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I would say this is the behavior of the normal Thai man. If there is anything they can't deal with they resort to violence because it's the last refuge of the incompetent.

The PM only said he felt like, he didn't do and I doubt he ever will. That would make him a wee bit better than the 'normal Thai man'.

Physical violence may be a sign of a verbally incompetent, but some former PMs like the late Samak could be very rude which would be felt like physical blows in Thai culture. Also the "X" sign Thaksin had, or his policy to sue people for billions could be seen as more cruel than a simple punch.

So, PM Prayut needs to find an hour a day for 'anger management', maybe some meditation. Will help both him and the Nation.


He sounds more like one of Suthep thugs.

Well that's where it all started, and I rather expect that is how it will all end.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Cannot defend general, quick! Attack Shinwatras!

That old formula, tried and tested.

Served up for you on a platter, sir:

"In response to the BBC comment, Manop said past Thai leaders had various styles when dealing with the media, but none had used [physical] intimidation."

Well, the captivating smile of Ms. Yingluck followed by ignoring a question or simply turning around could be felt as [psychological] blow to the male ego more devastating than a simple punch.

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He should do a Yingluck and run off crying.

Or a Thaksin and sue the reporter.

He does and throws world record breaking tantrums and hissy fits like a girl. Yingluk is woman and they are prone to cry at certain times. Prayuth is a man and a hardened soldier who is suppose to pull the pins from grenades with his teeth, and eat iron blood sweat and tears. He can't even handle a question and not the sort of guy you would want in the trenches beside you. When the sun went down he would probably poop his pants and run for the hills.
.He is a "Palace Soldier", not a Rambo.

Give him his due, he has worked on perfecting the lean mean steely eyed killer look!

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I am an english speaker and I would have had to look up "splenetic"..... and I would hazard a guess that the majority of english speakers would (with the exception of maybe those that read a lot of fiction or english majors).

Hey, at the risk of being accused of making a splenetic post, I'll have you know I knew what it meant!

I would say this is the behavior of the normal Thai man. If there is anything they can't deal with they resort to violence because it's the last refuge of the incompetent.

The PM only said he felt like, he didn't do and I doubt he ever will. That would make him a wee bit better than the 'normal Thai man'.

Physical violence may be a sign of a verbally incompetent, but some former PMs like the late Samak could be very rude which would be felt like physical blows in Thai culture. Also the "X" sign Thaksin had, or his policy to sue people for billions could be seen as more cruel than a simple punch.

So, PM Prayut needs to find an hour a day for 'anger management', maybe some meditation. Will help both him and the Nation.

Theatend and implied violence by a self appointed pm because reporters dared ask him questions is ok cos once upon a time Thaksin sued someone.

There you have it folks.

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Quick - clean up on aisle Foot-in-Mouth.

Next week a new poll will be commissioned, which will show that 84.7% of Thais are supremely satisfied with the PM's conduct at Press conferences.


I would say this is the behavior of the normal Thai man. If there is anything they can't deal with they resort to violence because it's the last refuge of the incompetent.

The PM only said he felt like, he didn't do and I doubt he ever will. That would make him a wee bit better than the 'normal Thai man'.

Physical violence may be a sign of a verbally incompetent, but some former PMs like the late Samak could be very rude which would be felt like physical blows in Thai culture. Also the "X" sign Thaksin had, or his policy to sue people for billions could be seen as more cruel than a simple punch.

So, PM Prayut needs to find an hour a day for 'anger management', maybe some meditation. Will help both him and the Nation.

Theatend and implied violence by a self appointed pm because reporters dared ask him questions is ok cos once upon a time Thaksin sued someone.

There you have it folks.

May I repeat my last sentence?

So, PM Prayut needs to find an hour a day for 'anger management', maybe some meditation. Will help both him and the Nation. Even PM Tony Abbott grew over it eventually http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/05/barbara-ramjan-tony-abbott-aggression

PS PM Prayut was as 'self-appointed' as the Thaksin clone before. May I suggest we drop this?


Maybe some insight in to the question being asked?

Though hearing the way many people are grilled by the press, i.e. asked the same question rephrased because they did not like the first answer is worthy of a good punch in the mouth.

Not forgetting Thailand's press is not the brightest bulb on a Christmas Tree.


He's just being honest...refreshing from a politician.

You mean, true to his character? As the head of government, he is expected to maintain a level of decorum and to conduct himself appropriately.

I think he was just having a bad day. It happens. We all snap at someone sometimes. The General doesn't have that allowance for misbehaviour as he is a senior military officer and the current head of government. He screwed up. Maybe he'll learn his lesson, or more likely than not, he will continue to slowly unravel as he discovers that being the big boss isn't what he expected it to be.

I think it also shows the sycophantic nature of the army towards generals etc. He must be of had so many "yes" men minions that he can't physically take any type of questioning whatsoever! It's obvious he has been the only person asking questions for the last 20 years or so. I find him morally & physically repugnant. That horrific, constant smug look makes me feel nauseous. ANY western person who sides/apologises for the junta's actions should be hunted down by their respective governments and have their passports revoked

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The reporter had the absolute cheek to ask him what the government was doing for the betterment of the country.

The Nation article only has "he felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked."

So, please let us know which web site you checkec to find the 'actual' question asked wai.gif


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes, he is the coup leader and junta boss, GENERAL, and Prim Minister. Apparently he is also very statesmanlike as well.

Statesmanlike??????????/ Do you know the meaning of the word????


he "would almost punch the reporter

in a related issue, it is rumored that he was overheard saying that he will almost reform the government, almost end corruption, almost return democracy and almost refuse to be PM. Almost heaven....


What about the number of offensive comments made by those aforementioned Prime Ministers?,

Despite its flaws, this administration does seem to be trying to tackle a gigantic cancerous growth of corruption and another malignant tumour of self interest, it's going to take more than a year or two or a generation or two before this cancer and that tumour are eradicated or contained if in fact they ever can be contained or eradicated at all.

So think about it please.

A generation or two...do you think the Thai population will accept martial law for that period?


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

This guy needs to go for a "anger adjustment"...just wonder who can order it...


Remember the Thaksin "press conferences" coffee1.gif

Yes. His intimidation was a little more subtle - defamation suits, hounding and always the underlying threat of extreme violence if required. He'd be too cowardly to actually do anything himself of course.

The current PM is a little more direct, being a military man. And probably quite capable. Although he was a least being truthful as to how irritable he finds some aspects of his new career. Ain't the army fully of "yes sir khrap!" any more.

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The man took over the reins from an administration whose rampant blatant corruption, self interest self benefiting and personal family aims and actions were starting to destroy the country which was on the brink of serious civil disorder.

We may not agree with what happened, however we are starting to see some scratches being made upon the skin that covers the body of corruption.The medicine takes time to administer.

Now for all of those who lambaste the general for his actions and comments.

Ask yourselves just what qualification did the last Prime Minister(s) have?

Truth be known none apart from being put into place by their paymaster to serve his and his family and their cronies interests and to hell with Thailand and its peoples,family first was the motto.

So a comment was made by the general that inflames your delicate nature.

What about the number of offensive comments made by those aforementioned Prime Ministers?,

You know,''did you have sex last night.''

The ping -pong bat with a cross on it to signify, ''I am not responding your your questions,'' the legal actions against the fourth estate and its members and the pursuit of enormous sums of money via those court actions so as a fragile ego could be healed or a fat wallet filed even more.

To our Western eyes and minds this current administration may not seem democratic, however look back at the past here then look at our/ your own countries and define democracy and see just what the parallels are.

There are in many cases behind the scenes military uniforms a plethora of bankers and business people in suits who manipulate the politicians the way they want them to go.

Paradise is supposed to be in the next cosmic address it's not of this world, nor will it ever be either.

All my 24 years here and I find I can live happily with the current administration.

Despite its flaws, this administration does seem to be trying to tackle a gigantic cancerous growth of corruption and another malignant tumour of self interest, it's going to take more than a year or two or a generation or two before this cancer and that tumour are eradicated or contained if in fact they ever can be contained or eradicated at all.

So think about it please.

If you have all the solutions to the myriad of problems facing this administration and this country why are you not running your own countries as opposed to residing here?

A nice post, albeit omitting an important detail in the first paragraph that mostly clouds the rest of the post. The missing detail ......

and replaced it with, an at least equally, corrupt regime controlled by the rich and powerful puppet masters of Bangkok.


He should do a Yingluck and run off crying.

Or a Thaksin and sue the reporter.

He does cry like a girl and to sue a reporter through legal channels has to be better than taking them off for attitude adjustment and/or forbidding them to say anything that might seem to make this bozo seem, well, a bozo.


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

No, he is not. He is a self appointed autocrat.

What planet are you living on?

He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

You might not like it - but that's irrelevant.

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It's unbecoming of a head of state.

But as head of the armed forces, a violent streak is hardly surprising.

General Prayut is NOT Head of State. Thailand has a constitutional monarchy who is Head of State. General Prayut is Head of Government. This form of government can be found in UK, Canada, and Australia. His position in government is usually a political position where behavior is accountable to the parliament that elects the prime minister. Unfortunately, Prayut as Prime Minister is accountable only to the Junta and not to elected parliament ministers.


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's remark during his weekly TV programme on Friday night that he "would almost punch the reporter in the face"

When will "these people" learn to engage their brain before spouting off? In the Prime Minister's case, it may be explained by his military background, but is it not about time that he was given a bit of coaching by his advisors /PR people in what and what not to say when in the public eye?

Going back to pre coup days, do you remember when an arrest warrant was issued for a certain anti government politician, and the BIB could not serve the warrant because the politician was in a protestors' camp surrounded by his own armed security guards? The cop in charge threatened to don a wig and go in disguise into the camp and arrest the said politician!

The politician's reply was to offer to settle the whole dispute by having a fist fight with the police chief!!!

These kind of statements, by people who are, or would like to be in charge of the country, make Thailand an absolute laughing stock in the eyes of the world, and IMHO one of the reasons why Thailand will always be a 3rd World Country.


True leaders do not rely on fanciful uniforms, bedecked with various ornamentation. They do not rely on other types of expensive and tailored apparel, nor do they demand respect merely by attaining a high position.

You can tell a true leader, not by their fanciful words or eloquent manners. True leaders inspire others by their very acts and the way in which they conduct their day to day business. They do not resort to intimidation, bullying, name calling or avoidance of questions.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a shortage of true leaders and an overabundance of stand-in comics.

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes, he is the coup leader and junta boss, GENERAL, and Prim Minister. Apparently he is also very statesmanlike as well.

Statesmanlike??????????/ Do you know the meaning of the word????

Don't think you were taught about sarcasm at school!

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