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As per usual, when someone dare to question the less than democratic actions by the present "government", the junta-lovers comes out with their standard-mantra: "But Yingluck, but Thaksin"..............

The only way forward for a future prosperous Thailand is a Thailand for all Thais!!

It is still beyond me, that posters from democratic countries can support a leadership, which only goal is the keep the elite at the trough.

They may be from democratic countries, but they support groups such as the National Front, Swiss People's Part, Flemish First, LDPR, SRP, Golden Dawn, National Alliance etc. Dictatorship sympathizers like to join political parties which exploit the democratic process, but do not support it.

Ever notice that the most vocal foreign supporters of military coups and the like usually have no active military experience? I expect it comes from envy over the uniforms and medals. Perhaps if they had some active military service experience they would understand why armies should not be running governments. The less likely to have seen combat, the more likely to advocate a draconian violent approach.

well then, everything you said is spoken as if you have never had any military experience and is pretty rancid but maybe you were a cut lunch commando/weekend warrior and thought that meant you were someone important . We actually did train to deal with civilian problems, even to the point of shooting and this was in Australia, your comments display a total lack of knowledge on the subject and are purely your own biased garbage. Why do I support the military with what they have done, it is because I have seen what the reds and ptp were trying to do and as an ex military person I can see that the thai military are the only ones with the balls to stop it but that buggers up what you and you red mates/thaksin lovers want to see so you whinge about it. You really do have a major problem if you think people are envious of uniforms ,medals etc, where do you get this crap from

The Australian Army trained to shoot civilians?

Extraordinary, and frankly unlikely. I think you are bullshitting.

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The voices of those opposed to the Junta are slowly getting louder and louder and bolder and bolder, one senses the dam walls may soon burst. The tide is fast going out on this latest effort to rid Thailand of democracy. When the time comes, lets hope the Genereals have the good grace to accept defeat and walk away without forcing more bloodshed upon the long suffering citizenry.

dream on pal no chance and i my thai wife and this friends from north Thailand are grateful that probably if any of vile gang you support try anything this time it will be gloves off. Serves idiots right IMO. Accept it and crawl back under rock your great leaders have gone back to. Cowards every one of them so dont hold your breath. Suphet proved what most thais wanted and thanks to him we now have for rid one hopes for good shin clan

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"He said a petroleum-drilling operation, which villagers fear is releasing lethal hydrogen sulphide gas into the atmosphere, was only 1.5 kilometres from his village."

Taking a hard look at one case might help. Hydrogen sulphide can be lethal in a confined space, or in huge volumes from a volcanic eruption, and even then more likely because of its high temperature. Enough might come from a borehole to be smelled in a village 1.5 kms away with the right wind conditions, but lethal - BS!

Do you work in the Oil and Gas industry at all?

if a village 1.5 Km's can smell H2s, the chances of everyone on the rig being either dead or sick are quite high, as that's a substansive leak

H2s is heavier than air, it's a deadly killer, so it's not likely to enter the atmosphere, I've been on rigs where H2s has been leaked it's a rotten egg smell, it's when you can't smell it then it's the killer, but it's serious enough for the drilling floor team to all have BA sytems at hand on their shifts.

If the geologists have done their seismic tests well, they will know which areas have higher levels of H2S.


"The martial law gives a power to the authorities to do lawful actions."

Martial law and Article 44 of the INterim Charter also allows the Junta to do whatever it decides WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW. The NCPO alone decides what does and does not apply, regardless of what is written in the Interm Charter, regardless of what is said or not said. The NCPO cannot be held to standards, justice, or equality under law.

The longer the Junta RULES Thailand, the sooner ALL Thais will realize they have lost all rights to their soverneignty. Their future is Prayut's decision. Is that how reform was going to be - a permanent restraint of Thais to realize their own national destiny?


"The martial law gives a power to the authorities to do lawful actions."

Martial law and Article 44 of the INterim Charter also allows the Junta to do whatever it decides WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW. The NCPO alone decides what does and does not apply, regardless of what is written in the Interm Charter, regardless of what is said or not said. The NCPO cannot be held to standards, justice, or equality under law.

The longer the Junta RULES Thailand, the sooner ALL Thais will realize they have lost all rights to their soverneignty. Their future is Prayut's decision. Is that how reform was going to be - a permanent restraint of Thais to realize their own national destiny?

Just like you also others seem confused as to what rights they have at the moment. Certainly lower level government officials seem over cautious (apart from likely to side with local powers).

The OP doesn't even suggest that the incidents mentioned are ordered by the NCPO or PM Prayut. As I suggested, with seemingly valid grounds to complain the groups should sidestep the line of command and address PM Prayut, or his commission specially set up to listen to complaints. Others have done so and with results some say. So ... ...


Do you think the rich hiso's running the country give a damn about you dirty little peasants? The only time they ever think of you is when they need a new toilet licker to clean the marks of the bowl. Thailand stops at Bangkok and everything outside is insignificant and it is going to get a lot worse for you little people.

What if the army turned on the elites?




"He said a petroleum-drilling operation, which villagers fear is releasing lethal hydrogen sulphide gas into the atmosphere, was only 1.5 kilometres from his village."

Taking a hard look at one case might help. Hydrogen sulphide can be lethal in a confined space, or in huge volumes from a volcanic eruption, and even then more likely because of its high temperature. Enough might come from a borehole to be smelled in a village 1.5 kms away with the right wind conditions, but lethal - BS!

Do you work in the Oil and Gas industry at all?

if a village 1.5 Km's can smell H2s, the chances of everyone on the rig being either dead or sick are quite high, as that's a substansive leak

H2s is heavier than air, it's a deadly killer, so it's not likely to enter the atmosphere, I've been on rigs where H2s has been leaked it's a rotten egg smell, it's when you can't smell it then it's the killer, but it's serious enough for the drilling floor team to all have BA sytems at hand on their shifts.

If the geologists have done their seismic tests well, they will know which areas have higher levels of H2S.

Thank you for supporting my case. As the rig crew are fine AFAIK, should the drilling be stopped because someone "thinks" there might be a danger to his remote village?

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Do you think the rich hiso's running the country give a damn about you dirty little peasants? The only time they ever think of you is when they need a new toilet licker to clean the marks of the bowl. Thailand stops at Bangkok and everything outside is insignificant and it is going to get a lot worse for you little people.

You forgot about election time, then some Amply Rich HiSos also remember those people.

BTW I think you're out of line with your denigrating description of the Isaan activists.

Actually I am backing them and my comment is how the rich elite Bangkokians view those from the north.

"He said a petroleum-drilling operation, which villagers fear is releasing lethal hydrogen sulphide gas into the atmosphere, was only 1.5 kilometres from his village."

Taking a hard look at one case might help. Hydrogen sulphide can be lethal in a confined space, or in huge volumes from a volcanic eruption, and even then more likely because of its high temperature. Enough might come from a borehole to be smelled in a village 1.5 kms away with the right wind conditions, but lethal - BS!

Do you work in the Oil and Gas industry at all?

if a village 1.5 Km's can smell H2s, the chances of everyone on the rig being either dead or sick are quite high, as that's a substansive leak

H2s is heavier than air, it's a deadly killer, so it's not likely to enter the atmosphere, I've been on rigs where H2s has been leaked it's a rotten egg smell, it's when you can't smell it then it's the killer, but it's serious enough for the drilling floor team to all have BA sytems at hand on their shifts.

If the geologists have done their seismic tests well, they will know which areas have higher levels of H2S.

Thank you for supporting my case. As the rig crew are fine AFAIK, should the drilling be stopped because someone "thinks" there might be a danger to his remote village?

The rig shuts down when the H2S alarm and sensors go off, I had a rig operating on the outskirts of an Iraqi village, rheir biggest complaint was the noise 24/7 of the drilling, and the sanitation pit was too close, to that end we had to have shit trucks come in daiky to empty the pits.

It's only natural for villagers to protest when such rigs are in their areas, but H2S seeping into a village via the atmosphere is impossible their lack of knowledge about H2S is their biggest problem, we invited the sheiks from the village to brief them up about possible dangers and that we would endeavour to keep village life normal. To that end we cancelled security and H2S drills unless they were warned in advance, as nothing panics villagers who don't have a clue when alarms on a drilling rig start going off. ?


Do you think the rich hiso's running the country give a damn about you dirty little peasants? The only time they ever think of you is when they need a new toilet licker to clean the marks of the bowl. Thailand stops at Bangkok and everything outside is insignificant and it is going to get a lot worse for you little people.

You forgot about election time, then some Amply Rich HiSos also remember those people.

BTW I think you're out of line with your denigrating description of the Isaan activists.

Actually I am backing them and my comment is how the rich elite Bangkokians view those from the north.

Actually it is your opinion of how the people running the country think, most likely without ever having met any of them, and strongly influenced by the propaganda fed to your Thai associates by mercenary propagandists and agitators. Quite understandable, it makes a miserable existence easier to bear when you have someone other than yourself to blame for your failures.

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"He said a petroleum-drilling operation, which villagers fear is releasing lethal hydrogen sulphide gas into the atmosphere, was only 1.5 kilometres from his village."

Taking a hard look at one case might help. Hydrogen sulphide can be lethal in a confined space, or in huge volumes from a volcanic eruption, and even then more likely because of its high temperature. Enough might come from a borehole to be smelled in a village 1.5 kms away with the right wind conditions, but lethal - BS!

Do you work in the Oil and Gas industry at all?

if a village 1.5 Km's can smell H2s, the chances of everyone on the rig being either dead or sick are quite high, as that's a substansive leak

H2s is heavier than air, it's a deadly killer, so it's not likely to enter the atmosphere, I've been on rigs where H2s has been leaked it's a rotten egg smell, it's when you can't smell it then it's the killer, but it's serious enough for the drilling floor team to all have BA sytems at hand on their shifts.

If the geologists have done their seismic tests well, they will know which areas have higher levels of H2S.

Thank you for supporting my case. As the rig crew are fine AFAIK, should the drilling be stopped because someone "thinks" there might be a danger to his remote village?

The rig shuts down when the H2S alarm and sensors go off, I had a rig operating on the outskirts of an Iraqi village, rheir biggest complaint was the noise 24/7 of the drilling, and the sanitation pit was too close, to that end we had to have shit trucks come in daiky to empty the pits.

It's only natural for villagers to protest when such rigs are in their areas, but H2S seeping into a village via the atmosphere is impossible their lack of knowledge about H2S is their biggest problem, we invited the sheiks from the village to brief them up about possible dangers and that we would endeavour to keep village life normal. To that end we cancelled security and H2S drills unless they were warned in advance, as nothing panics villagers who don't have a clue when alarms on a drilling rig start going off. ?

That's all very nice, but you didn't answer the question. Or was that a very long "No"?


Oh sorry, rigs get shut down for various reasons local unrest being one of them. But the answer is no the drilling operation won't shut down because someone thinks there might be a risk.

The drilling company would normally have sent representatives to the village to answe any questions and concerns raised but this being Thailand and if I'm not mistaken this is also the rig moved under military escort which would indicate that the villagees can complain all they like, it's not negotiatable.

But let's stop the bullshit eh mate, you would be pissed off too if an industrial complex was built in your area, so why be disingenuous towards Thais who are equally pissed off?

I'm wonder how you viewed the protests of expanding Heathrow, oh probably didn't care as it didn't effect you, pretty much the same attitude you are displaying here in this case.

They have a right to be concerned about such risks as H2S and pollution, once that rig goes into production of there's no capturing of the natural and methane has associated with oil production they have to burn it off in flare pits and that's thick black smoke, which isn't healthy being around.

Your disdain for all things Issan is very apparent, so why do you live there? That's if you live in Thailand at all ?


The voices of those opposed to the Junta are slowly getting louder and louder and bolder and bolder, one senses the dam walls may soon burst. The tide is fast going out on this latest effort to rid Thailand of democracy. When the time comes, lets hope the Genereals have the good grace to accept defeat and walk away without forcing more bloodshed upon the long suffering citizenry.

dream on pal no chance and i my thai wife and this friends from north Thailand are grateful that probably if any of vile gang you support try anything this time it will be gloves off. Serves idiots right IMO. Accept it and crawl back under rock your great leaders have gone back to. Cowards every one of them so dont hold your breath. Suphet proved what most thais wanted and thanks to him we now have for rid one hopes for good shin clan

If you are indeed living in the North of Thailand, and you think Suthep really proves what most Thais think then perhaps you should crawl out from under your rock and take a good look around you!


Do you think the rich hiso's running the country give a damn about you dirty little peasants? The only time they ever think of you is when they need a new toilet licker to clean the marks of the bowl. Thailand stops at Bangkok and everything outside is insignificant and it is going to get a lot worse for you little people.

You are correct but confused.

The real Thailand stops at Bangkok and lies to the north of Bangkok.

From Bangkok south is just a westernized copy of the rest of the world...not the real Thailand!


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Oh sorry, rigs get shut down for various reasons local unrest being one of them. But the answer is no the drilling operation won't shut down because someone thinks there might be a risk.

The drilling company would normally have sent representatives to the village to answe any questions and concerns raised but this being Thailand and if I'm not mistaken this is also the rig moved under military escort which would indicate that the villagees can complain all they like, it's not negotiatable.

But let's stop the bullshit eh mate, you would be pissed off too if an industrial complex was built in your area, so why be disingenuous towards Thais who are equally pissed off?

I'm wonder how you viewed the protests of expanding Heathrow, oh probably didn't care as it didn't effect you, pretty much the same attitude you are displaying here in this case.

They have a right to be concerned about such risks as H2S and pollution, once that rig goes into production of there's no capturing of the natural and methane has associated with oil production they have to burn it off in flare pits and that's thick black smoke, which isn't healthy being around.

Your disdain for all things Issan is very apparent, so why do you live there? That's if you live in Thailand at all ?

FYI I am an now Oz tax resident due to financial pressure after having lived in Thailand for more than 10 years, but maintain a home and Thai family on Samui where I spend almost 6 months of the year. My disdain is not for issan, i know some very nice people there and from there, but for those who make ignorant, ill-informed or illogical statements - I thought you in particular might have noticed that.

DIGAF about Heathrow; why should I? But I have an intense dislike of NIMBYs, those that want unlimited electricity but can't tolerate a power station, or a dam, but still want unlimited water, want fuel but can't think of having an oil-rig nearby. The villagers have a right to bitch, but make it something realistic father than 'lethal' H2S, and the rest of the population have a right to the nation's resources. You know, greater good, all that.

Could you explain what a "flare pit" is? I have heard of a flare stack. And why natural (gas??) and methane would burn with a thick black smoke? Is Issan oxygen deficient?

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