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200 suspected jihadists prevented from leaving Australia

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200 suspected jihadists prevented from leaving Australia

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Counterterrorism squads have prevented 200 suspected jihadists from departing Australian airports for the Middle East including at least three teenage boys this month, officials said on Wednesday.

Officials had previously announced that two Sydney-born brothers, aged 16 and 17, had been intercepted at Sydney International Airport on March 8 attempting to board a flight for Turkey without their parents' knowledge. The siblings were returned to their families and were to be charged.

Within a week, a 17-year-old boy was intercepted at the same airport on suspicion that he was headed for a Middle Eastern battle, Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton said Wednesday.

The boy had also been returned to his family, but remained under investigation, Dutton said.

Since counterterrorism units were attached to eight Australian airports in August, 85,000 travelers had been questioned and 200 people had been prevented from flying on suspicion that they were headed for the battlefields of Iraq and Syria to fight with groups including Islamic State, Dutton said.

Experts disagree about why Islamic State had been so effective recruiting in Australia, which is widely regarded as a multicultural success story, with an economy in an enviable 24th year of continuous growth.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said his government was investing more on border security and on countering extremism.

"It is absolutely critical that the people of Australia appreciate that the death cult is reaching out to vulnerable and impressionable young people," he said, referring the Islamic State movement." The death cult is reaching out, seeking effectively to brain wash people online."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-25


Let them leave, they wont last long out there now, take their passports off them at the airport and tell them not to bother coming back to the country that has provided for them and their family

As I've posted in other topics, Oz govt should not permit these people to travel to M.E. If deemed necessary imprison for life, do not permit them to travel overseas where they will commit crimes against humanity.


australia needs to introduce re- education camps preferably in the outback.Teach them the wonders of donald bradman,jack brabham,herb elliot, etc etc plus the almighty socceroos.Then teach them some skills including sport,and just for fun get them braking up rocks,digging holes and then filling them in.They have obviously got too much time on their hands and have no direction in life.Perhaps all they have to listen to is whingeing parents wanting to go home?

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"As I've posted in other topics, Oz govt should not permit these people to travel to M.E. If deemed necessary imprison for life, do not permit them to travel overseas where they will commit crimes against humanity."

Well then the human rights watch crowd and their teams of attorneys will be behind them, all the way.

How about secretly embed with GPS trackers (if there's any way to do that) then let them go. Gives the drone operators better intel.


australia needs to introduce re- education camps preferably in the outback.Teach them the wonders of donald bradman,jack brabham,herb elliot, etc etc plus the almighty socceroos.Then teach them some skills including sport,and just for fun get them braking up rocks,digging holes and then filling them in.They have obviously got too much time on their hands and have no direction in life.Perhaps all they have to listen to is whingeing parents wanting to go home?

Play them some midnight oil.

Blue Sky Mine was okay though.


These are a bunch of sad misguided souls that out of sheer boredom and stupidity after being on

the dole, unemployment benefits, are off to take part in an adventure of a life time so they

can brag to their mates and shilas back home, where are their parents and families?

oh yea, in the pub most likely, turning a blind eye... such are the youth of Australia

now days, lost and hopeless dumbass.....

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These fanatical shameless basterds who have no admiration for western freedom and values should be allowed to go BUT there passport should be taken away so they can rot till life where they want to go.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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ISIS : Killing , pillaging and raping like vikings. If wasn't strickly necessairy to be muslim , a lot more would go....it's human nature.
Let them go to syria , but don't let them back in....easier for a remote island like Australia, not so for the borderless EU.

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That's just great, now you have 'em inside your country!

Just lobotomize them, they are not using their brains anyway.

Perhaps they are using their brains, it is worldwide common knowledge that ISIS is sawing of live folks heads, THEY know that and want part of it. Every western country has these shits amongst them. Give them a first word life but they desire a barbaric life from yesteryear.


Not a Australian, but we see this happening all over Europe too....

But i dont understand why they stop them....

Let them go... Invalidate their passport... and tell them never to come back....

Then there is less for the government to feed... because they are usually all on government benefits.

It makes me so angry that my tax money is going to these lazy so and so's

Well....many of the people are 2nd and 3rd generation Australians..........pretty difficult to not let them return....

But if they don't get killed and return, they probably end up in prison at ~$50K/year to keep.......it's a bad situation whichever way ot goes.


Our Governments appear to be approaching this like a nanny, in the sense of - "You don't know what you're doing" and restraining them.

Perhaps they feel this will make them look compassionate in the eyes of the rest of the world, but apart from a minority who may be thick and really did 'not' know what they were getting themselves into by attempting, the rest who approached this with full clarity and fervour and now get 'Shaheed Blocked' by the state are not going to be happy in the slightest about being blocked. At one time I held the view that keeping your enemies as close to your sphere of observation as possible was the safest way to protect a nation rather than booting them out to far flung lands, but the sheer numbers of people involved here means that cannot happen effectively and there is every chance that one of these people now - "already known to us" is on a file but not being watched when out of sheer frustration at being 'Shaheed Blocked' they find some way to go on a furious rampage in a shopping mall with some form of weapon. Overall, everyone else seems to be - "Go, just let them go" except our Governments. It seems more concerned with some kind of image problem, where people choosing to 'leave' western culture in search of something like Islamic State can't be accepted. Perhaps our nations are so desperate to keep the ideal image of harmonious balanced cultural diversity going that they'll even stop people from 'leaving' the petri dish.

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Note their details, cancel their passport a month later, have to make sure they get where they are going. And slip at tracking device in their luggage or whatever. That way they get to meet allah and they are really useful to the western countries.

As a side note ASIO says the number of Australians serving with ISIS is about a constant 200, about 30 a month joining up and about the same number getting killed every month. Sounds like a balanced workable solution to me unless they can up the kill rate.


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australia needs to introduce re- education camps preferably in the outback.Teach them the wonders of donald bradman,jack brabham,herb elliot, etc etc plus the almighty socceroos.Then teach them some skills including sport,and just for fun get them braking up rocks,digging holes and then filling them in.They have obviously got too much time on their hands and have no direction in life.Perhaps all they have to listen to is whingeing parents wanting to go home?

Play them some midnight oil.

OH NO...please dont !!!!

The less we hear of that balled headed nit wit, the better


Western countries have a big problem , too easy on them . Revoke passports as they are in the air ,cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif no return allowed .


Have they actually committed a crime? For example, going to work as a nurse, is a crime? Is it? You may not agree the politics or the religion, but no one here has all the information to make an informed assessment of exactly what's happening out there. So, what of the nurse's basic human right?

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