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Thai police blame Red Shirt 'network' for Bangkok blasts


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Thai police blame Red Shirt 'network' for Bangkok blasts


BANGKOK: -- Thai police on Monday accused a network of "Red Shirt" supporters of the toppled government of trying to destablise the kingdom after the second small bomb attack to hit Bangkok in recent weeks.

Two men were detained on Saturday night after a brief shoot-out with security forces that followed a grenade attack at the Criminal Court, which caused minor damage to the building's car park but no injuries.

National Police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri said they are hunting another man and two women from the same apparent cell.

"Based on our investigation they have links with the Red Shirts," he told AFP.

His boss, Police General Somyot Poompanmoung, said the blast was carried out by the "same network of people" responsible for twin pipe bombs that exploded last month outside a downtown shopping mall, slightly injuring two people.

That incident was the first major disruption to an uneasy peace imposed under martial law since last May's coup that removed the elected government of Yingluck Shinawatra.

"I think there are many groups attempting to do a similar thing," Somyot told reporters, vowing to arrest anyone linked to the group.

The Red Shirts is a grassroots political movement that opposes the coup and supports the fallen government of Yingluck -- whose family have dominated Thai politics for more than a decade.

But their resistance to the coup has been muted, with Red Shirt leaders under observation by the military and warned against breaching martial law by organising political rallies.

Red Shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan dismissed the link with his group, insisting they were non-violent and have nothing to gain from stoking tensions under martial law.

"We are not involved. It would be a disadvantage to us... no-one is that stupid," he said on his daily television programme.

Pressure has been mounting on the junta to lift martial law, with an increasing number of political figures and campaigners grumbling that debate is being stifled just as Thailand needs it most.

The junta-picked National Legislative Assembly is next month due to deliberate on a draft constitution, which the junta says will provide the bedrock for a return to democracy.

But critics doubt whether a new charter will bridge Thailand's deep political divisions.

Junta chief and Prime Minister, Prayut Chan-O-Cha, who has so far resisted calls to end martial law, said the bombers wanted to revive tensions but declined to directly link them to the Red Shirts.

"The perpetrators want to create panic and chaos... in order to make the public aware that they still exist," he told reporters.

Thailand has been blighted by nearly a decade of political turmoil since billionaire former premier Thaksin Shinawatra -- Yingluck's brother -- shook up the establishment by winning elections with his populist politics.

Parties led by Thaksin, his family or affiliates have won every election since 2001, in the process facing two coups and the disposal of three premiers by Thailand's interventionist courts.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2015-03-09

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Maybe if the alliances of army, courts and powers that be stopped overthrowing their elected Governments for nefarious reasons, they would not have reason to turn to violence.

Through 80 years of failed democracy the one constant throughout that period is the military meddling.......make of that what you will when assessing the current disenfranchisement and chaos in the entire system.

Babies as human shields - you just defended that - think on that...

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Maybe if the alliances of army, courts and powers that be stopped overthrowing their elected Governments for nefarious reasons, they would not have reason to turn to violence.

Through 80 years of failed democracy the one constant throughout that period is the military meddling.......make of that what you will when assessing the current disenfranchisement and chaos in the entire system.

Maybe if their elected leaders would play by the rules the army could not topple them. Besides violence is never an answer and the reds are by far the most violent group. Says a lot about their supporters.

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When there is evil the followers of Thaksin are behind it.

We have enough examples in the past years and I have no doubt about their evil intentions.

I would be very happy to see the likes of Jatuporn, behind bars one of these days.

Quit campaigning, there is already a PM in place and Suthep will be next. Try as you may, you can never reach the _______ of these players.

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Maybe if the alliances of army, courts and powers that be stopped overthrowing their elected Governments for nefarious reasons, they would not have reason to turn to violence.

Through 80 years of failed democracy the one constant throughout that period is the military meddling.......make of that what you will when assessing the current disenfranchisement and chaos in the entire system.

Maybe if their elected leaders would play by the rules the army could not topple them. Besides violence is never an answer and the reds are by far the most violent group. Says a lot about their supporters.

Surely you can find accounts of 2010 and learn factually where the violence resides that buried all those civilians and journalists.

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"Based on our investigation they have links with the Red Shirts," he told AFP.

It is highly irresponsible for the police to be making statements like this without a thorough and complete investigation and then a trail. This statement is calculated to inflame people against the Red Shirts and it is yet another indication that no one in this government wants reconciliation.

There needs to be proof, not suspicion. You cannot draw a line from TWO PEOPLE to an entire movement. Maybe these two are associated with the red shirts and maybe they went out and did this on their own with the backing of one or two other rogue elements. Maybe they have nothing to do with the Red Shirts, but want to make it look that way.

It is so completely obvious the entire police force has now lined up behind the new government like good little toy soldiers.

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Maybe if the alliances of army, courts and powers that be stopped overthrowing their elected Governments for nefarious reasons, they would not have reason to turn to violence.

Through 80 years of failed democracy the one constant throughout that period is the military meddling.......make of that what you will when assessing the current disenfranchisement and chaos in the entire system.

Maybe if their elected leaders would play by the rules the army could not topple them. Besides violence is never an answer and the reds are by far the most violent group. Says a lot about their supporters.

Surely you can find accounts of 2010 and learn factually where the violence resides that buried all those civilians and journalists.

Yes as i recall that started with the men in black firing at the army. Plenty of evidence of that.

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Who has the most to gain in influencing world opinion that is critical of martial law?

Who has the most to gain by influencing judges what might happen if impending court trials don't get the verdicts they like?

And who has used this "influencing" technique time and time again?

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"Based on our investigation they have links with the Red Shirts," he told AFP.

It is highly irresponsible for the police to be making statements like this without a thorough and complete investigation and then a trail. This statement is calculated to inflame people against the Red Shirts and it is yet another indication that no one in this government wants reconciliation.

There needs to be proof, not suspicion. You cannot draw a line from TWO PEOPLE to an entire movement. Maybe these two are associated with the red shirts and maybe they went out and did this on their own with the backing of one or two other rogue elements. Maybe they have nothing to do with the Red Shirts, but want to make it look that way.

It is so completely obvious the entire police force has now lined up behind the new government like good little toy soldiers.

Just because you don't like it! Other countries do exactly the same when terrorists are captured.

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Ahhh, Jatuporn. Why should Thai's believe him. At least he should be thanked for not mentioning blood, death, sacrifice, training militia up north or killing this time which is usually synonymous with him.

He also states he is a principled man, but he isn't so why should we believe him here?

In fact UDD principle #6 states "Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve our objectives". And then we have our resident blooded pit bull UDD leader state "There will be blood on the streets. Our patience is running out. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood". Yet we should believe him here? He is a man that was born to lead innocent people to their deaths and he wants us to believe him when he said his 7% supporter base is not responsible for these bombs.

This guy goes into hiding saying he is "sick" when his bail hearing was being reviewed and miraculously recovers as soon as he finds we won't be going back to jail. (just yet). Shows absolute contempt for the law and the courts in the process and we should believe him here when he said they did not bomb the court house?

If we can thank martial law for one thing that is that we do not have to hear Jatuporn in the news everyday threatening violence, defending terrorists or describing the militia that was being trained up north last year. For that alone I thank Prayut.

Pretty sure that one of the airport seizers has continually said he was unfit to attend any courts appearance and was too sick but let's not make comparisons eh Jamie?

As for having to listen to Jutaporn daily, I take it the off button doesn't work on your TV like it did mine? I also live in Issan and if I didn't want to listen or watch the politics roadshow I just didn't watch them, were you unable to turn of the rants and raves of Juttaporn and co and that a lot of what you claim are indeed figments of your extremely vivid imagination?

Contempt for the law Young man? Says the guy who rides his moped without a helmet as you have posted on a number of occasions, rather selective are we not? ? pretty sure staging occupations of government locations were also against the law, but that's okay isn't it it's fine if you break the law for the right beleifs isn't it? I think a coup is also classed as breaking the law, but hey that's for a good reason too eh?

I would rather see the likes of Juttaporn and Co locked up, along with his counterparts who held the country to ransom and escalated the planned coup, oh yeah didn't suthep state the coup was planned ages ago?

You see Jamie, your a guy who cries like a bitch when things are not right or in your favour, but never had the balls to do anything about them, but expect the sympathy from those who swallow your Walter Mitty crap.

It's funny that you stated you hated having to listen to him, and yet I doubt you even speak read or write Thai, but have an ignore function on TVF which you use freely as I do to you that you couldn't implement ignoring the red TV shows in your own home, so you're full of bovine scatology young man.

But but but Suthep. Whatever Suthep did or didn't do, does not excuse Jatuporn.

Were you here in 2010 Haggis? Have you seen the videos or read the speeches of this nasty thug? A scumbag whose made a fortune out of being a paid leader of thugs for the Shins. Jatuporn has so far managed to avoid the jail - something he would not achieve in most countries.

Another of Thaksin's "leaders" who like is boss prefers to lead from the back. All mouth and trousers as we used to say.

I hope that's not an attempt to say if your were not here then you know nothing argument?

You are not reading me too well, many times I've said that Juttaporn and his ilk need to be reeled in and dealt with severely but you know as well as I do, in Thailand money talks and crimina walk.

Don't make the mistake that because I've only been here a country living a couple of years I don't do my research both in and out of the country.

I've no time for hate speeches but face it, both sides use them to rile up their audiences it's called rhetoric and sabre rattling 90% of the ones making these speeches are cowards and bottom feeders, Juttaporn is no different.

Tell me this much, what can you do today, that will make a difference to how Thailand as a country will be tomorrow?

I agree with a lot of what you say, I just refuse to wear any team colours as none of them are worth my effort ?

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When there is evil the followers of Thaksin are behind it.

We have enough examples in the past years and I have no doubt about their evil intentions.

I would be very happy to see the likes of Jatuporn, behind bars one of these days.

Must be comforting to live in a simple, black-and-white world, Costas. I envy you.

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

And taking over airports also? What about Suthep and his mob? The thuggery is not always on the one side.

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People here believing what they want to believe without a shred of evidence. Even the glorious PM has been mum on the matter. I will wait to see what comes out in court. Maybe they Red-affiliated or maybe they're not. We have only the rather vague statements of one police officer. I'm also interested in the 'interrogation techniques' used by the police to extract the supposed confessions - but that's a whole other topic.

Just remember that Timothy McVeigh had formerly been a member of the Republican Party ... that doesn't mean he was acting on behalf of that party when he blew up the building in Oklahoma City all those years ago.

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