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My Mates Gf Cheating

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The last time I told someone their GF was cheating,he said I lied and was going to kill me! of course he only came to Thailand 2 to 3 time a year so knew better than I.Nowadays i keep my mouth shut and let them live in cloud cuckoo land.

i had the same situation though not as extreme. knew my mate's gf was cheating and told him. he refused to believe me. he found out eventually. could have saved himself a lot of hassle but as they like to say over here; up to him.

if someone was doing the dirty on me i'd want to know.

OP is your mate supporting the girl financially? if he is definitely hell him! or as someone else suggested get someone else to tell him or create an e-mail address in a thai name and send a grammatically incorrect e-mail to him identifying person, times and places. job done.

. Takes care of her rent, maybe more idk, thx
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If you didn't see with your own eyes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt perhaps we could discuss advising your mate. You know the saying believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

Furthermore you give your word man that's it. However if the conversation went down as your had to give your word before hearing the news your a mug for doing so.

Good luck with your conscience though your moral compass is off a bit. Might wanna refill it's jamming

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If he saw your wife cheating on you, would you want to know? There's your answer. Bro's take care of Bro's. This is a no-brainer.

Absolutely. Tell the poor sod. Also, he might have some similar info on your wife he was keeping to himself.smile.png
that was The Agreement... Thx
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If you didn't see with your own eyes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt perhaps we could discuss advising your mate. You know the saying believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

Furthermore you give your word man that's it. However if the conversation went down as your had to give your word before hearing the news your a mug for doing so.

Good luck with your conscience though your moral compass is off a bit. Might wanna refill it's jamming

you risk no tell with No Promise
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If your mate have an e-mail account, just open a new one for you with a fake name and e-mail advising him to check in his girlfriend...and nothing more. If he write to you, NEVER respond for any reason. Just close your fake account and forget all about.

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Terrible,reminds me of the time i got my todger caught ,in a vice,and old,Mrs hodges from the next house heard my screams,of course it was all a freak accident,as i had magnetised the vice,and as i reached up ,it litterally grabbed hold of me,owing to the steel zipper,on my short's,unfortunately as i was drawn toward the device i slipped tightening it on my member,and in said position i was unable to rewind the vice,Mrs Hodges though shocked ,called the fire brigade who where very understanding,moral of the story_be careful with big magnets.

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I was in this exact situation as your friend with my farang wife. I wish one of my "friends" told me. It would have saved me a lot of time, money and heartache.

He will find out eventually.

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If he saw your wife cheating on you, would you want to know? There's your answer. Bro's take care of Bro's. This is a no-brainer.

Absolutely. Tell the poor sod. Also, he might have some similar info on your wife he was keeping to himself.smile.png

Sure, that's a good enough reason to grass her.

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OP informs his mate that a little birdy told him his girlfriend is cheating.

OP`s mate confronts girlfriend. She either denies it or admits it. If she denies it, the OP will be considered a trouble maker, end of friendship. If she admits it, then a blazing row followed by so sollies, cuddles, make love, all is forgiven, girlfriend says I hate the OP, friend says, so solly cannot see you anymore, end of friendship. Or friend accuses OP of destroying the relationship, end of friendship. Either which way the OP is in a no win situation.

I made a pact with myself many years ago, which is; never get involved in other people`s dramas and best to let nature take it`s course. As the wise man says; always plead ignorance as ignorance is bliss. Getting involved is a thankless task and it`s always the good Samaritans that end up in the cold.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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The last time I told someone their GF was cheating,he said I lied and was going to kill me! of course he only came to Thailand 2 to 3 time a year so knew better than I.Nowadays i keep my mouth shut and let them live in cloud cuckoo land.

it's quite a sticky situation, your damned if u do and damned if u don't , it's the agreement part that's bothering me, Thanks

Not sure why you would say "damned if u do and damned if u don't." It would seem that it's only damned if u do. What's the downside of keeping your mouth shut?


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Where do your wife's morals lay? Not meant to be offensive but I would explain to her why you feel the way you do.

I would feel concerned if I were you.

I'm not sure how good a mate you are to him or he is to you.

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The last time I told someone their GF was cheating,he said I lied and was going to kill me! of course he only came to Thailand 2 to 3 time a year so knew better than I.Nowadays i keep my mouth shut and let them live in cloud cuckoo land.

it's quite a sticky situation, your damned if u do and damned if u don't , it's the agreement part that's bothering me, Thanks

Not sure why you would say "damned if u do and damned if u don't." It would seem that it's only damned if u do. What's the downside of keeping your mouth shut?


In other words, a self-inflicted wound.

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