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What would you do ?


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Welcome to Bang Saen, this is why I left. This place is terrible on the weekends and yes I did complain and it did nothing. The pier area and along the beach is very noisy. You could try but the will probably send you to the tourist police at the information center on beach road. The bull is they want your name and a copy of your passport.

You could call your land lord and tell him you are breaking the lease because of the problem and maybe call him at 2 am when it is noisy. He may not want to lose a good renter. Good luck

we live her for 5y its not a general problem at all, its just our neighbour, that have closed their small bar and taken the customers home......

our landlord cant do much, and if he was going to talk with the neighbours, that would just make the relastionship into....nothing.

we better handle it ourselfs, and choose what to do by our selfs, but i hear you !

So just learn to live with it. It will be fun for the kids when they get a little older.

Do you have a daughter?

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Sadly, I'd agree with moving.

I see you are in a difficult situation.

If you complain, be prepared for plenty of sh*t from the house and those associated with it. Also do not expect it to stop overnight. Like CharlieH says, it can go on for a long time. Why have your lifestyle ruined when (luckily) you can move out.

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They have been incredible quiet today, abit fewer "guests" too.

some thais have short term memory problems, i will see how the development is over the next 2 weeks before i jump to conclutions,

we are not in danger or anything, just annoying !


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The threat to his foodbowl should be enough to spur your landlord into action. Another angle would be to hope the other tennants make themselves known, particularly if they happen to be Thai with local connections. You can then stand back...


Edited by evadgib
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I suggest you read up on how to set a simple radio transmitter to transmit sound directly to his speakers using his cabling as an antenna.

Then play Aqua's Barbie Girl on repeat at full blast during every one of his parties until he gives up.

Do tell...

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Drunken Thais are aggressive.

That's a bit of a generalisation, isn't it? And not really relevant to the OP's predicament.

To the OP: It looks to me like you and your wife enjoy living there. I would never leave a place I like just because of something like this. Enjoy the good days/moments, and learn to ignore the inconvenience this neighbour is causing you. With any luck at all, their bar/gambling den will close - for whatever reason.

It's silly to move house everytime something annoys us.

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I would tell the landlord why, and move.

I would also report them to the police

To tell it the police is the most stupid recommandation, this is LOS.

Police appears take their tea money and tell them who complained.

And you can be assasinated quicker as you can imagine.

Really?? So all you guys saying this, how many times did you complain and then the police did nothing and you just got more problems. This is why things are the way they are.

I had an issue when I was living in Bangkok with a neighbor having people coming over playing cards all day all night, loud music etc. I went to the police station gave the address and told them

what was going on. Two days later the police raided the place and shut them down.

To the OP, complain to the police and see what happens. If as everyone says the police do nothing and it gets worse then move. Why just move without trying. If the police don't do anything the first time go back and move up the chain. There are some good cops in Thailand. I have dealt with a few of them.

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when the music have been playing untill 03-04, but they are smooth and have an excuse.

Solution - you start playing your music at around 07:00/08:00 am preferably something in AC/DC or similar at full tilt with the speakers pointing in their direction...wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA8eASoOck they will get the message, it works

What an idiotic reply.

Methinks little Soutpeel knows nothing about Thai culture. I very much doubt he speaks Thai, either.

That said, i have thought of, making my own noise, but plan was not to get in a fight he he he also i dont think it solve a thing

I again agree,,, 1st thought?,,, fight fire with fire,,,, but also,, "fight the good fight",,,,, EITHER way,,, you're gonna be fighting a fight you'll NEVER, EVER win,,, EVEN if you were a Thai man, living there your whole life,,, it comes down to this, and ONLY this,,, WHO'S paying off who?,, It'll ONLY end when either they either quit making $$,,, someone is not getting PAID the $ to allow it,,, or someone with authority has the BALLS to shut them down,,, (feel free to pick 2 0f 3)... ,, Beside the added, "disadvantage" of you being a, "stupid" Farlang, that, (maybe) picked up the slack of some, "decent" Thai man that, at the FIRST mention of his wife being pregnant,,, BAILED on her, and HIS child,,,,, Do yourself, your wife, and your kids a favor,,, MOVE,,, and tell them WHY,,, "We don't live this way, it's WRONG,,, we're raising you all to be BETTER than that",,,, tell it exactly how it is,,, because THAT'S exactly what it is,,,, While YOU maybe, "man" enough to play hardball,,,, you mentioned they have kids also,,, I presume near the same age as you say they play together,,, I also assume,, they go to the same school, maybe have classes together,,,,, YOU cause trouble?,,,,, your kids WILL suffer at the hands of their, "friends" at school, because their Dad is a,,, "trouble maker"..... sorry,, but kids now days have ENOUGH problems to deal with,,, Don't allow them to be dragged into, "your fight",,, that you will NOT win,,,,

Edited by Adeeos
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Hi mate you are in thailand and that is how the thais are not give a shit about other people not all but most are like your neighbours so if I were you just move why do you care and you don't need trouble in a place like thailand different if it was your home but you are renting so let the landlord have the problem not you cheers hop it works out for you .

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Put the PM's new hotline to the test: http://news.thaivisa.com/thailand/new-1155-and-1111-hotline-launched-for-foreigners/37642/

If that doesn't get a response, drop a hint that the house is being used for human trafficking.

EDIT: forgot to add the human trafficking site: http://www.humantrafficking.org/organizations/240

Edited by Xircal
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Brother, just followed up on your posts: Tip= as long as you have a loved one or more in your life do not do anything at all that could potentially leave them exposed, in any of the million ways a person could be vulnerable. Physical violence is not the only way to ruin a life. Please, do not go at these people in any way at all unless you have first moved your family to a perm or temp location than perhaps try crafty means or intervention.

Its clear on page one and now page five; you have no really good options. I am sorry. I am an aggressive MF and take little shit in my life but I have also learned when there are loved ones, I no longer have that luxury. I must be wise and measured. You must be wise and measured! You must do the safest, wisest thing.

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Welcome to Bang Saen, this is why I left. This place is terrible on the weekends and yes I did complain and it did nothing. The pier area and along the beach is very noisy. You could try but the will probably send you to the tourist police at the information center on beach road. The bull is they want your name and a copy of your passport.

You could call your land lord and tell him you are breaking the lease because of the problem and maybe call him at 2 am when it is noisy. He may not want to lose a good renter. Good luck

we live her for 5y its not a general problem at all, its just our neighbour, that have closed their small bar and taken the customers home......

our landlord cant do much, and if he was going to talk with the neighbours, that would just make the relastionship into....nothing.

we better handle it ourselfs, and choose what to do by our selfs, but i hear you !

Jesper, .... just like to hear the topic outcome ........wai2.gif

So any update what you did about your noise problem ... ?

What have you decided ...... ?


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So we had a talk with neightbours, and they where sorry that we felt as we did ect.

there have been quite quiet since then, however in my desperation i found a better house, and while things maybe have cooled abit at the neightbours, i think we will move anyway, new house is in neithbourhood only the hassle moving.

Thanks for input everyone.

keep it real, and remember we are foreigners here, need to accept differences, culture is different, we all have different understandings, needs ect. Thais are not worse or bad, looking at us from others eyes, are are not always political correct ourselfs :-)

Cheers !

Over and out


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Have a simple advertisment for their gambling night prepared in thai. One only. Drop it in their mail box. Or do dozens and drop them around town

That's so 1990s, in this day and age we create a Facebook group and have a mass invite, say free beer/whiskey, etc. Have 100,000 people come.

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Welcome to Bang Saen, this is why I left. This place is terrible on the weekends and yes I did complain and it did nothing. The pier area and along the beach is very noisy. You could try but the will probably send you to the tourist police at the information center on beach road. The bull is they want your name and a copy of your passport.

You could call your land lord and tell him you are breaking the lease because of the problem and maybe call him at 2 am when it is noisy. He may not want to lose a good renter. Good luck

we live her for 5y its not a general problem at all, its just our neighbour, that have closed their small bar and taken the customers home......

our landlord cant do much, and if he was going to talk with the neighbours, that would just make the relastionship into....nothing.

we better handle it ourselfs, and choose what to do by our selfs, but i hear you !

Jesper, .... just like to hear the topic outcome ........wai2.gif

So any update what you did about your noise problem ... ?

What have you decided ...... ?


yeah, well things have calmed, but we have found a 200sqm house at 9000,- 2km from here, more space for the kids outside, and i dont need to have in mind when they start their games again.

So we will move, we not in a rush, but its quite certain we just move on, and accept it as it is.

Neightbour on our other side, said, IF you move, they will have PARTY EVERY DAY, then i will sell my house, i cant stand this noise, ha ha ha

cant save the world


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Brother, just followed up on your posts: Tip= as long as you have a loved one or more in your life do not do anything at all that could potentially leave them exposed, in any of the million ways a person could be vulnerable. Physical violence is not the only way to ruin a life. Please, do not go at these people in any way at all unless you have first moved your family to a perm or temp location than perhaps try crafty means or intervention.

Its clear on page one and now page five; you have no really good options. I am sorry. I am an aggressive MF and take little shit in my life but I have also learned when there are loved ones, I no longer have that luxury. I must be wise and measured. You must be wise and measured! You must do the safest, wisest thing.

Agree but, not all thais carry guns, and want to kill you because you talk with them.

we talked with them, things have improved, while its too early to say it it is permanent, i dont try to prvent they have guests, just turn down the noise level and hanging around outside my house.

They had guests yesterday, everyone had parked inside the garage area, i didnt even notice they had 10 motorcycles.

while all this is good, we are still moving

Thanks for advice and concern, our loved ones are ofcourse worth to protect :-)


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i attached 2 pics from today when i came home.

We live in town house.( not for long )

Thankfully we get key to new house next week. my wife have meet and talked with people on the soi, and there are no parties !!!!

Im really disappointed, but again also just a reminder it is the land without laws ( sort of ) and people dont give a f... its not only us white <deleted> that at victims.

So happy i dont own this shithole !

Our land lord begged us to stay, offering lower rent. no thanks man !




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