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Bangkok: Grenade thrower says attacks 'designed to prompt UN intervention'


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NSA would have given them all the transcripts if they had not spat their dummies out over that envoys comments!! ?

That's the official line only. Read more about it in 50 years time wink.png

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I still believe Prayuth is trying his best, but he needs to have better control over himself and employ a better PR team

I doubt he is in full control he needed to make alliances too and give in at times.

I agree about the PR team. I like arguing here it beats talking about the weather and i cant influence that either.

He is in full control actually, listening to the people and adjusting his policies accordingly is not a sign of weakness!!

Who is there to make alliances with? he 'is' the machine of government and what he says goes!

There's people more powerful than Prayuth at play here, who do you think is behind him?

Do you believe he woke up one morning drank his coffee, kissed his wife and then set off to stage a coup that hasn't been planned well in advance?

The biggest game of chess for 80 years is being played in Thailand right now.


I have to agree with this sad state of affairs. The Bangkok expats have their eyes closed, and are blinkered due to their hatred of any government want to help many issan people, the monkeys/chimps as they quote many times, very racist too.I am glad i dont live in the sewer named Bangkok, another explosion to come, even holiday site and tourist reviews state this.

  • York is considered to be the safest city in the world, according to a survey
  • Bath, Edinburgh and Brighton also make the top four safest places
  • Cairo, Bangkok, Istanbul and Marrakech deemed most risky cities to visit


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I still believe Prayuth is trying his best, but he needs to have better control over himself and employ a better PR team

I doubt he is in full control he needed to make alliances too and give in at times.

I agree about the PR team. I like arguing here it beats talking about the weather and i cant influence that either.

I think the realization that alliances (aka, compromises and concessions...) are necessary frustrates him, and that leads to the outbursts. As a senior military officer, I presume he's not all that used to having his every utterance openly criticized by a self-seeking "opposition", i.e., the "political process". While the necessity of the coup is regrettable, I think I prefer a leader who hasn't been wholly seduced by the backroom deal-making methodology, and whose every word and gesture hasn't been scripted by squads of unseen, politically savvy, "handlers". And so I kind of find the occasional outbursts reassuring...

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Interesting that "line chats" are mentioned as part of the "plot".

Any bets on when monitoring Line and Facebook becomes "necessary for returning happiness" ?

Do you really believe for one minute that facebook and messaging programs like them are not already being monitored everywhere they're used all over the world.

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Does anyone seriously believe that a couple of grenades thrown would result in UN intervention?

It took over a million deaths in Rwanda where people were butchered to death by blades before the UN made any moves so if the red shirt hierarchy think that the UN would step in they're as big as fools as the farangs who think this is some sort of master plan ?

Have you switched sides Mr. Haggis?

These are your 'brothers in arms' that you are ridiculing.

I never had a side I don't believe in cheerleading lost causes and that sums up Thai politics across the board. Unlike many farangs here who get so wrapped up in their colours I couldn't give a flying monkeys for any political group in Thailand just to fit in to their society.

I think any farang who gets so wrapped up in some thing he has no say in or control over needs to get out more and enjoy life, I see enough bigotism and sectarianism in Iraq it's just a talking point for me here, neither sides flair my boat all their snouts are moulded from the same cast!!

I hear you Haggis, but could you please clarify for some on here whether you are yellow impartial or red impartial?

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This case looks so evident that there are only two options:

Option1- It's a set up

Option 2- The so-called "mastermind" is not only highly amateurish but also completely stupid with no idea on how to organise things.

A "smart" mastermind would either put enough money to pay trained people to do the job, or use losers like these two guys but telling them they work for the PDRC.

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I have to agree with this sad state of affairs. The Bangkok expats have their eyes closed, and are blinkered due to their hatred of any government want to help many issan people, the monkeys/chimps as they quote many times, very racist too.I am glad i dont live in the sewer named Bangkok, another explosion to come, even holiday site and tourist reviews state this.

  • York is considered to be the safest city in the world, according to a survey
  • Bath, Edinburgh and Brighton also make the top four safest places
  • Cairo, Bangkok, Istanbul and Marrakech deemed most risky cities to visit


Please name one Thai government that 'want to help many issan people'. If you exchange the word 'help' with the word 'exploit', I would agree that there was one government. Please point to any improvements in Isaan; factories, new schools of higher education, new irrigation projects/infrastructure or any permanent improvement made by a Thai government (Thaksin and his puppet/muppet governments ruled, unchallenged, for 12 of the last 14 years). If by 'want to help many issan people', you mean that ludicrous, criminal Rice Support Scheme, you are truly blinkered as less than 20% of the 700 billion Baht that was squandered/stolen went to farmers.

Posted 2015-01-29 12:53:42

Bangkok ranked 39th in Safe Cities Index 2015


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Does anyone seriously believe that a couple of grenades thrown would result in UN intervention?

It took over a million deaths in Rwanda where people were butchered to death by blades before the UN made any moves so if the red shirt hierarchy think that the UN would step in they're as big as fools as the farangs who think this is some sort of master plan

Have you switched sides Mr. Haggis?

These are your 'brothers in arms' that you are ridiculing.

I never had a side I don't believe in cheerleading lost causes and that sums up Thai politics across the board. Unlike many farangs here who get so wrapped up in their colours I couldn't give a flying monkeys for any political group in Thailand just to fit in to their society.

I think any farang who gets so wrapped up in some thing he has no say in or control over needs to get out more and enjoy life, I see enough bigotism and sectarianism in Iraq it's just a talking point for me here, neither sides flair my boat all their snouts are moulded from the same cast!!

I hear you Haggis, but could you please clarify for some on here whether you are yellow impartial or red impartial?
Yet to meet any red shirt supporter slash sympathizer who admitted to being such. They'll defend the Shinawatras and the red shirts till the cows come home, but then when asked the question of support, will claim impartiality.

If you want to know where someone's support lies, don't ask them, just review some of their prior posts over the last few years. That will give you a far more accurate picture of where they stand, and in a lot of cases, will reveal just how ridiculous the impartiality claim is.

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Once the Reds abandon the Shinawatras and become a party that espouses equal rights for all and equal treatment before the law, regardless of birth, or wealth, then they will grab support from all over the country, thus becoming the only true nationwide party.

If they can do this, their ascendency will be inevitable.

Whether they have the sense to ditch the Shinawatras, is another subject entirely.

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Does anyone seriously believe that a couple of grenades thrown would result in UN intervention?

It took over a million deaths in Rwanda where people were butchered to death by blades before the UN made any moves so if the red shirt hierarchy think that the UN would step in they're as big as fools as the farangs who think this is some sort of master plan

Have you switched sides Mr. Haggis?

These are your 'brothers in arms' that you are ridiculing.

I never had a side I don't believe in cheerleading lost causes and that sums up Thai politics across the board. Unlike many farangs here who get so wrapped up in their colours I couldn't give a flying monkeys for any political group in Thailand just to fit in to their society.

I think any farang who gets so wrapped up in some thing he has no say in or control over needs to get out more and enjoy life, I see enough bigotism and sectarianism in Iraq it's just a talking point for me here, neither sides flair my boat all their snouts are moulded from the same cast!!

I hear you Haggis, but could you please clarify for some on here whether you are yellow impartial or red impartial?
Yet to meet any red shirt supporter slash sympathizer who admitted to being such. They'll defend the Shinawatras and the red shirts till the cows come home, but then when asked the question of support, will claim impartiality.

If you want to know where someone's support lies, don't ask them, just review some of their prior posts over the last few years. That will give you a far more accurate picture of where they stand, and in a lot of cases, will reveal just how ridiculous the impartiality claim is.

It's almost as ridiculous as any farangs "supporting" a side that offers them pretty much nothing unless they're PR and have a vote they can cast and put their vote to good use, otherwise it's a pointless exercise created out of boredom for many.

Don't make the mistake many here do of making assumptions that because you're more critical of one faction that it means you "support" the other, that's far too simplistic a thought.

It likes having the mentality you're either with me, or against me, the problem with many farang living here is they have got so hooked on what they believe that they have a say, when they don't, there's some incredibly intelligent members here, but they make themselves look like infant school children with their championing causes that could care less about their opinions, once the Thai authorities and politicians start listening to their expat farangs, then and only then it's worth "supporting " a faction.

Until then it's a world of opinions that mean jack shit in the overall grand scheme of things, but some posters take it to heart and feel genuinely aggrieved at other posters opinions if it differs from them, why?

Many shout about Thais not ready for democracy either, which is amazing and very disingenuous to the 65 million people here who have been trying for the last 80 + years to have some form of democracy but they keep having coups and the forward momentum keeps being pushed back.

They belittle the Thai population by making disparaging remarks about their piss poor education and how many are too stupid to use their vote to the best potential, forgetting one thing....... It is THEIR vote to do as they wish, not yours, not mine, theirs and until many of the farangs on here realise that they're in somone else's country as a guest, and until this county allows them to have a say, then acting like they're bees knee needs to be toned down.

Too many farangs also look in at Thailand and use their home countries as comparisons and benchmarks, and yet that wonderful home country can't be all that great if they left!!

I dislike the posters who also make comparisons to other Dictatorship States without ever having lived there to see first hand any similarities or difference, it's all based on hearsay. Example in case North Korea, I know several farangs who lived there and said it wasn't too bad, for them, they couldn't speak for the rural and poor population but they were well looked after, very very much the same as it is here, so why make comparisons?

I also worked with, and still do on the odd occasions with venezualane who lives there under Chavez, they had s pretty comfortable life style too, and so do 99% of the farangs who live here.

So I'll let people make their assumptions, but only a fool will not look at things from many differnt perspectives, that's what I do, don't make assumptions that those who live in Issan are also red farangs, in out house politics are never discussed and that's the way I like it, sure I have opinions ambit Is will NEVER a be told who to vote for, I will make up my own mind based on what's best for me, not what's best for anyone else.

Nobody is here in Thailand to care of you apart from you're wives and families, yiu have to take care of yourself, and each other if you have close friends.

We all made our choices to live here and all have our reasons as to why, I respect all who upped sticks and left their home countries and stepped into a country where there's many obstacles and challenges in our ways in a daily basis, nobody is better than anybody else, sure we can have different points of view, but at the end of the day, as I've said before unless these political parties are doing something for you personally, there's zero point in "supporting " them.

I actually spend 6-8 months of the year in Iraq, and yiu will never hear me voice "support" for either Sunni or Shia, Or any other faction there, and I've been there 11 years, simply down to the fact I have NO say in any matter out gathered and none of them will offer anything to me personally that would make me influence their politics.

Thai politics and the bigger picture interests me from a historical point nothing more, I wouldn't wast my time with the current nest of vipers that are Thailand politicians today, the long timers here know that since they've been here 90% of politicians are serving themselves and not others, so nothing is likely to change either.

The day I get a right to vote in Thailand is the day I will begin "supporting " a cause or belief, until then I'll be critical of who I feel deserves it, oh and I don't think I've ever praised anything the PTP or the Shins have done, they're rotten to the core, but so are a lot of the dems and so are a lot of the Khaki wearers, they're all fair game as fats as I'm concerned.

Stop letting this political stuff run your daily life's, it's pointless and life is better when you chill and just accept there's things beyond your control ?

What goes around, comes around ladies and gents ?

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