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Ten PAD leaders indicted for 2011 rally over Preah Vihear temple

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Ten PAD leaders indicted for 2011 rally over Preah Vihear temple


BANGKOK: -- Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang, Sonthi Limthongkul and eight other leading members of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) were on Tuesday indicted by the prosecution in the Dusit District Court for staging a rally in 2011 over the Preah Vihear temple dispute with Cambodia in violation of the Internal Security Act.

The eight others indicted are Praphan Khoonmee, Panthep Pongpuapan, Rak Rakpong or Samana Pothirak, Suriyasai Katasila, Therdphum Jaidee, Pibhop Dhongchai, Ratchayut or Amorn Sirayothinpakdi and Thossapol Kaewthima.

According to the indictment, the ten PAD leaders on Feb 8, 2011 set up a stage on Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue near Chamaimaruchet Bridge for a rally under the name of the Thai Patriots Network, blocking vehicular traffic.

In their speeches made to the rally, they attacked the then government of former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva for alleged mishandling of the dispute with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple on the Thai-Cambodian border.

The prosecution said the rally violated the Internal Security Act of 2008 which was imposed by the then government in Phra Nakhon, Pomprap Satruphai, Pathumwan, Dusit, Wang Thonglang, Watthana and Ratchathewi districts.

The ten accused PAD leaders appeared before the court on Tuesday morning for the indictment. They had denied the charges in an earlier inquiry.

The court set April 20 for the ten to report to it again for an examination of their statements. They were then released without being required to apply for bail.

(Photo : ThaiPBS file)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/ten-pad-leaders-indicted-for-2011-rally-over-preah-vihear-temple

-- Thai PBS 2015-03-10


I guess I need to do some reading again. Why was the ISA declared?

Or was it more an Abhisit government still being somewhat easy in declaring ISA after all the 2010 fun?


Mishandling of it how?

That temple is clearly Cambodian, heck, most of southern Issan was also...

Go back 200 or even 100 years ago much of the world had different borders than it is now, borders change all the time. The test I ask (assuming the land is populated) is what do the long term residents of the area consider themselves to be.... Thai or Cambodian (given two choices) I would suspect the vast majority of them would say Thai. I actually believe in self-determination vs being slave to the state. I have no real opinion about the temple itself, there are arguments on both sides -- but then the world recognizes as Cambodian, the current state of borders is it is in Cambodian territory and this group of people were trying to push Thailand into all out war - which is why I have no sympathy with them.

  • Like 1

Mishandling of it how?

That temple is clearly Cambodian, heck, most of southern Issan was also...

Mishandling, maybe blame French cartography skills, or lax Thai government(s) attitude over the years.

BTW your last sentence is incorrect. Part of the Eastern Provinces may have been part of the Khmer Empire, just like other parts of Thailand have been part of Burmese Kingdoms and so on and so forth. None relevant to the issue of Preah Vihear apart from maybe indicating a lack of clear cut and marked boundaries. There are still areas along the Thai-Cambodian border which are claimed by both countries. The border with Laos, Myanmar and Malaysia may have similar areas.

  • Like 1

Mishandling of it how?

That temple is clearly Cambodian, heck, most of southern Issan was also...

The Khmer Empire went to Ayutthya at one time.

And Angkor Wat was in Thailand before the French drew the borders.

These things mean nothing.

  • Like 1

Mishandling of it how?

That temple is clearly Cambodian, heck, most of southern Issan was also...

Go back 200 or even 100 years ago much of the world had different borders than it is now, borders change all the time. The test I ask (assuming the land is populated) is what do the long term residents of the area consider themselves to be.... Thai or Cambodian (given two choices) I would suspect the vast majority of them would say Thai. I actually believe in self-determination vs being slave to the state. I have no real opinion about the temple itself, there are arguments on both sides -- but then the world recognizes as Cambodian, the current state of borders is it is in Cambodian territory and this group of people were trying to push Thailand into all out war - which is why I have no sympathy with them.

A lot of the issues over recent years hasn't been over the temple itself, but over land near it. The world court ruled that the temple and land it was on was Cambodian, but there is about 5 sq km adjacent to it that the courts specifically did not rule on, and so is still "in dispute". Of course the PAD think that the temple should be Thai, but they don't take much notice of the courts.

The 1904 treaty clearly puts the temple in Thailand, but the maps added later (1908) clearly put the temple in Cambodia. Unfortunately for Thailand, they didn't reject the maps, so the courts ruled in 1962 that they stand. Because Cambodia only asked them to rule on the temple, they didn't rule on any of the other nearby land that was in dispute.

There aren't any people living on the disputed land, so there are no residents to ask. Most of the Cambodians living just over the border were put there by the government, so they probably shouldn't have a say either.

The only viable solution is compromise ... and given that this dispute is between Thailand and Cambodia, that's not really viable.

  • Like 2

If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

  • Like 2

If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

It would be funny if they ban Abhisit for the deaths during the last protest, but not the army generals :P


A law and order thread, that hasnt involved stringing up people and summary judgement and punishment demands.... am I in a TV thread or is it just far too early for the hate to be up?


@Fat Haggis... you know if they only have their people, perhaps electorate wide donkey voting or otherwise invalid voting should be enough to completely screw up those plans and throw it all back to hell. Wonder what the democrats platform will involve this time around, I do wonder if they may actually develop a policy or framework that isnt.... well actually yah create a policy. Cause Kinda sick of them going in Thaksin bad, voters dont understand democracy pitches when they lose, really getting a bit tired and i think the electorate is a bit tired of it too.

If they only spent the effort on actually doing politics rather than blocking progress they could actually get some votes.


If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

Blocking roads? Wouldn't you rather see prosecutions of those staging the numerous attacks and acts of intimidation against the protesters?

Now that PAD/yellows leaders are facing prosecution, it sort of takes the wind out of the discriminatory justice claims. Must be time to change the subject by throwing up some other (irrelevant to the thread) anti-junta, this-might-happen BS.

  • Like 1

Blocking roads? Wouldn't you rather see prosecutions of those staging the numerous attacks and acts of intimidation against the protesters?

Now that PAD/yellows leaders are facing prosecution, it sort of takes the wind out of the discriminatory justice claims. Must be time to change the subject by throwing up some other (irrelevant to the thread) anti-junta, this-might-happen BS.

It also derails the monotonously invoked, and inaccurate, chant that PAD and Democrats are the same.

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These pompous arrogant Thai fools should have been jailed a long time ago for shutting down Thailand's international airport

The pompous arrogant red Thai fools should have been jailed even a longer time ago for their Bangkok riot a year and a half before the airport.

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The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years

None of those indicted yesterday are politicians. wink.png


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Now go after the rest of the yellow sirts for the damage they did to the airports and passengers and the distuction of government property at Government House.


The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years

None of those indicted yesterday are politicians. wink.png


That's why I made reference to recent times, some were, and I was also genaralising too ?


If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

First people complain the yellows are not indicted .. now they complain its all part of a big master plan.. make up your mind.

So what do you want.. no prosecution so you can tell us its all a Shin witch-hunt or prosecution and you make up something else just co complain. No wonder they can never win.

  • Like 1

Other countries ruled - which have nothing to do with the people and calture there !!

Like The Winners in the 2nd WW made boarders on their choice,

and never looked at people, history or culture !

If would be correct rulings:

Americans will have to give back most part of USA to the Indians Origins !!

Italy would have to return SuedTirol to Austria ( 90% were German speaking Austrian people !! )

100 of same examples worlwide;

The so called rulers have nothing common with the area, people and culture;

They ruling on lies and political-military power to control the world;


If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

First people complain the yellows are not indicted .. now they complain its all part of a big master plan.. make up your mind.

So what do you want.. no prosecution so you can tell us its all a Shin witch-hunt or prosecution and you make up something else just co complain. No wonder they can never win.

Whose complaining? That's the trouble with you narrow minded people, you have the unique ability to read wrongly into peoples posts, and have the stupid mentality of If you're against the dems or Junta, you're a red supporter do me a favour and grow up!!

I couldn't give a monkeys toss Who"s snouts are at the trough, I'm not that narrow minded to know that corruption is still part and parcel of every day Thai life.

You're naive if you believe that just because you don't see it, it's not happening!!

Spare the sanctimonious preaching for someone who actually has the right to vote, as you're wasting your breath trying to convince me that one side is better than the other and that you have to support one slide just to make you feel part of something!!

Honestly some of you guys must lead pretty dull lives as you seem to live and breath Thai politics day in day out, me I just love reading how the farangs keep banging the Thai world to rights it's he best laugh I've had for ages.

Seriously Rob, I'll ask you the same question I asked another in another post, what can you do or say today that will make Thailand a better place for its population tomorrow? And that's The THAI population.

  • Like 1

If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

It would be funny if they ban Abhisit for the deaths during the last protest, but not the army generals tongue.png

The army generals would only be banned from elections and politics if convicted in a court of law. With possibilities of appeal that would mean starting 2020 or so.


If this is anything to go by, then I'd fully expect to see other indictments over the blocking of roads and public access area from last years protests albeit in around 4-5 years time.

The cynic in me would be thinking that all these politicians from recent times are about to be banned for 5 years, and thus paving the way for all these new junta backed politicians from the NLA and CDC, what better way in which to stack the decks so that the junta will never lose control, it's pretty genius really.

Come election time it won't matter, as the junta will have all their "people" running for elections, and it will be a case of vote for x.y or z and every one of them will have been put there by the junta, and nobody can cry foul as they're offering democratic elections albeit it's going to be all their people!!! 55555

Watch this space, the decks are being stacked abhisit is going to be banned, within the year. Remove all the peoples popular choices and let them vote for the Generals and admirals who will become the country's new politicians within a year.

First people complain the yellows are not indicted .. now they complain its all part of a big master plan.. make up your mind.

So what do you want.. no prosecution so you can tell us its all a Shin witch-hunt or prosecution and you make up something else just co complain. No wonder they can never win.

Whose complaining? That's the trouble with you narrow minded people, you have the unique ability to read wrongly into peoples posts, and have the stupid mentality of If you're against the dems or Junta, you're a red supporter do me a favour and grow up!!

I couldn't give a monkeys toss Who"s snouts are at the trough, I'm not that narrow minded to know that corruption is still part and parcel of every day Thai life.

You're naive if you believe that just because you don't see it, it's not happening!!

Spare the sanctimonious preaching for someone who actually has the right to vote, as you're wasting your breath trying to convince me that one side is better than the other and that you have to support one slide just to make you feel part of something!!

Honestly some of you guys must lead pretty dull lives as you seem to live and breath Thai politics day in day out, me I just love reading how the farangs keep banging the Thai world to rights it's he best laugh I've had for ages.

Seriously Rob, I'll ask you the same question I asked another in another post, what can you do or say today that will make Thailand a better place for its population tomorrow? And that's The THAI population.

Absolutely. You're not complaining, you're just speculating for the fun of it.

Of course another speculation would see all old and possibly tainted politicians removed from the theatre for five years, offering the young aspiring lot a chance. Mind you, the young and aspiring need some guidance and I fear not all of them have Dutch uncles.

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How would they cope without the guidance of jolly old fascist collaborators?

They could do well without jolly old fascist collaborators, just like they can do without terrorists and criminal fugitives.

The question is, can they do without Dutch uncles.



How would they cope without the guidance of jolly old fascist collaborators?

They could do well without jolly old fascist collaborators, just like they can do without terrorists and criminal fugitives.

The question is, can they do without Dutch uncles.

Yes. Hope that puts your mind at ease. How rascist and arrogant it would be to assume otherwise.

You weren't rooting for Szell in 'Marathon Man', were you?



How would they cope without the guidance of jolly old fascist collaborators?

They could do well without jolly old fascist collaborators, just like they can do without terrorists and criminal fugitives.

The question is, can they do without Dutch uncles.

Yes. Hope that puts your mind at ease.

No offence, but I'd like a second opinion from other members of the family, chimpansees, gorillas, urangetangs and so.


It is actually surprising that the dispute over the land adjacent to the temple was not sorted out during the term of the Yingluck Government particularly as the PT party owner and thinker was a friend and erstwhile advisor to Hun Sen. As well as there now being a family connection with the Hun Sen Government.

Unless of course it was in someones interest to carry it on.

With a little common sense and cooperation this bit of land and the temple could be (and have been) a big tourist earner for both countries by making the land into a special tourism zone administered jointly by both countries and promoted worldwide.

But no they have to posture, strut around yahoo and yell, go to various courts and throw things at each other..... But I suppose that the way of politics.



How would they cope without the guidance of jolly old fascist collaborators?

They could do well without jolly old fascist collaborators, just like they can do without terrorists and criminal fugitives.

The question is, can they do without Dutch uncles.

Yes. Hope that puts your mind at ease.

No offence, but I'd like a second opinion from other members of the family, chimpansees, gorillas, urangetangs and so.

I can assure you that anyone beliving anything an orangutan has to say is a fool.

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