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No work permit but still works at Tenerife Sportpoint in Pattaya

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I thought you needed a work permit to work in Thailand?

Well this guy Bowen Zacharia AKA Zeus Thunderbolt doesnt care about any thai laws or about visas, he just gets a double entry visa from Laos and the after the 60 days a trip to immigration and pays 1900 baht for extention, so all up 6 months.

His on a tourist visa but works at Tenerife Sportspoint with no work permit nor work visa and has been posing that he is a personal trainer on the morning pattaya show which is on youtube, his facebook with all his clients and last I seen was on pattaya-addicts Same made self paid, so his not shy about advertising himself.

Are immigration officers scared off his size and wont do anything?

Thought they were suppose to clean up thailand with people taking thai peoples jobs but I must have it wrong, if you take steriods and have tattoos then no one will touch you!

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Gets some steroids and tattoos.. wow.. now everyone is scared.

Seriously stupid guy to advertise himself like that.

Still who needs a rat, i know I would not rat an other foreigner out. Must be some beef going on here.

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