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More Chinese speaking tour guides needed

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More Chinese speaking tour guides needed

BANGKOK, 30 Mar 2015, (NNT) - The Thai-Chinese Tourism Alliance Association (TCTA) has urged the government, particularly local administration offices, to recruit more tour guides who can speak Chinese, in order to facilitate the increasing number of Chinese tourists who travel by themselves.

According to President of the TCTA Kasian Wattanachawpisut, the move would increase the number of Chinese travelers visiting Thailand and advise them how to conduct themselves according to Thai tradition.

The TCTA earlier discussed the matter of ill-mannered Chinese tourists in Thailand with the Chinese Embassy in Thailand.

The latter indicated that Thai officials could punish those visitors the way they normally do other rule breakers. However, the embassy asked the public for an understanding when it comes to general etiquette, which seems to be a common problem among these tourists.

-- NNT 2015-03-30 footer_n.gif


Why not let the Chinese rent their own guides?

Thailand should focus on learning english only and so do the chinese/russian/french tourists.

If i see a restaurant in Phuket with a huge russian/chinese-language menu as advertising then sure i won't go eat there.

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What kind of an "understanding" is needed when it comes to general etiquette?

Do the Chinese have standards that are different from the rest of the world?

They do!!

And who says "our" way is the right way??whistling.gif


in other words they need guides that tell all the chinese tourists they are not to sh*t in the hand basins or in the streets, not to wash their feet in the hand basins, use the floors as the toilet, actually line up in queues instead of simply forcing their way to the front and to stop starting fights when they dont get what they want. Might be easier to simply ban chinese tourists full stop, either that or have education classes for them before they leave china on how to behave outside their own country and what is acceptable for them to do

Have you personally experienced any of the above??


in other words they need guides that tell all the chinese tourists they are not to sh*t in the hand basins or in the streets, not to wash their feet in the hand basins, use the floors as the toilet, actually line up in queues instead of simply forcing their way to the front and to stop starting fights when they dont get what they want. Might be easier to simply ban chinese tourists full stop, either that or have education classes for them before they leave china on how to behave outside their own country and what is acceptable for them to do

Have you personally experienced any of the above??

actually yes I have, on more than one occasion too


Why not let the Chinese rent their own guides?

Thailand should focus on learning english only and so do the chinese/russian/french tourists.

If i see a restaurant in Phuket with a huge russian/chinese-language menu as advertising then sure i won't go eat there.

Why learn English ... Chinese is a more important language in the region


.....wouldn't Chinese be better suited for the jobs.....???

...these 'protected professions' perpetuate all these horror stories throughout the industry...and all others....

  • Like 1

What kind of an "understanding" is needed when it comes to general etiquette?

Do the Chinese have standards that are different from the rest of the world?

Yes they do

in other words they need guides that tell all the chinese tourists they are not to sh*t in the hand basins or in the streets, not to wash their feet in the hand basins, use the floors as the toilet, actually line up in queues instead of simply forcing their way to the front and to stop starting fights when they dont get what they want. Might be easier to simply ban chinese tourists full stop, either that or have education classes for them before they leave china on how to behave outside their own country and what is acceptable for them to do

Have you personally experienced any of the above??

actually yes I have, on more than one occasion too

How many positive occasions have you had with Chinese ?


in other words they need guides that tell all the chinese tourists they are not to sh*t in the hand basins or in the streets, not to wash their feet in the hand basins, use the floors as the toilet, actually line up in queues instead of simply forcing their way to the front and to stop starting fights when they dont get what they want. Might be easier to simply ban chinese tourists full stop, either that or have education classes for them before they leave china on how to behave outside their own country and what is acceptable for them to do

Have you personally experienced any of the above??

actually yes I have, on more than one occasion too

How many positive occasions have you had with Chinese ?

Much much less than I have had compared to negative experiences. I mean, it is constantly everywhere you go. I don't think I even need to list the massive shopping list of ill behaviour that I experienced there all of the time. Things which I have never felt or seen during the other 15 years I have lived in many other Asian countries.


I gust don't get it.

I am sure the proper tourguides can be found easily, considering the Thai/Chinese population of Thailand.

So why don't you hire them?

And why does the government has to recrute them? Do it yourself.


I was planning a holiday to Chiang Mai and my friends ... who live there and own property ... told me what to expect from the "locust swarm" that has overtaken the city and made going to dinner a crap shoot.

Pun intended.

No thank you ...

I have very little tolerance for loud, rude and inconsiderate people. I used to have to travel to Hong Kong on business .. and let me tell you .. I just about kissed the floor at the airport when I got back to BKK. And those are Hong Kong Chinese! Don't even start with the mainland! Oh my god ... wow.

Now Thailand has to eat their own cold porridge. They drove out the tourists who built the industry, and have to deal with people who are at the core level ... offensive to the Kingdom. They have to deal with tourists who ... wait for it ... do not spend money here .. at least not like the Europeans, Australians, Americans and Russians. Not even close.

Rude is the one thing not to be in Thailand. This is just the beginning ... wait until 6 of them jump in a tuk tuk and hand the driver one shiny coin.

Not going to end well.


in other words they need guides that tell all the chinese tourists they are not to sh*t in the hand basins or in the streets, not to wash their feet in the hand basins, use the floors as the toilet, actually line up in queues instead of simply forcing their way to the front and to stop starting fights when they dont get what they want. Might be easier to simply ban chinese tourists full stop, either that or have education classes for them before they leave china on how to behave outside their own country and what is acceptable for them to do

Have you personally experienced any of the above??

actually yes I have, on more than one occasion too

How many positive occasions have you had with Chinese ?

bugger all, admittedly years ago when I was heavily involved in Australian volleyball and working with our state/national teams I got to meet lots of chinese players and coaches/support teams. They were mostly very nice but as they travelled the world and were on tv a lot they probably had to learn friendlier attitudes, as for chinese tourists I am yet to meet any that I could say were well mannered and had any etiquette, they have all been rude to an extreme, pushy, demanding and had no consideration for others. One chinese tourist waiting on an elevator to go to the lobby simply pushed his way through some ladies getting off with bags of fruit etc and knocked them flying then tried to close the doors so no one else could get in with him. He failed miserably as I bashed the open button so the ladies could pick up all the things from the floor that he had knocked out of their hands. He became very indignant but I refused to let the button go and made him wait for several minutes till they had picked it all up from the floor then turned around and told him what they thought of him. I have had them try to snatch food out of my hands at the breakfast line for eggs etc watched them simply empty all the food from the food warmers at the smorgasboard onto their plates, take my(and my wifes) plate of food and our drinks off my table and put it on the floor so they could sit there while we were up getting another coffee. Luckily I saw them doing it and went over and told them where they should go, they left very quickly. Anyone that hasnt experienced the chinese attitudes can consider themselves very lucky

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I think they will need Chinese speakers if only to help translate the advertising Boards in Chinese for sales of property I've noticed going up!


I gust don't get it.

I am sure the proper tourguides can be found easily, considering the Thai/Chinese population of Thailand.

So why don't you hire them?

And why does the government has to recrute them? Do it yourself.

Nobody wants to work as a chinese speaking tour guide. The guests are loud, rude and stingy. Many of the guides depend on tips and commission, and they will get absolutely zero working for the chinese.


Why not let the Chinese rent their own guides?

Thailand should focus on learning english only and so do the chinese/russian/french tourists.

If i see a restaurant in Phuket with a huge russian/chinese-language menu as advertising then sure i won't go eat there.

Choice is indeed a wonderful thing.


"The latter indicated that Thai officials could punish those visitors the way they normally do other rule breakers." Gee, that's nice of them


What kind of an "understanding" is needed when it comes to general etiquette?

Do the Chinese have standards that are different from the rest of the world?

They do!!

And who says "our" way is the right way??whistling.gif

Ummm, I say it is, for example


Also seen adults literally squatting down taking a crap on the side of a road in the middle of public. Chinese toilets are the most disgusting stinking thing I've ever seen and they are usually at the front entrance of the restaurant so the first thing you get as you walk into the place you are about to eat at is an overpowering smell of 1 week old urine and feces

I've been to 45 countries & by far, the most vile, disgusting excuse I ever saw for a "toilet" was at a gas station just outside Beijing.

It was a square hole in the floor that opened onto a small hillside.

Of course the previous evening's disgusting dinner was knocking on the back door & I had no choice but to squat & hover.

It was baaaaaaaad!


Reminds me of this sketch by Thai comedian Note Udom on Chinese toilets when he went to visit there for the first time:


No need for more guides, the Chinese will dry up fairly soon, just like all the others before them, give them another year or 2 and they'll be sick to death of being cheated, robbed, beaten up, ripped off with scams like jetskis. Thailand's the flavor of the month for Chinese but it'll soon turn sour.


same goes for many languages that thais will never master

who does not want a guide to speak their own language when visiting something ?

i remember the inlaws going to many places and there is always a THAI guy going with them, and making them visit the same chinese restaurants in every country

but hell no, no farangs will steal the jobs the thais are not even qualified to do

thailand needs broken thaiglish tour guides

  • Like 1

same goes for many languages that thais will never master

who does not want a guide to speak their own language when visiting something ?

i remember the inlaws going to many places and there is always a THAI guy going with them, and making them visit the same chinese restaurants in every country

but hell no, no farangs will steal the jobs the thais are not even qualified to do

thailand needs broken thaiglish tour guides

remember some years ago doing a Krabi tour, had a Thai guy as the guide, complete bloody idiot, we kicked him off the bus in the end, shut the door on him and locked him out.

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