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Hinges on the Outside: Security problems?

Water Buffalo

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Hello all,

First question: why do most doors here seem to open out the way and have the hinges on the outside? Isn't this a security risk? What's the point in having a lock on your door when someone have just take the door off?

Second question: Any way to conceal the hinges? I would rather not have new doors fitted.

Looking forward to hearing what you think.


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Security bolts behind the hinges (or studs or whatever, mentioned above) will prevent from taking down the door by removing the hinge pins.

The added security benefit is that a door that opens outward cannot be kicked in. It requires quite a lot more strength, imagination and techniques to pull the door open instead of ramming it in.

Edited by koo
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In a former life I was a high end door hanger and I can tell you from experience as long as the gaps are not to large,

(say 5mm or bigger on each side) It is almost impossible to get that door off. If it has a deadbolt it's even harder.

The door has to clear the barrels of the part of the hinge still screwed to the door frame. It's a big project anyway, there are

probably easier points of entry and most hinges here don't have a end with the head of the pin attached anyway.

But if you want a semi-quick fix you open the door 90 degrees and drill a hole in through the center barrel into the pin on the part

of the hinge connected to the frame and hammer a pin into that hole. Use a cut of piece of a drill bit just a tiny bit bigger diameter

then the one you used to drill the hole and grind/file it smooth or not, it won't interfere with the function as long as it doesn't stick out

to far and you will almost never see it . Or, you can tap it and use a machine thread screw. just make sure you get into the pin a little bit with your depth.

Good Luck!

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I can have a barrel lock off your door handle in 30sec.

Or lift a sliding window out in less than a minute.

Not to mention lifting off 6 roof tiles and climbing down through the roof.

Don't waste your money, if somebody wants in, it's easy in Thailand.

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I can have a barrel lock off your door handle in 30sec.

Or lift a sliding window out in less than a minute.

Not to mention lifting off 6 roof tiles and climbing down through the roof.

Don't waste your money, if somebody wants in, it's easy in Thailand.

What's your technique with a Doberman?

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I can have a barrel lock off your door handle in 30sec.

Or lift a sliding window out in less than a minute.

Not to mention lifting off 6 roof tiles and climbing down through the roof.

Don't waste your money, if somebody wants in, it's easy in Thailand.

Wow! Are you a Cat Burglar from your home country on the lam in thailand

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Not to mention if you are away from your house for a little bit & you have made it very difficult to get in & a thief + a 10 LB. sledge all it takes is 2-3 blows on superblock & you have a nice size hole to slip in & go shopping. When we demo'd our first house. It was a temporary structure which I thought was strong I was amazed how quickly I could knock a wall down. There is no real way to keep a Komoie out. The roof is the easiest. Unless you have gone through the trouble of installing razor wire in the attic that is a no brainer for a thief. The windows forget about it if you pin them so they can't open or lift the slider out.most are just screws into aluminum to hold the window frame in into the cement. All you can do is make it harder than your neighbors house so they go there instead. Thieves like to go where there is the least resistance. I worked installing security in Palm Springs California & one of our contracts (The Palm Springs Police Dept.)were the Palm desert municipal yard. The cameras were dead (lack of maintenance) We drove 2 jeeps in & removed the side of the gates hinges & all & drove in the lot. We loaded up (2) 55 gallon drums of gas(they were not to smart & had the electricity on) all we had to do was take an industrial size vice grips & crimp the rubber line & remove the nozzle & fill up both barrels & put the nozzle back on & reinstall the fence hinges. We got the contract & they got the gasoline back. There is always going to be a way in. The more high tech your set up is ....it is easy to shut it down & get right in. Inside security grates work pretty good here. Just make sure the welding is very strong & thick enough that it takes more time to get a bolt cutter & cut through or a hack saw. Yes our house got hit & when they caught the bastards they had a 14 volt angle grinder & just cut right through. All you can do is make it way inconvenient & the thieves will go for an easier mark. And don't hide the key somewhere. that is a recipe for disaster.

Edited by Beardog
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