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83.13 per cent of Thais still have faith in govt

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Another rubbish poll written on toilet paper. Full of lies as the government ordered all polls to reflect the glorious government as something it isn't. When pollsters are given an order and told what the results will be by the government how on earth can anyone take them or the government seriously.


83.13 percent of Thais still have faith in Govt

The other 16.87 percent legged it in fear to Cambodia.

Good news that. I hope they learn from Arisman's example and don't take the word of a corrupt PM that they will be safe from prosecution when they come back.

When will the bombing campaign start to get Thaksin his Cambodian amnesty?


Not really sure what planet you're on.

Last completed election PTP got 15.7 million votes and the Democrats got just 11.4 million - it was an absolute thumping.

What on earth could make anyone think that the required 2 million plus voters would switch to the dark side? If anything this last coup and the complete disrespect its leaders have shown towards all but a very small minority of Thais has probably pushed the PTP vote upwards of 17 or 18 million.

You have got to be 100% delusional to think that the PTP would lose a free and fair election.

Ask yourself, why are there no more elections in Thailand.

Your extrapolation of the 2011 results coupled with a sense that the vote for PTP has increased seems to ignore the fact that the PTP government did a great deal to alienate many Thais. The juntas exposure of their corruption and waste will increase those numbers, a claim based on the incomplete last election which PTP would likely have lost had they any opposition.


Not really sure what planet you're on.

Last completed election PTP got 15.7 million votes and the Democrats got just 11.4 million - it was an absolute thumping.

What on earth could make anyone think that the required 2 million plus voters would switch to the dark side? If anything this last coup and the complete disrespect its leaders have shown towards all but a very small minority of Thais has probably pushed the PTP vote upwards of 17 or 18 million.

You have got to be 100% delusional to think that the PTP would lose a free and fair election.

Ask yourself, why are there no more elections in Thailand.

Your extrapolation of the 2011 results coupled with a sense that the vote for PTP has increased seems to ignore the fact that the PTP government did a great deal to alienate many Thais. The juntas exposure of their corruption and waste will increase those numbers, a claim based on the incomplete last election which PTP would likely have lost had they any opposition.

You've just gave two excellent reasons why there shouldn't have been a coup:

1. The PTP "did a great deal to alienate many Thais". I usually described it as the PTP was at a low point in popularity. Either way, a July 2014 election might have removed the PTP democratically.

2. "...the incomplete last election which PTP would likely have lost had they any opposition." Once again, the PTP might have been removed democratically if the misnamed Democrats had been willing to participate in the democratic process.

You seem to think that if there had been elections instead of a coup the PTP stood a good chance of losing. I agree, too bad a coup prevented that from happening.

When there are elections I suspect the voters are more likely to remember how the PTP was removed from power by a coup than remember their performance in office. I also suspect the voters will be skeptical about any PTP corruption exposed by the junta, especially if the junta fails to investigate and expose corruption in the military, which they aren't likely to do.

I and others keep saying this, but there are some who just won't accept it---Coups are bad for democracy!

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The most important factor in this poll is can they be believed and the answer only lies in the truthfulness of the people concerned in gathering the information, politicians of all persuasions have always ignored what the polls say about them so in this instance and untill the Junta leaves town I will ignore them also and encourage everyone else to do the same. Verdict: meaningless trash coffee1.gif


I see the bitter and twisted are out in force again. Glass half empty type of thing.

When the polls suggested the Junta had 96% popularity they were dismissed as a fake polls. A few months later the next polls came out suggesting 93% popularity for the Junta and were dismissed as forced polling. A few months later the polls suggested an 89% popularity for the Junta and they were dismissed with statements saying "Have an election then" Today the polls are showing another reduction in popularity to 83% and the same people that have no grasp of trends continue along their inane narrative.

The funny thing is if it ever gets to 49% that will be when and only when they state the polls are right. Why? Because it suits their agenda.

They dismiss the majorities voice unless that majority suits their purpose as has been proven again and again over the last 5 years.

And they call the Junta anti democratic!! Go figure..

I have polls, facts, failed elections to show that Prayut is the most popular Pm in the last decade. What do others have? They have the "All the Thai people I know" defense.


The polls are conducted by a junta government under martial law, you believe them to be an accurate reflection of national opinion? Extraordinary!

The election failed because its failure was engineered by the faction which has now taken power in a coup. That failure was engineered because they new they would lose.

You keep claiming to have facts - lets hear them then.

You're the twisted one, producing ever more remarkable contortions in an attempt to justify the position you've backed yourself into with your determined support for the Junta.

Do yourself a favour, just admit that you like the idea of a military government, and don't give a fig for democracy or the political rights of the Thai people.

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Another rubbish poll written on toilet paper. Full of lies as the government ordered all polls to reflect the glorious government as something it isn't. When pollsters are given an order and told what the results will be by the government how on earth can anyone take them or the government seriously.

From an interesting article, which I believe has a better reputation for polling:

"More than half the people queried in an extensive new survey in emerging and developing countries say they are dissatisfied with their political system, with the greatest discontent in the Middle East.

People in the developing and emerging nations of Asia, on the other hand, are largely satisfied with their political systems. The median there is 39 percent.

The most discontent is in Thailand, which has been ravaged by political turmoil in the past year — 70 percent are dissatisfied. Just 23 percent are dissatisfied in Malaysia, and 29 percent in India."

A bit different than what I am seeing in Thailand.


The 16.87% are the ones who still haven't woken up and would again vote for a Thaksin proxy party.

But that's not true, there are probably at least half of them who don't have faith in the present Govt that wouldn't trust a Thaksin party either after what the last version did to them.

That doesn't really leave many. Consider that when the last Thaksin party got in it was a minority of the people who voted for them. Also while they were still in power there were red shirts coming out and publically saying Thaksin should not be in politics. Now with about 10 months of peace they are seeing that it is not necessary to continually rally and receive nothing in return other than trouble.

I like the poll I just wish it wasn't a Thai one.

Not really sure what planet you're on.

Last completed election PTP got 15.7 million votes and the Democrats got just 11.4 million - it was an absolute thumping.

What on earth could make anyone think that the required 2 million plus voters would switch to the dark side? If anything this last coup and the complete disrespect its leaders have shown towards all but a very small minority of Thais has probably pushed the PTP vote upwards of 17 or 18 million.

You have got to be 100% delusional to think that the PTP would lose a free and fair election.

Ask yourself, why are there no more elections in Thailand.

14 posts, and another newbie starting on page 1 of the prescribed playbook, all covered a million times already.

Time to get your head out of the sand.


Even " newbies" can have opinions you know.

It could be argued that the democratic deficit in the current regime is so apparent that even a "newbie" can see it .

Time to get your head out of the sand.


88.13 % still have faith in Gov.

The Center for Alcohol Studies (CAS) has shown that 31.5 percent of Thai people aged 15 years and over, or about 17 million drinkers, consume alcohol regularly. The report also revealed that, in a year, each regular drinker consumes 7.1 litres of pure alcohol, which is equal to 226 bottles of beer or 25 bottles of spirit.

I need to figure out if these news are somehow related...


Since Prayuth declared there would be no anti-government polls, and since we are under martial law -- the numbers could easily be fiction, and most likely are fiction. I also live in a "red " area of Issan -- and they hate this current coup-empowered government as much as they hated the others.

According to the BP Sunday in story titled "Now we are all dissidents", in the last election the Democrats had 35.2% of the vote, and the PTP had more than 50%.

Where are all these people who keep declaring the Democrats had nearly half the votes on TVF dreaming up their numbers? The BP, a very right-wing newspaper altogether, has very different numbers than the pretend right wing nuts on TVF.

The same news article also declared that Prayuth and friends were "un-amused" that so many people asked questions, and planned on releasing a junta newspaper. It was then commented by the writer that the last junta did that, and the people who printed the Junta News had to take copies home, many were buried, because even peanut vendors would not use the rag as wrapping.

The story was based on statements that both the Democrats and PTP do not like the new charter.

Now, today, the BP pulled the story.



Ironic really that two countries where the populations are overwhelmingly in favour of their governments, Thailand and Russia are being persecuted by the US government, which consistently has low approval & trust ratings by Americans.

Does the mean the US pushing "democracy" is about installing unpopular & untrustworthy governments? Or just governments that do as the money boys say?


djamie,djamie,djamie...most of us wouldn't believe a Thai- poll if it said, that 90% of all children worldwide like chocolate.

But you are right: I would deem a poll, that said only 49% were pro- junta, a little less likely to be total mad up [email protected] that is it!


Ironic really that two countries where the populations are overwhelmingly in favour of their governments, Thailand and Russia are being persecuted by the US government, which consistently has low approval & trust ratings by Americans.

Does the mean the US pushing "democracy" is about installing unpopular & untrustworthy governments? Or just governments that do as the money boys say?

I suggest it may simply be that US citizens are free to show they do not like any particular government.

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Ironic really that two countries where the populations are overwhelmingly in favour of their governments, Thailand and Russia are being persecuted by the US government, which consistently has low approval & trust ratings by Americans.

Does the mean the US pushing "democracy" is about installing unpopular & untrustworthy governments? Or just governments that do as the money boys say?

You forgot North Korea, another country being "persecuted by the US government". Of course no one in North Korea would dare question poll results that show overwhelming support for the Dear Leader. Just as the media in Russia and Thailand won't publicly question the polls showing suspiciously high support for their authoritarian governments.

I don't recall if Libya under Ghadafi had polls, but the whacky colonel claimed he had overwhelming support. Authoritarian governments have an unhealthy habit of believing their own propaganda.

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Do they really have a choice in the matter? Marshal Law even effects the mental capacity of 83.13% of the people!

There is no choice, all people must worship the Junta or pay the consequences. People are polled under total duress, free thought is banned.

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