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Arab-Israelis not loyal to state should be beheaded, says Israel's FM


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Steady on Jingthing old boy

Don't lose your head over the statement confirming a Russian Jew (not a home grown one) also a government post holder in a number of positions who publicly announces his extreme views.

Now are those views typical of a Russian emigree or might those views have been adopted from recent last century European history?

Now can you justify this Lieberman statement and will you, do really support this kind of creature and its statement ?

Indeed the statement Lieberman has made is akin to pouring petrol on a fire.

I already condemned it.

Pay attention.

Please stop the personal troll baiting.

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I am sure glad that most posters come from countries where none of the politicians have made inflammatory statements during elections. Any countries threatening to turn boats back out to sea? Any politicians threatening deportation of certain religious or ethnic groups? Anybody ever talked about execution for traitors (think Assange and Snowden)?

As far as serving in a foreign military, it is up to the two countries involved whether they permit foreign nations in their military and whether the home country will not prosecute military service in another country. It's a little like dual nationality, some countries allow it, some don't.

The guy is a nut case and it's a difficult time in a lot of the world with some pretty nasty stuff going on.

I wonder when he will be on the speaking circuit, first on Fox News and then on to Congress?

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At least it gives bed wetting leftists and those with Israel derangement syndrome a talking point and a moral equivalence argument until you consider whether rhetoric is ever likely to be backed up by action.

At least the responses by the Israel apologists give people who look forward to Palestine's nationhood equivalent excuse to rhetoric by Palestinian right-wingers.

No longer can any of you condemn Hamas leaders for saying something sensational....it's just rhetoric from a right winger, isn't it?

Wake me up when an Israeli Arab actually is beheaded.
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Personally, I condemn the rhetoric in the OP.

Anyone who actually believes this is going to be real Israeli policy, please enter your name on the sales prospect list for the Brooklyn Bridge.

Is latest sales prospect of East-Jerusalem and West Bank, and Declarations in OP also real Israeli policy according to Lieberman ?

Apperently nobody in Israel stopped him and others...too delicate for the coming elections, isn't it ?



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[attachment=310362:ImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1425964030.465936.jpg

A photo posted on Twitter after the speech showed an ISIS-like figure threatening to cut off the head of an Arab Israeli elected official. MK Haneen Zoabi’s face appears as a mask in the photo.

ISIS style beheading pic threatening Arab MK circulates after Israel FM calls for beheadings arab48.com/?mod=articles&…pic.twitter.com/UETLRK0Epi

Zoabi is also notable because she was recently banned from running for office in the March elections because she is an Arab, which runs counter to Israel’s claim to be a democracy. Clearly, that’s bullshit. So not only is Israel threatening death to Arab citizens who exercise freedom of speech, Israeli is denying Arab citizens the right to participate in the governing process.

Stop the blatant LYING!

She wasn't banned because of being an Arab and I'm sure you bloody well KNOW that.

Will you post the truth now and correct yourself or allow others to do the research?

Welcome to my ignore list ... no interest in any communication with a person playing sleazy Israel demonization propaganda games with no regard for any truth.

(There are Arabs in the Israeli government including high level judges.)

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At least it gives bed wetting leftists and those with Israel derangement syndrome a talking point and a moral equivalence argument until you consider whether rhetoric is ever likely to be backed up by action.

At least the responses by the Israel apologists give people who look forward to Palestine's nationhood equivalent excuse to rhetoric by Palestinian right-wingers.

No longer can any of you condemn Hamas leaders for saying something sensational....it's just rhetoric from a right winger, isn't it?

Wake me up when an Israeli Arab actually is beheaded.


You might want to edit your post to read...

Wake me up when an Israeli Arab actually is beheaded..."by anybody other than another Arab Muslim."

However, this thread has certainly brought the hysterical posters out in their full blown hysteria and fake outrage.

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Hey, what's good for the goose should be also good for the gender I say... and in Rome do as the romans do... in any way, Israel will not be the first country to introduce beheading to this region, it's a well accepted concept there already...

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The quote I read indicates that the headline is wrong and an attempt to incite. The quote says "deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe," not "should have their heads chopped off with an axe." The first instance is standard political hyperbole I have heard from all political parties and many activists all my life. The latter instance is a stated aim. So, did the FM actually say this in English the way the headline or the way the quote states or is it a translation? Lots of mischief at work in these type news stories. If I say Putin or Obama deserve to rot in hell, it is a far cry from implying that the government should put them there.

I used to think that hell didn't exist, but now I reckon it's a tea party convention.

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Hey, what's good for the goose should be also good for the gender I say... and

in Rome do as the romans do... in any way, Israel will not be the first country

to introduce beheading to this region, it's a well accepted concept there already...

I hope Israel never stoops so low but Israel demonizers and sometimes even friends of Israel do not appreciate the kind of neighbors that Israel has ... they aren't Luxembourg.

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What has the world come to? Beheading s now the new trend on Twitter over what? an ideology one chooses to hold?

PS: When I order my coffee tomorrow should I be careful not to upset anyone in the queue for fear of being beheaded? F'ing madness

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Ahhhhh hard not to draw a parallel between ISIS and the ruling coalition in Israel after the beheading comment from the FM

Lieberman is a secret agent of IS and just can't lose the bad habits ...!

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Ahhhhh hard not to draw a parallel between ISIS and the ruling coalition in Israel after the beheading comment from the FM

Lieberman is a secret agent of IS and just can't lose the bad habits ...!

Well , behead the behaeder , and anybody supporting the beheaded or beheaders , should also be beheaded ...?

The world surely would be a better place without all these idiots ...

Edited by pumpuy
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