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Giuliani blames Obama for Ferguson shootings, other unrest

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Giuliani blames Obama for Ferguson shootings, other unrest

NEW YORK (AP) — Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani says President Barack Obama is to blame for the police shootings in Ferguson, Missouri, and other disturbing events because he sets the tone for the nation.

Giuliani spoke Thursday on WNYM-AM's "The Answer" with host John Gambling. Giuliani says Obama isn't addressing the "enormous amount of crime" being committed by blacks.

The White House declined to comment Friday on Giuliani's remarks.

Giuliani also says Obama should say the kinds of things comedian Bill Cosby used to say before he was accused of sexual assault, which Cosby denies. Cosby often exhorted black people to focus on education and parenting.

Giuliani drew criticism last month for questioning Obama's love of country. He said Thursday he considers Obama a good family man.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-14

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The ever wishy washy minded Obama is akin to the folk story about the Jackal who was alone

as no one at the jackal community liked him for being... err.. not like a jackal....

So alone and looking for friends, he went to see his distant cousins, the wolves and was rejected as

being too soft and indecisive, so he went to the dogs, his other distant relatives, and was

rejected again for being dark in color and of questionable linage... so he was left alone, again.....

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I personally would like to take lessons in public speaking from Giuliano. My hope is that he would teach me how to sound like a Fox pundit - i.e., self-righteous, sole possessor of the truth, and very clear that there is ALWAYS Someone Else to blame. It's a handy skill.

Or come to Thailand and learn from the pros! rolleyes.gif

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All the repubs are up for is a war with Iran and another trillion debt and working class kids losing their lives. Pathetic excuse of a political party,only good part is they aint got a hope in 2016 presidential !

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Giuliani is absolutely correct, re: the enormous amount of crimes committed by blacks, and that Obama (as a black man) is not addressing that domestic issue. The black voting block doesn't significantly impact the over-all political scheme of things anyway, except from a negative aspect.

The problem in Ferguson is not due to black people, but due to the arrogant racist police force who just shoot (black) people at random. And get away with it too!

As a president Obama is trying to do a lot for domestic problems, unlike for instance loony George W who never addressed ANY domestic issue. The only thing he could do was promoting hate and war

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Giuliani is absolutely correct, re: the enormous amount of crimes committed by blacks, and that Obama (as a black man) is not addressing that domestic issue. The black voting block doesn't significantly impact the over-all political scheme of things anyway, except from a negative aspect.

The problem in Ferguson is not due to black people, but due to the arrogant racist police force who just shoot (black) people at random. And get away with it too!

As a president Obama is trying to do a lot for domestic problems, unlike for instance loony George W who never addressed ANY domestic issue. The only thing he could do was promoting hate and war

you need to lay off the LSD before noon...

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I never quite understood how Obama got the nomination. I have nothing against him, but he seemed relatively untested and unconnected in the political world. The Clintons, on the other hand, are political animals, They work as a pair and they know the political landscape. Obama is sort of out their alone and gets targeted more easily.

Giuliani is quite out of line and if he tried that with more seasoned politicians he'd find himself muzzled, I think.

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Giuliani is absolutely correct, re: the enormous amount of crimes committed by blacks, and that Obama (as a black man) is not addressing that domestic issue. The black voting block doesn't significantly impact the over-all political scheme of things anyway, except from a negative aspect.

The problem in Ferguson is not due to black people, but due to the arrogant racist police force who just shoot (black) people at random. And get away with it too!

As a president Obama is trying to do a lot for domestic problems, unlike for instance loony George W who never addressed ANY domestic issue. The only thing he could do was promoting hate and war

Explain the reason why, despite the presence of black Tamil Indians, and other dark-skinned ethnic minorities, who also reside within and in the vicinity of Ferguson, that only the black "Americans" of Ferguson seem to have any major issues with the conduct of local police? The reasons are quite obvious, and apparent to any political figure, with the guts to stand-up, and call those majority black "Joker Cards", for the Aces they really are: Trump cards of social chaos, civil disobedience & destructive behavior.

Giuliani is one of those political figuresclap2.gif.

Edited by NativeSon360
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Is there anything that Obama doesn't get the blame for?

Is there anything he has not done wrong?

Hey, he's the one who chose to become a puppet for the Good Ole Boys, pulling the strings from the back-room round table. Anyone who would "want" to become president, anymore, must have some loose-screws bouncing around inside their head, to begin with coffee1.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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I never quite understood how Obama got the nomination. I have nothing against him, but he seemed relatively untested and unconnected in the political world. The Clintons, on the other hand, are political animals, They work as a pair and they know the political landscape. Obama is sort of out their alone and gets targeted more easily.

Giuliani is quite out of line and if he tried that with more seasoned politicians he'd find himself muzzled, I think.

Let's remember Giuliani ran for prez in 2008 and it wasn't pretty.

While Barack surged from a fresh Senate profile to the front of the pack Giuliani sank like a rock from early on and wuz gone before he could finish saying he shops at nine-eleven oops.

America's favorite mayor lost his honorific as he got stuffed and dunked while America's suddenly favorite black guy from Hawaii won a house for free in Washington.

It's how these politician people think that sends rude Rudy off on these eccentric and egocentric rants.

Plus the tea party now in control of the Republican party has pulled nearly every single Republican politico over and out to the hard right, the farthest right any political party in the US has ever gone. We're in new and very extreme political territory populated exclusively by crackpots and nutcakes to include the New York fast talking loudmouth Rudy Giuliani.

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Guiliani should just keep his yap shut, blaming the situation in Ferguson on one person is out of line

There is more to this story than just what has happened recently, surely it only recently boiled over.

Started to stew way before Obama was Pres

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Giuliani is absolutely correct, re: the enormous amount of crimes committed by blacks, and that Obama (as a black man) is not addressing that domestic issue. The black voting block doesn't significantly impact the over-all political scheme of things anyway, except from a negative aspect.


your theory is only half rightfacepalm.gif

If one ascribes to your theory , Obama should only get half the blame since he is only half black,

do the math or go to the back of the classlaugh.png

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The White House declined to comment Friday on Giuliani's remarks.

Definitely the best policy...best to let this kind of rhetoric die without comment...talking about it gives it some kind of credibility...

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