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What would you do ?


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We live in a good village in Bangsaen, good neighbours, we have a good relationship with them, they have kids, we have kids, same age.

Recently, our neighbours they turned their Townhouse, into a backyard bar/gambling den, 10-20 motorcycles 5-10 cars are now parked outside our house, 5 days aweek, because they dont have space enough themselfs, they block the entrance to the 5 car parking lot, so no one can come in and out, we need to ask them if they can move their cars or motorcycles if we want in or out.

Their guets use the grassy area outside their/our house as toilet. cigaret buds, empty plastic bottles and shit everywhere.

Privacy is a thing we dont have anymore, as the guests often stand and smoke, talk outside our house, so we end up with curtains pulled more less all the time.

We are the only affected of this because we live on a half empty Soi

Now we Rent our house, they Own theirs, so we really dont have a vote to complain, and if we where to complain in an official manner, how would we stand ?

My wife have talked with them a few times, when the music have been playing untill 03-04, but they are smooth and have an excuse.

Should i hold out, and hope it will stop eventually,
Should i complain

or should we <deleted> off to another place ?

What would you do ?



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My wife had asked them, Issent it illigal, as a Hint, answer was, that no one had to know about it.

also its not really visible from the main road. only from my drive way and windows !!!!!

I have started to look for other housing options, Bangsaen dont have such a big realestate market as place like Pattaya, sadly.

we are really happy with the place we live, except this new development they have going on !

we will contact our landlord and ask his advice.


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I would tell the landlord why, and move.

I would also report them to the police

To tell it the police is the most stupid recommandation, this is LOS.

Police appears take their tea money and tell them who complained.

And you can be assasinated quicker as you can imagine.

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stop fooling yourself, they dont give a shit about you or your kids, waste of time being nice to them and watch them be as vindictive as hell if you complain.

Such is the childish behaviour of many Thais.............sadly they often get away with this

Sad but true.

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when the music have been playing untill 03-04, but they are smooth and have an excuse.

Solution - you start playing your music at around 07:00/08:00 am preferably something in AC/DC or similar at full tilt with the speakers pointing in their direction...wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA8eASoOck they will get the message, it works

Then you start getting into games and it starts taking over your life, not worth it IMO. Most thai people are prone to noise anyway.

Just for the record, you just can't beat a bit of DC can ya. If the op were to go forward with your advice then I would strongly recommend let there be rock (the song).

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Unless your wife has some serious high-level connections with the police or the authorities, there is nothing you can do. By complaining you will not help yourself and may find yourself between a senior police officer and his tea money (if there is gambling going on in the house, you can be sure that it is illegal and they are paying off the police otherwise it would not be able to operate so openly). Besides, it is probably a mafia operation.

Invite your landlord over, especially when the place is busy, and tell him that you cannot stand it there and that you are leaving. He might have the kind of high-level connections to make it stop but that would be a long shot.

The easiest way out is to just move on and take more care in your choice of location in the future - i.e. pick a property that is not so easily blocked in.

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when the music have been playing untill 03-04, but they are smooth and have an excuse.

Solution - you start playing your music at around 07:00/08:00 am preferably something in AC/DC or similar at full tilt with the speakers pointing in their direction...wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA8eASoOck they will get the message, it works

What an idiotic reply.

Methinks little Soutpeel knows nothing about Thai culture. I very much doubt he speaks Thai, either.

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Why do people always assume the "authorities know about it" or "the authorities are allowing it in the first place"?

It's a village, I doubt the "authorities" even know it exists.

I lived in a small village in Phitsanulok for a year. There is a village telegraph in every village its called gossip. They knew more about my business than I did. Yes tranquility can turn upside down at a moments notice in Thailand. Never buy here always be ready to fold up your tent and move on. Have a Nomadic mentality forget roots. Here its every man for himself and Thai's make a baht wherever they can. Its called surviving.

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Today is your lucky day.

Try the numbers and see if they work.

Yes you can call this number and I hope you get a response. These answers always look good in the news but in actuality can be a bit disappointing. Its always the consequences after the fact that you have to worry about. Tires slashed, cars scratched it can turn into a real feud.. Maybe contacting your landlord will yield some results as he knows he will have a hard time to replace you with a good tenant and nobody wants to live beside a gambling den. If faced with a loss of revenue he may come up with an answer. Walk away and save yourself a big headache seems the better alternative.

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This is actually a really F___d up thread- No! Not the OP, or the responders... the sorry state of affairs your in!

When I scroll through the responses I realize exactly how alone you really are with such a problem. You dont have any choices; not any good ones. A really varied cast of folks here have all said the same things to you. The problem you describe is so imaginable, so clear. Its even a shame you would have to equate your renting with a different value than their ownership, insofar has having rights to privacy, quiet, and a reasonable life. Brother, what a really shitty situation you are in. Your options are brutally clear based on a really good cross section of wisdom postings above. I wish you good luck and hope I dont have such a situation. As others have said, it is really quite difficult to see where this works out well for you.

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Honestly sounds like a no win situation. Complain to authorities (who are undoubtedly getting backhanders for allowing it in the first place) and the only thing that will happen is that whatever relationship you still have with these neighbors will turn rancid: cars won't be moved, music turned up even louder, maybe a few flat tires on your cars.

Continued and more aggressive complaints by you to them will get Thai smile #22...the one that says "<deleted> you...what are you going to do about it?"

Don't forget...you are an "Outsider" no matter how long you have lived here and how many Thai's like you.

Start looking for a new place.

Better Call Pruyth.You just gotta get a bigger dick than he's got.What ever the girls on here say,you do have rights.But be prepared for revenge.Most likely have to move anyway.His wife is not an outsider.

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