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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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Is The West Bank just a step in Israels final solution for the arabs living there? Is it a waiting station? Next stop=Jordan? Do Israel hope that the arabs will become Jordanian citizens eventually?

Israel could have easily gotten rid of the Arabs in 1948. Many of them had already left and many willingly. Instead, Israel asked them to stay and become solid citizens. Of course, Israel's patience might be running out by now.

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Fox Newz is the most distrusted network of its kind in the United States.

Very few respectable public figures appear there for a serious purpose.

This fact and reality will be difficult in the extreme for the far out right to accept because the narrative for so long has been in the opposite direction. Read this however to see the data each way, both ways, trusted and distrusted.

Poll: Fox Is the Least-Trusted Name in News

By Allison Brito, The National Memo

rsn-A.jpgccording to a Public Policy Polling report released on Wednesday, Fox News is now the least-trusted name in news.



Since you bring up "trusted" vs. "least-trusted"...

The survey performed by a Public Policy Polling report you linked to is dated...February 6, 2013.

The article you linked to is dated...February 8, 2013.

Poll: Fox Is the Least-Trusted Name in News

By Allison Brito, The National Memo

08 Febuary 13

That recent one is consistent with this present one:

Poll: Fox News /Limblah - Least Trusted News Sources


You are in denial.

Severe withdrawal and denial as you are forced to hold the fort alone here for the moment.

Seriously flailing.

Is it impossible for you to simply say..."Oops. I screwed up."?

Talk about flailing!!!

The post is a hallucination.

The 2013 survey by the highly respected polling organization Public Policy Polling and the March 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center are completely consistent in respect of Fox Newz, and in many other respects. In short, the needle has moved against Fox Newz.

The fact goes so completely against the self-pleasing and long standing right wing narrative that the rightists must needs be deny it. That can't be done successfully or credibly, however.

Spinning a scheme of denial solves nothing and exposes the spinners as living in their own world.

The far out right deniers trying to say otherwise is the standard approach of failing to match reality with the extremist viewpoints and agenda.

It will take a while for the right to get a grip on changing realities, if it can or ever does. Good luck with that over and out there.

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The post is a hallucination.


"The post is a hallucination."

This is true for nearly all your posts. What amazes me is the sheer audacity of your cover up of a mistake.

I admitted my mistake when I accidentally failed to omit a sentence in a quote. Too bad you don't have the same integrity.

I had posted previously I am aware of what I post to include quoted sources and links. I know the links I post to any post and why I post them, yet you presume to think and want to make the case otherwise. As I'd said however, you fail and you flail.

You have my post above in which I said, and I will say again, the 2013 survey findings by the highly reputable Public Policy Polling group, and the March 2015 findings of the highly reputable Pew Research Center, are consistent concerning Fox Newz.

The first poll's finding raised the question of a trend away from the past survey findings. The second poll released earlier this month indicates the first finding in 2013 was not an outlier poll, because the findings were repeated in this month's poll report. Another poll with the same or similar findings will strongly suggesting a trend has been identified as occurring in fact and in reality.

The wrongheaded political case building against my links does not change the facts on the ground or in my posts because all of the three are consistent. So face up to the findings, the data, the obvious. Fox Newz is the most distrusted news organization in the business.

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The post is a hallucination.


"The post is a hallucination."

This is true for nearly all your posts. What amazes me is the sheer audacity of your cover up of a mistake.

I admitted my mistake when I accidentally failed to omit a sentence in a quote. Too bad you don't have the same integrity.

I say again, Fox Newz is the most distrusted organization of its kind in the business.

The dense and dogmatic right needs to examine the integrity of Faux Newz and not posters they disagree with on the consistent and reputable survey findings occurring over a couple of years.

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Well, I'm an old fogie and registered Republican (definitely not a redneck, though). But first and foremost I'm an American and that's where my patriotism and loyalties are firmly held. Too many on this forum who hold American passports are treasonous due to their primary allegiance to Israel.

As I hoped....some of you are bright.thumbsup.gif

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I can't imagine any American on here putting Israel ahead of the US. Obama's a different story and it isn't treasonous to dislike or speak out against a POTUS.

You can't imagine, eh? rolleyes.gif

Of course Israel Firsters will never openly admit that that primary allegiance is not to the US. But true beliefs and intent are made obvious by the content of posts. wink.png

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By shifting the final decision regarding the Iran nuclear issue to the United Nations (because after all they are a world wide threat according to Netanyahurolleyes.gif ) I think Obama will have achieved a diplomatic and political coup that will far eclipse Obama care or anything else during his Presidency.

He would have contributed to world peace instead of letting a handful of warmongering neocons in Washington being the sole arbiters.

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Prove to me and all concerned your original post indicated the first poll was taken in 2013 and you were allegedly using it for comparison.

Your original post was simply a mistake. You just didn't realize the first poll was two years old.

Now you are prevaricating...plain and simple

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Also imprudent and impudent in its personal nature.

I do not need to prove beans to you or to any other right wing denier who lives in his world of constant and bent extremes. I have stated to you more than once at this thread that I was and am aware of the news articles and the links to them that I posted above. I have discussed the fact, yet here it unnecessarily and excessively continues.

Certain posters have in the past wrongheadedly made the same claims on other occasions about other posts I'd made to other threads in respect of other topics, to include Fox Newz. I reiterated on each occasion then, and I state again now, that in every instance, I know what I posted at the time I'd made the posts and what is in the links and news sources I cited.

I have also made in my posts in this matter, as a central point, that the reactionary right wingers have for years boasted that Fox Newz is the most watched and most trusted public affairs organization of its kind, and that the extreme right has not only made the fact both a point of ideological pride, but the far right has also made it a point of identity in their unrelenting right wing extremist lives.

The links I have provided in this matter, and the articles at the links, are materials I read before I chose them to post. I know what I posted, what about the linked articles I chose to include in my post, and what about the articles I chose to exclude from the post. Indeed, anyone interested enuff in reading the linked articles can see completely and in full the articles at the links. So there is nothing about my links to attempt to hide, avoid, or to try to obscure.

I have in fact been aware for a long time at TVF that a certain obsessive compulsive poster will read each and every link I provide, to include examining every comma, phrase, clause, paragraph, quotation, number to include all data at the link, date, time, place, the persons named and/or quoted at the link and so on and so on. It is perhaps what could be called posting proctology.

The sometimes anal posts to the contrary are, well, to the contrary. The anal posts we are witnessing reflect the fact a number of the right extremists cannot accept the fact Fox Newz is simultaneously the most distrusted public affairs organization of its kind. Faux Newz is simultaneously the most trusted by the far right, the most distrusted by those who are not the hard core political right.

Some among the hard core right cannot accept the facts and the reality so they must compulsively try to attack and to seek to lash out at the local messenger. A certain right wing poster of older years is particularly bent out of shape about the new reality and, indeed, by all of the new realities of contemporary life.

I also get a certain satisfaction in making certain obsessive compulsive and bent posters wade through extended posts that are, in my approach to dem guyz, decidedly unpithy.

Study: Fox News Is Most Trusted And Least Trusted News Outlet

Jan. 20, 2011


Fox News: The TV source Americans trust the most AND the least

JANUARY 18, 2012


Poll: Fox News most trusted (and least trusted) network in America

Published Feb. 6, 2013


Poll: Fox News /Limblah - Least Trusted News Sources




He who demands inane busy work of others can have the same assigned to him as well.

Edited by Publicus
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Today, the Obama white house released details and n Israel's nuclear weapons program, albeit a 30 year old document,

But, if Obama isn't careful, he will lose the only country in the region that still replies to his calls

Israel would be well advised to invite Vladimir Putin for a state visit

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We see changes happening already.

He says "occupation."

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough Says the Israeli Occupation 'Must End

WASHINGTON -- White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough brought a strong message to an American pro-Israel conference on Monday, telling a crowd of 3,000 attendees that “an occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end, and the Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state.”


The White House?



Nice cartoon of presidents. Their legacies shown on the cartoon are witty sentences maybe written by their speechwriters. Kennedy is glorified because he was killed. Kennedy was a junkie and also not that competent president he is portrayed to be. Edited by BKKBobby
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Many millions of Americans would love to have Nethanyahu as POTUS ...

A few months ago Republicans were running up and down the country chirping that Putin was a strong leader, that Putin earned and deserved respect....although not much was said about Putin's tanks in Ukraine or Putin's polonium dissidents.

Then just recently the 47 Republican senators sent a luv letter to another strong leader, the ayatollah. Now the Rush Limbaugh of Israel Bibi 'lookit my bomb drawing' Netanyahu is the next strongman leader for the USA if only.....

I guess it's a good thing for the US that Gen Pinochet the fascist military dictator died already.

The whackobird right is ready to go as far right as it gets.

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It will be interesting to see how Obama plays this now that Amnesty International have come out and said that Hamas are guilty of war crimes! What will Obama say?


Rocket and mortar attacks by Palestinian militant groups during last summer's conflict in Gaza amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International says.

Militants displayed a "flagrant disregard" for the lives of civilians during the 50-day war, a report found.

Six civilians in Israel and 13 Palestinians are believed to have been killed as a result of such attacks.

His one sided attack on Netanyahu is going to backfire on him. Slowly Obama's options are closing on him. All he has left is trying to make a weak agreement with Iran not to build the bomb. Not having much luck with that, no matter how far he bends over to accommodate Iran.

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