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God Bless America and my life savings

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This is getting ridiculous .If the Feds suspect you they'll get you.Whats the world coming too? Doom and gloom.This can't happen to me !!!!!!


They don't go into whether he declared the income and paid taxes on it ?

Does he have employees on the farm and did he fail to take out payroll and social security taxes ?

Sounds to me like he did not pay his estimated taxes and they put a lien on his bank accounts

Instead of complaining about the IRS he might want to talk to his accountant and obviously fire the lawyer

One of the first lessons my father gave me growing up was to never, never , ever screw with the Internal Revenue Service. They don't need a conviction to seize your assets, they don't need a warrant to seize your bank accounts, and they don't need anything but probable cause to wreck your credit

He's a sovereign man who never signed a social contract, therefore he owes no taxes.


Have heard of the term :implied Contract"

There are two types

A) implied in fact: this is where you go to the barber for a hair cut, you don't need to sign a contract, it is implied that he will cut your hair, and you will pay the posted price

B ) Implied in law: so have a heart attack, lucky for you there is a doctor available he gives you CPR and saves your life , later he presents you with a bill. You dont want to pay the bill because you did not ask him to save your life, if it goes to court you will loose because you were "Unfairly enriched

the farmer has entered in an Implied in fact contract with the Government because he has accepted services, used infrastructure, had his land defended against foreign invaders, etc

and an implied in Law contract because he ware "unjustly enriched"

All first year law subjects and why your argument has never prevailed

Edited by sirineou
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Just a update on the financial controls the USA is imposing.Please don't be alarmed this is in no way meant to be a Doom and Gloom and OMG the world is coming to and end comment .Just recently I was transferring money online from one account to another at BK Of A ,when a pop up came up"Online and mobile banking transfers are included in the 6 transaction-per-month limit that federal regulations impose on certain types of withdrawals and transfers. Please see the Personal Schedule of Fees for more information"..I called CSR and asked to explain this and she said this has been in place for many many years and that just recently they started announcing it because many people weren't aware .She also went on to say that if I make 6 transfers from my savings to another account in or out of the bank in one month (online or by phone) the bank would not allow it but if I did it by ATM or on site it would be OK.And if I attempted to do the 6 transfer limit 3 times in one year they would terminate my savings account and only allow a checking account .

Food for thought all who are contemplating moving money around to retire, buy or invest in Thailand. Beware government imposed regulation on cash withdrawals isn't the only financial constraint put on by banking and other institutions. This is not a cash withdrawal this is moving money from one account to another . If you intend to carry accounts in America while living here talk to your accountant and bank and institution administrators about their policies.

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^^^^Yeap...been there for ages...it comes from a Federal Reserve regulation Part D. And some transfers (like down at the ATM or teller) are not counted against the 6 limit. The limit is primarily focused at online transfers. But apparently some folks are just now finding out.

Transactions That Count Towards the 6 ACH Transaction Limit Include:

  1. Online transfers from savings to a linked account (such as checking)
  2. Outgoing online transfers made to another bank through ACH or via online wire transfers
  3. Transfers made via phone banking
  4. Pre-authorized deductions by a third party
  5. Checks written from a money market account

However, Transactions That DO NOT Affect Your Limit Include:

  1. Transfers and deposits into a savings or money market account
  2. Withdrawals and transfers made at an ATM machine
  3. Withdrawals and transfers made in a bank branch via a teller
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