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Junta enjoys 85% approval rating: Suan Dusit poll

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Junta enjoys 85% approval rating: Suan Dusit poll
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- PEOPLE still view the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)'s performance as satisfactory although it got a slightly lower score in the latest opinion poll after 10 months in power.

As high as 85 per cent of respondents had a positive attitude towards the NCPO, according to results of the survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, which were released yesterday.

The survey showed people believe the most outstanding traits of the NCPO are its commitment to solving the country's problems and boosting tourism, its decisiveness and tough stance against graft.

The respondents gave the NCPO an average score of 8.10, out of 10, for its performance after the tenth month, a slight fall from 8.17 in the ninth month. In the first month after the coup, the NCPO got an average score of 8.82.

When asked what they regarded as the biggest challenge for the NCPO, most respondents picked economic and political reform issues. The problem they want the NCPO to fix urgently is the high cost of living. They also suggested that the NCPO heed suggestions from all sectors.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Junta-enjoys-85-approval-rating-Suan-Dusit-poll-30256966.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-29


I'm not sure the posters' comments here are fair in any way. 85% leaves a lot of room for error and those Thai I talk to seem to be quite happy abut the situation as it stands. Off course, those I talk to are not representative of the population as a whole but I would trust the Dusit Poll to get somewhere close to a result.

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15% need an "attitude readjustment"?coffee1.gif

i would think it's the Suan Dusit pollsters who will be called in, only 85% in favour?


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Most of the respondents where probably NLA members and their family members working for them; therefore, I'm surprised it wasn't a 100% approval rating.


I'm not quite sure why anyone even bothers to conduct (if indeed they actually do, rather than just make it up) these polls. Everyone knows that it's either fake or at best massaged to give an 'acceptable' response.

The Junta has made it very clear, they are absolutely Ok with polls, news stories, journalists in general...so long as nothing is critical of the regime.

So playmates enjoy the fantasy if you wish, in reality nobody knows, or at least dares to tell what they really believe or indeed think, let alone actually put their name to it and write about it!


yes and 8 out 10 cat owners said their cats preferred whiskas , which sounds great till you actually started to read the smaller parts of the adverts ;)


yes and 8 out 10 cat owners said their cats preferred whiskas , which sounds great till you actually started to read the smaller parts of the adverts wink.png

...but my cat really does like Whiskas, wish she didn't it's damm expensive LOL

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I'm not sure the posters' comments here are fair in any way. 85% leaves a lot of room for error and those Thai I talk to seem to be quite happy abut the situation as it stands. Off course, those I talk to are not representative of the population as a whole but I would trust the Dusit Poll to get somewhere close to a result.

Oh I think I was quite fair "ianf". It definitely is Sunday!


Amazing how cynical the responses are to this poll by TV readers.

Definition of a cynic: a person who shows or expresses a bitterly or sneeringly cynical attitude.

I wonder what the respondents' opinion is of the popularity rating of most Western governments. In some of these "models of democracy" the approval rating is under 25% - ironic given that these freely elected governments are ostensibly elected by the same people who give them a bad rating.

Let me guess - this bilious bunch equates western democracy with a universal religion.


I'm not sure the posters' comments here are fair in any way. 85% leaves a lot of room for error and those Thai I talk to seem to be quite happy abut the situation as it stands. Off course, those I talk to are not representative of the population as a whole but I would trust the Dusit Poll to get somewhere close to a result.

Are you serious?

You need to take a trip to ISAN and maybe someone will talk to you.

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Newest routine - two of these poll stories, one about a taxi driver returning a million baht. Rinse, repeat.

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lol, the best thing about these 'poll' threads is that they bring out a plethora of red-shirts who unwittingly show us their intellect by flooding the thread with comments an 8 year would be embarrassed about.

Do you seriously believe Suan Dusit are doing polls under orders from the government and 'doctor' the results in case they get arrested ?.

Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

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Seems a lot of posters here spout off just like Prayout when questions or opinions are not inline as his. Anyone who believes this poll should have their head examined. Many of the thai's I work with far from happy or support this Junta and they are not afraid to hold back their opinion about it.

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