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Few years ago when my ex asked for an authentic Man U shirt with her name and a number on the back, the number referring to the year we met, she wasn't happy when I posted her the shirt with "Black Ass 69" on the back. Although the proper one arrived 2 days later she did a war dance that lasted about a month.

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It was insensitive

women are very sensitive of their appearance, specially Thai woman and the color of their skin

So you referred to your wives color and ass in a , what Thais would consider. a derogatory term, and you wonder why she got mad at you ?

PS: edit to remove bad taste and relapse with insensitive, as I am sure Ashley 1984 did not do it deliberately.


...if she's not issan

Ayutthaya, She was only slightly darker skinned

the color of their skin is irrelevant,my wife is also slightly dark skinned, but still very sensitive

if I was you I would apologize, and explain that you were trying to be funny, telling her that you thought she would get the jock especially since she is so light skin, and then just say

"stupid ferang jock , sorry honey"


...if she's not issan

Ayutthaya, She was only slightly darker skinned

the color of their skin is irrelevant,my wife is also slightly dark skinned, but still very sensitive

if I was you I would apologize, and explain that you were trying to be funny, telling her that you thought she would get the jock especially since she is so light skin, and then just say

"stupid ferang jock , sorry honey"

Colour of skin has never been and issue with me ever, was just a joke with her but has now been long forgotten about.

...if she's not issan

Ayutthaya, She was only slightly darker skinned

the color of their skin is irrelevant,my wife is also slightly dark skinned, but still very sensitive

if I was you I would apologize, and explain that you were trying to be funny, telling her that you thought she would get the jock especially since she is so light skin, and then just say

"stupid ferang jock , sorry honey"

Colour of skin has never been and issue with me ever, was just a joke with her but has now been long forgotten about.

If the 1984 after your name is your B-year, you are a young guy ,so good to learn to side step some of these land mineslaugh.png

I am now 57 years old, and having grown up with three sisters, a daughter, and ex, and a present wife, I have learned the hard way

If it is long forgotten best to not rehash it , consider it a lesson learned, and move on,

and next time you do something stupid pertaining to women, while being clueless that you did something wrong remember

assume the fetal position and play deadlaugh.png

...if she's not issan
Ayutthaya, She was only slightly darker skinned

the color of their skin is irrelevant,my wife is also slightly dark skinned, but still very sensitive

if I was you I would apologize, and explain that you were trying to be funny, telling her that you thought she would get the jock especially since she is so light skin, and then just say

"stupid ferang jock , sorry honey"

Colour of skin has never been and issue with me ever, was just a joke with her but has now been long forgotten about.

If the 1984 after your name is your B-year, you are a young guy ,so good to learn to side step some of these land mineslaugh.png

I am now 57 years old, and having grown up with three sisters, a daughter, and ex, and a present wife, I have learned the hard way

If it is long forgotten best to not rehash it , consider it a lesson learned, and move on,

and next time you do something stupid pertaining to women, while being clueless that you did something wrong remember

assume the fetal position and play deadlaugh.png

No my Birth year is not 1984 lol


However, the topic is about Thais not having a sense of humour and we should look at that rather than the one mentioned incident. (bad boy BTW)

I agree Thais do not have a sense of humour in the way that we Farang have. I love listening to and telling jokes but should I dare to tell one to my wonderful wife I must start by saying;

This is a joke. Then I must be sure to use words that she will understand. After several times of telling it, she maybe gets it? Not always though.

Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

(End of joke laugh now)

Thais have many jokes on the telly but they seem to be more the practical joke type along with the boing and whistle sounds, perhaps so they know it was a joke?


However, the topic is about Thais not having a sense of humour and we should look at that rather than the one mentioned incident. (bad boy BTW)

I agree Thais do not have a sense of humour in the way that we Farang have. I love listening to and telling jokes but should I dare to tell one to my wonderful wife I must start by saying;

This is a joke. Then I must be sure to use words that she will understand. After several times of telling it, she maybe gets it? Not always though.

Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

(End of joke laugh now)

Thais have many jokes on the telly but they seem to be more the practical joke type along with the boing and whistle sounds, perhaps so they know it was a joke?

Humor has a cultural component, difficult to get it with out the context of that culture

Thai humor is to a large degree dependent on a play of words, that is very difficult for a farang to get it as most of as, including me. dont get the intricacies of the Thai language


However, the topic is about Thais not having a sense of humour and we should look at that rather than the one mentioned incident. (bad boy BTW)

I agree Thais do not have a sense of humour in the way that we Farang have. I love listening to and telling jokes but should I dare to tell one to my wonderful wife I must start by saying;

This is a joke. Then I must be sure to use words that she will understand. After several times of telling it, she maybe gets it? Not always though.

Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

(End of joke laugh now)

Thais have many jokes on the telly but they seem to be more the practical joke type along with the boing and whistle sounds, perhaps so they know it was a joke?

Humor has a cultural component, difficult to get it with out the context of that culture

Thai humor is to a large degree dependent on a play of words, that is very difficult for a farang to get it as most of as, including me. dont get the intricacies of the Thai language

I asked she who must be obeyed!

Thais are amused by mistakes in the use of language.

If any foreigner tries to speak Thai, they will likely make small or large mistakes and Thais will laugh, it will be very funny to them.

So I agree with you completely.

Farang have many jokes based on double entendres that would be almost impossible to explain to anyone whose first language is not English. Even Americans often miss the point because some English words have different meanings in American.

Example, Americans say pissed and English think drunk. It's pissed off! Angry!

Thais certainly have a sense of humour, I mean every time my missus looks at me she laughs.....


A Thai woman got offended when I told her the following joke:

A blind man walked into a fish market, took a deep breath and said: "Whoo, good morning ladies"


However, the topic is about Thais not having a sense of humour and we should look at that rather than the one mentioned incident. (bad boy BTW)

I agree Thais do not have a sense of humour in the way that we Farang have. I love listening to and telling jokes but should I dare to tell one to my wonderful wife I must start by saying;

This is a joke. Then I must be sure to use words that she will understand. After several times of telling it, she maybe gets it? Not always though.

Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

(End of joke laugh now)

Thais have many jokes on the telly but they seem to be more the practical joke type along with the boing and whistle sounds, perhaps so they know it was a joke?

Humor has a cultural component, difficult to get it with out the context of that culture

Thai humor is to a large degree dependent on a play of words, that is very difficult for a farang to get it as most of as, including me. dont get the intricacies of the Thai language

Thais certainly have a sense of humour, I mean every time my missus looks at me she laughs.....

edited post to answer specific point

My wife must also have a very good sense of humor, after all , she did marry metongue.png

one day while disagreeing at something she said

"you are stupid"

To which I replied

"You married me and I am stupid?"laugh.png


...if she's not issan

Ayutthaya, She was only slightly darker skinned

the color of their skin is irrelevant,my wife is also slightly dark skinned, but still very sensitive

if I was you I would apologize, and explain that you were trying to be funny, telling her that you thought she would get the jock especially since she is so light skin, and then just say

"stupid ferang jock , sorry honey"

So you are a Scot are you?


In Thai society anybody overweight are regularly called Ouin (pronounced ooun) to their face - meaning fat. How more insensitive can that be. I recently had an argument with my ex where she called me derogatory names but when I replied "Water Buffalo" and "Wokhead" I think she was less than impressed but she rapidly clamped up.thumbsup.gif


I find a lot is lost in translation. Some of thr comedy they fund funny i find a bit silly and scarcasm never really fits. If im in a movie i might cack myself while its right over the rest of the audiences heads, and the whole cinema laughs at something that i didnt even know was meant to be funny. But i find my english speaking thai gf in oz has a good sense of humor. Depends on tge person i guess but much of our humor is lost in the translation or just not funny to most thai


Example, an Englishman, Aussy and an American all bet on who can stay the longest in a pig sty. The English Man stayed for 5 minutes, the Aussy for 15 minutes, then the American entered. One minute later the pig ran out!

You mean there were two brits in there??? cheesy.gif

The pig was a brit?


...if she's not issan

Ayutthaya, She was only slightly darker skinned

the color of their skin is irrelevant,my wife is also slightly dark skinned, but still very sensitive

if I was you I would apologize, and explain that you were trying to be funny, telling her that you thought she would get the jock especially since she is so light skin, and then just say

"stupid ferang jock , sorry honey"

We have to remember that many Thais only understand English literally.

Sarcasm, irony etc that all us Anglos "get", is probably lost on most Thais.

I was explaining this to a Brit friend recently, how our p1ss-taking humour might not go down well here, not just here, but in most countries where English is not the mother-tongue.

....and, that's not even getting started on the issue of "face"!


Yes Thais have a sense of humor if they see an old lady slipping on a banana peel

and fall over and break her back they laugh tongue.png

And tell about some farang who got ripped off super big time. Like he met and fell in love with a Thai woman and he bought her a nice new house and a car and set her up in a business, then she ditched the farang and moved her Thai husband into the house. Tell Thais a story like that and see their reaction: their faces break out into huge smiles and they rush off to spread that great story around with all their friends.

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