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Pheu Thai warns impact of Article 44 will be worse than martial law

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Pheu Thai warns impact of Article 44 will be worse than martial law

BANGKOK: -- THE PHEU THAI PARTY yesterday tried to dissuade the government from invoking Article 44 of the interim charter, warning of an even more adverse impact than martial law on business, tourism and investment.

Article 44 gives the junta chief sweeping powers.

Pheu Thai deputy secretary-general Anuttama Amornwiwat said the government's economic advisers must look into the possible negative impacts of the law and provide accurate information to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha because it would be harder to correct the situation, as the country's economy is already in the doldrums.

She suspected that the PM was not being given correct information. For instance, Thai exports to the United States had increased by 3 per cent each in January and February as the US economy is doing better, while Thai exports to China had dropped during both months.

She said the Prayut government might have misunderstood some of the policies implemented by the Yingluck Shinawatra government it overthrew in a coup, such as the programme under which first-car buyers got a refund of up to Bt100,000 each.

She explained that the elected government did not have to dip into state coffers to pay the car buyers but had instead used excise tax received from car sales for the refunds. The government actually gained from the scheme because not all cars received full tax-refund benefits.

She said the project was aimed at boosting Thailand as the automobile production centre of the region.

Many foreign investors, including automobile-industry operators, have relocated from Thailand to Indonesia because of political problems here. She called on the government to restore democracy quickly so that business confidence in the country could be revived.

First Army Area commander Lt-General Kampanart Ruddit yesterday allayed fear over some radical proposals in the new constitution, saying the draft needs further debate.

"It is like when students study; they research many theories and then they must discuss to pick what's best for the country. The dust has yet to settle. So do not worry,'' he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Pheu-Thai-warns-impact-of-Article-44-will-be-worse-30257193.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-01


Actually a smart move. Perception is very important. In past posts, many westerner's complained about 'Martial Law'. Take that away, and most people/tourist including some governments, perception will become less negative. Just saying.....

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"It is like when students study; they research many theories and then they must discuss to pick what's best for the country. The dust has yet to settle. So do not worry,'' he said.

In that case, I'm very worried.. Unless he is not referring to Thai students, as most of them just copy a theory and never actually understand it !!

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What is the relation between invoking article 44 and the export to the USA in Jan/Feb, or the 'confusion on the 'first car buyers' scheme?

BTW wasn't the problem with the 'tax refunds' that the government implementation of the scheme had left out making reservations for the refunds, reservations to be taken from the 'excise tax' paid on cars in the scheme? As for 'not all cars received full tax-refunds benefits', didn't all cars in the scheme receive the benefits as defined by the scheme?

You should get in touch with her and explain it to her.

Can't you see the relevance of article 44 and the exports data to the USA in Jan + Feb? Are you naive or something, they are intrinsically linked by........!!

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Actually a smart move. Perception is very important. In past posts, many westerner's complained about 'Martial Law'. Take that away, and most people/tourist including some governments, perception will become less negative. Just saying.....

"Perception" is the perfect word.

Plus, "....in principle insurance companies overseas would offer coverage to policyholders who travel in countries that are not under martial law...." This will also benefit tourists.

She explained that the elected government did not have to dip into state coffers to pay the car buyers but had instead used excise tax received from car sales for the refunds. The government actually gained from the scheme because not all cars received full tax-refund benefits.

I guess the PTP is good at creative bookkeeping that is why the rice scam also did not cost anything.

We did not have to dip into state coffers as we used the excise tax received from car sales.... ehh.. without the discount they could have kept the excise tax and had more money in the state coffers. Also the year after this car scheme sales dropped as people had bought the cars early to benefit from the scheme thus cutting into car sales and excise tax the next year.

No wonder the PTP is untrustworthy.. they seem to change data to suit their needs.

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"She explained that the elected government did not have to dip into state coffers to pay the car buyers but had instead used excise tax received from car sales for the refunds."

May I wonder where excise tax is normally put if not in state coffers?

She explained that the elected government did not have to dip into state coffers to pay the car buyers but had instead used excise tax received from car sales for the refunds. The government actually gained from the scheme because not all cars received full tax-refund benefits.

I guess the PTP is good at creative bookkeeping that is why the rice scam also did not cost anything.

We did not have to dip into state coffers as we used the excise tax received from car sales.... ehh.. without the discount they could have kept the excise tax and had more money in the state coffers. Also the year after this car scheme sales dropped as people had bought the cars early to benefit from the scheme thus cutting into car sales and excise tax the next year.

No wonder the PTP is untrustworthy.. they seem to change data to suit their needs.

The lady starts off commenting about the proposed change of martial law to Article 44. Then simply goes into a party political broadcast on behalf of PTP.

All a misunderstanding - people just don't understand that the first car tax refund and the rice scam were all self financing, and maybe even made a profit. They were so good for the economy and the social "profit" incalculable.

Poor Prayut might be getting incorrect information from those naughty civil servants. Just like the very naughty ones who warned about corruption, losses and mismanagement that was rife in the rice scam. Lucky PTP have such a good grip on all the real figures as they so often demonstrated when in power. Unfortunately they can't ever seem to have agreed on any figures among themselves, especially the rice scam, but that just shows how "dynamic" things are.

What's amusing is the Shin clan and their PR propagandists still actually think people will believe anything they say.

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The Red shirt's are the problem! Under Article 44 the PM should have them all rounded up and put to work doing earthworks for the new Chinese railroad. Keep em busy for a few years!

Boy are you still down on the red sirts. Why don't you try getting down on suthep and all the peolple that he killed in 2010. Stop being so one sided all the TIME!

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THE PHEU THAI PARTY yesterday tried to dissuade the government from invoking Article 44 of the interim charter, warning of an even more adverse impact than martial law on business, tourism and investment.

Article 44 is Thailand life insurance against another eventual Pheu Thai Party and Red Shirts terrorist organisation. They have almost destroyed and bankrupted this beautiful country in less than 3 years.

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The Red shirt's are the problem! Under Article 44 the PM should have them all rounded up and put to work doing earthworks for the new Chinese railroad. Keep em busy for a few years!

Also the detail is in the headline - "Worse" worse for who ? I'd say generally good for Thailand and keeping Thaksins red terrorists and PTP under control while allowing the much needed reform process to continue without obstruction, so yes "worse" for Thaksin and his mob keeping their mouths shut and off the streets but "generally better" for the vast majority of Thai people who obey the law and don't want violent mobs on the streets.

what about the yellows tearorists that closed down BOTH airporst and destroyed gevenrment house ?????????????? What about suthep killing 900 people?????Stop being so onesided.

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THE PHEU THAI PARTY yesterday tried to dissuade the government from invoking Article 44 of the interim charter, warning of an even more adverse impact than martial law on business, tourism and investment.

Article 44 is Thailand life insurance against another eventual Pheu Thai Party and Red Shirts terrorist organisation. They have almost destroyed and bankrupted this beautiful country in less than 3 years.

What about your yelolow shirts tearorists?????????????????????????????

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The Red shirt's are the problem! Under Article 44 the PM should have them all rounded up and put to work doing earthworks for the new Chinese railroad. Keep em busy for a few years!

Boy are you still down on the red sirts. Why don't you try getting down on suthep and all the peolple that he killed in 2010. Stop being so one sided all the TIME!

Stop being so one sided all the TIME!


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Does anyone in this forum know what is the reform process?

There does not seem to be any plan to reform anything other than making sure TS or his parties could not get in power.

All the other necessary reforms will simply be washed over as is already happening.

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The Red shirt's are the problem! Under Article 44 the PM should have them all rounded up and put to work doing earthworks for the new Chinese railroad. Keep em busy for a few years!

Also the detail is in the headline - "Worse" worse for who ? I'd say generally good for Thailand and keeping Thaksins red terrorists and PTP under control while allowing the much needed reform process to continue without obstruction, so yes "worse" for Thaksin and his mob keeping their mouths shut and off the streets but "generally better" for the vast majority of Thai people who obey the law and don't want violent mobs on the streets.

what about the yellows tearorists that closed down BOTH airporst and destroyed gevenrment house ?????????????? What about suthep killing 900 people?????Stop being so onesided.

hahahahahaha, look who's been hanging out with sandy, love it


A lot of people seem to support Article 44 on the grounds that it will prevent the Red shirts from moving on the gov and indeed pursing another term in office. While many people would rather not see the Shinawatra family in power this decision should be left to the people of Thailand ... that my friends is democracy. Yes it could be argued that votes were paid for but that could be sorted if international independent adjudicators were allowed to oversee the process.

What Article 44 effectively does is give ultimate power to a single person and as such does not allow anyone to question their methods or decisions ... this is totalitarianism. The mantra that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely cannot be missed in Thailand's political scene ... it's always been that way and there are doubts this could change by handing over absolute power to one individual.

How long is it going to take before the international communities start piling on sanctions? Thailand has so many issues, air safety, human-trafficking, the abuse of basic human rights ... the list goes on and history tells us that democratic countries will avoid doing business with dictatorships where possible and certainly where it affects people's human rights.

I think this is a dangerous path that Thailand is now taking and could well lead to a ruling body similar to Myanmar and North Korea. Certainly it will never be able to emulate Singapore.

I don't think you get it. Something that is bad is not bad if it is not used!!

It is there to preserve peace and order and to fix various problems such as the aviation problems that they have now as he can pass laws urgently as and when necessary . Why on earth are some people going overboard by this? He is not a dictator or bad man - he has a job to do that will benefit the nation and return it to proper and real democracy, nothing else. He is not corrupt and will not use article 44. to benefit himself. He is under total scrutiny in everything he does and has castigated those that practice opportunistic corruption. Surely you can see the number of people being brought to justice for corruption now - no matter who they are or their status.

Relax about this as it is a storm in a tea cup and nothing will come of it as long as you are law abiding and don't jeopardise the peace and quiet, simple as that!!

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