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Islamic State group beheads 8 Shiites in Syria's Hama


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Islamic State group beheads 8 Shiites in Syria's Hama

BEIRUT (AP) — A new video released by the Islamic State group on Sunday shows its fighters cutting off the heads of eight men said to be Shiite Muslims. The video posted on social media said the men were beheaded in the central Syrian province of Hama.

The video could not be immediately independently verified, but it appeared genuine and corresponded to other AP reporting of the events. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also said that the video was authentic.

IS has beheaded scores of people since capturing large parts of Iraq and Syria last year in a self-declared caliphate.

In the video, the men, wearing orange uniforms with their hands tied behind their backs, were led forward in a field by teenage boys. They were then handed over to a group of IS fighters. A boy wearing a black uniform hands out knives to the fighters, who then behead the hostages.

An Islamic State fighter speaks in the video, using a derogatory term for Shiites and calling them "impure infidels." The IS fighter said in the video that the current military campaign against IS will only make the militant group stronger.

"Our swords will soon, God willing, reach the Nuseiries and their allies like Bashar and his party," the man said referring to Syrian President Bashar Assad and Lebanon's militant Hezbollah group that is fighting on his side. The word Nuseiry is a derogatory term to refer to Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

In Lebanon, the state-run National News Agency quoted the family of Younes Hujairi, who was kidnapped from his hometown of Arsal near the Syrian border in January, as saying he had been beheaded. NNA quoted members of Hujairi's family as saying they have seen pictures of an IS fighter carrying his severed head on social media.

It was not clear if Hujairi was one of one of the men beheaded in the video. Hujairi is a Sunni, while the video states that all the beheaded men were Shiites.

The border town of Arsal, where Hujairi was kidnapped, was also the site of a bold joint raid by the Islamic State group and Syria's al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front last August that captured two dozen Lebanese soldiers and policemen. Four of those hostages have been killed so far, two of them beheaded by IS. The remaining 20 soldiers and policemen remain hostages.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-30

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The beheadings are disgusting. But being Shiite victims, ISIL will further align Shiite Iran against ISIL.

There is almost a crude irony in the barbaric behavior of ISIL that is attempting to unite Muslims into a caliphate. It is instead uniting Turks, Arabs, Persians, and Africans against it. That has been a unity long desired by the West to bring stability to the Middle East through a united Middle East league. And ISIL is making it happen without blood being shed by the Western armies. It's no wonder that some conspiracy theorists believe that it is the West actually behind ISIL.

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DAESH/IS is not uniting Persians, Turks, Africans against it. I would like, in kindness, to clarify (IMO):

The Iranians are Persians; they are majority shia there. They are united against DAESH/IS but they equally abhor all sunnis.

Africa is a continent made up of many countries; the relevant islamic countries are primarily sunni, with shia minorities scattered.

The Gulf countries have a much greater shia population where is some cases near or exceeding the sunnis.

The shia in Yemen are a minority.

Multiple muslim groups in Africa have already supported or pledged bay'ah to DAESH (from Nigeria to Libya).

The Turks want the same thing DAESH/IS wants but were thwarted by al Baghdadi's quick rise. Turk islamic elite support the Muslim Brotherhood who were founded in Egypt, where they had been struggling for a caliphate for ages- called "Civilization Jihad" in US court documents. Morisi of Egypt pledged to be the antithesis of Mubarak but was much the same, suspened the constitution, and quickly moved Egypt dramatically to the islamic right. It was this deceitful act by morisi that that motivated al sisi to overthrow and dislodged the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt. But the MB is still near global in power and reach, with the US and turkey its primary backers now.

The shia militias in Iraq are now numbered at some 125,000. The Iraqi army is estimated at some 45,000. As she militias, often commanded by Iranian Revolutionary Guards al Quds force commanders strike to retake villages from DAESH/IS they are committing as many atrocities as DAESH/IS has. The sectarian conflict is now virtually regional. There is virtually no stopping a total confrontation as the dust is settling from this first stunning wave of US policy ineptitude we are seeing a distilling of new allegiances which will shape the onset of mid intensity conflict. Nearly all of Iraq is now controlled by Iran or Iranian proxies; al stistani and al khammeni. The areas not under shia influence are nearly as awful as the areas under DAESH/IS. The ares not under direct or indirect Iranian control are nearly all the surrounding areas belonging to DAESH/IS.

The Iranian led militias have stalled their offensive against a much smaller size IS element holding Tikrit. If the ostensible government or shia militias cannot take back control of Tikrit they could hardly retake Mosul. And so as shia moves in they are cleansing sunnis. Shia hegemony is expanding in such a way that it nearly controls most areas surrounding Saudi Arabia. Remember, it is the Iranian objective to become "Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques." While the US dithers with a nonsensical, unenforceable, intentionally time consuming game of checkers with Iran Iranian conventional influence is expanding; expanding enough to actually influence final status of the very talks they are in now.

Arab nations are quietly allying with Israel. Iran now controls 4 Arab capitals and is boasting opening about it. The US is actually supporting Iran in air war in Iraq, and bombing Iranian proxies and advisers in Yemen. The US has threatened to shoot down Israeli jets and has been indicted by a high ranking Iranian defector as basically running the nuclear talks as a promoter of Iran; thus the explanation why diplomatic leakage is dripping all over the place from France and elsewhere.

The US has instigated and motivated, funded, and in some cases trained DAESH/IS but actually vehemently opposed 45 million Egyptians deposing the Muslim Brotherhood Morisi. The US, IMO, is intentionally creating a framework for bipolar parity in the region with a potentially nuclear shia region and a nuclear sunni region. Of course, the road to such a vile and shortsighted aim will be littered with untold dead and boundaries redrawn repeatedly before this was all over. Were I a christian I would see in all of the end times mechanics, for sure. The entire middle east is on fire and the road to war no longer has any exits; I dont think the West realizes the scope of the war that is coming.

Show me where I am wrong? Show me how I am mistaken and mid to high intensity conflict is not around the corner?

Disregard the source, listen to the substance from a man who has been at the top of the game:


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Daesh is very soon gone, included all their scouts from Europe. It`s just a question of time. Their holy prophet which served some years at Guantanamo just makes it worse for them. I don`t know if he is a pedophile, but his master was. It will probably be an issue for the western world to take out this sewage rat. When thats done they will go back to the level of al`quaida. Nothing now.

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