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Netanyahu promises no Palestinian state if he is re-elected


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The fact that the Palestinians refused the UN deal and attacked Israeli with 5 Arab armies when they agreed to it. The Palestinians are responsible for their own mess.

First, picture this. What would you do/think if the place where you and your family have lived for generations is given away by a bunch of countries that have absolutely no relation with you and your family whatsoever

A place in which you did not own the land and were renting from someone else who actually owned it? Sounds like tough luck to me, but if the Arabs had not started attacking the Jews in the first place, it would have not been necessary.

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The fact that the Palestinians refused the UN deal and attacked Israeli with 5 Arab armies when they agreed to it. The Palestinians are responsible for their own mess.

First, picture this. What would you do/think if the place where you and your family have lived for generations is given away by a bunch of countries that have absolutely no relation with you and your family whatsoever

A place in which you did not own the land and were renting from someone else who actually owned it? Sounds like tough luck to me, but if the Arabs had not started attacking the Jews in the first place, it would have not been necessary.

Renting land from someone else??? Are you drunk?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

". They could have had peace and their own country long ago otherwise."

Didn't they actually have their own country before they were pushed aside after WW2. ?

No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.
this is the worst and most overused excuse as to why there should not be a palestinian state.
How is it an "excuse"? He claimed that there had been a country of Palestine, before WW2. I provided him with the actual facts; There NEVER has been one.

Ok, so you dont think there should be a sovereign state called Kurdistan by stealing parts of Iraq/Syria/Turkey/Iran?

Not same same, since Turkey is the remainder of the Ottoman Empire and Irans border are not "synthetic" (made by outside forces during the last century).

This is highly off topic, I know

But I want to see if Israel is a special case in your view. The 'Palestinian' borders are not set in stone and have been eroding so to speak.

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No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.

You are wrong.

Palestine - the country and the people have existed since antiquity.

You better inform all the history books then. giggle.gif

1) When was it founded and by whom?

2) What were its borders?

3) What was its capital?

4) What were its major cities?

5) What constituted the basis of its economy?

6) What was its form of government?

7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat (who was actually born in Egypt)?

8) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?

9) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?

11) What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

Those questions could be answered more positively in relation to Palestine rather than Israel.

Prove it by answering the qustions!

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No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.

You are wrong.

Palestine - the country and the people have existed since antiquity.

You better inform all the history books then. giggle.gif

1) When was it founded and by whom?

2) What were its borders?

3) What was its capital?

4) What were its major cities?

5) What constituted the basis of its economy?

6) What was its form of government?

7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat (who was actually born in Egypt)?

8) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?

9) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?

11) What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

Those questions could be answered more positively in relation to Palestine rather than Israel.

So please start answering them, any group of them. You can't because Palestine was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. It never was a country. Arafat began calling the so-called Palestine that in the mid 1980's and that's the first time in history that anyone called Palestine a country. Even then it still isn't.

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There ARE no Palestinian borders. They turned down the UN deal and have agreed to negotiate any future borders with Israel.

So is the settlements and the continuing of settlements (expansion) legitimate in your view? The US government havnt had that view even though it always have been pro-Israel.

Its not legitimate in the view of the majority of the people on this planet (the people who know about the Palestinian-Israel disputes).

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All these years Netanyahu has been mouthing the mantras... there is no alternative to direct negotiations in line with the Oslo Accords...we have no partners in peace to talk to... when he himself was never willing to negotiate a Palestinian state. What a liar and hypocrite.

Ironically, Netanyahu’s legacy may well be that he himself destroys the Jewish state. The elephant in the room is “What are you going to do with the 4 million Palestinian refugees you are currently occupying in a one state solution?”

Full blown institutionalized apartheid, ethnic cleansing or full citizenship?

The EU, Israel's largest trading partner, will not tolerate the first two... and one would hope that even the USA wouldn't either. So it may well be that EU sanctions will finally make Israel see sense, if they haven't already worked that out in today's election.

All the Palestinians need do is sit tight, practise passive resistance, and shame Israel before the whole world flooding the social media with images of their daily humiliations ,beatings, and murders.

I agree. Years ago they were on the verge of signing an accord..and what did the Israelis do? They marched into mosques with armed soldiers in a "show of force" -- and THAT sparked what was called the infitada.

It was despicable the American media bowed to Israeli pressure--they reported all about the infitada and the clashes...but NEVER reported what sparked the infitada to begin with.

Americans are sick and tired of Israel dictating what Americans must think about Israeli. I have Jewish friends who hate the way the Israelis are treating Palestinians.

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No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.
You are wrong.
Palestine - the country and the people have existed since antiquity.

You better inform all the history books then. giggle.gif

1) When was it founded and by whom?

2) What were its borders?

3) What was its capital?

4) What were its major cities?

5) What constituted the basis of its economy?

6) What was its form of government?

7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat (who was actually born in Egypt)?

8) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?

9) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?

11) What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

Those questions could be answered more positively in relation to Palestine rather than Israel.

So please start answering them, any group of them. You can't because Palestine was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. It never was a country. Arafat began calling the so-called Palestine that in the mid 1980's and that's the first time in history that anyone called Palestine a country. Even then it still isn't.

It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine unless you go back to the Old testament-ages. It had a majority of native arabs living there, anything else is propaganda and a lie. The area was not empty as some british guy once said and is refered to. The arabs didnt arrive at the same time as the jews. There were already a lot of native arabs living there. Some arabs came at a later time, but the area had a sizeable native arab population (majority). What they called themselves or what people called them is not relevant. Iran has been called Persia for 2500 years but Persians dont call themselves Persian. Edited by Scott
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It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine...

That's all it ever was. It was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. The inhabitants didn't call themselves Palestinians. They were part of other countries such as being Syrians.

There never was a country called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians until Arafat hijacked those names in the mid 1980's.

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I actually know the history of the area. You DON'T. Just making things up doesn't count.

You are a craftsman indeed (referring to your earlier posting) carefully avoid answering any argumentation to your simplistic Islamophobic visions of the world.

....whereas those of you who tail-end and even want to whitewash each and every Islamist terrorist group are not simplistic?

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I actually know the history of the area. You DON'T. Just making things up doesn't count.

You only know the version your like. The land of the Canaan's was taken over by the Israelis after Abraham moved in and displaced the former residents. According to Israel, and you, those people who lived there for thousands of years did not have a formal country, and therefore, were occupying land, not living there...


History is written by the winners. Only losers do not question historical accounts.

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It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine...

That's all it ever was. It was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. The inhabitants didn't call themselves Palestinians. They were part of other countries such as being Syrians.

There never was a country called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians until Arafat hijacked those names in the mid 1980's.

The rest of my post says why the part of my post you choosed to quote isnt relevant. I was explaining that it isnt relevant that there never was a country called Palestine during the british mandate or previous to that point. Never mind... No need to take our interaction further in this thread.

I recognize Palestine and the world as a whole will do that sooner or later. :)

Edited by BKKBobby
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It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine...

That's all it ever was. It was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. The inhabitants didn't call themselves Palestinians. They were part of other countries such as being Syrians.

There never was a country called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians until Arafat hijacked those names in the mid 1980's.

As if that somehow validates the Zionist vision of a God-given Promised Land from the river to the sea?

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Off-topic posts and replies removed. Please stay on the topic. Many points being posted have been posted over and over and over and over again in thread after thread after thread. It is a circular argument.

There is little point in allowing these posts to remain.

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If the Israel public vote this guy in after hearing this then they deserve all the sanctions and anti Semitic backlash they receive.

Anti-semites don't need any excuse and as for excusing anti-semitism as a backlash, that is exactly the arguments of pre-war fascists. Welcome to your new friends. Dead but not forgotten.

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I actually know the history of the area. You DON'T. Just making things up doesn't count.

You are a craftsman indeed (referring to your earlier posting) carefully avoid answering any argumentation to your simplistic Islamophobic visions of the world.

....whereas those of you who tail-end and even want to whitewash each and every Islamist terrorist group are not simplistic?

Yes, I fully agree that whitewashing terrorist groups is very simplistic too....your view of a terrorist group might be very different from mine though. My grandfather who's parents and brother were killed by the SS was very active in the resistance in WW2. He was caught and deemed a terrorist by the Nazis. Luckily for me he survived Dachau....anyway, I always thought of him as a freedom fighter, but others might agree with the Nazis and see him as a terrorist.....

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No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.
You are wrong.
Palestine - the country and the people have existed since antiquity.

You better inform all the history books then. giggle.gif

1) When was it founded and by whom?

2) What were its borders?

3) What was its capital?

4) What were its major cities?

5) What constituted the basis of its economy?

6) What was its form of government?

7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat (who was actually born in Egypt)?

8) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?

9) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?

11) What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

Those questions could be answered more positively in relation to Palestine rather than Israel.

So please start answering them, any group of them. You can't because Palestine was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. It never was a country. Arafat began calling the so-called Palestine that in the mid 1980's and that's the first time in history that anyone called Palestine a country. Even then it still isn't.

It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine unless you go back to the Old testament-ages. It had a majority of native arabs living there, anything else is propaganda and a lie. The area was not empty as some british guy once said and is refered to. The arabs didnt arrive at the same time as the jews. There were already a lot of native arabs living there. Some arabs came at a later time, but the area had a sizeable native arab population (majority). What they called themselves or what people called them is not relevant. Iran has been called Persia for 2500 years but Persians dont call themselves Persian.

Here are some stamps from Palestine from before 1948. The currency was Lira or Funt in Hebrew or Junya in Arabic.

Ok, I dont know your point. I recognize Palestine and want a two-state resolution and the 1967 borders to be restored.
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All these years Netanyahu has been mouthing the mantras... there is no alternative to direct negotiations in line with the Oslo Accords...we have no partners in peace to talk to... when he himself was never willing to negotiate a Palestinian state. What a liar and hypocrite.

Ironically, Netanyahu’s legacy may well be that he himself destroys the Jewish state. The elephant in the room is “What are you going to do with the 4 million Palestinian refugees you are currently occupying in a one state solution?”

Full blown institutionalized apartheid, ethnic cleansing or full citizenship?

The EU, Israel's largest trading partner, will not tolerate the first two... and one would hope that even the USA wouldn't either. So it may well be that EU sanctions will finally make Israel see sense, if they haven't already worked that out in today's election.

All the Palestinians need do is sit tight, practise passive resistance, and shame Israel before the whole world flooding the social media with images of their daily humiliations ,beatings, and murders.

I agree. Years ago they were on the verge of signing an accord..and what did the Israelis do? They marched into mosques with armed soldiers in a "show of force" -- and THAT sparked what was called the infitada.

It was despicable the American media bowed to Israeli pressure--they reported all about the infitada and the clashes...but NEVER reported what sparked the infitada to begin with.

Americans are sick and tired of Israel dictating what Americans must think about Israeli. I have Jewish friends who hate the way the Israelis are treating Palestinians.

Ahmedinajad claims he had a Jewish friend too.
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No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.
You are wrong.
Palestine - the country and the people have existed since antiquity.

You better inform all the history books then. giggle.gif

1) When was it founded and by whom?

2) What were its borders?

3) What was its capital?

4) What were its major cities?

5) What constituted the basis of its economy?

6) What was its form of government?

7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat (who was actually born in Egypt)?

8) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?

9) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?

11) What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

Those questions could be answered more positively in relation to Palestine rather than Israel.

So please start answering them, any group of them. You can't because Palestine was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. It never was a country. Arafat began calling the so-called Palestine that in the mid 1980's and that's the first time in history that anyone called Palestine a country. Even then it still isn't.

It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine unless you go back to the Old testament-ages. It had a majority of native arabs living there, anything else is propaganda and a lie. The area was not empty as some british guy once said and is refered to. The arabs didnt arrive at the same time as the jews. There were already a lot of native arabs living there. Some arabs came at a later time, but the area had a sizeable native arab population (majority). What they called themselves or what people called them is not relevant. Iran has been called Persia for 2500 years but Persians dont call themselves Persian.

The Palestinians are generic Arabs flying under a flag of political expedience. The Kurds on the other hand are completely different from their Arab of Turkish neighbors. The funny thing is we don't seem to get thread after thread of complaints about the treatment of the Kurds every time there's an election in Turkey.
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No. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine - ever.
You are wrong.
Palestine - the country and the people have existed since antiquity.

You better inform all the history books then. giggle.gif

1) When was it founded and by whom?

2) What were its borders?

3) What was its capital?

4) What were its major cities?

5) What constituted the basis of its economy?

6) What was its form of government?

7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat (who was actually born in Egypt)?

8) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?

9) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?

11) What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.

Those questions could be answered more positively in relation to Palestine rather than Israel.

So please start answering them, any group of them. You can't because Palestine was a region encompassing part or all of several countries. It never was a country. Arafat began calling the so-called Palestine that in the mid 1980's and that's the first time in history that anyone called Palestine a country. Even then it still isn't.

It was not a country during the British mandate and it was part of the Ottoman empire before that. But the region was always refered to as Palestine unless you go back to the Old testament-ages. It had a majority of native arabs living there, anything else is propaganda and a lie. The area was not empty as some british guy once said and is refered to. The arabs didnt arrive at the same time as the jews. There were already a lot of native arabs living there. Some arabs came at a later time, but the area had a sizeable native arab population (majority). What they called themselves or what people called them is not relevant. Iran has been called Persia for 2500 years but Persians dont call themselves Persian.

The Palestinians are generic Arabs flying under a flag of political expedience. The Kurds on the other hand are completely different from their Arab of Turkish neighbors. The funny thing is we don't seem to get thread after thread of complaints about the treatment of the Kurds every time there's an election in Turkey.

If they stop their rebellious activity they wont have problems. The Medes empire is more than 2500 years ago. They share the same ethnical root as the Persians which took over the empire which later became a country. The Persian heartlands (Persia/Iran) is 2500 years old.

Irans Kurdistan region is not a synthetic border region made by the British. Kurdistan and its map is fiction.

Not same same as Palestine. All arabs are arabs. Generic isnt a word that has any meaning in this case. These arabs were native to modern-day Israels land. Edited by Scott
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