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Moral Center to propose six policies to PM to strengthen Thai Morality

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Not many pro junta supporters on here.

They are still lurking here but their illustrious leader is not giving them much to rant and rave about. Hope they do not round up all the bar girls and shave their heads and put them in white robes.


Hey, I like ladies that do what ever I want, what's wrong with that, troglodyte? If they don't, then I don't, comprende' ese'? I've yet to find, since 2002 a "whore house" for farangs. There were/are plenty for Thais, although dear leader has shut down some that were police connected. Sex has nothing to do with morals. My wife is a very moral person, and she loved sex before and after we were married 7 yrs. ago. Slavery yes that is immoral, like those on fishing boats that dear leader wants to send a reporter to "attitude adjustment" for reporting on.


As I see this

1: Support public parcipitation....this the elite and ruling generals will not allow.

2: How can morally corrupt people teach morality and good ethics?

3. Again...public involvement.....will not be permitted to gain any type of notoriety as the generals won't allow this.

4. A totally inane proposal......the government to identify morally and ethically "good" people.....<deleted>!!

5. The finale of all the above!

The the last paragraph "can contact the office of The Moral Promotion Center (Public Organization) by calling 02-644-9900 or www.moralcenter.or.th"......learn how to be morally and ethically correct....according to the junta!


Hilarious ... in a country that seems to have very little morals ... about anything ... they have a "center" ... classic.

They shoujld start by closing all Bars and etc.

Bar Fines should be punished with 5 years in jail

Bar Fines is other way for pimping


As I see this

1: Support public parcipitation....this the elite and ruling generals will not allow.

2: How can morally corrupt people teach morality and good ethics?

3. Again...public involvement.....will not be permitted to gain any type of notoriety as the generals won't allow this.

4. A totally inane proposal......the government to identify morally and ethically "good" people.....<deleted>!!

5. The finale of all the above!

The the last paragraph "can contact the office of The Moral Promotion Center (Public Organization) by calling 02-644-9900 or www.moralcenter.or.th"......learn how to be morally and ethically correct....according to the junta!

A totally inane proposal......the government to identify morally and ethically "good" people.

Look at the bright side. The good people will be rewarded with a new Honda Wave. Both of them!!


Not many pro junta supporters on here.

They are still lurking here but their illustrious leader is not giving them much to rant and rave about. Hope they do not round up all the bar girls and shave their heads and put them in white robes.

Hummm....I kind of like Asian girls who have been shaved!


The government should be required to identify the public who possess moral qualities and ethics, and help promote these selected individuals to be role models for society.

And find out how these individuals got this way and you and the rest of society, didn't. Duh.


Morality??? - got a thai friend to ask how much much new scooter - told 48000 bht -I went in next day told 58000bht - for same scooter - just because I'm not a thai - &lt;deleted&gt; joke - sorry but I would love it if every thai got charged xx% extra in UK for being " thai" - just advertise the price and you pay or not pay


One of these days these simpletons will figure out that government policy doesn't install morality.

However, they could start by teaching fathers to stick around and actually be fathers who are not drunks, chain smoke, gamble, abuse their wife, worship money above all else, visit brothels, or have a mai noi (or two). THAT would be leading by example and an excellent start to getting Thai morality back on track. It starts at home with mom and dad.

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Is it just me, or is Thailand - a country that has traditionally been regarded as one of the last bulwarks against Communism in South-East Asia - increasingly beginning to resemble Red China during the Chairman Mao's reign?

The parallels are striking. The Great Leader decides everything - with the loyal support of the lieutenants who propelled him to power and the acolytes he has charged with rolling out a radical reformist road-map.

Political activity, protest marches and public dissent are outlawed. Offenders risk being hauled into army barracks for "attitude adjustment" - or worse. A mass media cowed by non-stop threats and intimidation from a paranoid leadership is a public watchdog with more bark than bite. Social media is monitored by spies and informers and thousands of "unfriendly" internet sights have been blocked.

A cultural revolution is clearly in full swing, with "Thainess" the buzz word and the emphasis on the historical trinity of king, country and religion. In government schools already under-achievers compared with most of their South-east Asian counterparts, there is more flag-waving, singing of nationalist songs and daily recitations of the Great Leader's Twelve Core Values.

The icing on the strange confection shaping up as "Thai-style" democracy is the new moral code encapsulated in six policies devised by the loftily-named Moral Promotion Centre. With a nod from the nation's head honcho, it will be rammed down the throats of sixty million Thais considered too dumb to run decent lives without "expert" help, whether they want it or not.

What, one wonders, is the next stage of this unlikely parody of Mao's Great Leap Forward - a Little Red Book of the thoughts of The Great Leader, to be rote learned against a background of street tannoy blasting out non-stop propaganda?

Or might this not go down too well with the rulers of the new-style capitalist China whom Thailand's caretaker government is assiduously courting?

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I haven't read all 3 pages of posts to this thread... so, apologies if this has been stated -

I think it's immoral for hookers to charge more than 3000 baht. goof.gif

That will depend on the different "moral" acts you want him/her to perform.


if thais have no morals, why have so many of you married one.

seems a bit of a catch 22 to me.

Because an amoral person is way more fun in the bedroom!cool.png.pagespeed.ce.jz1nB6CMOIVslCCv-1


Might help if they started teaching good morals at school.

That is the issue, education. Educated people usually make better, more noble choices in life. They establish trust. It takes a long time to find people you can trust in Thailand no matter if you are Thai or an outsider. Many politician believe that the less educated are easier to control.


Many societies are immoral (Western or otherwise) - what is needed here is more of an ethical, law abiding, without corruption, transparent and equal treatment for all, society. A better chance of legislating for this than legislating for morals whistling.gif

Even those "societies/religions" who claim to be moral have immorality hidden in there somewhere coffee1.gif


What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

you need to change,

or change your location.

Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.


What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

you need to change,

or change your location.

Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.

I don't think that that is true, all human beings have a genetically built in basic sense of morality,it is that which helped us survive the ice age and beyond,there are of course social nuances which are different but we all have the same feeling for right and wrong. What is different about Thai morals or ethics that is different from our own ? name me one.


A comprehensive lesson in Ethics could be had by looking into the establishment and funding of the www.moralcenter.or.th and the conference on which this post reports. Look too hard and you may be taught an ethical lesson - that being, don't look too hard because it's culturally inappropriate and damages the country. And that's the lesson. This sterling moral stance is perfectly exemplified by the following: it is ethically irresponsible to investigate or report on gross ethical and human rights violations in Thai fishing industry. The real ethical violation is not the original violation itself, but causing embarrassment by reporting on the violation and so making it visible and faces red. This is the very particular sort of morality and ethics that the Center will propagate and that this government exemplifies - and I do have to hand it to the government, because it is a very special (though not unique) Thai cultural achievement. Champions.


What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

you need to change,

or change your location.

Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.

I don't think that that is true, all human beings have a genetically built in basic sense of morality,it is that which helped us survive the ice age and beyond,there are of course social nuances which are different but we all have the same feeling for right and wrong. What is different about Thai morals or ethics that is different from our own ? name me one.

Only one? here are five big ones.


Thais believe it is their responsibility to take care of their parents and the elderly.

In the west, they are usually locked away in a "rest home" where they are not a bother.


If your wife has lost interest and you can afford it, in Thailand it is acceptable to take on second wife or a "mia noi".

In the west your options are abstinence or divorce.


Although not actually legal, prostitution is accepted in Thailand and nice girls are available for those who have the need.

In the west the girls are sleazy criminals probably strung out on drugs.


In Thailand it is considered a very bad thing to lose your temper, get upset or insult someone.

In the west these are all ways of life that people thrive on.


In Thailand it is accepted, expected, and dealt with openly.

In the west it is rampant but denied and covered up.

There are many more, but why waste time telling you what you should already know.

I love most of the differences in Thailand from where I come from.

Maybe you disagree with Thai morals on these issues, but this is Thailand.

You need to respect the morals and culture or find a place that better matches your needs.


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