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Why does thaivisa, a supposed source of solid info, allow so many rants and personal complaints?


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Thaivisa purports to exist to answer difficult visa questions and other vital "how to live in Thailand" information.

So, why has it grown more and more into a rant outlet and a place for lots of personal complaints.

Is thaivisa really a cheap and partial service to the disgruntled to vent and maybe recover some psychological relief?

It seems lately that rants are at least half of the content. I rant that this is a waste of a good information service.w00t.gif

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KK, do you have any personal complaints to share with us?

We are all here, to listen to you, take you in our arms and help you overcome your difficult moments.

This is what Thai Visa is all about.

Help and support each other, either it's called visas or personal issues.

And if you haven't got any issues, go and find some and you will see how good we will treat you.

Waiting in anticipation...............

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I think some people take TV far too seriously, yes there is some good info but at the same time it should be seen as a source of entertainment and it can be a good laugh, you just have to have your own internal filter, to separate the info you want from the BS,

lets face, if the humorous and ranting side of TV was taken away, there would be far fewer members kicking around as everyone would be bored to tears, with the same old, " I have overstayed, what do I do ?" "How much is Sinsot" "She's different" etc etc

The ones that really annoy me are the the jumped up arrogant types who think they are more important than others and proceed to "lecture" everyone else on how to behave and are rather thin skinned when confronted and get offended very easily...thumbsup.gif

Well said Mr SP, as usual.

There's some strange units on tvf.....must be a result of incest or something.

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Frankly I would not mind less discussion of "news" and instead have the discussion in the general section.

I reakon any poster with the word 'in' in the middle of his name should be flogged in public.....but alas nobody gives a damnn about what crazy ole neverdie thinks ?

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Any forum is a mixture of incisive wit and abstract stupidity, indeed the perception of one post can be either depending on the reader.

I like to stir the flag wavers who still believe the US government is a fountain of democracy as opposed to the war mongering psychopaths they actually are. Some will agree and others think I'm a d*ckhead, doesn't really matter if it at least creates some thinking.

As to rants there are many opinionated or angry people out there, at least it is an outlet, and reading isn't compulsory.

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Forum owners rely on "new content" to get click revenue,

now, from what i hear, the goolgle algos get changed every few years

so the content needs to reflect what those bots are looking for.

BS relationship dramas are the current/perennial fav, cause it runs thru to the worlds gossip columns with the correct words/tags etc

Just commercial decisions

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Thai visa. I find it is useful sometimes.

Sometimes you get crazy/ stupid posts, but hey what the hell.

Some people take Thai visa/ life to serious.

In my own situation, i find Thai visa great fun, source of information, LIFE LINE for me being restricted to my bed.

I have made some good friends via Thai visa. Yes i even include Costas.

So khnom khnom lighten up enjoy Thai visa and life, you never know what tomorrow brings.

It's good to see you

Post Colin and it's good so many of us have taken young costas in. (& I Use the term young loosely)

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Read between the rants

That's actually quite a profound observation..never thought of it that way laugh.png

What interests me sometimes is trying to figure out a posters motivation for what he/she posts, there is always a reason or an agenda, and part of the fun is trying to figure it out, and when you typically get an nasty and aggressive response to question, you have found the motivation/agenda as its touched a nerve

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seriously, you really take this site seriously, wow, didnt realise it was a serious site, thought it was the comedy hour extended version. While you can get some pretty good information when you need it a lot of the banter is just that, banter. When you are bored, nothing to do or just dont feel like doing anything physical(if you are able to) you need somewhere to release that frustration, tv is it and if you need a good laugh you cant go past certain posters for supplying it, especially the ones that bite so hard or the newbies with their million dollar questions. Anyone that takes this site seriously needs to find themselves something else to do with their spare time, then again Costas could always teach you about milking badgers or you could apply for your TGAU certification, that would really help you a lot w00t.gif

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I am a member of 4 forums. Travel, camping, fishing, and 4 wheel driving. Oh and this one. TVF is the only one littered with cranky old men. The others are informative and real fun.

But I still like coming here to see what is going on.

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Believe me, it was a LOT worse a few years ago. I was accused of living in a hovel, of being ignorant and stupid, (well maybe that's true) things have been cleaned up. A lot of people got banned, who remembers Bendix?

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I think some people take TV far too seriously, yes there is some good info but at the same time it should be seen as a source of entertainment and it can be a good laugh, you just have to have your own internal filter, to separate the info you want from the BS,

lets face, if the humorous and ranting side of TV was taken away, there would be far fewer members kicking around as everyone would be bored to tears, with the same old, " I have overstayed, what do I do ?" "How much is Sinsot" "She's different" etc etc

The ones that really annoy me are the the jumped up arrogant types who think they are more important than others and proceed to "lecture" everyone else on how to behave and are rather thin skinned when confronted and get offended very easily...thumbsup.gif

Well said Mr SP, as usual.

There's some strange units on tvf.....must be a result of incest or something.

In one thread I suggested Thailand as being the SEA hub for dysfunctional/broken foreigners and one only has to read some of the stuff written on TV to understand why I suggested that.

Genuinely there are members on here who should be under full time medical supervision for their mental problems.

I actually feel sorry for some of the ladies married/involved with these individuals, I mean some people fly off the handle and deteriorate into anger filled rants (and its genuine anger blink.png ) over some silly little comments on a make believe website...

imagine living with someone like that in real life, if they get upset like that over some words on screen I hate to think what they get up to in real life, wife spills tea on them !, what is it a punch in mouth ?, chained to the bed for week, reduced rations for the lady ? blink.png

I also feel sorry for my wife after a visit at Thaiwatsadu...

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Once I wrote a 13,782 word masterpiece on how to experience Thailand. This was followed by Parts 2, 3......58. It took me 3-years to type.....

All I got was 3 likes!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!

So now all my posts will be utter gibberish!!!!! coffee1.gif

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This OP is hypocritical and just likes to attack other expats.

The same poster made a topic purposefully to deliver a rant - he said so himself - to criticize other expats for not fitting in, such as the OP apparently does, by getting his wife to do all the talking for him when dealing with Thai people. This was not about news either. It was a gem of a rant topic, with the OP clearly one of those ensconced in his little English speaking bubble with wifey doing everything for him, then having the nerve to come here and try to teach us all to suck eggs.

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