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Preparing for 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton embracing Obama

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So after two terms of Obama the Dems may well be trying to sell damaged goods to the electorate for a third time in a row.

The damage done is to the extreme on the right that know no limits in their unrelenting and fierce racial and demographic assaults against the president. This is true because his policies and programs mean far less than does his race. Even FDR who was detested by the ruling elites did not incur the wrath of his demographic enemies as much as or in the ways the first black president has had to experience. While FDR was accused by the right of being a commie, Prez Obama is accused of actually and truly being anti-Amercan and pro nuclear Iran and all of loony rest of it.

The assaults being demographically personal, they have irreversibly separated whole swathes of the electorate from the Republican party, to include not only blacks alienated from the R party since Nixon's racial Southern Strategy, implemented by Strom Thurmond, but Hispanics, Asian-Americans, single women, gay constituents broadly, and, without fail, the standard and traditional Democratic party white voter to include the majority of college graduates who consistently vote Democratic party, and the millennials.

It was a general rule in presidential politics that it was uphill for a prez to win a third term, in a manner of speaking, i.e., for his vice president or another prominent member of the outgoing president's party to succeed him.

Nixon couldn't win a third term for Ike in 1960 (or we could have had Watergate ten years sooner). Hubert H. Humphrey in 1968 could not win a third consecutive term for the Democratic party (Kennedy, LBJ....HHH). Gerry Ford in 1976 could not win a third term for the Republican party (Nixon, Nixon-Ford).

In 1986, GHW Bush won a third term for Reagan but could not sustain that win in 92 when a combination of factors elected Bill Clinton by only a modest plurality. In 2000 Gore could not win a third Clinton term but the Bush Bros & Family had much to do with that outcome in Florida. McCain could not win a third GW Bush term. For one thing, which affected each of the putative successors, events and developments over eight years conspired against it, plainly and simply put.

The demographics of the national electorate have changed radically however since the decisive elections of Barack Obama. The significant number of voters now vote demographically rather than by political party. WASPS and all the rest of the frat brothers and sisters along with the inbred tea party crowd and the Southern crackers too continue to vote Republican, but the minorities vote as minorities, which for them means they happen to vote for the Democrat.

HRC for prez is decidedly a minority, despite the fact the majority of the population are women and the majority of voters are women. No woman has been elected and no woman before HRC has ever made a truly serious run at it, which makes her a minority. That she is a Democrat to minority voters is not central and it certainly does not hurt her in this respect. HRC btw will get a good number of suburban and also retired in Florida Republican women voting for her besides, if for no other reason than to prove sisterhood is indeed powerful (although not all R party women of the light blue hair persuasion will vote with so specific a consciousness).

So the old rules are out and gone. A third Obama term in a manner of speaking, but also as a fact is not so far removed from the reality. It is per se not as unlikely a prospect as any previous president's possible third term had been. In fact within this framework, a third Obama term is a pretty good probability. I certainly haven't seen too many Republicans step forward yet to bet the ranch against it.


Who will she choose as running mate I'm wondering?

Great question.

Probably not another woman or minority group person though.

She would have to have a straight white male?


Who will she choose as running mate I'm wondering?

Great question.

Probably not another woman or minority group person though.

She would have to have a straight white male?

Yes, of course.


Who will she choose as running mate I'm wondering?

Great question.

Probably not another woman or minority group person though.

She would have to have a straight white male?

What was the line from the latest season of 'House of Cards'?

"A southerner with a penis"....


The truth is democrats are open to an alternative to Hillary but so far nobody is coming close in approaching her. Maybe that will change and maybe it won't. We'll see. Obviously a lot of democrats admire Warren, but she obviously can't win in the wake of Obama so she would have no chance of being nominated if she tries, which she won't.


I am perfectly happy to see her run. Because as a certainty she will not win with the

mountain of baggage she is carrying. I have no idea why the Democrats even think

she can. I can only hope that the Republicans can come up with a good candidate.

Perhaps with victory all but insured, they could come up with somebody who is

actually skilled, rather than an old political hack only nominated due to the block

of votes he carries..... I am actually looking forward to the campaign to see her

shredded by the media, as she richly deserves. And no I am not anti-female, I just

do not like bad people.

HRC is one of the few several really well known national figures to all generations and in all regions of the country. Her relationship with the body politic and the electorate is defined, decided, confirmed. Maybe ten voters nationally are unsure, the rest are decided.

Practically every voter know how s/he will vote with HRC as the D party nominee. Fact is, more will vote for her than will vote against her, and that adds up to a win.

There are people here and everywhere who denounce her to the ends of the earth yet those people do not matter. They will never vote for HRC and HRC will never need their vote to win.

The supporters and advocates of HRC will never change the minds of the absolute opponents of HRC, and vice versa. Anything can happen between now and election day in November next year.

Anything can happen, yes, including HRC being elected president.

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I believe she will run.

I believe she will be nominated.

I believe she will beat any republican they put up.

But I do think her challenge now is to "reinvent" herself in a similar way to what other politicians have done, as in the "new" Nixon.

I'm sure her team is working on that right now.

Prepare to be surprised.

I agree on all counts.

Her reinventing should be much easier now that all her State Dept emails, conveniently located only on her private server, have been wiped clean.

The voters will get what they deserve...

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The usual suspects in their own Benghazi, she's a Clinton echo chamber.

People care about economics and the economy is ticking along. She's going to hang off Obamas coat tails on this one, whether they are his or not people perceive them as his.

Politics 101 fellas. But you bang on about Benghazi. That is exactly what she needs to get her over he line. The caricature of her GOP rivals as old man Simpson yelling at the sky. And deep down, you reluctantly know it.

You are aware that a United States ambassador was killed?

And Clinton was busy lying & covering up. Yes she is eminently qualified to follow Obama if lying is the very first line item on your resume.

This is an issue to Patriots and trust me brother we are not going to stop till we get the truth. Wiped server or no wiped server.

The Republicans have been running a smear campaign and investigating her since the 1980s. They watch her like a hawk & have come up with zilch. Their only thread of hope in derailing her is that lame Bengghhaaaazzziii cry. Some CIA guys got killed doing dirty work in Libya. Hillarys fault!!!! Folks....it's 24/7 Bengghhaaazzii for the next 2 years I'm afraid.

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So I'm just wondering if you remember the cover story.? James. People were rioting in response to the trailer for a video no one had seen.

The obama dirty dozen i.e. barry hillary pluff pffifer axelrod the whole rat pack in the white house thinks they are smarter than everyone else. So they concoct this fairy tale. 2 weeks later barry is telling the lie at the UN general assembly.

But according to libs this is a "witch hunt" We know the annointed one will never stand trial for his crimes. But really mrs. clinton will need to answer a few questions before anyone is going to vote for her.


The usual suspects in their own Benghazi, she's a Clinton echo chamber.

People care about economics and the economy is ticking along. She's going to hang off Obamas coat tails on this one, whether they are his or not people perceive them as his.

Politics 101 fellas. But you bang on about Benghazi. That is exactly what she needs to get her over he line. The caricature of her GOP rivals as old man Simpson yelling at the sky. And deep down, you reluctantly know it.

You are aware that a United States ambassador was killed?

And Clinton was busy lying & covering up. Yes she is eminently qualified to follow Obama if lying is the very first line item on your resume.

This is an issue to Patriots and trust me brother we are not going to stop till we get the truth. Wiped server or no wiped server.

Any death is a tragedy. I understand that he knew and loved Libya which makes the story even sadder.

Nevertheless I think the tears that are being shed by the lunar right are of the crocodile variety.

But please do bleat the 'B' word endlessly.

I'm sure that is what the Democratic Party and the Hillary team in particular are counting on.

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One thing the Democratic Party and Team Hillary can count on is watching this video over and over and over again.

Funnily enough, I'm still waiting for one of you to answer her question.


  • Like 1

One thing the Democratic Party and Team Hillary can count on is watching this video over and over and over again.

Funnily enough, I'm still waiting for one of you to answer her question.


It was answered when someone said..."It matters to the families of those murdered".
Thanks for bringing my post to the top of the page.
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Let's talk about her use of the private server for official emails.


This is what she said on 10 March 2015...


This is what her attorney wrote this past week in response to a Congressional subpoena...

“To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the Secretary’s IT support that no e-mails from [email protected] for the time period January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or any back-up systems associated with the server,” Kendall wrote in the letter.
“Thus, there are no [email protected] emails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized.”
In March, "server contains" and in April "no emails exist for review". (paraphrased)
The big question is when were the deletions done, by whom and for what purpose.
Is "cover up" one word or two?


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It was answered when someone said..."It matters to the families of those murdered".

Thanks for bringing my post to the top of the page.

No it wasn't. That's for the families to say, and I would imagine they are more concerned about what failings led to their relatives' deaths than the motivation of the killers.

She said:

With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?

And the answer, of course is none, which is why she went on to say:

It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

You're right it will get played again and again, but only on Fox News, and only out of context as it has been since day one.

And at no point have I ever seen any Republican offer any suggestions as to how Clinton's second sentence can be accomplished.

It's just another tedious Fox News soundbite.

But still, I'm pleased that you got to the top of the page. Here's a celebratory fist pump for you.


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Let's talk about her use of the private server for official emails.


This is what she said on 10 March 2015...


This is what her attorney wrote this past week in response to a Congressional subpoena...

“To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the Secretary’s IT support that no e-mails from [email protected] for the time period January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or any back-up systems associated with the server,” Kendall wrote in the letter.
“Thus, there are no [email protected] emails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized.”
In March, "server contains" and in April "no emails exist for review". (paraphrased)
The big question is when were the deletions done, by whom and for what purpose.
Is "cover up" one word or two?


Gosh, yet another "scandal".

Keep them coming, I reckon it's a great motivator for Democratic fundraising.



Oh, they're going to keep coming. There are many of them to be brought up again.

You'll have lots of chances to boost that post count. thumbsup.gif

  • Like 2

Oh, they're going to keep coming. There are many of them to be brought up again.

You'll have lots of chances to boost that post count. thumbsup.gif

Not counting Chuck. Just whiling away the hours on a quiet Sunday in the office ;)

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