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Motor show models may face legal action

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This is just sad now. 1st the Coyote dancers, then the underboob selfies, now this. What's next, no bare feet? The culture minister seriously needs to get a life. Wonder how many complained were men? wink.png

Probably most of them. As all know we men go to motor shows to look at motor models.

Just use yahoo and search images for bangkok motorshow models and you see models we men get wet dreams about rolleyes.gif

Or, if you want to see racy, check out, 'China Models Chendu Motor Show'

As far as these young women exposing 'too much' for Thai culture, Thai culture is always changing and it wasn't that long ago that Thai women went around topless

NSFW grainy b&w photo of topless Thai woman from 1900 http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/7d/de/44/7dde44e1818de6ddf0cbb688cc74e98b.jpg

Edited by rametindallas
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This seems a bit like what Cromwell's roundhead England might have been like. Please bring on some restoration comedies. And this sort of meddling in affairs that really don't matter is supposed to return happiness? Don't they know cars and hot women culture trumps whatever local culture may be around?

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I've said this a dozen times in these forums. Military governments love to legislate morality (though often in a hypocritical manner). This is just the latest instance in Thailand and likely not the last. So all of those cheering on the coup-makers... this is the bed your making for yourselves. Make yourselves comfortable...

I guess you weren't around during Thaksin's tenure.

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This article says 5000 baht.

Section 388 Whoever, doing any shameful act in public by indecently exposing oneself's person, or by committing the other indecent act, shall be fined not out of five hundred Baht

They pay per tit.
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I told a mate of mine that riding a motorbike with no shirt was an offence.

He didn't believe me until he was pulled over. Those tattoos were no excuse. The cop said riding bare-chested was an insult to the monarchy. True.

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'... Veera Rojpojanarat said he had received a lot of complaints that many models in the motor show fair had dressed improperly.' Is he referring to cars, or girls? Somehow, I doubt he received many - if any - valid complaints. Just another puritanical Thai bureaucrat.

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Please post some more pictures of the models in question so that I can attain the proper level of indignation and outrage.

Here she is, wearing only body paint.

1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 2000,

Admire those curves and hear her purr.

Ain't she beautiful?

(As requested)

Ahh nice to see someone without sense for reliability but an eye for beauty ;-)

I know, it's an absolute beauty and soo much fun ;-)

Used to be in a relationship with one of them too and as all the pretties,

it did cost a half a fortune to keep her purring. ;-)

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Took until post 11 to call for a picture. Still waiting for any such calls on the "Sexy plumber" story.

Not the TV members who started it:

"Her office will gather pictures of too-much revealing models at the motor show for using as evidence for taking action, she added"

It's a dirty job but someone has to do it....

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Well, I just wanted to reply to this tread but right above this box it say's:

Replying to Motor show models may face legal action

So I don't say anything biggrin.png

Edited by JoeLing
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If the culture minister would kindly repay the organizers of the Motor Show all monies lost because there are no pretties there, everything will be fine. Judging from my experience, at least half of the attendees are there soley to take photos of pretties and have neither the interest in or cash to buy cars. I'd prefer they weren't there - less crowds and I can get a clear shot of the carsbiggrin.png

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if they have to use near naked women to sell cars you really have to wonder at the mentality of the ones that buy them. Nothing wrong with seeing near naked women but every country has its own laws and here it is not allowed, very simple. We all want to live here so we must abide by the thai laws(even if we dont agree with them), if seeing naked women all the time is more important to you then maybe you are in the wrong country. We all have out whinges but seriously, naked women mean so much to some of you at a car show, lets us know which head you think with, I thought car shows were to look at the cars, not wandering around staring at models.

I am guessing you were the guy who complained to the culture ministry?

"if seeing naked women all the time is more important to you then maybe you are in the wrong country."

Really? I would say that you are in exactly the right country?

If you know of a country that has more naked women on public display than Thailand, I am quite sure I am not the only one who would like to know which country that is?


Gentlemen, we now have irrefutable proof that there is life on other planets. How intelligent that life is ... is a matter of debate, since our dear friend Seajae does not seem to understand that since day one ... sex sells.

You see Seajae, here on Planet Earth, sex is not just to sell cars ... it is used to sell everything and I challenge you to find any product advertised on television that we can not draw a line from, and not end up with some sexual reference.

It is almost impossible to believe you are serious ... and that ... raised to the 10th power, since ... wait for it ... you are in Thailand complaining about naked girls in BANGKOK.

I am laughing so hard right now, i think I sprained my back.

For the love of god, really Seajae?


Sadly more to the point, the only reason you actually exist is for the purpose of sex. Remember biology 101, its either feeding or fkin... and ultimately to carry out the shagging and carrying on the genes.....

Always laugh when someone says sex is bad, what a dreary reality

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As usual I have to go against the grain.

I totally agree with the minister. These days they can't get away with just putting pretty girls up on the stand, there has to be more to it, the game has changed.

The car shows are put on to sell cars and promote business. They have to give the products the semblance of having class, i.e. including the models, also they are not taking into consideration that probably women are are taking an equal interest in these shows as the men, perhaps more.

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The cultural minister is actually a Quaker from Pennsylvania. If they want a real lesson on how to be a prude, they should travel to the U.S. They are just making themselves look foolish, prudish, hypocritical, and false. Nobody is buying into this.

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Not worth going then.........Have they resurected the Minister that was under Thaksin?? The one who wanted to make it illegal to teach Thai-Wisdom to farang?.....

thai wisdom........ now there's an interesting concept.....

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The Bangkok motor show looks pretty tame compared to the Chinese Guiyang motor show..

Who would have thought...Hope this is not offensive, just

was not something I expected from a conservative communist country...


Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I think they should get out a bit more, has anybody told them that Thailand is the sex capital of the world. at least they will have clothes on, what is their problem, and don't give me this shit that the Thai people don't like it, those days have nearly gone, even the old school Thai women are getting in on the act now

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The Bangkok motor show looks pretty tame compared to the Chinese

motor shows.. Who would have thought...Hope this is not offensive, just

was not something I expected from a conservative communist country...


Nice picture, not offensive at all, lets hope that snake does not decide to hid, as it is limited to places to go

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C'mon guys, show a bit compassion for our Prime Minister.
I fully understand his outrage.

If what you expect from a decent motor show is this:


and you get this:


Wouldn't you be disappointed?

Edited by JoeLing
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I don't know why they're picking on the models. - they just wear (or not) what they're told. If they want paid they don't have any choice. Typical Thai Official mentality. Scapegoat the poor sod on the lowest rung of the ladder.

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