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Media regulator summons redshirt TV channels


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Media Regulator Summons Redshirt TV Channels
By Khaosod English

Redshirts stage a rally in front of 22nd Military District base in Ubon Ratchathani province to protest the military's order to shut down Redshirts-allied TV channels, 21 May 2014.

BANGKOK — Thailand’s media regulating agency has warned two private TV channels affiliated with the Redshirt movement to tone down their "divisive" news coverage.

Executives and producers from the two channels, called Peace TV and 24 People's Station, have been summoned for discussion, said Thakorn Tantasith, sec-gen of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC).

According to Thakorn, the two channels have been broadcasting "violent" content that could "cause conflicts in society." He did not specify the offensive material that prompted the summons, which is scheduled for 24 March.

"We would discuss the issues and hear their explanation," Thakorn said. "There is no order to close down the stations, because a closure order needs a consent from the entire board, and I have to sign it first."

However, Thakorn warned that if the networks are uncooperative and continue to air "violent" content, they may be ordered to cancel some programs.

Both of Thailand’s Redshirt and Yellowshirt movements operate their own TV and radio channels featuring news programs, talk shows, and live broadcasts of their political rallies.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1426661718

-- Khaosod English 2015-03-18

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Oh the irony!!

A red TV station called Peace TV !

Right, just like Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Korean People's Army. A rose by any other name would small as sweet.

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Yes Mr Arrowsdawdle please take your head out of the sand and see what reforms are underway and, that would never have happened under PTP. Or maybe you prefer the type of reforms the Mr Chalerm tried to introduce.

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As the weeks go by....Thailand's freedoms are being quickly taken away.

In May 2014 they protested the military's order to shut down Redshirts-allied TV channels, yet they are still operating 2 TV channels.

Cannot say that this freedom was "quickly taken away". 10 months down the line........ wink.png ....... and are they perpetuating confrontation and friction?

Edited by NeilSA1
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I@lucky11. In response to your post.

1st. If you for a minute believe that corruption will be eliminated from politics you are very naive.

2nd. This whole there was nobody in power crap is just that,crap. You know that there was an elected government in place prior to Yinluck dissolving parliament in order to appease the yellow shirts by having another general election which they boycotted simply because they knew they wouldn't win.

3rd. Media censorship is in place because the so called government doesn't allow anyone to disagree with their agenda. By interfering in the Governments work you mean the bicycle lanes, the floating market, the orchid market or the PM's stealing of a motorcycle. Yes really great work.

4th. Public gatherings are banned because the government wants the world to believe that Thai's are extremely happy and are afraid of the truth.

Finally, nobody knows who is in prison for dissent simply because as stated in a different topic, the NCPO doesn't have a clue, or so they claim.

In conclusion I want to assert that I do not support any political party in Thailand or any other country based on the reason that the majority of politicians are not in politics to help their country but on the contrary to help and further their own careers and agendas.

Edited by ldiablo
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I'm open minded -- what was the broadcast ,material in question, because the article said " he did not specify the offensive material that prompted the summons, which is scheduled for 24 March."

This is funny. It's lese majesty for the media!thumbsup.gif

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