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Major survey finds record low confidence in US government


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Major survey finds record low confidence in government

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans' confidence in all three branches of government is at or near record lows, according to a major survey that has measured attitudes on the subject for 40 years.

The 2014 General Social Survey finds only 23 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court, 11 percent in the executive branch and 5 percent in Congress. By contrast, half have a great deal of confidence in the military.

The survey is conducted by the independent research organization NORC at the University of Chicago. Because of its long-running and comprehensive set of questions about the public, it is a highly regarded source of data about social trends. Data from the 2014 survey was released last week, and an analysis of its findings on confidence in institutions was conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the General Social Survey.

Five things to know about Americans' low confidence in the government and other institutions:


The 11 percent who say they're confident in the presidency approaches a record low measured by the same survey in 1996, when just 10 percent said they had a great deal of confidence in the executive branch. The 44 percent who now say they have hardly any confidence at all is at a record high.

Historically, and not surprisingly, the survey has found that Democrats have more confidence in the executive branch when the sitting president is a Democrat, and Republicans have more confidence when the president is a Republican. In the 2014 survey, just 3 percent of Republicans say they have a lot of confidence in the presidency, down from a record high 45 percent who said so in 2002, when overall confidence in the presidency was also at the highest point the survey has measured, at 27 percent. Then, President George W. Bush was still riding a crest of support in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

But confidence among Democrats has dropped some in recent years, too, from 25 percent in 2010 to 18 percent in 2014.

Just 1 in 10 independents expressed a lot of confidence in the presidency in 2014.


The 2014 survey finds that confidence in the Supreme Court has fallen among Democrats, Republicans and independents since 2012, driving confidence in the court to a 40-year low overall. The 26 percent of Democrats with a lot of confidence in the court is a record low in the history of the survey, while Republican confidence in the high court, at 22 percent, is also near an all-time low.

Independents are the least likely to have a great deal of confidence in the court, at 20 percent.

Overall, 2 in 10 say they have hardly any confidence in the court, a record high, while more than half have only some confidence.



If there's one issue than unites Americans, it's that hardly anyone has much confidence in Congress, the survey shows. Over half of Americans express hardly any confidence at all, while only 7 percent of Democrats, 5 percent of independents and 3 percent of Republicans have a great deal of confidence in Congress.

Younger Americans — those under 35 — are a bit more likely than older ones to express confidence in Congress, but even among that group only 10 percent say they have a lot of confidence in the legislative branch.


Confidence has decreased since the 1970s, when about a quarter of Americans expressed a great deal of confidence in the press. Now, a record low of 7 percent have a lot of confidence, while 44 percent have hardly any confidence at all.

Republicans are the least likely to express a lot of confidence in the press, at only 3 percent, but Democrats aren't far behind at 10 percent.

Only 1 in 10 has a lot of confidence in television, which is also near a record low.


Americans' confidence in banks and financial institutions reached an all-time low of 11 percent in 2010, but has rebounded slightly since then, with 15 percent now expressing a great deal of confidence. That's still far from the survey's all-time high of 42 percent in 1977.

Just 18 percent have a great deal of confidence in major companies, up a bit from 13 percent who said so in 2010 but down from 31 percent who said so in 1984.

Only 1 in 10 Americans has a lot of confidence in organized labor.

The General Social Survey is administered by NORC at the University of Chicago, with financing from the National Science Foundation, primarily using in-person interviewing. The GSS started in 1972 and completed its 30th round in 2014.

The typical sample size was 1,500 prior to 1994, but increased to 2,700-3,000 until 2008, and decreased to 2,000 for the most recent surveys. Resulting margins of error are between plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for the smaller sample sizes and plus or minus 2.2 percentage points for the larger sample sizes at the 95 percent confidence level. The 2014 survey was conducted March 31-Oct. 11, 2014, among 2,538 American adults. The GSS 1972-2014 Cumulative File was used to produce the statistics presented.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-12
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Luckily we only have a year and half left in this administration!

We can but hope. Obama = worst president ever.

The trouble is, who the heck have the Republicans got to challenge Hillary "At this point in time, what does it matter" Clinton.

If I were American, and if he stood for election, I would vote for Trey Gowdy.

That honour goes to Dubya.

He even managed to make Jimmy Carter look good.

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I am surprised the confidence level is that high. Nothing but spins are put on twisted tales on the % of unemployment and the economy are told by the US govt. No one believes them except the Chinese who loan them money.

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The People have the Gov't they deserve.

The People have the Gov't which 'has' the People.

The People are 'being had' by their Gov't.

If USA is a Democracy - the Americans deserve what they have.

If USA is a 'kind of Democracy' - they should not force their model onto others.

I may be saying banalities - but it is true nevertheless.

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It really doesn't matter what the people think, they may be disgusted with the sociopathic criminals running their country but what are they going to do about it? Nothing.

This in a nutshell is why I left.

Which is a rather unique situation in a country that rightfully clings to its right to arms.

The govt is one up on them knowing if they just let them keep this pacifier of sorts... they

will never use them for the main intended purpose of the right to bear arms. As their govt strips them of every last right they once had

they will let that one stand knowing if they do the citizens will believe they still have that last line of defense.

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they should rerun this WORLDWIDE and see how much confidence the world has in US governance lol

Good idea but they would all come up short. They keep saying bankers its a mistake in spelling it should be spelled banksters. There is such a narrow selection to choose from in all the surveys taken. People are so fed up and do not know which way to turn any more. Riots unrest etc. will increase people are feeling trapped in this lousy system especially us pensioners. The banksters will soon want to be paid for us to park our money there. They have started this bullshit in Denmark already. If this trial balloon floats the rest of us will be shafted to. All my life the fricken government told me to save my money for retirement well I am here now but the promised land has disappeared. The ultra rich now run the world. There is so much funny money flying around that the banksters do not need our hard earned money anymore. Hence they will soon refuse to pay us interest. We are all be channelled down that that cattle shute called the stock market as there is no other game in town. There we compete with funny money currencies from other countries looking for security its all one big pyramid scheme that will end badly.

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i had to have my say but when idiots believe that Obamam is the worse president they should study the smallest amount of recent US history. What imbeciles.

When you throw George Walker Bush into the mix O'Bama looks like a prince. He inherited such a terrible mess in Iraq and Afganistan and its still a festering sore.

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Have big businesses infiltrated high into the Justice System?

They own it wink.png

But their not called Big Businesses the top tier

are just called "Too Big To Fail"

The next tier have names like BP, Halliburton etc

Next tier in the Military Industrial arena folks like Academi formerly known as Blackwater or KBR a spinoff of Haliburton

But yes you could say the Justice System is beautifully broken

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When you have a Constitutional Lawyer for a President...a President who had a Dem Congress and Senate for 6 years...yet used executive order to rule the country...giving the impression that the Legislature was dysfunctional...and it was dysfunctional by Presidential design...having the Leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, simple refuse to bring up any bi-partisan legislation for a vote in the Senate...all calculated to make the Legislature look impotent to the American public...thereby causing a low confidence in the government to run the country...

Now that both the Senate and Congress are controlled by the Republicans...guess what...legislation is getting voted on and approved by bi-partisan vote...and the President vetoes the measures to keep them from becoming law...

Pure politics...not interested in moving the country forward...

Two more years of Imperial Executive Order from President Obama...

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Luckily we only have a year and half left in this administration!

We can but hope. Obama = worst president ever.

The trouble is, who the heck have the Republicans got to challenge Hillary "At this point in time, what does it matter" Clinton.

If I were American, and if he stood for election, I would vote for Trey Gowdy.

That honour goes to Dubya.

He even managed to make Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems we have some non fox news disagreement with you direct from his constituents.

Edited by BadBouy
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The People have the Gov't they deserve. The People have the Gov't which 'has' the People. The People are 'being had' by their Gov't. If USA is a Democracy - the Americans deserve what they have. If USA is a 'kind of Democracy' - they should not force their model onto others. I may be saying banalities - but it is true nevertheless.

The USA isn't a democracy and never wanted to be. The founders were very careful to assure that it isn't.

The USA is a republic of states, with each state, regardless of population, getting two senators in the senate.

It's government by a majority of states, not a majority of the people. This way the largest states can't rule the smallest states.

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The political situation in America is atrocious. With Fox news and MSNBC out to polarize both parties not helping the situation. Uncompromising Obama as well as uncompromising republicans in both houses are out of control.

Interesting. When both parties had an Immigration bill that would have passed, and Obama said he would sign it, Boehner refused to put it to a vote.

Now you tell me who is "uncompromising".

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i had to have my say but when idiots believe that Obama is the worse president they should study the smallest amount of recent US history. What imbeciles.

Huh? What you say aaaah what you mean? Smallest amount of history ??? Study???? Imbecile who? You ? I don't get it! What is your say?crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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i had to have my say but when idiots believe that Obamam is the worse president they should study the smallest amount of recent US history. What imbeciles.

When you throw George Walker Bush into the mix O'Bama looks like a prince. He inherited such a terrible mess in Iraq and Afganistan and its still a festering sore.

Obama also inherited an economy that was a complete mess, following the 2008 financial crisis. Now that the economy has turned around, the Republicans are strangely silient about that. All they want to talk about now is foreign policy. Which is another example of why we will not see another GOP President in the forseeable future.

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