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Minimum wage could be different in some parts of Thailand next year


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What happens if you allow different minimum wages, is that firstly they have to be calculated by a govt department - as I seldom see any evidence that any govt dept in Thailand has ever had a sufficient level of competence to do the tasks they have been allotted, I see no reason why this particular scheme should work properly and areas will simply either suffer or claim unfair treatment.

Secondly the minimum wages before were set at varying levels in order to attract businesses to a particular area...under this system I can see company "big-wigs" already located in certain areas, deliberately campaigning to lower minimum wages just to make some extra money for themselves.

In essence this is just a little present for businesses that support the regime.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Hmm country wide minimum wage 300THB !?

Mrs. Poohy was looking for a bit of extra cash so I know the figures are correct

  • how about...hotel staff in Phrachuap khiri khan 200/220THB a day
  • restaurant same town 220 THB a day
  • Chinese run family shop 180 THB a day(this delightful opportunity entailed working in both shop and cleaning the proprietors home) was declined with forked tooth vengeance safe to say I don't think we will shop in that establishment ever... or for safeties sake even walk past it

Sadly for me she is putting her efforts into her garden now at home and has declined all the kind offers

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Hmm country wide minimum wage 300THB !?

Mrs. Poohy was looking for a bit of extra cash so I know the figures are correct

  • how about...hotel staff in Phrachuap khiri khan 200/220THB a day
  • restaurant same town 220 THB a day
  • Chinese run family shop 180 THB a day(this delightful opportunity entailed working in both shop and cleaning the proprietors home) was declined with forked tooth vengeance safe to say I don't think we will shop in that establishment ever... or for safeties sake even walk past it

Sadly for me she is putting her efforts into her garden now at home and has declined all the kind offers

The minimum wage at present is 300 baht for an 8 hour day - f/t workers.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has spent more than a day in Thailand that enforcement of this is going to be at best patchy, also there will be a myriad of loopholes for certain companies to exploit.

Whatever - this does not alter the fact that it is at present a universal wage and changing it can only avail more loopholes for the unscrupulous employer to exploit.

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Well we all know that BKK, Phuket, Samui (to name a few) are much more expensive than city's in the sticks.

On top of that the traffic jam in BKK also wastes a lot of workingtime for a labourer.

Many groceries and fuel are more expensive up country than in Bangkok and the more industrialized provinces.

This has to do with less competition, more steps in the supply chains, smaller volumes and longer supply routes.

CoL will have little or nothing to do with the final call on what level is applied where.

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They need to look at Workman's Compensation and some form of OSHA, this is a dangerous place to work and if you get killed your family might get 50,000 THB which is what I was told a Myanmar man's was offered a week ago when a machine fell on him, killing him. He could have been an illegal, at any rate he left a wife eight months pregnant.

There are many things that we as Farang see that need improvement.

One of the most dangerous things is walking down the sidewalk at night when there is poor lighting. Holes in the sidewalk, fireplugs in the middle of the sidewalk and of course uneven sidewalk surface.

Sure got off the subject a bit !!

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So you're saying that a Thai employee who works for Casio for example down in Bankgok should be paid more than one in Issan?

This is almost as bad as the top women being paid less, the minimum wage must be standard across the country not regionalised, it's pretty obvious where this is going, the low paid in the poorer Issan and Deep South areas are about to be stiffed and the ones in Bangkok will be laughing if I'm reading this correctly.

It's seems another way in which to Alianate the population as opposed to bringing it closer together.

Keep the minimum wage country wide and treat all those on it as equals.

The Junta is definately dividing the country. You have the Bangkokians and the rest.
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Let's hope they also impose a profit threshold on employers whereby, once beyond it, they have to start increasing workers wages incrementally above the minimum wage.

Good, then the company will never have enough money for expansion, capital improvements, or moving into other markets as any money over a certain threshold goes to the employees. How very Communist/anti-Capitalist. Of course, it's easy for you to care so much for the welfare of the employees as it's not your money invested in the company and you didn't take any risks to build it.
Just as its very easy for you to take the side of the employers as opposed to those who do all the work, get very little in return if all they are paid is minimum wage and are dismissed as soon as the profit margin falls.

Did I say the employees couldn't make a profit? Hmm, why no, I didn't. I said once profits reach a certain level the employers should increase the workers wages. After all don't the employees, who are doing the all work, deserve to be rewarded as well when there is success?

You call that communism, how very knee jerk "free market, greed is good of you". I don't. I call it a fair reward for the hard work the employees are putting in.

But then again the laissez fair liberalism you appear to espouse has never shown any concern for workers except as disposable components in their drive for money. Generally their greed and explorative tendencies lead them to drive wages as low as possible no matter what the cost to the workers.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of the nineteenth century. If you don't like it then please feel free to starve.

Edited by Bluespunk
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One you set a minimum rate market forces are no longer in control.

Somewhere down the track, minimum wages or award rates will be more than the market can bear and you have the situation most of the Western faces. It is mute to have the best industrial award rates when that particular industry has collapsed and no longer employs anybody.

If anyone doesn't believe you, direct them to look at France.

I don't.

I did.

I still don't.

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First of all US sets a national min. wage Areas like San Francisco Bay Area New, York City, Los Angeles basin have Min wage higher than national average So does the entire state of California. But in return there are better services for all unlike here.

Edited by Strangebrew
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imho the problem with the minimum wage is that complete unskilled worker have to get the 300thb minimum wage which is a big increase from before but skilled worker haven't got a significant increase though the salary gap between unskilled and skilled workers is minimal...

our village's security guards just got replaced by a gate as unfortunately they didn't provide enough value to justify their new minimum wage (rise) for the coming year

i wonder how many times that or similar has happened up and down the country this past year sad.png

Using the same logic, wouldn't it be great if Bangkok traffic cops at intersections would be replaced by automatic traffic lights..???

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What about children and families?

They need to be fed, too.

Maybe minimum wages need an add up to make it "minimum family income" - you might want to call it "investment in human capital"

Perfect if Farangs would contribute.

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On the face of it this seems a reasonable idea but, being a bit leftist, perhaps it's around the wrong way - assuming, of course, that our thought that areas like Bangkok, Phuket, Samui and Pattaya are going to be the ones that benifit is correct. But what if it was the more depressed ares that were to benifit? Like Issan. Maybe the mothers of Issan might return from Bangkok, Phuket, Samui and Pattaya to be with their children because they could afford to. Just saying.

Like Issan. Maybe the mothers of Issan might return from Bangkok

And where will those good-paying jobs in Isaan come from? What incentive is there for capital to flow to a neglected area when there is little or no return on investment.

A bar or massage parlour can operate anywhere.

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So you're saying that a Thai employee who works for Casio for example down in Bankgok should be paid more than one in Issan?

This is almost as bad as the top women being paid less, the minimum wage must be standard across the country not regionalised, it's pretty obvious where this is going, the low paid in the poorer Issan and Deep South areas are about to be stiffed and the ones in Bangkok will be laughing if I'm reading this correctly.

It's seems another way in which to Alianate the population as opposed to bringing it closer together.

Keep the minimum wage country wide and treat all those on it as equals.

Is an area's cost of living not relevant? Every province in my home country is different because it is their individual jurisdiction that sets it.

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It would be great if posters would read the OP before committing to their kbd. It quite clearly says: "Employers are also obligated to pay the daily minimum wage of no less than 300 baht per day."

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Let's hope they also impose a profit threshold on employers whereby, once beyond it, they have to start increasing workers wages incrementally above the minimum wage.

Good, then the company will never have enough money for expansion, capital improvements, or moving into other markets as any money over a certain threshold goes to the employees. How very Communist/anti-Capitalist. Of course, it's easy for you to care so much for the welfare of the employees as it's not your money invested in the company and you didn't take any risks to build it.
Just as its very easy for you to take the side of the employers as opposed to those who do all the work, get very little in return if all they are paid is minimum wage and are dismissed as soon as the profit margin falls.

Did I say the employees couldn't make a profit? Hmm, why no, I didn't. I said once profits reach a certain level the employers should increase the workers wages. After all don't the employees, who are doing the all work, deserve to be rewarded as well when there is success?

You call that communism, how very knee jerk "free market, greed is good of you". I don't. I call it a fair reward for the hard work the employees are putting in.

But then again the laissez fair liberalism you appear to espouse has never shown any concern for workers except as disposable components in their drive for money. Generally their greed and explorative tendencies lead them to drive wages as low as possible no matter what the cost to the workers.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of the nineteenth century. If you don't like it then please feel free to starve.

The US has long been a world leader in productivity using market forces to guide financial decisions and the American public/working man enjoyed a rising and very high standard of living until the Socialists began to try to guide the economy and control the free market by dictat. Now, we have so many rules that it is nearly impossible to start a new business unless it is a big one. Wages have stagnated and the spirit of entrepreneurship is fading fast. BTW, no one is starving. Hyperbole, much?

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One you set a minimum rate market forces are no longer in control.

Somewhere down the track, minimum wages or award rates will be more than the market can bear and you have the situation most of the Western faces. It is mute to have the best industrial award rates when that particular industry has collapsed and no longer employs anybody.

If anyone doesn't believe you, direct them to look at France.

I don't.

I did.

I still don't.

In order to promote your failed Communist dogma, you have to be intentionally blind to it defects. I understand you have your mission so I won't try to 'enlighten' you.

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Let's hope they also impose a profit threshold on employers whereby, once beyond it, they have to start increasing workers wages incrementally above the minimum wage.

Good, then the company will never have enough money for expansion, capital improvements, or moving into other markets as any money over a certain threshold goes to the employees. How very Communist/anti-Capitalist. Of course, it's easy for you to care so much for the welfare of the employees as it's not your money invested in the company and you didn't take any risks to build it.
Just as its very easy for you to take the side of the employers as opposed to those who do all the work, get very little in return if all they are paid is minimum wage and are dismissed as soon as the profit margin falls.

Did I say the employees couldn't make a profit? Hmm, why no, I didn't. I said once profits reach a certain level the employers should increase the workers wages. After all don't the employees, who are doing the all work, deserve to be rewarded as well when there is success?

You call that communism, how very knee jerk "free market, greed is good of you". I don't. I call it a fair reward for the hard work the employees are putting in.

But then again the laissez fair liberalism you appear to espouse has never shown any concern for workers except as disposable components in their drive for money. Generally their greed and explorative tendencies lead them to drive wages as low as possible no matter what the cost to the workers.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of the nineteenth century. If you don't like it then please feel free to starve.

The US has long been a world leader in productivity using market forces to guide financial decisions and the American public/working man enjoyed a rising and very high standard of living until the Socialists began to try to guide the economy and control the free market by dictat. Now, we have so many rules that it is nearly impossible to start a new business unless it is a big one. Wages have stagnated and the spirit of entrepreneurship is fading fast. BTW, no one is starving. Hyperbole, much?

No one is starving because the laissez fair philosophy has been exposed as the lie it was. No one is starving because those who espouse it have, thankfully, largely been marginalised and ignored in the modern age. The state is the reason no one starves, not unfettered capitalism.

Socialists are to blame for the banking crisis? The mortgage scams? The insider dealing that used to occur? Don't think so. That was capitalism.

You want to label me a communist I see in your other post directed towards me? Fine, do so if that means I am the antithesis of the economic model that you espouse. I am not, but if that gives you a crumb of comfort then you cling on to it.

I believe in a just and fair society. I don't subscribe to the idea that all should get the same regardless of their contribution. However I do feel that all should share in success. Yes the employer should make their profit, but the workers should also get their share. they do the work and deserve some of the rewards of success.

However even that it seems is too much for neo liberals.

Edited by Bluespunk
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One you set a minimum rate market forces are no longer in control.

Somewhere down the track, minimum wages or award rates will be more than the market can bear and you have the situation most of the Western faces. It is mute to have the best industrial award rates when that particular industry has collapsed and no longer employs anybody.

If anyone doesn't believe you, direct them to look at France.

I don't.

I did.

I still don't.

In order to promote your failed Communist dogma, you have to be intentionally blind to it defects. I understand you have your mission so I won't try to 'enlighten' you.

I'm not a communist. I see no difference between it and other forms of totalitarian govt.

I have no mission as such, but I do have views and will express them. You don't like them, no problem. I don't like yours.

You couldn't enlighten me because you have nothing to teach.

just the same old laissez faire platitudes.


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So in 2016, all the available Thai workforce will migrate to BKK as salaries will be higher...

Expect some unemployment stats to be issued shortly after...

People go were the work is! Prior to 2012 this formula was standard, and then the people were employed by local firms who could afford the salaries.. 2013 many businesses either closed or relocated.

I closed mine in 2012 because of the wage jumping from 186 baht to 300 baht and I know of several other companies that closed also.

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