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Thailand announces water strategy on World Water Day

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Thailand announces water strategy on World Water Day

BANGKOK, 24 March 2015 (NNT) – Thailand has announced its water management strategy on the occasion of World Water Day to indicate that nation’s determination in solving water issues, says the DWR Director-General.

The Director-General of the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Jatuporn Buruspat has said that Thailand has demonstrated its resolve to solve the country's water issues to the international community by announcing its drafted strategy on national water resources management for 2015-2026. The announcement was made on the occasion of the World Water Day.

The strategy aims to tackle water shortages, flooding, and water quality issues through 25 water management projects in the country's main river basins. This accomplishment will make Thailand a model country for water management in the Asia-Pacific region, and the strategy will also ensure that consumable water is available for every person in the country within 2017.

The DWR Director-General has also added that the Prime Minister has urged the development of green industries that consumes less water, along with finding the solution to water shortages in the agricultural area through an efficient system of reserving and releasing water.

-- NNT 2015-03-24 footer_n.gif


More Blah, blah coming out of Thai officials mouths just for public consumption and to justify their salaries.

I admire their ability to write pompous speeches and distribute false promises to the people, although they know what they promise is not achievable in the time frame they specify.

But it sounds good......I'll pass it to the mother in Law, that she is complaining every year as her rice field gets flooded.


".....to indicate that (sic) nation's determination in solving water issues."

Well if the "determined efforts" of previous years are any guide, I won't be holding my breath.....................


".....to indicate that (sic) nation's determination in solving water issues."

Well if the "determined efforts" of previous years are any guide, I won't be holding my breath.....................

Get serious cancel Songkran.


I cannot believe that Songkran is a gentle holiday where one prays as they gently pour water on a Budda's shoulders. It has degenerated into The Waterworld Wars with stereos madly blarring on every street corner and everyone is a Westerner gunslinger with a water cannon in one hand and a Chang in the other. What has happened to our civilization? It has gone the way of Christmas (how could the stores ever survive without it) and all the other religious holidays that have become crass commercial cartoons of what they were meant to be. Water conservation be darned its all about bringing in tourist bucks in this case bahts. Its the old lets do it today mentality we will worry about tomorrow when it gets here

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