I share the view of the majority that 98% of the time police in the United States do the right thing. Based however on the DoJ report, in Ferguson it's just the opposite.

In the OP Attorney General Holder says he's prepared to "dissolve" the FPD. That may well be both a good idea and necessary because the current rotten crop of cops right up to the top are recidivist and incorrigible bottom feeders of the noble profession of law enforcement in the US.

  • Like 1

Obama and Holder must be crying themselves to sleep now they failed to convict Wilson, despite throwing everything into the so called investigation ( more of a witch hunt ).

If I were a white Ferguson cop at the moment, I'd be refusing to go into the black neighbourhoods. Once the bad boys got going, the black community would be begging for whitey to go back. Tuff!

No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go. If you think either Obama or Holder was hoping for that, then you certainly aren't familiar with federal law.

Have you read the report? What does the report have to do with the police "going into black neighborhoods" or not? If you read the report, you'd realize how ironic and silly your statement is.


Each the Ferguson community and the police department need to change their attitude completely.

A good start would be to fire the whole of the police department as had been done in a nearby community several years ago and also knock down the police building in Ferguson and start the entire works over again.

The current building and the people in it are a cesspool so radical action is needed, demanded.

Policing is tuff work and I share the view of the majority that 98% of the time police in the United States do the right thing. Based however on the DoJ report, in Ferguson it's just the opposite.

In the OP Attorney General Holder says he's prepared to "dissolve" the FPD. That may well be both a good idea and necessary because the current rotten crop of cops right up to the top are recidivist and incorrigible bottom feeders of the noble profession of law enforcement in the US.

I don't know how many police staff the FPD, but do they have that many spare policemen just lying around waiting to go to Ferguson?

It's interesting that you personally know each and every cop in Ferguson. I don't know any cops at all, and certainly not enough to know if they were all rotten.


Each the Ferguson community and the police department need to change their attitude completely.

A good start would be to fire the whole of the police department as had been done in a nearby community several years ago and also knock down the police building in Ferguson and start the entire works over again.

The current building and the people in it are a cesspool so radical action is needed, demanded.

Policing is tuff work and I share the view of the majority that 98% of the time police in the United States do the right thing. Based however on the DoJ report, in Ferguson it's just the opposite.

In the OP Attorney General Holder says he's prepared to "dissolve" the FPD. That may well be both a good idea and necessary because the current rotten crop of cops right up to the top are recidivist and incorrigible bottom feeders of the noble profession of law enforcement in the US.

I don't know how many police staff the FPD, but do they have that many spare policemen just lying around waiting to go to Ferguson?

It's interesting that you personally know each and every cop in Ferguson. I don't know any cops at all, and certainly not enough to know if they were all rotten.

The city council of the community a dozen miles from Ferguson that fired its entire police force because it had become a thriving and happy organized crime gang contracted with the police department of St. Louis county to provide public safety while the local government constructed a new police department, which obviously established a precedent for any such action in Ferguson or any where else that might have to consider such a radical step.

Attorney General Holder is quoted in the OP that if the current negotiations with the FPD over the next couple of weeks fail, he'd be prepared to order the entire department replaced. During the past five years DoJ has won in the federal courts all 22 of the civil rights pattern-or-practice suits it has brought against local organized crime gangs police departments.

Yet the FPD chief said he found "nothing new" in the DoJ report, which clearly implicates him as a don or some kind of godfather of his boiz. The FPD police officers union stood 100% behind its homicide cop, raising enough of its share of the total take to make the cop a millionaire, which one could suppose helps the cop a lot because he is now undergoing a radical career change.

From the Executive Summary of the DoJ Report....

This investigation has revealed a pattern or practice of unlawful conduct within the Ferguson Police Department that violates the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and federal statutory law.


Yes, "within" the FPD, which considering the AG's statement quoted in the OP that he'd be prepared to file suit against the FPD to include petitioning the federal court to dissolve the department, I'd think anyone who might be considering granting the benefit of the doubt to the FPD could turn out to be in a tenuous position going forward....or going sideways or wherever.

I'd say the Report is recommended reading for posting to the thread. Not mandatory, recommended....any thoughts about that?


Obama and Holder must be crying themselves to sleep now they failed to convict Wilson, despite throwing everything into the so called investigation ( more of a witch hunt ).

If I were a white Ferguson cop at the moment, I'd be refusing to go into the black neighbourhoods. Once the bad boys got going, the black community would be begging for whitey to go back. Tuff!

No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go. If you think either Obama or Holder was hoping for that, then you certainly aren't familiar with federal law.

Have you read the report? What does the report have to do with the police "going into black neighborhoods" or not? If you read the report, you'd realize how ironic and silly your statement is.

What?? When the liberal news media started reporting this incident, they repeated daily a white police officer gunned down an unarmed black teenager for jay walking. Even Obama stopped playing golf to say he was sending Eric Holder, who was busy trying to blame someone else for loosing 1400 weapons in Mexico, down to Ferguson to get that out of control white police officer and any of his friends. Your smug mention about not being familiar with federal law and that neither Obama or Holder was hoping to prosecute Officer Wilson is naive.

Then as a result of Officer Wilson having to shoot a 290 pound gang banger to death for trying to relieve him of his duty weapon sparked riots and looting. Do you or anyone else on this forum know of any other race in America that destroys their own community because they get angry. I didn't think so, neither do I.

Blaming the white community over blacks being responsible for a disproportionate percentage of felonies committed in America, is stupid. It's way beyond time for these people to put down their crack pipes, and start accepting responsibility for their own actions.

Liberal media.....lol....just, lol.

Oh, the bubble some people live in.

  • Like 1

No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go. If you think either Obama or Holder was hoping for that, then you certainly aren't familiar with federal law.

Have you read the report? What does the report have to do with the police "going into black neighborhoods" or not? If you read the report, you'd realize how ironic and silly your statement is.

What?? When the liberal news media started reporting this incident, they repeated daily a white police officer gunned down an unarmed black teenager for jay walking. Even Obama stopped playing golf to say he was sending Eric Holder, who was busy trying to blame someone else for loosing 1400 weapons in Mexico, down to Ferguson to get that out of control white police officer and any of his friends. Your smug mention about not being familiar with federal law and that neither Obama or Holder was hoping to prosecute Officer Wilson is naive.

Then as a result of Officer Wilson having to shoot a 290 pound gang banger to death for trying to relieve him of his duty weapon sparked riots and looting. Do you or anyone else on this forum know of any other race in America that destroys their own community because they get angry. I didn't think so, neither do I.

Blaming the white community over blacks being responsible for a disproportionate percentage of felonies committed in America, is stupid. It's way beyond time for these people to put down their crack pipes, and start accepting responsibility for their own actions.

Liberal media.....lol....just, lol.

Oh, the bubble some people live in.

I'm not certain how you missed Al Sharptons rants on MSNBC, or Sharpton stirring the race baiting pot at Browns funeral. Black news commentators along with Anderson Copper of CNN, went on for weeks about Officer Wilson, a white police officer shooting an unarmed black teenager. I think you may be trapped inside that bubble you mentioned.

What is laughable is Obama's statement, "We may never know what happened." Wow, really Mr. President? This incident took place in broad daylight in a residential neighborhood in front of eye witnesses. Once the investigators eliminated the liars and idiots who wanted to be on TV, there were several credible eye witnesses who told the same story of Brown attacking Officer Wilson.

Oh, really? They eliminated the "liars" and "idiots". Like witness 40? After which the prosecutor was forced to admit that he allowed people to testify who he knew were lying. Not sure how some brilliant know it all like you missed this (maybe because you were too obsessed with what Al Sharpon was doing?)


Yeah...I am the one in the bubble.....lol. I am clearly far more knowledgeable regarding this situation than you. What Obama said was a fact. Unfortunately, we may never know what happened.

Yeah.....witness 40 had all of her sh*t together........


You can continue with your own research if you care. However, people like you never seem to. Because the facts might contradict what you "wish" was true.


Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

And he is actually leading part of the system of intolerance and violence.


Wake up Mr president, the US is a racially biased country, always been, always will be, when you have

multitude of races joking for the same sunny spots in life that's what happened, you will find racism

in every country around the world, even in the most advanced and educated population countries like


The black in your country hate the non black as much as the other way around, and nothing you can

do will change that, all that it can be done is to keep this gun powder keg from exploding...

And he is actually leading part of the system of intolerance and violence.

Yeah....that racist, evil black man (who is half white).....lol....the stupidity continues!


Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

  • Like 2

Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

Juvenile talking points with no basis or foundation in reality. I am not getting into it with a crazy ideologue like you anymore. You can have as many last words about this as you want. Have fun ;-)

  • Like 1

Black men or half black men can do stupid things too. It is racist to think otherwise. Obama has not helped the racial situation in America at all. In fact he has encouraged racial animosity to generate votes.

Juvenile talking points with no basis or foundation in reality. I am not getting into it with a crazy ideologue like you anymore. You can have as many last words about this as you want. Have fun ;-)


Dogmatic fringe ideologues haven't any clue how much they help Prez Obama from their perches out there in never-never land. Defending the Ferguson PD for instance identifies the social misfits and losers almost without any variation. They have no clue that their across the board insistent last word is in fact their last gasp, a generation come and gone. wai.gif

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