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Prayut blames 'too much democracy' for political woes

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Crikey, couldn't make this stuff up. Did his mother sit him in front of Monty Python movies when he was a kid?

clap2.gif It's very likely he was force fed this one. clap2.gif

About 2:50 he mentions the guy is a lecturer of idiocy. Sound like the good General to me.

How about "Too much CORRUPTION" is a bad idea?

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Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Clearly a Monty Python fan.

The fish slapping dance comes to mind.

He might see himself as Michael Palin but we all know who John Cleese is!


All joking aside, Prayuth is the prime reason why the patronage system in Thailand needs to stop. It`s patently obvious the man is rather dim, and has clearly got to where he is through family connections.

As much as I hate the politicians in the UK (and other Western societies), virtually all of them are highly educated and intelligent. This guy has such a low IQ he`d probably be classed as having learning difficulties.

There isn`t a day goes past where we don`t have to listen to one of his ignorant rants. It`s cringeworthy and the lasting damage to Thailand is there to see, more so than any previous military regime I would add.

I don't know what his IQ actually is - but I'm positive he doesn't suffer from learning difficulties. (People who do shouldn't be the source of fun or used as derogatory terms but if that's what rocks you so be it).

The Western mainstream politicians, certainly in the UK tend to have a university education, and post graduate qualifications these. They've usually served "apprentiships" within their chosen political party before being thrust into standing for parliament. Not sure local government politicians of of similar intelligence mind.

We do get some appointed to the Lords who have their challenges though.

He's not an academic, business person or long term politician. But a very senior military officer. His world view will be shaped by his own experiences, information acquired, training, life style norms and his capability to transform information into knowledge through action.

Would a brain surgeon automatically make a good politician? No more than a politician would make a brain surgeon. Why someone thinks a career soldier, who fair enough attained the highest of ranks, can suddenly switch to being a politician and run the country perfectly with no gaffes is bewildering. Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are experienced professionals - and they can't do it either.

The guy is a career civil servant with about as much worldly experience as my local mail carrier.


Crikey, couldn't make this stuff up. Did his mother sit him in front of Monty Python movies when he was a kid?

Are you aware that the revered founding father of Singapore who has just passed away used the exact same methods as Prayut is using to 'fix' Thailand with the one exception being that he ruled with an iron fist and jailed and punished dissenters that dared criticise his methods. Well it turned out all right there, didn't it!!

There was too much democracy (of the wrong kind), Ptayut is absolutely correct in stating this - what we have now is someone running the country with the people's welfare in mind. This is infinitely better than the abused and illegitimate democracy that the PTT served up. Oh!!, a darned sight less expensive to the nation's coffers as well.


This bozo is not even worth posting a comment on anymore with his insane and irrational comments.

The truth damages your arguments does it?

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Blame democracy, which is after all the farang way of governing.

Can't blame Thainess, which is after all the Thai way of doing things.

By this logic, why are there still political woes? Democracy is gone (100%, 99%, or 0%) and Thainess is firmly at the helm of the country (which it always was to some degree to be accurate). Any troubles should be a thing of the past, surely...


Crikey, couldn't make this stuff up. Did his mother sit him in front of Monty Python movies when he was a kid?

Are you aware that the revered founding father of Singapore who has just passed away used the exact same methods as Prayut is using to 'fix' Thailand with the one exception being that he ruled with an iron fist and jailed and punished dissenters that dared criticise his methods. Well it turned out all right there, didn't it!!

There was too much democracy (of the wrong kind), Ptayut is absolutely correct in stating this - what we have now is someone running the country with the people's welfare in mind. This is infinitely better than the abused and illegitimate democracy that the PTT served up. Oh!!, a darned sight less expensive to the nation's coffers as well.

"God preserve me from those who want what's best for me.

From the nice guys always willing to inform on me,

From the priest with the tape recorder under his vestments,

From the blankets you get under without saying good evening,

From those angry with their own people...

Now when winter's coming."

Mircea Dinescu.


He's a Military man and having worked with a few ex Military people many not all, are quite detached from the world the rest of us live in. They still try and get away with racist and sexist humor and attitudes the rest of us have abandoned or at least discretely hide from those who would take offence.

It is in my experience that many indoctrinated into the military, struggle with the civilian world and sadly never get free of the military mindset and never experience the freedom of modern society, the freedom they were trained to fight for the preservation of.

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This bozo is not even worth posting a comment on anymore with his insane and irrational comments.

How I would have loved to read all your comments on Yingluck, Chalerm, Plodprasop and Sarupong.

What a shame you denied us more witty and incisive entertainment by being such a hypocrite.


Yeah, got to hate people who want to have a say in their government and how they are governed.

Just screws up the whole plan, doesn't it?

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He's a Military man and having worked with a few ex Military people many not all, are quite detached from the world the rest of us live in. They still try and get away with racist and sexist humor and attitudes the rest of us have abandoned or at least discretely hide from those who would take offence.

It is in my experience that many indoctrinated into the military, struggle with the civilian world and sadly never get free of the military mindset and never experience the freedom of modern society, the freedom they were trained to fight for the preservation of.

It is a bit difficult to compare the Thai military and other more "real" military.

Especially when talking about freedom.

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He's not an academic, business person or long term politician. But a very senior military officer. His world view will be shaped by his own experiences, information acquired, training, life style norms and his capability to transform information into knowledge through action.

BB, I'm no politician, nor a particularly astute observer of the Thai "body politic", but shouldn't that read "transform information into ACTION through knowledge" (or is your little Freudian slip an unconscious acknowledgement of the chap's overwhelming dependency on his military experience?

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Democracy is like world peace - too much of it is not a good thing. This is Thailand - smile and be happy.


Crikey, couldn't make this stuff up. Did his mother sit him in front of Monty Python movies when he was a kid?

Are you aware that the revered founding father of Singapore who has just passed away used the exact same methods as Prayut is using to 'fix' Thailand with the one exception being that he ruled with an iron fist and jailed and punished dissenters that dared criticise his methods. Well it turned out all right there, didn't it!!

There was too much democracy (of the wrong kind), Ptayut is absolutely correct in stating this - what we have now is someone running the country with the people's welfare in mind. This is infinitely better than the abused and illegitimate democracy that the PTT served up. Oh!!, a darned sight less expensive to the nation's coffers as well.

"God preserve me from those who want what's best for me.

From the nice guys always willing to inform on me,

From the priest with the tape recorder under his vestments,

From the blankets you get under without saying good evening,

From those angry with their own people...

Now when winter's coming."

Mircea Dinescu.

"From the blankets you get under without saying good evening"

Does that mean that you have to carry a blanket with you to the pub and scramble under it when you meet your mates.

I haven't got a clue as to what this means BTW.

I would look for some new philosophers/poets or whatever this guy is supposed to be to read!!!


I have some sympathy for Prayuth's sentiment.There is absolutely no reason why Thailand should take on the more combative and confrontational form of democracy sometimes seen in the West.Thailand must embrace a democracy consistent with its traditions and culture.

The issue is an important one as we have been reminded by the death of Lee Kwan Yew who like Prayuth was also sceptical of Western democracy as it was practised.Despite heavy handed tactics LKY did actually understand it was necessary to win elections to gain a proper mandate.

LKY was of course a great statesman of massive intelligence and determination .Politeness prevents me from labelling Prayuth but the contrast with LKY is evident.

Incidentally LKY was quite critical of Thailand's military and its coup happy generals.He had equally critical words for Thailand's dreadful education system.He was an admirer of Thaksin who he believed to be streets ahead in intelligence and acumen compared with other Thai politicians.I suspect that's why tributes from the self appointed Thai good people have been somewhat muted.

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I think a lot of these stories are lost in translation, not defending but people should always be aware that more often than not what drops out after a Thai English translation doesn't always make much sense

Those that are familiar with facebook translation will know exactly what I mean

I believe last time he said something like this it was, If I wanted to use my full power I could have people taken out and shot.....

Lost in translation also huh?

Challenge!!!, I tell ya what find the THAI text of the speech and have a trusted friend translate

it for you and then maybe just maybe you will see who it is you are supporting,

Or maybe he will come out in 5 days and say I was just joking???

He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he.

Now can you say the same about Thaksin relating specifically to his 'take drugs off the streets' massacre where he had his officers fulfil a quota of killings otherwise they were removed from office or demoted if they came up short NB: this resulted in 1,400 innocent civilians (a majority) losing their lives!!

Compare Prayut's statement to Thaksin's order to gauge who the true villain is/was!!

Now which one are you supporting? I think it say's a lot about flaws in your character.


I believe the Thai Pm is right in some ways because all the Thai elections were bought in the past few elections. But it is not 99 percent democracy when the government can control Television stations and freedom of speech. Older Thai people have little or no education and can be fooled easily with baht rewards. The Pm is doing a fine job trying to restore a country that has had bad leadership for years. No firing squad or punching reporter just peace and love and i hope the Thai people follow you example!

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Considering Thailand as a whole, yes he is the right man for the job, anyone with even a brain the size of a tea biscuit would have given up trying to lead this country after a week in power. The people get the leader they deserve even if power was usurped, could anyone imagine someone like the General being tolerated for a month in modern day Europe no matter how many tanks are involved.


Considering Thailand as a whole, yes he is the right man for the job, anyone with even a brain the size of a tea biscuit would have given up trying to lead this country after a week in power. The people get the leader they deserve even if power was usurped, could anyone imagine someone like the General being tolerated for a month in modern day Europe no matter how many tanks are involved.

........and how many tanks is that that have been involved in this bloodless coup d'etat??

I didn't see them rolling down the streets - when you mention 'a brain the size of a tea biscuit' surely you are referring to the ex-PM.


...Thailand heading towards democracy....Thailand is a democratic country.....democracy this and democracy that....on and on about democracy ad nauseum....do they even know what "democracy" means..??

Now an announcement...."we have too much democracy"...<deleted>

Reading the Thai news is like picking up a good comic book....it is so funny, unbelievable and for the most part (like any good comic book)...completely laughable


Looks like we have two students of the dearly departed Statesman - Lee Kuan Yew. The other student is Thaksin.

Lee Kuan Yew was not perfect but compared to Thailand he built up one heck of a legacy from nothing which the people have seen fit to continue in re-electing his son. Thailand vs Singpore? Comparing apples to oranges. He built up something out of nothing here it seems the reverse.


Looks like we have two students of the dearly departed Statesman - Lee Kuan Yew. The other student is Thaksin.

Lee Kuan Yew was not perfect but compared to Thailand he built up one heck of a legacy from nothing which the people have seen fit to continue in re-electing his son. Thailand vs Singpore? Comparing apples to oranges. He built up something out of nothing here it seems the reverse.

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