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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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Given that the world and his dog are well aware there are african dealers working in the area in question, what should the police have done? Arrested a few white people too just to redress the balance?

I as a black says who buys from these so call African Dealers If they sell I bet it to Whites and Asians not fellow Blacks they are to smart to use it here

And you know this how?

I have went to Police A Station and ask the Commander he told be that

also that is what the Tourist Police sat

Do not be afraid ask the police they will be glad to tell you the same

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Given that the world and his dog are well aware there are african dealers working in the area in question, what should the police have done? Arrested a few white people too just to redress the balance?

I as a black says who buys from these so call African Dealers If they sell I bet it to Whites and Asians not fellow Blacks they are to smart to use it here

And you know this how?

I have went to Police A Station and ask the Commander he told be that

also that is what the Tourist Police sat

Do not be afraid ask the police they will be glad to tell you the same

Lol. Yeah. OK.


Given that the world and his dog are well aware there are african dealers working in the area in question, what should the police have done? Arrested a few white people too just to redress the balance?

I as a black says who buys from these so call African Dealers If they sell I bet it to Whites and Asians not fellow Blacks they are to smart to use it here

Too smart to use but not to sell?


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.

They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

It's evident you didn't pass technical reading. Where does it say African? Colored people are comprised of only Africans? I guess original Thai people, some who are black as the ace of spades, are not colored. If they not colored then explain why Thais spend billions on skin whitening creams.


I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

Wrong. The second is very offensive.

Don't be daft. It's just a standard descriptive Thai word. It's only considered offensive by silly old sods looking for something to get offended by.

There standard descriptive word for a coloured is Choclate Man, that's ok us old sods can live with that ,oh sorry silly old sods.


Wrong monkeyrobot. I have been there. Yes drugs are sold but that isn't the point.

This hunt targeted people because of their colour not guilt.

Facts were not required as the criteria for targeting people in this raid was colour and colour alone.

That is racism.


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Wrong monkeyrobot. I have been there. Yes drugs are sold but that isn't the point.

This hunt targeted people because of their colour not guilt.

Facts were not required as the criteria for targeting people in this raid was colour and colour alone.

That is racism.

That sounds like an assumption from you. Provide the facts that support it and I am sure everyone on TV will be behind you but we both know you cant. Surely the age old "I am being hounded because of my colour" is a thin and outdated argument for anything


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Wrong monkeyrobot. I have been there. Yes drugs are sold but that isn't the point.

This hunt targeted people because of their colour not guilt.

Facts were not required as the criteria for targeting people in this raid was colour and colour alone.

That is racism.

That sounds like an assumption from you. Provide the facts that support it and I am sure everyone on TV will be behind you but we both know you cant. Surely the age old "I am being hounded because of my colour" is a thin and outdated argument for anything

That is what the OP says from the start. The target for the hunt was colored people. I'm not making any assumptions, it was stated.

"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people," police Lt. Col. Bawornpop Sutornreka said at a news conference."


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Wrong monkeyrobot. I have been there. Yes drugs are sold but that isn't the point.

This hunt targeted people because of their colour not guilt.

Facts were not required as the criteria for targeting people in this raid was colour and colour alone.

That is racism.

That sounds like an assumption from you. Provide the facts that support it and I am sure everyone on TV will be behind you but we both know you cant. Surely the age old "I am being hounded because of my colour" is a thin and outdated argument for anything

That is what the OP says from the start. The target for the hunt was colored people. I'm not making any assumptions, it was stated.

You are making an assumption because you are assuming they had no probable cause to take the actions they did. Everyone in Bangkok, you being the obvious exception, knows the area they went to has the very problems they went for. Again, show us that there have been no complaints, that there have been no one of a coloured persuasion selling drugs and we will all back you. In short give us the certified details that the police had.


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Wrong monkeyrobot. I have been there. Yes drugs are sold but that isn't the point.

This hunt targeted people because of their colour not guilt.

Facts were not required as the criteria for targeting people in this raid was colour and colour alone.

That is racism.

That sounds like an assumption from you. Provide the facts that support it and I am sure everyone on TV will be behind you but we both know you cant. Surely the age old "I am being hounded because of my colour" is a thin and outdated argument for anything

That is what the OP says from the start. The target for the hunt was colored people. I'm not making any assumptions, it was stated.

You are making an assumption because you are assuming they had no probable cause to take the actions they did. Everyone in Bangkok, you being the obvious exception, knows the area they went to has the very problems they went for. Again, show us that there have been no complaints, that there have been no one of a coloured persuasion selling drugs and we will all back you. In short give us the certified details that the police had.

No, I am saying what I say because that is what the BIB said they were doing.

If they had said the target was drug dealers we have been gathering information on through surveillance or entrapment I'd not give a toss. No problem there. Good police work.

However that's not what they said, they said there have been complaints about "coloured people" so we are going to arrest them.


If they are targeting coloured people then they should be targeting everyone as we are all coloured. Some white, some black, some brown. As for their reasoning being complaints about deceiving Thai women. How many complaints would they receive about Thai women deceiving foreigners? Someone mentioned the racist card, well I am not racist at all, I have a beautiful Thai partner and a Thai daughter. However, we all know that Thai men don't really like us because we come here and do what they can't, open businesses, use our brains, get the girls they can't, buy houses, nice cars and the list goes on.


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If they are targeting coloured people then they should be targeting everyone as we are all coloured. Some white, some black, some brown. As for their reasoning being complaints about deceiving Thai women. How many complaints would they receive about Thai women deceiving foreigners? We all know that Thai's don't really like us, especially the men. The women love us for the money and the men hate us because we come here and do what they can't, open businesses, use our brains, get the girls they can't, buy houses, nice cars and the list goes on.

Good point. Turn yourself into the police right away and insist they search then lock you up.

I assume that is what happens in the country were you come from


If they are targeting coloured people then they should be targeting everyone as we are all coloured. Some white, some black, some brown. As for their reasoning being complaints about deceiving Thai women. How many complaints would they receive about Thai women deceiving foreigners? We all know that Thai's don't really like us, especially the men. The women love us for the money and the men hate us because we come here and do what they can't, open businesses, use our brains, get the girls they can't, buy houses, nice cars and the list goes on.

Slightly generalizing...I doubt the hiso Lamborghini drivers care one jot that a farang has bought a vios and a 75sqm condo.


Someone mentioned the racist card, well I am not racist at all, I have a beautiful Thai partner and a Thai daughter. However, we all know that Thai men don't really like us because we come here and do what they can't, open businesses, use our brains, get the girls they can't, buy houses, nice cars and the list goes on.

You can't be racist because you have a Thai partner? I'm not sure I follow the logic there. Especially when you follow it up with an implication that Thai men can't use their brains.


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Having black skin is not a crime. But 99.9% of the people with black skins on Soi Africa are involved in crime. So if they sweep them ALL up and have only a 0.1% error rate, that's way better than for general law enforcement and is acceptable.

It reminds me of the kid that walked up to his dad who was doing some gardening and asked, "Dad, why do they say people who are good at gardening have a green thumb?"

His dad replied, "Well son, it's like when they say a thief is caught red handed even though his hands are black."


Being "Sii Dum" Is a crime even if they are Thai. The only thing worse than being "Sii Dum" Is being "Sii Stupid"

What's Sii Dum?"


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

i do believe that was the point of the remark.

reading is difficult, I know.


Removed a flame and a troll post.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

i think you will find the majority of drug dealers from 3 to 13 on sukhumvit aren't hence the raid.

the terminology may be politically incorrect, but the logic behind the raids was sound.


What's a bunch of 3rd world African doing in Bangkok? Vacation? Suurrreeee... Seems legit! No 419 scams or drug dealing going on... Nope.. rolleyes.gif


More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

i think you will find the majority of drug dealers from 3 to 13 on sukhumvit aren't hence the raid.

the terminology may be politically incorrect, but the logic behind the raids was sound.

I have no problem with drugs raids or the gaoling of the scum who deal in them.

However I have a real issue with a strategy that is based on the assumption a persons colour is sufficient reason to target them.


Why are black people in the USA called African Americans? And Chinese are just Chinese? Why are white people not called Euro Americans? Vietnamese not called Asian Americans. People put too much emotion into a name. If you are white, you are white. If you are black, you are black. If you are yellow, you are yellow. Changing the name does not negate the facts.


Much the same thing happened a few years back in Vietnam. They (the blacks) came in under the guise of playing soccer professionally. Didn't take them long to set up drug and prostitution rackets. The Vietnamese quickly twigged and just rounded them up put in trucks and took them to the nearest border, waved goodbye and told them they would never re-enter. Problem fixed, West Africans, particularly Nigerians, are no longer issued with a Vietnam visa unless they have a very valid reason; same with Muslims. Vietnam is very wary and selective on who they allow to enter and stay on a permanent basis. I have lived in Vietnam for 10 years and now spend my equally between Thailand and Vietnam for different reasons. Both countries are great but I know which is the safer.


More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

i think you will find the majority of drug dealers from 3 to 13 on sukhumvit aren't hence the raid.

the terminology may be politically incorrect, but the logic behind the raids was sound.

I have no problem with drugs raids or the gaoling of the scum who deal in them.

However I have a real issue with a strategy that is based on the assumption a persons colour is sufficient reason to target them.

your problem is thinking you can think

they had reports of black men selling drugs at this location so they went there and targeted black men at that location

now if they went to Harlem and rounded up all the black men to check them for drugs you might have a reason to scream racism, but in this case the black men hanging around that area were reported to be openly selling drugs and so they had a description, not a race, not a racial profile , a description , that description was several black men at that location selling drugs, so when they went to that location they did not round up the white women there, they targeted the black men, as that was the description they had of who was openly selling drugs in that location. obviously white women only come to Thailand to sell drugs because they don't come here for the bar girls everyone else comes here for so it would be a good racial profiling job to target white women , but that would be racist and racial profiling and no one had reported seeing white women selling drugs at that location so it made sense to actually target the people that fitted the description of the drug dealers, black men . now it may have made you feel better if they had of described the black men selling drugs as, people about as tall as 2 dwarfs on top of each other with really good suntans that they may have had since birth. but that is a long winded way of saying black men. not racial profiling, not racist, simply the description of who was selling the drugs. If I rang the police in Australia and reported 2 Caucasian men standing at the corner selling drugs, would the police on arrival be racist if they found 4 Caucasian men and asked all of them for ID and detained them for a chat (and if the laws allowed got them to piss in a cup) or would they be doing a bit of due diligence and catching criminals ?



"80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads."

That is not a drugs raid. It is profiling based on colour. That is racist. The term hunt in itself is repugnant as was the whole basis for this raid by the BIB.

No idea what you said after your first line. You want your posts to be read then leave out the insults.


If they are targeting coloured people then they should be targeting everyone as we are all coloured. Some white, some black, some brown. As for their reasoning being complaints about deceiving Thai women. How many complaints would they receive about Thai women deceiving foreigners? Someone mentioned the racist card, well I am not racist at all, I have a beautiful Thai partner and a Thai daughter. However, we all know that Thai men don't really like us because we come here and do what they can't, open businesses, use our brains, get the girls they can't, buy houses, nice cars and the list goes on.

I am afraid to tell you are not a Colored Person.


I cordially invite all who want to come to England and walk down the street calling people "coloureds". I know I won't have to buy you a return ticket.

Didn't Woody Allan once do something like that?

Mind you, that was in America. Also in a movie only rolleyes.gif

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