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Arab-Israelis not loyal to state should be beheaded, says Israel's FM


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Arab-Israelis Not Loyal to State Should Be Beheaded, Says Israel's FM

JERUSALEM: -- Avigdor Lieberman has gone on record saying that Arab citizens who are not loyal to Israel should have their heads “chopped off with an axe.”

Lieberman, also the leader of the secularist nationalist Yisrael Beiteinu party, is an outspoken critic of Israel’s Arab population. He made the remarks during a speech on Sunday at an election rally in the city of Herzliya, Newsweek reported.

"Those who are with us deserve everything, but those who are against us deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe," Lieberman said.

An Arab-Israeli audience member asked what would become of her, should his policy come to pass, to which he replied, “I have no problem with your being a citizen. I expect all Arabs, Christians and Jews to be loyal to the state, regardless of religious affiliation, and to serve in the IDF. We accept and encourage those who identify with us.”

He also said that those who wave a black flag on “Nakba Day” (Day of Catastrophe), that references the fleeing of Palestinians from their homes after the creation of Israel in 1948, should be forced to live in Palestinian territories.

Full story: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20150310/1019282856.html

-- SPUTNIK 2015-03-10

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Stand back and let the Zionists and the radical Islamists behead each other until the Middle East is rid of them all.

I agree with you that we should get rid of all all islamist terrorist (terrorist in general by the way).

This topic is however not related to radical islamists...

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Israel is encouraging 'Mahal' (volunteers from abroad) to join the IDF.


What about the fidelity to their native country and citizenship outside Israel ?

Should they also be beheaded in their native countries ?

Another example of "You can't do, what I can and allways will do" hypocrisy...

Pertinent point. But you shouldn't be surprised because when it comes to Israel, what's sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander.

Lets just hope countries whose citizens do leave to join the IDF have the fortitude to enforce their anti-terror laws and revoke the citizenship of their people leaving to fight illegal battles and wars for Israel, and arrest them if they ever return.

South Africa is willing to prosecute without hanging or beheading.


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Nobody should be beheaded.

Israel isn't going to behead anyone.

Grow up and read between the lines.

He represents the far right faction of Israeli politics.

They are concerned about the enemy within.

That's what far right factions do everywhere.

Next ...

Arab Israelis a 'threat from within'? History would tell us otherwise.

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Israel is encouraging 'Mahal' (volunteers from abroad) to join the IDF.


What about the fidelity to their native country and citizenship outside Israel ?

Should they also be beheaded in their native countries ?

Another example of "You can't do, what I can and allways will do" hypocrisy...

First of all -- the above is off topic.

But since you brought it up they aren't really the same situation.

An Arab Israeli citizen showing loyalty to Palestinian forces dedicated to ending Israel is really a potential enemy of Israel because Israel is in a long conflict with such forces.

On the other hand, an Argentinian Jew who decides to fight with the IDF is not showing opposition to his home country, Argentina.

So that's different.

That said, personally I feel if a non-Israeli Jew feels so strongly as about Israel that she fights for the IDF that person should really make Aliyah to Israel.

On the other hand there are cases in history where such actions have been widely celebrated such as the international volunteers fighting the fascists in Spain.

Edited by Jingthing
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Nobody should be beheaded.

Israel isn't going to behead anyone.

Grow up and read between the lines.

He represents the far right faction of Israeli politics.

They are concerned about the enemy within.

That's what far right factions do everywhere.

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Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is also a far right politician within his coalition...

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Well now, this beheading fad is all the rage in the middle east now isn't it?

My dear old pappy always told me "never get involved in Semitic quarrels".

Edited by 96tehtarp
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Nobody should be beheaded.

Israel isn't going to behead anyone.

Grow up and read between the lines.

He represents the far right faction of Israeli politics.

They are concerned about the enemy within.

That's what far right factions do everywhere.

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Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is also a far right politician within his coalition...

Using JT's reasoning, Al Baghdadi should be excused for anything he says.

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Nobody should be beheaded.

Israel isn't going to behead anyone.

Grow up and read between the lines.

He represents the far right faction of Israeli politics.

They are concerned about the enemy within.

That's what far right factions do everywhere.

Next ...

Arab Israelis a 'threat from within'? History would tell us otherwise.

Not sure what you're on about except choosing to read what I wrote in a knee jerk simplistic fashion.

Among Arab Israeli citizens some are very loyal to Israel, some are neutral and wouldn't mind so much for Israel to fall, and some may actually be potential hostiles.

I oppose far right rhetoric as mentioned in the OP.

It certainly isn't helpful.

I'm sure Israel has enough laws to deal with active traitors who are citizens.

As far as Arab Israelis showing free speech protest that shows alliance with enemies, that's probably something a democratic society is going to have to tolerate.

Edited by Jai Dee
Capitalized flame corrected
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Israel is encouraging 'Mahal' (volunteers from abroad) to join the IDF.


What about the fidelity to their native country and citizenship outside Israel ?

Should they also be beheaded in their native countries ?

Another example of "You can't do, what I can and allways will do" hypocrisy...

First of all -- the above is off topic.

But since you brought it up they aren't really the same situation.

An Arab Israeli citizen showing loyalty to Palestinian forces dedicated to ending Israel is really a potential enemy of Israel because Israel is in a long conflict with such forces.

On the other hand, an Argentinian Jew who decides to fight with the IDF is not showing opposition to his home country, Argentina.

So that's different.

That said, personally I feel if a non-Israeli Jew feels so strongly as about Israel that she fights for the IDF that person should really make Aliyah to Israel.

On the other hand there are cases in history where such actions have been widely celebrated such as the international volunteers fighting the fascists in Spain.

My post isn't off topic.

How can a country express capital punishment for their citizens or their foreign fighters if the same country is encouraging on large scale foreign feighters to join them for domestic purposes...?

'Contradictio arguendo' means in English : Contradiction for the sake of argument...

Talking about the Spanish fighters, one of them named George Orwell, has pretty well inspired Liberman...

Edited by Thorgal
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Israel is encouraging 'Mahal' (volunteers from abroad) to join the IDF.


What about the fidelity to their native country and citizenship outside Israel ?

Should they also be beheaded in their native countries ?

Another example of "You can't do, what I can and allways will do" hypocrisy...

First of all -- the above is off topic.

But since you brought it up they aren't really the same situation.

An Arab Israeli citizen showing loyalty to Palestinian forces dedicated to ending Israel is really a potential enemy of Israel because Israel is in a long conflict with such forces.

On the other hand, an Argentinian Jew who decides to fight with the IDF is not showing opposition to his home country, Argentina.

So that's different.

That said, personally I feel if a non-Israeli Jew feels so strongly as about Israel that she fights for the IDF that person should really make Aliyah to Israel.

On the other hand there are cases in history where such actions have been widely celebrated such as the international volunteers fighting the fascists in Spain.

My post isn't off topic.

How can a country express capital punishment for their citizens or their foreign fighters if the same country is encouraging on large scale foreign feighters to join them for domestic purposes...?

'Contradictio arguendo' means in English : Contradiction for the sake of argument...

I already explained how it IS off topic.

Also, get real, this is NOT Israeli policy.

The dude was stirring the sheit.

It's not happening.

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In response to Lieberman’s remarks, Israeli peace activist David Harel asked RT to imagine if Secretary of State John Kerry said the same thing about African-Americans or Hispanics:

“Can you imagine John Kerry making a similar statement about the Mexicans, or the Hispanics, or the Blacks in the United States. Imagine John Kerry saying publicly that you have to have their heads chopped off with an axe.”

It’s a viable question. Because if John Kerry did make such horrible statements the American people would be outraged and calling for him to resign or be fired from his job. So why does the American public continue to support Israel as an ally? Why do we tolerate such extremism from Israeli officials that we would never tolerate from our own? First, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lies to the faces of the American people and disrespects President Obama during a speech to Congress in an effort to sabotage US foreign policy initiatives seeking peace, and now the Foreign Minister is openly calling to behead people like ISIS does. It’s seriously time to cut ties with Israeli before they drag us into a campaign of extermination against Muslims.

Such a distortion.

For your example to have any relevance there would have to be a scenario where Mexico and the U.S. were in a decades long bitter conflict that had involved NUMEROUS wars. Then the part of the Mexican population that were U.S. citizens that had shown loyalty to the enemy side, Mexico, would of course be seen as enemies of the U.S. IF the U.S. had experienced that kind of conflict they wouldn't have a Secretary of State like Kerrry!

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