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Suvarnabhumi check-point employee fired for stealing passenger's money

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Everything is on tape but the police too lazy to check it. If those screeners are corrupt then there are questions about security as well


Why would you place your wallet in the tray? I have never done that and never been asked to. Rarely does the alarm go off when walking through the scanner and if it does it has always been because I have left coins or phone in my pocket. I also never put my watch in the tray and have never been asked to. What is in a wallet that would set alarm bells ringing? No metal in mine. Guess I am just an honest looking bloke.smile.png


>>The mother, Jaemsuda Thompson, said she filed a police report at the airport, however it went ignored until she shared her experience online Sunday, which spread quickly.<< Quote

Amazing how social media can get the RTP to get their finger out off the backside!!

Almost as efficient as the old fashioned envelopes!!

It has become apparent that using social media is the only way to stop bad things that happen in Thailand or to end corruption. As quoted in the article her report was ignored.

It stops nothing, just makes it known after the fact and nobody local sees anything wrong with grabbing foreigner money any way they can.


Everything is on tape but the police too lazy to check it. If those screeners are corrupt then there are questions about security as well

Thai workplace culture is tighter than any Teamsters union. They stick together, cover for each other, protect each other. And doing this is virtuous in local culture.

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>>The mother, Jaemsuda Thompson, said she filed a police report at the airport, however it went ignored until she shared her experience online Sunday, which spread quickly.<< Quote

Amazing how social media can get the RTP to get their finger out off the backside!!

Almost as efficient as the old fashioned envelopes!!

ahhhh.....the thainess of it all :-)

Why would you place your wallet in the tray? I have never done that and never been asked to. Rarely does the alarm go off when walking through the scanner and if it does it has always been because I have left coins or phone in my pocket. I also never put my watch in the tray and have never been asked to. What is in a wallet that would set alarm bells ringing? No metal in mine. Guess I am just an honest looking bloke.

I put my phone inside a pocket with a zip (fully closed which is full inside my computer bag. When requested I put my wallet in the same internal pocket. I always get through the security arch as quickly as possible and quickly claim my bag.

I was just talking to a colleague about this story. He revealed he lost several thousand Baht last year, same situation, security supervisor and police refused to listen.

He now goes to the toilet just before going to security (inside a cubicle) takes all cards and cash etc., out of his wallet, puts 2 rubber bands around it all, different directions and puts that deep in his trouser pocket, so that it ever actually leaves his body, and 99 times out of 100 will not alert any alarm.

After security he looks for an isolated corner whatever and quickly transfers it all back to his wallet.


Kudos to the Ssingaporeans! Chances are, the guy would have kept his job. facepalm.gif

Thailand needs to learn how to deal with crooks - especially those in high positions and in uniform.

Am i possibly reading something between lines??whistling.gif

Better get it off your chest before catch 44 is invoked....................


Never let them put your wallet through the scanner. It's too easy for them to take you aside while you are separated from your wallet.

If they want to check my wallet, I always make them do it manually while I am watching them.


The walk through screener is checking for metals....if there are no metals in your wallet dont need to take out. And especially in the lax thai system. The only thing they are concerned with are cell phones.


Everything is on tape but the police too lazy to check it. If those screeners are corrupt then there are questions about security as well

Thai workplace culture is tighter than any Teamsters union. They stick together, cover for each other, protect each other. And doing this is virtuous in local culture.

yes it is virtuous, but at the price of manhood. we have all seen it before, child like men everywhere trying not to be noticed, hopeing you will not say or do anything to make work for them. its not just in thailand, it is everywhere. but here ...... well coupled with the lack of self worth it has created a true culture of corruption , and the police are the biggest offenders. :-)

I'm not happy with this, my collegues from Singapore sure are waiting to make fun about this against me. Don't Thai me!


Airlines have nothing to do about it. Its airports and screening facilities. Ive flown through all the major Asian ports many times on business and pleasure never once removed or been asked to remove my wallet.


I always look at my stuff goes into the scanner and looking backward (if I am scanned) to see it come out again. Simple!


This country really does need to learn that this is the point of entry to Thailand IE the first glimpse we get and therefore memorable. The thing we talk about when others say "Is Thailand a nice place to visit?" Are Thai people nice?"

The true answer is yes but when thieves and scheming taxi drivers are allowed to work at the airport the answer will be NO. Make an example of this man and show us you are serious for once. The fact that the police ignored the report shows that no one is really serious about the cleanup. They only work when they are forced to or are paid extra money.

Maybe thats your answer but many will disagree ...

Nice place to visit, sure compared to Lebanon or Syria but who needs the scams, dual pricing, road carnage and fake smiles anyway bah.gif ?

Welcome to Thailand, the stealing starts at the Airport ... I salute the old lady for not giving up even tho the corrupt offials didnt want to hear her complaint - wish all would act like her thumbsup.gif


Most TSA employees are hired off the street, given very little training, and are published as the first responders to National Security at the Airports. Yet little does the public realize, they have no arresting authority. People just assume they must obey, and follow instructions to the letter, when dealing with TSA employees.

Take a closer look at some of them. Sloppy low class citizens of the USA. Most were hired through affirmative action programs that favors minority groups. The organization has incorporated wavers to help employ theses people.

I have witness countless improper handling of people boarding planes. The classic example was of a woman who didn't want her zip lock bag of breast milk to be X-rayed. and according to TSA regulations was not subject to ridged inspection, considered medical fluids . She even had a copy of the regulations on hand for TSA to read. Making a long story short she missed her flight after 45 minutes delay at the inspection point.

Little pocket knives less than i inch in size, most often forgotten on key chains. They go ballistic like the chime of the century has been committed. Yet aboard planes they serve complete meals with fork knife and spoon made of metal on the service tray. A Japanese woman with her hair up over her head with one foot long metal looking chop sticks sticking in a ball of hair. She was allowed to pass screening with no problems. Yet I had to turn over a simple little nail clipper. Just recently we had our bags checked at Atlanta. Out of sight from our view they opened the bags and checked out everything. I can't prove it, but my Canon camera battery charger was taken. We are at the mercy of these people wearing a uniform which should represent trustworthiness. .........Yea, Sure!

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Most TSA employees are hired off the street, given very little training, and are published as the first responders to National Security at the Airports. Yet little does the public realize, they have no arresting authority. People just assume they must obey, and follow instructions to the letter, when dealing with TSA employees.

Take a closer look at some of them. Sloppy low class citizens of the USA. Most were hired through affirmative action programs that favors minority groups. The organization has incorporated wavers to help employ theses people.

I have witness countless improper handling of people boarding planes. The classic example was of a woman who didn't want her zip lock bag of breast milk to be X-rayed. and according to TSA regulations was not subject to ridged inspection, considered medical fluids . She even had a copy of the regulations on hand for TSA to read. Making a long story short she missed her flight after 45 minutes delay at the inspection point.

Little pocket knives less than i inch in size, most often forgotten on key chains. They go ballistic like the chime of the century has been committed. Yet aboard planes they serve complete meals with fork knife and spoon made of metal on the service tray. A Japanese woman with her hair up over her head with one foot long metal looking chop sticks sticking in a ball of hair. She was allowed to pass screening with no problems. Yet I had to turn over a simple little nail clipper. Just recently we had our bags checked at Atlanta. Out of sight from our view they opened the bags and checked out everything. I can't prove it, but my Canon camera battery charger was taken. We are at the mercy of these people wearing a uniform which should represent trustworthiness. .........Yea, Sure!

The classic example was of a woman who didn't want her zip lock bag of breast milk to be X-rayed.

Tits with zippers??whistling.gif

What can you say? Those Americans...................


This is an old story. Somebody else was busted for this a year or so ago.

Am guessing it is fairly common. Waiting for the TAT spin ........ " Welcome

to Amazing Thailand ! Let the airport employees lighten your load to make

it easier to tour around ... "

I use either a small bum bag or a compartment on my carry on bag, and lock

the zippers together. Will stop the 10 second rifling of valuables from the bag.

Plus as I walk through I never let my eyes leave where the bag comes out

of the x ray opening on the conveyor belt. Just be a bit slow and make sure

there is no one right in front of you who may have to go through the scanner

twice, thus giving them time to steal from your bag. Hey wait a minute......

If they worked as a team, that would be perfect !!!!!!!!!!!


A little bit beside the point; but does anyone remember Don Muang Airport 20 years ago?.

Almost impossible to get out of the Airport. Taxi drivers, Tour agents and touts in general grapping you arms (and legs). You had to fight your way out.


I always keep my wallet on me,no metal in wallet never had a problem with scan archway also keep my passport on me also no problems. If they want to they can look but as I said never had a problem


I would be more surprised if the following wasn't true, rather that it being true.

That the head of the dept. allows such to happen for a daily/weekly/monthly cut. Perhaps the jobs are even bought.

On top of this the police there, are perhaps not on a cut from such a small operation, but given 'gifts' every week or two.

I know of a gas station along the moat in Chiang Mai where the jobs are bought (for a quite a hefty down payment) when they crop up as they do the double fill there (leave the pump handle off the notch so it doesn't reset)


Ever been to Siem Reap? Notorious for having airport security steal your things. When flying out you'll have the crew at the x-ray machine all chanting "Put everything! Put everything!" The enthusiasm is not because they take their jobs seriously.


Why take your wallet out? I never take mine out.

They ask me to... if I remember I zip it into my carry on baggage before security. I normally have a good bit of cash currency so need to keep my eyes open.

I find it despicable that they refused to act upon a complaint until it was aired on social media, it is like saying thieving is acceptable behaviour for their staff. Up until this point I always felt they must recruit well for this position where they handle so many people's valuables and cash.


Kudos to the Ssingaporeans! Chances are, the guy would have kept his job. facepalm.gif

Thailand needs to learn how to deal with crooks - especially those in high positions and in uniform.

seen today it seems alright to be a crook, go to jail and get a royal pardon, early release ... what kind of message does that send??

absolute joke their laws and rules


The point here being if your stupid enough to trust anyone with your wallet full of money you deserve to lose it. Ok throw wallet in bin non issue but remove money first. Never had anyone say a thing to me for doing.


Most TSA employees are hired off the street, given very little training, and are published as the first responders to National Security at the Airports. Yet little does the public realize, they have no arresting authority. People just assume they must obey, and follow instructions to the letter, when dealing with TSA employees.

Take a closer look at some of them. Sloppy low class citizens of the USA. Most were hired through affirmative action programs that favors minority groups. The organization has incorporated wavers to help employ theses people.

I have witness countless improper handling of people boarding planes. The classic example was of a woman who didn't want her zip lock bag of breast milk to be X-rayed. and according to TSA regulations was not subject to ridged inspection, considered medical fluids . She even had a copy of the regulations on hand for TSA to read. Making a long story short she missed her flight after 45 minutes delay at the inspection point.

Little pocket knives less than i inch in size, most often forgotten on key chains. They go ballistic like the chime of the century has been committed. Yet aboard planes they serve complete meals with fork knife and spoon made of metal on the service tray. A Japanese woman with her hair up over her head with one foot long metal looking chop sticks sticking in a ball of hair. She was allowed to pass screening with no problems. Yet I had to turn over a simple little nail clipper. Just recently we had our bags checked at Atlanta. Out of sight from our view they opened the bags and checked out everything. I can't prove it, but my Canon camera battery charger was taken. We are at the mercy of these people wearing a uniform which should represent trustworthiness. .........Yea, Sure!

I stopped flying to the US partly because after 9/11 they insisted that suitcases stayed unlocked and I twice had stuff stolen. And the silver paper on a pack of mints set off the alarm. It's a bit of a worry when a security machine can't tell the difference between explosives and a piece of paper. Madness.

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