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SamutPrakan: – Somrong Nuea police are investigating an incident which a woman sent a box filled with a dead baby to her ex-boyfriend.

Police Major Attawat Attakitwiroj said he would classify the investigation after receiving the forensic report on the dead baby, which was found with an uncut biblical cord and aged around seven months.

Attawat said he did not know whether the baby was killed or died following an early delivery and/or an abortion.

He was speaking after checking the scene at a townhouse on Theparak Road 4, Mueang Samut Prakan district.

Based on the statement given by the townhouse owner, she said an ex-girlfriend of her brother, known as B, came to her home last evening.

She said her brother was not at home and B gave her a box and a letter, saying she wanted to give a message, saying farewell to her ex-boyfriend.

After B left in a taxi, the townhouse owner opened the box, found the dead baby and alerted police.

Attawat said the accompanying letter outlined the hurtful feelings of B who said the boyfriend was cruel and cold hearted in leaving her for a new girlfriend when she was pregnant.

B said in the letter that she was left to go through her pregnancy alone and that she hoped the dead baby would serve as a reminder of the boyfriend’s irresponsibility.

In concluding her letter, B said she wished the best of luck for the new girlfriend and that the couple would not have to face a repeat of what she had to endure.

Police plan to summon and interview B after receiving the forensic report on the baby’s cause of death.

Police Major AttawatAttakitwiroj said he would classified the investigation after receiving the forensic report on the dead baby, found with uncut biblical cord and aged around seven months.

Attawat said he did not know whether the baby was killed or died following an early delivery and/or an abortion.

He didn't say if the body was decomposed, which I imagine it would have been if it died following an early delivery or abortion!

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A lot of mental anguish for 'B' to deal with. Hope they go easy on the girl and limit the possible sentence to 5 to 7 years.


I wonder how the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend feels about this, a woman also after all, that is shown how not responsible her new boyfriend is.

Police Major AttawatAttakitwiroj said he would classified the investigation after receiving the forensic report on the dead baby, found with uncut biblical cord and aged around seven months.
Attawat said he did not know whether the baby was killed or died following an early delivery and/or an abortion.
He didn't say if the body was decomposed, which I imagine it would have been if it died following an early delivery or abortion!

I thought Thai's counted actual age as being 1 when first born, hence the 7 months as child was till in womb.


I hope that the autopsy will show that this was a stillborn baby and she didn't kill it.

But it shows the complete lack of responsibility between a lot of Thai males.

Everything for their own satisfaction and complete disregard for other people.

I hear every day of husbands/bfs, leaving their partners with kids and never give a damn how they survive.

Even the courts are unable to force these people to contribute to their obligations.

We hear about family bond in Thailand.

This is all face.

In reality they only care about themselves.

That is why, I'm saying and believe that these people and their so called culture is nothing else but superficial with no depth or understanding of any responsibilities.

Just face.

In any event, she should be charged for desecration of the dead, and I'm sure some other

postal issue crimes by sending a corps in the mail... that's a good start until they verify the cause

of the death...


"After B left in a taxi, the townhouse owner opened the box, found the dead baby and alerted police."

A small matter in this case, but why was they box opened by someone other than the one to whom it was addressed?

Nosey people.

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I wonder how the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend feels about this, a woman also after all, that is shown how not responsible her new boyfriend is.

They believe it won't happen to them...

My wife had a similar experience, when her son was nine months old the farther head to greener pastures and never paid or even ask about the son until he found out 22 years later she had married a Farang, suddenly he needs to see his son. A month after the visit he called and ask for a loan, my wife told him where to shove it, another time the Son told him to Bug Off !!

In the USA they have a Universal Child Support agreement between the states and will go after a man if they find him. Further, the child upon reaching 18 years of age can bring his own Civil Action for back support.

I have a Nephew who can verify first hand. Georgia came to Florida, and Florida put him in jail until he signed an agreement with the court for payment.

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I know a thai girl who used to induce babies at around 6 months and throw them into the bushes on the way home from a'clinic' in ta bo Before going back to work in soi 7 a week later.

Shes got another thai baby now according to her posts on facebook.

Lovely girl.....


Common everywhere not just here.


Dead babies being put into a box and given to their ex?


I know abortion happens everywhere and that is a personal choice each individual has to make themselves. It's nobodies decision but theirs.

However putting the body in a box as payback to the slimeball who left her to deal with the situation she found herself in?

That's fairly unique.

  • Like 1

I hope that the autopsy will show that this was a stillborn baby and she didn't kill it.

But it shows the complete lack of responsibility between a lot of Thai males.

Everything for their own satisfaction and complete disregard for other people.

I hear every day of husbands/bfs, leaving their partners with kids and never give a damn how they survive.

Even the courts are unable to force these people to contribute to their obligations.

We hear about family bond in Thailand.

This is all face.

In reality they only care about themselves.

That is why, I'm saying and believe that these people and their so called culture is nothing else but superficial with no depth or understanding of any responsibilities.

Just face.

In any event, she should be charged for desecration of the dead, and I'm sure some other

postal issue crimes by sending a corps in the mail... that's a good start until they verify the cause

of the death...


I never knew that Karla Homokla moved to Thailand..

"Karla Leanne Homolka, also known as Karla Leanne Teale and Leanne Bordelais, is a convicted Canadian serial killer who helped her husband rape and murder at least three women.."


I know a thai girl who used to induce babies at around 6 months and throw them into the bushes on the way home from a'clinic' in ta bo Before going back to work in soi 7 a week later.

Shes got another thai baby now according to her posts on facebook.

Lovely girl.....

Perhaps on the outside, but looks fade..sad.png


Common everywhere not just here.

Delivering a dead fetus in a box to an ex-bf?

Like they say, fact is ALWAYS stranger than fiction.

Fiction writers...Pffffft


Stephen King, after the accident and the drugs


But seriously, it speaks to the latent temper in Thais, a subject for another day. It's an Asian paradigm. Great people, but don't poke the bear. I know, I have a Thai wife.


The American Admiral (Nimitz) was asked, "How did you guys do against the Japanese Kamikaze fighters?" He replied, " Okay, once they ran out of pilots.."

So many cultural western and Thai paradigms are at 180 degree odds..

There are over 40 different types of Thai smiles..Sometimes they smile just prior to pitching the hapless farang over the short railing..wai2.gif or tossing the member to the pigs..or boxing up a fetus for the ex.

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My wife had a similar experience, when her son was nine months old the farther head to greener pastures and never paid or even ask about the son until he found out 22 years later she had married a Farang, suddenly he needs to see his son. A month after the visit he called and ask for a loan, my wife told him where to shove it, another time the Son told him to Bug Off !!

In the USA they have a Universal Child Support agreement between the states and will go after a man if they find him. Further, the child upon reaching 18 years of age can bring his own Civil Action for back support.

I have a Nephew who can verify first hand. Georgia came to Florida, and Florida put him in jail until he signed an agreement with the court for payment.

Similar tale, Thai men, Father of my wife, not having the balls to turn up to house himself and demand money from 6 year old son's bank account be returned to him, (mere 3,000 Bahts) after not seeing or contacting his son in some 3 or 4 years. He sent his sister to do the dirty work. She was told to p*ss off by myself.

Funnily enough Son now 8, and father lives only few hundred meters away does nt even want to look at his father.

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