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Did your wife or girlfriend also always leave the dinner and run the the next street food stall?


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I still try to find a solution with my wife to have a romantic diner in siem reap but , all the time and I must say she do more often until she leave Thailand it's always the same!

First she choose for me a restaurant we sit down at the table study the menû card , and it's begin you can order I see only farang food on menû card I not like, I go and buy something!

Minutes later she disapear without further notice , and I sit alone with my meal , this happen all the time and drive me crazy!

10 minutes later she comes back with 5 plastic back and a smile on the face

I told here when you do this style in good old EUROPE when we are in Falang Lang over summer time bringing food from another shop in the restaurant maybe the owner kicks you out!

Yes and when I go eat with her india food because I like the chipatti bread , she loock sad 2 hour and even stop talk with me for 2 hour!

I ask my self now , is this normal or I am in the wrong movie?

If I would leave here during dinner same style she do, she angry me, so what I can do eat alone, and think mai pen rai or whatever..

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Sorry op but that is how some thais are , you just have to tell her you are the boss you pay so she stays and if she gets up and go's you do the same thing get up and go .

Thai woman like to be the boss I have seen it in thai villages and thai woman think I get man from the west and have good money he take care me and my family I have good life and my A T M he not lever me because I have good puss for him that is what a lot of them are on about so up to you how you do things hop it works out for you but make sure you remind her I am the one who pays not you .

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If Sandman was a movie, I'd watch it.

One thing I've learnt about women is go with the flow. It makes it easier,trust me.

But if a movie than rather in Sandy's mother tongue with English subtitles or vice versa...

a movie in native Austrian dialect??? After 10 min you will become suicidal... after 30 min your ears will start to fall off... and after 1h the risk of a stroke will have increased by 300%... w00t.gif

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Thais are physiologically addicted to certain ingredients found in many Thai dishes. Rice is one of them.

My wife will eat anything and be happy. Her parents go apeshit if they can not have something spicy, or stinky (preferably both) for every meal, including breakfast.

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take 2 women and go home with the one who knows her place.

Or maybe find a woman that hasn't spent most of her life in a rice paddy? No offense, there are many Westerners that will never eat anything but the fare they know; they generally also tend to come from the less educated and less traveled parts of society.....

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Think of all the miney you are saving....sge gets a plastic bag of hot ughh and you get to spend more money for steak and ribs!!!!

I had a friend years ago that would go into the old Tony Romas in the Nai Lert Building and they would let his wife bring her Thai food and he would eat his happy fool head off.......

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I not have Austrian dialect because I live near swiss boarder and talk same like mr swiss 1960!

All people Austrians and Germans think Iam from Switzerland because the mostly not understand there dialect!

We can make the movie together and you are the cameraman!

Movie of our Thai wife's and there daily problems what a great idea !

Always when I complain here style she not talk with me half day lol

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If Sandman was a movie, I'd watch it.

One thing I've learnt about women is go with the flow. It makes it easier,trust me.

But if a movie than rather in Sandy's mother tongue with English subtitles or vice versa...

a movie in native Austrian dialect??? After 10 min you will become suicidal... after 30 min your ears will start to fall off... and after 1h the risk of a stroke will have increased by 300%... w00t.gif

He is Austrian???explains a lot...

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Boy, Sandman, you get yourself into some bizarre situations. But to answer your question, I have been out to dinner with dozens, if not hundreds, of Thai women and none has ever left the restaurant to go purchase something else from some other place. Never.

So it's got to be something else. Maybe you bore her to tears. Or maybe she just doesn't want to be seen in public with you. Who knows? But this is definitely not a "Thai women thing."

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Now she only eat in Thai restaurant , she told me Khmer food and farang food not deliouses !

Austrian dialect is not very famous , one of the main reason that the voice of our country ikone Arnold Schwarzenegger , never used his orginal voice in any movie , that was translated into german!

It seems the English people can deal better with the accent then , the people speaks german but have diffrent dialects , and not understand each other!

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Boy, Sandman, you get yourself into some bizarre situations. But to answer your question, I have been out to dinner with dozens, if not hundreds, of Thai women and none has ever left the restaurant to go purchase something else from some other place. Never.

So it's got to be something else. Maybe you bore her to tears. Or maybe she just doesn't want to be seen in public with you. Who knows? But this is definitely not a "Thai women thing."

How about if you insisted on only eating in foreigner restaurants?

I think Sandman is causing the problem by only eating at places he likes.

As a previous poster said, let her choose where you eat, and you eat Thai food.

Lets face it, every Thai place does fried fish and rice, you can eat that.

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I still try to find a solution with my wife to have a romantic diner in siem reap but , all the time and I must say she do more often until she leave Thailand it's always the same!
First she choose for me a restaurant we sit down at the table study the menû card , and it's begin you can order I see only farang food on menû card I not like, I go and buy something!
Minutes later she disapear without further notice , and I sit alone with my meal , this happen all the time and drive me crazy!
10 minutes later she comes back with 5 plastic back and a smile on the face

This is unspeakably rude and socially incompetent.

Yes and when I go eat with her india food because I like the chipatti bread , she loock sad 2 hour and even stop talk with me for 2 hour!

This is ridiculously childish and immature.

Obviously this sort of attitude is not limited to dining and must raise it's ugly head many times in other situations.

What is wrong with you ? why would you want to subject yourself any longer to such behaviour.

Edited by slightlychilled
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My wife is the most wonderful lady on the planet and we've been happily married for years but when it comes to food you need to just let her do her thing. Let her pick the eatery and if you take her home as I did make sure you scope out local thai restaurants and good Asian markets that she can go to. A hungry Thai lady is a very unhappy Thai lady and there will be no end to your suffering until she is properly fed! Lol

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I not have Austrian dialect because I live near swiss boarder and talk same like mr swiss 1960!

All people Austrians and Germans think Iam from Switzerland because the mostly not understand there dialect!

We can make the movie together and you are the cameraman!

Movie of our Thai wife's and there daily problems what a great idea !

Always when I complain here style she not talk with me half day lol

In the interests of science, I think Sandman, our dearly beloved Austrian friend who doesn't speak like an Austrian because he lives near the Swiss border - rather than the Swiss boarder who might not be such a happy chappy as you - ummm ... dam. forgot what I was going to say.

Oh yes. In your best German accent which isn't German because people think you are from Switzerland, which is understandable as you live near the Swiss border, please tell us how your wife handles going to a restaurant near the Swiss border - or the Swiss boarder, whichever is the most interesting. Does she get up and leave and wander the cobblestoned streets (all streets are cobblestoned in Switzerland, even near the border, aren't they?) looking for Thai street carts?

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