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Why are women not allowed in certain areas?

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Never heard of women not allowed in any areas of temples as long as they are modestly dressed.

Except of course in the monks dormitories in case they put naughty thoughts in the celibate monks.

Sorry, haven't got an opinion about boxing rings as I've never been to one of those.

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Women are seen as ritually impure on account of their menstruation. However, this is purely tradition (possibly derived from Hindu beliefs), and is not rooted in the tripitaka.

In temples they are usually asked not to sit (at any time) on the platform where the monks sit during ceremonies, and in some temples are asked not to circumambulate some stupas. (That's more common in Northern Thailand than elsewhere, I think.) I've also occasionally seen individual buildings in temples which are off-limits to them.

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Women are seen as ritually impure on account of their menstruation. However, this is purely tradition (possibly derived from Hindu beliefs), and is not rooted in the tripitaka.

In temples they are usually asked not to sit (at any time) on the platform where the monks sit during ceremonies, and in some temples are asked not to circumambulate some stupas. (That's more common in Northern Thailand than elsewhere, I think.) I've also occasionally seen individual buildings in temples which are off-limits to them.

Yes, and men should be also exempt for their own defecation, or an excessively high sperm count on a given day....


the hierarchy of bodily fluids

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It's definitely not just a northern tradition. I've seen signs saying that women may not enter or sit where the monks sit in at least a dozen temples in central Thailand. (I particularly notice these signs since it's from such a sign that I learned the word saˑ​trii.)

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Costas yes women are banned in certain areas in temples.

I was taken to a temple at Maha sarakam recently for a monk who is good at massage to help me.

I was lying on a raised area in the massage pavilion. Waiting , no men present only women.

I needed water, my wife says darling you have to wait i cannot come to you (women not allowed).

Bloody hell woman i need water now not tomorrow, cannot she refused to bring water to me.

My wife was 12 feet from me but could not step in the raised area.Men only.

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